What makes this race attractive to garbage players?
What makes people post shit threads?
You barely need to think outside of the box to play a dwarf how you imagine a dwarf. They are basically a race of fighters. Doesn't mean you need to play them that way. But give a dwarf-player a character and you'll get the same character everytime.
Trips confirm.
>my character is Stonebeard Alehammer
>he's a fighter who was also a blacksmith
>personality traits are grumbling, perfectionism, and a love of alcohol
>he talks with a Scottish accent
>my settings Dwarves are nature-loving forest-dwellers who worship the sun, abstain from drinking, don't have beards, and have Irish accents. I was taught that tropes are bad so subverting them is a good thing by axiom!
>Implying other races don't get played like this by trash players.
this is the reason why only humans should be playable
>You barely need to think outside of the box to play an elf how you imagine an elf. They are basically a race of faggots. Doesn't mean you need to play them that way. But give an elf-player a character and you'll get the same character everytime.
Dwarfs are liked by shit players because being a dwarf is like being yourself except you get to pretend you don't give a shit everyone else thinks you are a shit character.
Also 'gruff and and anti-social' means non-rp players can still take part and contribute to a game without having to leave their comfort zone. Seeing as how not even the mainstream engine can make D&D any less popular with social retards it's really the best you can hope for.
Same applies to Orc-races, which are never played well by anybody.
Also add:
>I like forcing dice rolls masqueraded as drinking games regardless of their value to a setting or scene or event
>I don't trust people
>I like gold
>You barely need to think outside of the box to play an kobold how you imagine an kobold. They are basically a race of scalies. Doesn't mean you need to play them that way. But give an kobold-player a character and you'll get the same character everytime
This is not an argument at all. Players choosing the elf will play druids, wizards, rangers, rogues, maybe bards are popular choices here as well. And the class will have a big impact on how the player will act out their character, arguebly even moreso than the race.
But the dwarf will always be a fighter that is just a bit more drunk and occasionally hits an anvil.
because it's fun having more hp as a wizard.
I play a Dwarf wizard who is tormented by the fact he grew up in a hyper masculine enviroment buy actually just wanted to read books and learn magic , he has an urge to prove himself as a result but knows he can never compete with the 'manly' pursuits of his clansmen, now can he ever really be accepted by the wizarding world who look down at him as crude. He's therefore a hermit and an outcast, and haemophobic for fun.
He doesn't really drink heavily, but will certainly partake normally and does smoke a pipe.
>Players choosing the dwarf will play clerics, paladins, fighters, rogues, maybe bards are popular choices here as well.
>And the class will have a big impact on how the player will act out their character, arguebly even moreso than the race.
>But the elf will always be a faggot that is just a bit more effeminate and occasionally hugs a tree.
Dwarves major problem comes in that every setting basically shares the same dwarves and trying to do anything interesting with them makes dwarf fans frustrated. That universal aspect of dwarves means that in any game a player who is either a bad roleplayer or has no confidence in his ability to make characters can have an easy crutch that makes for a complete character and allows for them to get away with awful behavior. They can be rude, stubborn, greedy, antagonistic, distrusting, and violent; and all they have to do is put on an accent and no one can say they aren't 'role-playing'.
You can write and play an interesting dwarf character, but the same character could likely just be a human with nothing lost. Same goes for every other race, you could just play a human.
What makes OP such a colossal faggot?
The one time I rolled up a dwarf, she was a rogue.
this thread reeks of people that think good roleplaying is having is over the top stereotypes. A dwarf fighter can be vastly different than another dwarf fighter even if both of them have a scotish accent (never had one of those at my table), and have a blacksmith background.
Its all in the character motivations and how far they are willing to push they boundaries to obtain them.
>t. Elenaril Riverwood
I once played a not!Chaos Dwarf in an evil campaign. Does that count?
HumansOnly fags ate by far the most insufferable types of roleplayers. Nothing is worse than someone who sniffs his own farts because his chosen race automatically makes him more creative than everyone else.
Thankfully, human only players do not actually manage to get into games, and the few that do are immediately removed.
What an immature chain of responses, as expected from a dwarffag.
>t. people who play the same gruff, no-nonsense, joe average human paladins/fighters in every game
t. Snowflakius McTiefling
I play a dwarf Warmage in 5ed that approaches mage craft like a martial art in it's thinking.
I would say "t. John Smith, level 6 human fighter" but let's be real here, none of you human only fags actually play games.
Dwarves are the best. Elves are stupid.
what a shit thread
>dwarves get criticised
>dwarffags immediately attack elves
Jesus, they have no arguments.
What makes any race, including humans, attractive to shitty players?
Just stick to one of the dwarven stereotypes at a time, y'know, play up one aspect to an extreme
Dwarves are beardy- make a dwarf barbarian who only wears his own beard
Dwarves are blacksmiths- make a dwarf who is a forge domain cleric who worships Hephaestus, or an artificer who wants to make an army of robot dwarves
Dwarves like booze- make a drunken master monk who wants to brew the ultimate drink
Instantly more interesting than just playing all the stereotypes
>>elves get criticised
>>elffags immediately attack dwarves
>Jesus, they have no arguments.
Another stupid reply. If you were honest or browsed this site for more than one day you would know that fans of dwarves mostly shit on elves as soon as someone says something negative about dwarves, even though it had nothing to do with elves in the first place. Not even in the sense of some role-playing banter. Just look at this thread. The first one who brings up elves is someone that thinks he defends dwarves that way. However this is supposed to work.
>Another stupid reply. If you were honest or browsed this site for more than one day you would know that fans of elves mostly shit on dwarves as soon as someone says something negative about elves, even though it had nothing to do with dwarves in the first place. Not even in the sense of some role-playing banter. Just look at this thread. The first one who brings up dwarves is someone that thinks he defends elves that way. However this is supposed to work.
>I play a dwarf soyboy
That sounds like a cool character actually, especially given the current state of masculinity
They're jealous of Elven penises.
Especially the womens'.
If your players can't reliably play a human, you probably shouldn't let them play something else.
They don't. Worst roleplayers usually play humans in my experience.
>What an effeminate chain of responses, as expected from a elffag.
Oh please, that's only because the very worst of us lack even the imagination to make their edgy Tiefling loner or Goliath Barbarian.
Dwarf paladins, rangers, paladins, rogues and clerics are really common though.
>Jesus, they have no arguments.
The argument is pointing out the double standard. Pointing out the double standard proves that you only really care about shitting on dwarves for some reason. It also indicates that you perform under heavy confirmation bias.
Try to understand the fact that when your whole premise is childishly wrong people aren't going to argue against your false premise. They're going to point out flaws with your premise. In this case, it's the fact that the things you describe are in no way unique to dwarves or dwarf players.
Elves and Dwarves are fucking faggots
t. goblins
Players playing elves play a walking dexterity bonus with pointy ears. Nobody roleplays elves.
I do, though! Ideally when I get a Strength bonus alongside the Dex.
The High Elves, Wood Elves and Dark Elves in Warhammer Fantasy are excellent inspiration.
The worst players in my experience are the ones who want to play something a lot more exotic than a dwarf.
Dwarf players might be playing a fat slovenly self insert, but that's better then the munchkin who wants to play a half-ooze/half-minotaur or the snowflake that want's to play a celestial kitsune.
not really
humans are the only race that isnt stereotyped, generally everyone understands that men can be anybody
this is unlike literally every other race, which is only technically a race but more like an archetype
non-humans are still allowed in the setting, just trusting them to the players is a bad choice
If you tell him outright he'll learn from his experience and possibly grow into a better person. We can't be breeding better people in a bait thread user. It's unnatural.
I think you're starting to zero in on the reason people roll their eyes at "yet another" Dwarf who likes to drink beer and do industry. Most of the non-human races are two-note chumps, but the Dwarf is really the only one that's excessively one-note.
Elves can be played as xenophobic tree-niggers, haughty ivory tower assholes, fierce fancy schmancy swordsmen and more. Halflings can be homebodies or rogues or devious gypsies, same with Tieflings who have the added bonus of getting the "light vs. dark" angle.
But Dwarves? What do Dwarves get? They're blacksmiths or miners or masons, and to most people those distinctions get blurred into the "craftsman" archetype.
>>tfw you play a dwarf fighter
>> EK with blacksmith background
>> Dumped Cha so he is gruff
>> and you have a great time anyways
My only subversion is that he's not fond of alcohol because it clouds the mind
The stereotype that all dwarf players play the same character exist for a reason. So far dwarffags barely tried to prove the premise of this thread wrong, probably because they know that they can't. Just calling a post that gathered many (You)'s childish doesn't disprove anything. Especially if the replies are are just immature greentext meme texts
It should also be noted that as long as everyone is having fun there isn't anything wrong with playing this stereotype.
>my creativity is so limited that i can only play humans because im too dumb to do anything interesting with a non-human so i'm going to project my own inability to roleplay onto others because i cant understand how people play something that isn human
Name three Dwarven characters you've played or played with that wasn't a beer-drinking blacksmith.
not him
I only played dwarf once and it was a priest
I dont think I ever mentioned drinking, he was probably doing it just occasionally
he wasnt a blacksmith
>The stereotype that all elf players play the same character exist for a reason. So far elffags barely tried to prove the premise of this thread wrong, probably because they know that they can't. Just calling a post that gathered many (You)'s childish doesn't disprove anything.
I'm sorry everyone you play with can't roleplay and chooses to play a beardling. The people who I play with that can't roleplay choose elves.
>So far elffags barely tried to prove the premise of this thread wrong
Good job, user.
I've never actually played a fighter or a paladin, neither class interests me.
I've only played with two dwarf characters. One was a fighter, but the other was a jester/cleric of a trickster god.
>he doesn't play dwarven Zapp Brannigan
truly it must be suffering to be so boring and unimaginative
To add to this. 100% of the elves I've played with were nature loving rangers who cried if you hurt animals.
I can dig it.
Race Traitors you two are gonna be the kinda fags that bow down to aliens when they invade
My deurgar