I need pictures of women in fantasy bikini armor/slave girl/harem/deja thoris type outfits. You know the typical skimpy fantasy deal.
For reasons.
I need pictures of women in fantasy bikini armor/slave girl/harem/deja thoris type outfits. You know the typical skimpy fantasy deal.
For reasons.
just gonna post a few of what I do have to get the ball rolling
Are the reasons Onamistic in nature?
I can have more than one reason.
Just admit you want Waifus.
Free yo'self.
I didn't realize I was sounding coy
This count?
I pick 3 and 4.
Fine, then I get the good ones.
Joke's on you; I have no idea what they're from and only care about shallow surface characteristics.
Enjoy the images I didn't want to fap to, loser!
She doesn't look particularly sad to be a slave girl
she looks like she's going to stab the guy/girl/being behind her with at scimitar is blade in her hand.
I wonder what's in those bottles.
Huh... Team of heroes who lost a fight against lord, got TGed and sold to brothel?
Deja Thoris is pretty tough.
>Veeky Forums - fetishistic art
Oh my sweet child.
you missed 2012 when huge fags like yourself killed off art threads because "muh armor."
At least now we have sjws to ruin things.
She has a plan, she's holding a sword.
Also, maybe she is the guardian of the granite chest looking thing, all the chains link to it?
Maybe the 4 armed dude in the background wants to rob her of the chest and is about the get the beatdown
That reflection is retarded, it's projected in line with the water's plane
Why is this thread filled with nothing but anime pedo shit? Why are /a/ degenerates allowed to shitpost freely?
It's almost as if there's some crossover between the two boards.
Seeing as they're only here to shitpost, it's more like they're trying to infect the board and bring it down.
>complaining about anime
>on a Saharan seashell collecting forum
Veeky Forums is already nothing but shitposts, so no matter how hard they try, they can't make it worse.
You're acting as if this is anything new. Threads like this have been on Veeky Forums since the beginning. Fuck, we used to have way more of them. It's nice to see them having a resurgence.
>Elf Archer with larger breasts than Sorceress
>Amazon looking placid
And they've always been shit
I'd rather have another thread like this than another adventurer guild thread or whatever.
Reasons. You're not fooling anyone Thulsa
I think I heard someone say BITCHES FOR DOOM?
based Cho
I like how the "sensible armor" girl in the back has bare thighs.
>I need pictures of women in fantasy bikini armor/slave girl/harem/deja thoris type outfits.
I've got a few.
Does this count?
>Anime pedoshit
I have many, but almost all of them will get me banned....
Sounds like wishful thinking to me, user. Most of us are quite happy with seeing full grown women in our sexy anime artwork, rather than fantasising about them all being little girls.
I feel like this thread is lacking in Frazetta.
Could put them in an imgur album then link that.
I can't help but wonder who's fault it is for sexualizing shantae; the creators or us filthy minded fucks?
Here I am looking up Shantae porn when I know my neice plays this game.
Ask if she wants to cosplay Shantae
No. my fetishes are safely contained