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>How to Jumpchain
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Hi Red, I just missed posting this to you last thread. Better late than never. Hope you find it handy.
>the meme of 'Ultimate Lifeforms don't need to have sex' is the one singular pro for me
Look up the general items section of A Brother's Price. There's an alternative there for you that you might like. Wedding Night Dodge Kit, I think it's called.
Personally, I recommend not even trying to account for everything in Marvel/DC jumps. Just work in the more cool/popular/funny ideas and leave people to interpret the rest of the stupid shit in the way that makes sense to them. Or at least that's what I try to do.
There's just too much content and too many stupid ideas, otherwise.
So, I'm making a GoHS build, and I'm planning on becoming the Reincarnatin of the Christian God. Those are the ideas I currently have for the powers and items:
Genesis, 800 (Creation & Life)
Fiat, 800 (Word of God)
Wrath, 600 (Judment & Retribution)
“Omnipresence”, 600 (need a snazzy name for that, and an actually feasible effect)
Holy Grail (Healing & Resurrection)
Lance of Longinus (Weapon that ignores durability?)
A Rosary Necklace (Protection?)
So, I still need a 4th item, and I've got little idea what exactly Fiat, Wrath, the 4th power, and the 2nd/3rd item should actually do. Any suggestions?
You especially need Jesus. Like sooo much.
Well, Set was the god of the desert, storms, and even foreigners. So you could have better dealings with demigods from other pantheons than most, as well as (at the high end) localized sandstorm creation and high bonus damage vs. snake monsters (he helped Ra fight Apep). There's more, but that's all I get off the top of my head.
Can someone post the ticket jumping mode ?
My autism compels me. It's especially bad in X-men cause that is my shit.
I detect a hint of heresey here, user. You aren't a heretic, are you?
>They will be alive for fifteen minutes, with damage to their body being reflected on the heart. While the wound closes temporarily at this time... it does take time to pull it out. So you might want to bind the victim first.
You have more than enough time. Plus if you gave them a new heart, it's okay.
While true, I figured people would want to go the extra step and show off by ripping out a heart and putting in a new one while others watched. Sorry. I was trying to be cool with how folks lately seem to want to show off their power level needlessly.
Um. A lot of shit. I mean a lot of shit. More perks, a politician background, plane customization, revamping the items, etc. It's getting the RE treatment.
...this is a bullying attempt, isn't it.
Eh, just figured I'd beat the assholes to the punch.
Were the all caps too much?
No one can save us now.
Of course not user. I'm God himself, how could I be heretical towards Him?
When did we become so fixated on identities.
>...this is a bullying attempt, isn't it.
Eh... no. Not intentionally at least.
>fifteen minutes
Still seems kind of situational, and not very useful outside of a particularly gruesome execution method without support from other perks.
It was always gonna happen. Just the way that something like this works man, especially with the existence of claims.
I mean, the idea of how memories relate to your identity and consciousness has been around as long as we've been arguing at people who always/never go drop-in.
Okay but
listen to me
what if every jumpmaker was somebody I didn't like.
>every jumpmaker was somebody I didn't like
I didn't like (You) anyway.
Probably /pol/
Every jumpmaker is just Ricrod sockpuppeting, you heard it here first folks
So jumpers, what jumps do you just not have enough CP for? When you've taken all possible drawbacks and you're still begging for more? Generic Isekai does it for me. Too many good Cheats to pass up.
How easily do you lose your temper?
Can make people take your word and Your Word at face value, even with extreme amounts of evidence, and can Name things (ie a sword named Slickback isn't just a sword named Slickback, it's Slickback, even on the metaphysical level.)
Transmutation whose scale and overall power increases in accordance to your target's moral impurity, which should not be confused for sins or evil even if both of those would also fall under it, said targets can be ephemeral things like organizations or civilizations.
Call it Grace of God. Teleportation power of some kind. Maybe something that lets you be at the side of your believers without actually needing to go to them?
>Lance of Longinus
A spear that can never be wielded by yourself: when called forth, it appears somewhere in the world and destiny will guide it to the hands of someone else. This someone will first use the lance to seemingly commit great harm to you or your cause, which will actually further your plans. Then, they will become one of your servants and cast away the blade, which will eventually be taken by your greatest foe. The moment they try using it to strike you down, the lance will act out against it wielder and deal as much harm as it can with their own hands, before returning to your newfound servant.
I got nothing.
It's been a while since I looked at GoHS, forgive me if these are too strong or too weak to work.
Marvel Magic. So much good shit.
Not very quickly and when I do it's more like I just stop caring rather than actual anger.
Worm. There is never enough CP in Worm.
>Generic Isekai
Born with anger issues - get it from both sides of the family. Quite easily, as a result.
>There is never enough CP in Worm
Youve clearly never been to QQ.
Shut up. You're me too. Just like everyone else, except timmy and Bancho.
Not easily enough, and never for the right reasons.
That serious-chat channel is a goldmine
What do you think ?
Speaking of shit, can we have a perk/mutation that let's us punch Kitty Pryde in the face no matter where we are?
Doesn't out bit have a drawback cap?
So you're saying you support Bancho over yourself?
No bully Jew girl
What the hell? This is from the jumpchain discord?
Street Fighter.
>captcha australian calle
>this is the chat channel that rejects people like OA and Red
I'm not sure what to think anymore.
out bit?
It doesn't have a drawback limit but I still need more.
Yeah, thought of something along those lines as well, though it sounds a bit too weak/has no scalability with more life energy. Maybe just the power to Name things and grant them conceptual "weight" and power?
I think calling up vast natural/supernatural disasters to strike enemies might fit better. As for scaling with moral impunity, the god depicted in the bible was kinda an ass at times, so I'm not really sure if that'd be a good idea.
>Grace of God
Neat name. Might call it that or just something like Divine Presence. As for the power, I'm thinking of "omnipresence" limited to three bodies at a time, to allude to the Trinity (Father/Son/Spirit).
>Lance of Longinus
Hah, that's a nice idea. I don't think it fits for the setting though, everything there is pretty straightforward. A Lance that always hits its target in a weak spot and always deals at least some damage, no matter how durable the target is, might just fit better into the settting.
Yeah, it's hard to find something interesting for that. I might just go with a generic shield and self-buff.
Thanks for the suggestions!
Not quite. Red was invited to become one of the elite members of /jc/, which she unfortunately refused.
God you guys make me want to start stealth trolling again.
Duel Terminal. First of all, 1600cp is nowhere near enough for everything I want. Secondly, the drawbacks are pretty brutal, not too harsh but definitely not simple or easy to handle.
Okay,so the Yu Yu Hakusho jump basically says that with most of the power packages you can get, you can diversify and build them up over time. Is there really any reasonable limit what you can do with that, or is it essentially a free "Become complete bullshit with enough time" option?
>Yeah, thought of something along those lines as well, though it sounds a bit too weak/has no scalability with more life energy.
Maybe it lets you change the fundamental nature of things weaker than you? Declare an angel to be a demon and it is. Declare a fool to be a wise man and he becomes one. Declare a sword to be dull and it can't cut wet paper.
Seven Deadly Sins. Between Sacred Treasures and powers and perks 'n shiet and literally everything else, it's really damn hard for me to make a build.
Depending on the mood, I can be pretty easy to irritate, annoy, or piss off, but I usually keep it under control unless I'm already tired and at my wits' end.
>As for scaling with moral impunity, the god depicted in the bible was kinda an ass at times, so I'm not really sure if that'd be a good idea
What if Wrath only works on evil people, so you have to use Fiat to define your enemies as "evil?"
Ohhh, that sounds pretty good. Thanks!
>mutation that let's us punch Kitty Pryde in the face no matter where we are
>your mutation psychically links your nervous structure with a chosen target allowing you to control them like you do yourself (and share physical sensations). Sadly, due to mental damage as a child your maximum range was significantly decreased and after a few meters somehow only your arms and the target's head (the two most powerful points of the connection) remain linked. This has the awkward side effect of changing how the pain structure is mapped and making it that whenever you move an arm, your target feels the sensation of getting hit somewhere on the head.
Good enough for you?
>conceptual weight
>change fundamental nature
Eh, seems a bit too esoteric for this setting. Straight transmutation I can see, but not that.
>I don't think it fits for the setting though, everything there is pretty straightforward
I'm not the previous post, and know embarrassingly little about Christianity, but I think the idea of "an extremely powerful weapon that you (and probably your close allies) cannot wield, but anyone who does wield it always ends up advancing your goals in some manner" is neat. The other rules put on it were a little too convoluted for my tastes.
>Plane customization
>politician background
Give your CP and nobody gets hurt
No clue, I've managed to stop existing apparently
Rooks great. Can we upgrade it to a Alpha-level mutation.
Also will there be a perk for being always right and a super badass general man? Because that is essential.
Pic related.
Long live Belka.
What a whiny bitch.
Based just on this little snippet, that may be out of context : I think You May Remember Me is right. That's exactly how America managed to marginalise and weaken then KKK. That other guy is a freaking idiot and probably a SJW.
If people like that exist on Discord I'm glad i've got nothing to do with it.
How many of you all make homunculi?
How many make homuncuteli?
Yeah, that's probably right. Kinda sad, but that's what the setting is.
Same probably goes for that idea Also, this is what I currently have written down now:
Genesis: Creating matter, energy, and life.
Fiat: Naming things to strenghten them and grant them powers and abilities, or weakening and destroying them.
Wrath: Calling down natural and supernatural disasters, and general elementalism.
Presence: Existing and acting in multiple places at once.
Holy Grail: Granting blessings onto others, to enhance, heal, and resurrect them.
Lance of Longinus: When thrown, follows the target and aims at weak spots, can be enhanced with life energy to make it stronger.
A Rosary Necklace: Automatically shields me when I'm in danger, and passively enhances me.
There might be a bit too much overlap between Fait and the Holy Grail, the Lance and Necklace seem kinda generic, and I still have no clue what the fourth item should be. So suggestions are still appreciated.
We don't want you anyway,
Is it whinny to accurately describe someone?
Believe me, if anything he's understating how bad Discordeddiscourse is. He's basically the Timmy of Discord right now.
If they're too cute they become useless, its scientific fact
You're not my real Dad, user!
What a poser. Like a teenager talking about knifing someone online in poetic language. Almost funny in how sad it is. I hope for that guy's sake he's doing it with some self-awareness.
If they're cute you can make them magical girls.
Really? Because I'm reading the Discord channel right now and it seems to be some person absolutely screaming at someone else who's acting comparably reasonably, and not fucking stopping, holy shit. It reminds me of this:
>Having Hitler in any fictional work is bad because he did bad things
>Not realizing that in a few generations nazis while be completely romanticized again and nobody will care
>Just like most monsters in history
Hi Soft, would you be kind enought to add a truck-kun companion to the Isekai jump?
The tablets of the ten commandments, maybe? I'm drawn mainly to "thou shalt hold no other gods before me," which I wanna say would apply some kind of permanent debuff to anyone who doesn't follow you, with power levels letting someone shrug it off. Maybe a more general "break my rules, get hurt?" I'm not sure if that's still too esoteric though.
>in a few generations
>few generations
Mose`s Staff?
Maybe, but if they spend 6 episodes being cute while actively not contributing anything then they're too cute
>I'm not sure if that's still too esoteric though.
Most likely. There isn't really anything like that in the setting. Even the most esoteric ability I know of, the trump card of Pandora's box, simply lets you fuck around with physics/causality in a 10m radius for a few minutes.
What would it do though? Control over water would be kinda redundant.
>What would it do though? Control over water would be kinda redundant.
Maybe it lets you bestow it upon a follower of yours, and they seem to gain traits of a great leader and wise scholar?
Is there a way to become a true fae in changeling?
Dies Irae is Japanese
And Japanese clearly don't give a fuck about their war criminals
Separate a nigga by parting the water inside him? Transform into a giant snake, make that milky thing come out of rocks
Anytime it gets beyond a certain size I usually have massive problems. F/SN is probably one of my favorite Jumps because that Hero Origin resonates with me thanks to all the different perks and items that might be among my favorites, but most of the origins in that Jump are extra tempting in one way or another.
Depends on mood but I'm either cool as a cucumber or walking a thin line from calm to absolutely furious. Usually it's the latter and I'm just good on keeping it under wraps.
Agreed, I feel like I could spend my entire budget in that Jump on Sacred Treasure alone and still want more.
>Not getting conceptual Nazi killing as your Briah
To think there's apparently a huge fucking update on the way. My body definitely isn't ready.
Dies Irae is Japanese, and Japan has long since been revisionist about WW2 since they were on the losing side. The Rape of Nanking is the biggest and most horrifying example since they outright deny that ever happened. Basically, the Nazis had cool uniforms and were once on their side so they don't care.
Hmm. I don't know. Maybe I'll just make it a Halo? Creating burning light and shooting lasers at people sounds decent. Anyone got a better idea?
I want to lewd Rea and Kei.
Marie too, if just to cuck Mercuck.
>Dies Irae
>Japanese VN about Nazis
>Japanese and Nazis were allies in WWII
>Shit like this is surprising
Looks like two nukes weren't enough.
Alpha level: Control what's linked, no max range, able to toggle sensation sharing, control more people at a time but the more people you have tied to a body part, the harder it is to move it. For example: have 10 people all hooked up to the same arm, it takes the same amount of effort to move it as if you're moving it through water, have 100 people and it takes the same effort as moving it through treacle. Have a couple thousand people and it's as if you're moving through pitch (on the upside, your power is great for exercise.)
You lose the direct arm-head connection but you can still control Kitty Pryde's arm and aim your punches for the general area of her head.
Sorry. I was never the user wanting to change the jump, I just wanted to see if I could write up a believable mutation that allows you to punch people in the head from any distance. Alpha is might be a little op though, depending on how you use it, so remove one or two of the abilities
Just look at how Pirates are being romanticized.
We're going to have Nazi romance novels written sooner or later.
Not sure if this has been asked before, but in Monogatari: Does Cuckoo Child interact with Make It Up As We Go? ie, does the former speed up regeneration of supernatural power capacity that the latter spends?
This was a best seller, even if it tries to play it as a warning
To be fair, like half of the members of the LDO were not actually nazis, with others being just Wermacth soldiers, with the exception of maybe Reinhard and Eleonore. And the ones that were nazis were more in for the killing than any other thing.
>KKK fucking when