>A few decades after the defeat of the dark lord, disgruntled teenagers begin to dress like his servants and praise his ideology
A few decades after the defeat of the dark lord...
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Why are you stating the plot of the new star wars movies?
>They are then immediately executed for high treason.
Hang on, the Dark Lord lost! we cant have immediately become just as bad as him!
Ideology cannot be truly defeated in any arena other than the intellectual. Surely you had a good reason for fighting the dark lord, didn't you?
He was going to simultaneously blow up the world and destroy everyone's souls in an attempt to obtain godhood.
Alpha af desu
Then connect that with his ideology to show the teenagers (and more importantly, everyone watching the debate) why it's shit.
And? Prove that he was wrong to do so.
"If he had succeeded, you would be dead forever. No soul, no afterlife, a guaranteed oblivion."
If that was true then the entire Alt-Right should be on the chopping block
>Pic Related
That's not true, that's just ((elvish)) propaganda
There's absolutely no evidence for that other than the so-called heroes' word.
Yeh, but before he lost he had a whole 1000 year empire of evil thing going on.
You know how long the average kingdom lasts? Dude was doing something right.
>look ma, I can make assertions!
Prove that's something worth avoiding
Can you prove that he needs to prove that's something worth avoiding?
Ayo hol up, so how come dey heroes wuz only going to kill da DARK lord? Wuz the Light lord not black enough for them to lynch?
"He lasted 1000 years because he was an absolute dictator who was also immortal because he sacrificed 5,000 people a year to the dark gods. Any dissent he immediately and violently crushed, rending the souls of the dissenters, their families, and anyone in the immediate area into dust."
Avoiding circular arguments from a contrarian like him would probably would be worth it desu.
Can you prove that I'm driving?
So no, you can't prove it's a bad thing.
When you really think about it, Sauron did a lot of good thing for Middle Earth.
Actually, the light lord was a black guy. We don't know what race the dark lord was because he never took his helmet off.
You're not proving that it's not a bad thing.
Why? They do support the winners
The dark Lord did nothing wrong.
I'm not proving anything except that you are not making a convincing case for your merely sentimental desire to not be obliterated for another's glory.
You can always kill their people and burn their books.
See the wars between Carthage and Rome
TLDR, keep to 10 words or less.
You actually know any Light Lords, son?
Other than the LORD, but he obviously don' count.
Yeah, like.....all that stuff!
Ugg me Thog think you dum
I'm not saying we should be doing everything he does but say, take the 5000 people a year thing.
Now on one hand, it's evil, like completely and utterly. On the other hand, 5000 is about the number of people that die on a weekly basis during a war.
Until he was deposed the empire did have rather extended periods of peace where the dread armies were mostly guarding borders, sites of powers and policing the population.
Now if we figured out maybe how to reduce that number a bit, or say only sacrifice folks who'd be executed anyways (5000 a year would be reasonable if the empire spanned the entire continent like the dark lord's did)
I think there's some profit to be made there.
Prove that I'm dumb.
So should the Communist left and those who call out for the assassination of any president what's your point here?
Find any picture of new communists while you're at it.
Wasn’t this going to be the plot of the LOTR sequel? But it depressed Tolkien so much he scrapped it
>An Orcish name
Suddenly everything makes sense.
What about his torture championships? Vast displays of cruelty where tens of thousands, yea, even hundreds of thousands, were butchered mercilessly in prolonged agony for the amusement of his foul demihuman minions in a festival of suffering? How can you honestly say that wasn't a bad thing?
Racist, no wonder you hate their proud culture.
I think the dark lord gets a bad rap. Millions perished in utter obivion and the fabric of the very world was rent asunder, but he made the carts run on time.
And the filth got swept off the streets by the skeleton legions, not like these days where they just let it pile up.
Yeah too bad he was talking about a fictional nation and not literally executing your real world opponents you brainlet.
I bet you thought you were rather intelligent coming up with that metaphor.
You guys did the same shit, lest we forget the centuries old tradition of troll baiting.
Don't be so sensitive.
they were bad, but quite frankly, they were also enjoyable and if we found a way to do it on say, monkeys it could be quite a spectacle.
also it wasn't hundreds of thousands, it was a hundred, at best. I mean, you know how long it takes to educate a proper torture technician? We're not talking about some brute enforcer here, the folks participating in those contests had great anatomical and medicinal knowledge, in addition to all the practical aspects of torture.
Heck quite a few of them worked on the side as surgeons.
So what I'm saying is, there weren't a lot of people around to be skilled enough to participate and one of the most important criteria was keeping the torture victim alive so you generally wouldn't have any mass slaughters like say his torchlight parties.
Exactly. OK, so he slew the gods of the sun and plunged the world into darkness and famine until the heroes were able to resurrect them. But weren't the gods of the sun kind of pricks anyway? I mean, fuck, skin cancer, deserts, rain on your birthday. If you ask me they were just as bad.
I know this is a thinly veiled thread about neo-nazis but its a good enough fantasy trope.
>the children of the dark lords most powerful servants are now parents and grandparents
>many escaped the taint of their ancestors defeat and retained their hereditary positions of power by "denouncing" him
>the people who remember his reign of terror grow fewer every year while those who whisper of his return grow louder
The Kingdom is at peace..
Until a bad harvest, until plague sweeps the land, until raiders come down from the mountains or ride in from the waves. Then the dark lord will return to save his people from unworthy successors.
The younger generations are just spoiled. Grain and barley? Give me a good old fungus spore bread anyday. We didn't need the sun for anything except getting soft.
Both sides do this desu. Wannabe commies and nazis are usually socially maladjusted cretins.
besides turns out they weren't all dead, just most of them and the remaining ones actively had to turn off the sunlight
Think of it this way: did the dark lord really have a reason to plunge the world into famine? He was gathering as much souls as possible so he needed them alive and bound to their bodies. Food helps with that
>know this is a thinly veiled thread about neo-nazis
You don't have to let it be that nigga. Before /pol/ was resurrected this would just be a thread we had fun with. Let it be that again.
I'm not being sensitive and I'm not an American so your McDonalds tier bastardized politics don't affect me.
You were just being a faggot trying to shoehorn politics into another thread.
I mean, in my opinion we should be asking why so many of the so-called heroes of light were "elvish"
Don't you find it suspicious that elves are immortal and they only rallied against the dark lord when he discovered the secret of his own immortality? I just think there are questions that need to be asked there.
>"owning" the kings land
you'll pay your rent to your lord and be thankful he doesn't kill you
I'm not even the dude who posted that. You're being a sensitive little bitch. Just let it go, stop taking everything so fucking personally. This is an anonymous Chinese cartoon imageboard.
Thank God we supported absolutism and these nobles don't abuse of us anymore.
Depends on the era really. Some later constitutional monarchies allowed commoners to own land.
>being a feudalcuck
Wew lad
You can he was terrible, but you can't deny the armies of the dark lord had style.
I dunno. I was over at the Jester club the other night and the Dwarf on stage wouldn’t shut up about it.
>”See? This is why human kids are so reckless, got nothing better to do!”
>”Awwww, look at all the humans in the front row, mumbling..”
>”See Dwarves, we’re too damn BUSY digging as wee lads to even have energy later to prance around and call ourselves Lord Spinripper”
>projecting this hard
>you're being sensitive
That is both incorrect and not an argument
I like pseudo /pol/ threads better than the adventurer guild threads.
While we're here, what's up with female characters not having massive penalties to str, dex and int?
Thats what I thought to but and Might be what OP was aiming at to
you're not getting any arguments from me.
The one thing dark lords respect is raw might. Therefore, let’s beat the shit out of these teenagers.
>the dark lord was right the whole time
All female characters are actually girls(male), that's why their statblocks are the same and they don't have rules for their periods.
The Dark Lord united Orcs, Men, and Elves under a single banner for thousands of years. The (((free peoples))) are just a bunch of treehugging ent fuckers.
I mean, if you're living in an authoritarian dictatorship then fine, go for it, you can basically do whatever you want.
If you're living in a democracy or anything resembling a decent civlization with, y'know, laws and shit, then you can't do that because political violence is the antithesis of democracy and civilization. And you've basically become the thing you hate.
Either you engage in dialogue with the enemies of civilization or you become a tyrant, or a slave. Because speech is divine, the Word is the beginning of all creation (in most settings that borrow from traditional mythology) and speech is also a fundamental component of magic. Speech is the means by which you shape the world, that includes the opinions of others.
This is true. The dark lord accepted pretty much anyone that wanted to join up and appointed important positions based on merit. General Bloot-Tooth may have been a absolute fucker, but he was also one of the greatest military leader to ever live. You think he would have been given that opportunity in the "Free" lands?
Give me an argument or else this kid gets it
Fun fact I think in Bright it was an Orc who united the free peoples to cast down the Dark Lord, who was an elf.
To be fair nobody has to roll to determine how badly they have to take a shit during a dungeon either. Pretty sure stuff like that and mundane things like minor illness, infected wounds, dying from contaminated water, etc are just not that heroic.
>karth roll the d20
>karth no have-
>okay karth do have to shit, brb
DnD Humans are not Real life Humans and are dimorphic.
If his ideology can captivate people after death I would say he has gained godhood.
How about:
Females get a 1d6 penalty to Str
Males get a 1d6 penalty to Cha
Fair enough?
Why does anyone need to get a penalty to anything simply because you want to wank off real life facts.
Real life facts a Bear is so inhumanly stronger than a human a human will never in any reality gain the physical strength to overcome one.
And a bear is STR 18.
So by this logic, No human can ever have a Strength higher than 18.
CHA doesn't represent what you think it does. No, males would have a bonus to that, too.
>then you can't do that because political violence is the antithesis of democracy and civilization
Political violence is the fabric of democracy, and its through wresting the reins of power from dictators through violent means that democracy is allowed to exist to begin with.
Corruption sets in when the political class and the money men no longer fear the guillotine.
>Why does anyone need to get a penalty to anything
>simply because you want to wank off real life facts.
>So by this logic, No human can ever have a Strength higher than 18.
Makes sense.
>Political violence is the fabric of democracy,
Political power flows from the barrel of a gun - Mao
>Corruption sets in when the political class and the money men no longer fear the guillotine.
Very Marxist thinking there.
Better dead than red, fuck off commie, you had 125 years to prove your stupid ideas worked, and they never did.
Well for one you can't reach heaven and have paradise.
Nobody wants to just cease to exist. Sure it might sound fine for someone who knows they are going to hell, but if souls exist then there is a afterlife. And if there is a desirable afterlife, such as heaven, why wouldn't you want to achieve that over simply ceasing to exist?
What's up with female characters not having massive penises?
Racism against Orcs seems to be the fault of Russians in that setting.
> Jirak inspires the Orc clans to abandon the Dark Lord and leads all the armies of the races in a united force, defeating the Dark Lord
> Russians go on to persecute Orcs for two thousand years, pushing most to immigrate to countries where they'll be poor for generations
I see you’re of the “torturing little boys beyond the point of utter despair for years on end before slowly killing them as they plead for their mothers who despite the lie that she hates him, is still alive” school of thought
As the bootleg Jack Nicholson says
>Both sides do this desu. Wannabe commies and nazis are usually socially maladjusted cretins.
True, but as there is relative shortage of leftfags on Veeky Forums it is more effective to troll poltards
>Implying the Dark Lord ruled a real evil empire
Everyone knows that it wasn't real evil empire.
Why don't we try making a real evil empire? Because the fat cats on Wall Street won't let us!
Capitalism is a failed experiment, real evil empire now!
depends on where you look desu. I've found people on /co/ unironically defending the creation of diversity for diversities sake. And we all know that Veeky Forums can have some white knighting issues
Me, I 'm just holding out for the Alien invasion/Extradimensional Incursion/Uprising by a submarine and-or subterranean civilization so I can through my lot in with them.
Sounds good to me. We were all destined to end up in hell, or worse, reincarnated, anyways. Annihilation of the soul is freedom from all suffering. The darklord was an enlightened figure who sought godhood to take upon himself the burden of existence for the rest of us. However, he didn't ask all of us whether we actually wanted any of this, so that tidbit was clearly unethical. Here's to hoping the next darklord will have better communication skills.
They'll kill you too, you know. If they're out to get some of us, they're out to get all of us. And that's banking on the assumption that a species willing to burn an entire planet just to eliminate ONE species is going to be morally better than us.
Spoiler alert, any aliens willing to invade/conquer Earth will probably treat it even WORSE, and that's if they don't just blow it up.
Let them.
They're a nuisance, little else.
Not Dark Gods, but Commerce rules the world, the basis of all good and free nations and kingdoms.
When the armies of righteousness fought the Dark Lord, who was it that supplied them? Who provided funding for their armies, armor, weapons, arrows, and kept the prices from collapsing?
While these teenage malcontents occupy Market Street, using the public wells and lavatories provided, by us, the world will keep spinning around them. All their loss while their betters are busy studying at academy's and getting their papers.
Money is the almighty power in the world, not Dark Magic.
Veeky Forums has lots of both making it one of the best boards to shitpost on. Socially maladjusted people flock to Veeky Forums hobbies for whatever reason and people who don't fit into society tend to have strong opinions about how to change it. In general leftie/pol/ get drawn here by ecelebs playing 5e or PF, /pol/acks are obviously here for Wehraboo: The hobby (AKA Warhammer 40K) and I dunno what CCGfags are but considering how much those things cost they sure as hell aren't mentally healthy. Veeky Forums rejects who don't even do Veeky Forums stuff tend to be thin skinned too.
>landowning freemen didn't exist in feudal times
>Real life facts a Bear is so inhumanly stronger than a human a human will never in any reality gain the physical strength to overcome one.
You need to learn reality better friendo