Looking for games we haven't played before that aren't infested with cultural marxism. We've played AD&D 2E, Rifts and GURPS and need some new suggestions.
Thanks in advance!
Looking for games we haven't played before that aren't infested with cultural marxism. We've played AD&D 2E, Rifts and GURPS and need some new suggestions.
Thanks in advance!
Ars Magica 2nd, Pendragon before 4th, Tales of The Dying Earth by Pelgrane Press
Paranoia. A game that's about finding and killing Cultural Marxists. Even when said party isn't an actual Cultural Marxist.
Are you implying that Friend Computer isn't 100% accurate at detecting Communists?
DCC AKA Dungeon Crawl Classic.
No, but the red security guards can make mistake.
>there are 3 posters in this thread
murder yourself OP
>anyone who isn't a communist should be murdered
Spoken like a true communist
Shit thread is shit.
>see thread about something you don't like
>sprint inside as quickly as possible
>angry that you don't like thread
You're a genius, harry
/pol/ pls go and stay go
>assblasted commie shitbag #9001 lines up to protest someone not wanting their political opinion in every rpg
>calls said non-political person political
Wow I guess you really do always project
They must be routed. Death to the Communists glory to FRIEND COMPUTER!
I love how Paranoia was written back when it was still okay to talk about communism always purity testing itself to death. Wouldn't fly anymore, I don't think.
/pol/ pls go and stay go
Damn, these look like some good suggestions, thanks
I think nowadays writing about the evil of communism isn't just a good idea, but an absolute necessity. Shit, most RPG's are privately published anyways.
>I hate politics, what are games without politics in them
>pol please go
Jesus christ please stop projecting
Nigger people are just fed up of weak-ass trolling like this.
A thread had to die for this.
List 3 examples where cultural marxism (i dont even know a good definition of it) exists in an rpg system (system, not campaign setting)
>spamming a thread because you don't like the fact that people are tired of your political opinion
>"stop trolling!!!"
If you can't stop fucking projecting then get the fuck out you fucking piece of shit
>a thread had to die for this
>proceeds to sincerely engage the shitty political troll
OK OP is a faggot, but you are a world fucking champion retard.
>if you can't meet some arbitrary retarded goal I've set (and will move as soon as you do) then you don't have the right to look for games (not systems, games) without cultural marxism in them
Fuck off, retard
>Assblasted nazi teenager lines up to protest someone writing a game system where social dynamics have evolved beyond "whites are supreme and women get -4 str"
>Calls non-political person political
Wow I guess you really do always project
What political opinion? Your OP is the only thing talking about a political opinion. That's why this is a troll thread.
>you must be a nazi if you don't want the tenets of socialism in the rpgs you play weekly
Sorry, we would never be socialists
Ignore the troll. They might be an actual member of Pol. or just an asshole. Anyways, make suggestions. Games without SJW, Cultural Marxist propaganda. I believe Chtulu Tech and basically every other Gum Shoe product is free of that shit. Also, I believe hyper Liberal publications actually tried avoid it because they're so infamous for it. For example, there are a few White Wolf games that avoid politics like the plague, or even promote conservative ideologies. Like the technocracy actually being playable good guys.
>poster count doesn't increase
>SJW, Cultural Marxist, hyper Liberal
Thanks for trying, but we already dislike white wolf and cthulhutech
and then get the fuck out you stupid piece of shit
What about regular Cthulhu? The gum shoe and basic system? They're both free of SJW pandering. War Hammer RPG is free of any SJW shit to the point of erring on the side of too conservative. Also, most Dark Fantasy setting try to avoid as a matter of course.
Nice try, but I'm making this thread productive by hook or crook. Tired of the lack of political neutrality around here.
Ah, forgot the warhammer fantasy game, will definitely reread it. Haven't checked out Gumshoe though, will look into it. We've played Call of Cthulhu, unfortunately the newest version got infected, but we still play the older one, 6th I think
Whatever floats your boat, retard
Good posts, ignore the rest.
Anyone who uses the term 'cultural marxism' unironically is either from /pol/, has been fed lies, or is inaccurately trying to extrapolate a definition, because the phrase is the product of scaremongering conspiracy theories. Political affiliation doesn't really factor into that.
GURPS Supplements are also good read and expand the system beyond its mundane rule set. The Basic FATE system is also neutral in its approach to politics, this includes the terribly written but pretty looking Dresden Files RPG.
I didnt say that, i just dont know how cultural marxism is present in rpg systems, so i wanted to ask for examples
But of course, feel free to stay the way you are. Engaging in conversation can be hard
Nobody gives a fuck, 1v1 a rope
Aw, another redneck triggered by having to treat all human beings equally. How sad.
Kind of the point that the system is awful and that the "communists" are good.
Shit game, perhaps fittingly so.
Rolemaster is another generic system that is free fo SJW nonsense, but isn't as interesting or as extensive as GURPS. The earlier Conan the Barbarian RPG's are free of it as well.
Holy shit Rolemaster! I haven't thought about it in years. Good call.
Wow, you seem pretty assblasted by people not buying your self aggrandizing culture war stuff. You sure public conversation is right for you?
>Aw, another redneck triggered by having to treat all human beings equally. How sad.
>Doesn't treat rednecks equally
kek, it just can't stop projecting
The catalog of good suggestions continues.
Jeez, then maybe you should return to where you came from.
>playing immediately into their hands
There aren't enough condescending anime reaction pics in the world, my dude.
>Wow, you seem pretty assblasted
Projection (check)
Rifts is pretty free of that nonsense. Kind of has an old school mentality to it, but it's poorly designed, unfortunately.
If you think 'neck yourself' is a not-assblasted remark then you are beyond saving.
We've played plenty of Rifts, I mean it was mentioned in the OP and all
The only one triggered here is you, lol.
>Invent a term to legitimize being a weak little pussy
>Compare your pussiness to the trauma suffered by combat veterans for pity points
>The term gets mocked mercilessly and you get teased for your safe spaces
>Vigorously insist everyone else is triggered and needs safe spaces in the most blatant backpedal of all time
I'm loving every laugh.
Delta Green
The new version is infected but the original is pretty good
This enough? I'm not even getting into White Wolf shit here.
>Get caught trying to subvert the West
>Launch damage control because you truly hate your own civilization
I don't hate you, I just feel bad for you.
Proof that a purge of this country's rightists is decades overdue.
How can people actually believe that "cultural Marxism" shit? Marxism is a conception of history, not a political ideology, fucktards.
Man I thought OP was just trolling but it appears he's genuinely this whiny.
>marism isn't real marxism!
I mean come on. I know there's a biological basis for this but come on.
Roleplaying games giving you freedom to roleplay is...bad?
I wonder if them making all the canon trannies into monsters or all the canon monsters into trannies means anything...
Why the hell would they have "gender identity" for their god when they fucking asexually reproduce. The idea of any gender would be repulsive to them!
>Rifts is pretty free of that nonsense.
I'm , and even I can tell you that's wrong. The faction representing conservative American pro-military, 'preserve our way of life' values are cartoon villains and some of the most consistent opponents in the setting. It's pretty clearly criticism on NATO's history of military diplomacy, which is what so-called 'cultural marxism' is meant to target foremost to weaken the assertiveness of Western culture.
If your culture is at risk because of talking to other people online it deserves to die.
WotC has pledged to include a visibly gay character in every module as a major NPC. Which I like because my Storm Cleric can be pic related.
Hey cultist, get the fuck out of our thread, nobody gives a fuck what you think
Twilight 2000
Wouldn't a male drow cleric get murdered just for not being a Lolth worshipper since she doesn't take men?
is this thread real
Except this paragraph does none of that. Instead it shills alternate sexuality shit in a product aimed at impressionable children, as well as others.
...says the man getting very aggressive about someone else's opinion. If you didn't care you wouldn't be trying to shove me out of the thread.
>getting very aggressive about someone else's opinion
kek you just can't stop projecting
There are lizards that do this IRL though.
So this is some soccer mom "think of the children" shit then? Well, it's not their fault you're thin-skinned and easily offended.
This is the lamest raid ever.
Seriously OP, is it just you and two other dudes? I remember back in the old days, we had real raids. The board might take days to recover after being deleted down to a single page. I once saw a raid last for more than twenty-four hours without stopping. Ninety-five percent board coverage!
Now we've got little pissants like you, making a single recruitment thread on /pol/ and then hustling over here to make one thread every hour (ooooh, can't let the mod notice!) until you get bored for the day?
Fucking garbage. Bump.
It would, but this is the progressive version of D&D where drow are no longer evil and the evil drow culture is progressive and tolerant even though half the point, half of what made the atmosphere in Homeland (which I consider the best fluff on drow society) seem oppressive and thus compelling, was that intolerance. But no, now drow are just generic bad guys and half of them are good aligned so don't judge cause that'd be racist.
>samefagging this blatantly
user, please stop. It's truly pathetic.
WotC actively hires and protects convicted child abusers into their judge program and knowingly allows them to interact with children in violation of court orders, what makes you think they aren't purposefully trying to expose as many children to this material as possible?
I'm not the one demanding someone leave because they think something I don't. How is that projecting?
And just how ironic is it if someone is projecting that someone else is projecting?
What's "Cultural Marxist" about GURPS or AD&D 2e? Both have female strength penalties, and are good for giving realistic stats for races
Anyways some good games are:
- Paranoia
- Myfarog
- Delta Green
- OpenD6
and of course the classic, FATAL
Yeah, we have to protect the CHILDREN from the concept of people being gay
So by your logic it is okay for them to put explicitly pornographic images in a D&D manual? Answer my question right now nigger.
well i'll be
>Wouldn't a male drow cleric get murdered just for not being a Lolth worshipper since she doesn't take men?
There are other Drow gods besides Lolth.
There's even one for exiled good-aligned drow!
Sorry user, but the world can't be your safe space. You're just gonna have to get a thicker skin.
Nothing is cultural marxist about them, we just need new suggestions because we've already played them to death. Thanks for the suggestion of Myfarog and JAGS and OpenD6, I'll look into them.
Go and stay go, communist scum. I'd rather have Nazis than your kind
well, neither is marism
Imagine being this retarded
So you admit that it's all about being gay, then? I thought it was just alternate sexualities and had nothing to do with homosexuality?
So your big play here is arguing both for and against political correctness simultaneously? I'm not sure that's gonna fly, my man.
Still haven't seen anyone post a list of these folks. I saw one name get tossed up. Among the thousands of judges, there being a few that flew under the radar isn't a surprise. I just hope WotC does the right thing and gets rid of them, and starts vetting is judges a bit better.
They still ain't unbanning your boi though. Get over it.
But Stalin wasn't a communist.
Communism is completely fucked and non-functional; anyone who argues otherwise is either an out-of-touch idealist or trying to manipulate you. Take a stab at which category Stalin fell into.
i just dont understand why you felt the need to make this
>mentioning the existence of gay people is the same thing as pornography
Are you aware that you're on a website where you are 1click away from seeing women with dicks fuck each other's nipples?
>impressionable children
Conspiracy theorists are the greatest.