How does Veeky Forums Faun?
What kind of culture or civilization do your Fauns have? What real life groups are they based on?
Someone was talking about Gaulish or Celtic based Fauns and it sounded interesting.
How does Veeky Forums Faun?
What kind of culture or civilization do your Fauns have? What real life groups are they based on?
Someone was talking about Gaulish or Celtic based Fauns and it sounded interesting.
Bitch has a lazy eye
>How does Veeky Forums Faun?
What exactly is a 'Faun'?
Like, can I get a point of reference beyond cheesecake?
Goat people, more or less.
What's the difference between a faun and a satyr?
The same difference between Jupiter and Zeus.
Rome and Greece.
Her legs look creepy. Go full human or full satyr/faun but not this.
deer / goat
All Faun worship the Black Goat in the Woods, Mother of a Thousand Young
IA! IA! Shub Niggurath!
Woah now
Fauns are Roman and have goat features. They enjoy music and merrymaking.
Satyrs are Greek donkey people. They can be wise but they’re raging alcoholics and obsessed with sex.
>implying the Black Goat has anything to do with sub Saharans
>implying anyone wouldn't rather shout IA! IA! exultantly while plumbing the depths of darkness contained within the granddaughter of Azathoth than copulate with a nigger
I like it. Smooth thighs but hooves that kick the air frantically like a newborn fawn skidding on ice.
Don't feed retards.
>I can't take an obvious joke
Get a massage or something dude, you're a bit tense
too physical. A phone sex line maybe?
I'm pretty sure he just responded to your joke with another joke you autismo.
>I can't take an obvious joke
Get a massage or something dude, you're a bit tense
They're created on demand to guide cults in greater exaltation of the goddess. They're pretty useless without the support of worshipers, too deranged and hedonistic to get much civilization done.
>mfw I'm posting at work
>mfw I reply to the wrong person
>mfw everyone knows I have the 'tism
Morality issues aside, would eating the lower half be like eating goat?
all is well anonski
Probably like a very muscular goat. But how do you know which bit is hairy human and which bit is hairless goat?
Fairly typical forest dwellers that love music, sex, alcohol, and nature. Distinctly playable in my setting, though I've yet to have a player be one.
i think user's question relates less to hair, and more to whether or not the thing has a goat pussy or a human pussy. Given that the lower half is goat, I think we've got an answer on that front.
What if it's half goat pussy and half human pussy?
Nah, was actually asking about the theoretical flavor and meat consistency of the lower half.
Good question. Maybe a butcher would know by the density, marbling, and shade of the meat to tell.
>tfw Kroger meat market asst. manager
lamb is dark as shit, and either incredibly stringy or soft (if you've ever gotten a half pork loin or chops from the back half of the loin with all the dark rib meat on it, you know the texture), if humans are "long pork" as the running joke/cannibal stories would have it, human probably has darker red to pinkish tint.
Last Podcast On The Left referenced a french guy who came into legitimate possession of a fresh cadaver that he cooked, and said tasted like veal and cooked grey like mutton or lamb rather than pale like pork or brown like beef. Wish I had more details but I'm like recalling a podcast I listen to half asleep during my morning commute.
i have no words for this frogeater degeneracy
Can anyone try and make a diagram? I really need to know. Soon, please.
>What kind of culture or civilization do your Fauns have?
Probably not too different from how Tolkien described hobbits; A simple, pastoral, nature-loving folk, fond of food and drink, not too keen on industry, politics, or dealing with the outside world in general.
They'd be more explicitly into sex and violence, though.
Faun is a goat person. Satyr is a dorf with a literal horse penis
I imagine the hair between the legs near the vagina would be really short, and would be hairless near and on the outer labia leading up to the anus.
The labia will usually be dark skinned, and pink inside the vagina. The opening will be tight and long leading all the way to the uterus, to fit the goat-like dicks of faun men.
Thanks. I owe you one. You drew a diagram with your words.
>goat-like dicks
This is something I shouldn't Google, but now I need to know.
Faun men have a upward pointing hairless sheath around 3" protecting the penis. Once excited the penis pushes through the sheath for the average of 10". It is long for the average comparison of human but much less girthy. It is most narrow at the head of the penis, but gradually gains the more girth at the base.
The testicals are covered in short hair matching the individuals coat. They are oval in shape and has the diameter of a baseball.
Disgusting, sage
>leading all the way to the uterus
just like every female reproductive system, who could have guessed?
Hey, you never know.
Don't duck vaginas take a few left turns?
Did you want some curveball like the 8th dimension of hell or a bear trap to punish those who would fuck goat chicks?
I knew someone would bring that up! You know what I mean
No, its weird that someone would phrase it that way since its generally understood vaginas lead to the uterus. Its almost like the poster is a robot or an alien that is trying to blend in by showing us they know about Normal Human Functions.
That was my first thought, yeah.
>Its almost like the poster is a robot
That would be ridiculous! There's no way a robot could get past the captcha, as everyone knows, robots can't lie.
>thinks satyrs are silenoi
That face looks eerily similar to a girl I used to follow on tumblr. She often posted nudes of herself, so she wouldn’t mind this though. Probably be flattered
Girls with faces like that typically post nudes.
I dated a landwhale that had a face like that. I never got to pork that porker though, it's disappointing.
>Its almost like the poster is a robot or an alien that is trying to blend in by showing us they know about Normal Human Functions.
Don't be absurd, user
One of my player's in my 5e campaign is a Faun bard. In my setting they're directly linked to and one of the main inhabitants of the feywild, making it rare to come across one travelling in the prime material plane. They typically live in the mountains but can be seen across any forested areas which their small herds may call home. They love to party, they love nature and they love magic. Amongst them are typically traders, bards and low-level druids.
That art sucks as much as the design of that faun. Everyone knows the best faun girls have soft girlish faces, small yet perky breasts, and fur up to their upper thighs.
I dont, I stick to satyrs and maenads
It amazes me that Zucker.berg is actually taking lessons on how to act like a human.
I like them as an elf replacement, or an additon in settings where I've made elves more fey-like. I basically run them as a combination of bosmer and hobbits. They're torn between their more modern pastoral, luxurious lifestyle and their human alliances and their hyper environmentalist, cannibal, Dionysian roots. I also tend to mix up what cervid they're derived from. Hart-fauns can be neat.
By "neat" do you mean, like, super fuckable?
Fauns are, by nature, extremely fuckable. Basically every forest spirit that wasn't immediately hostile has a story about fucking it, like the Huldra.
I'm pretty sure that's precisely what they want, user.
I don't see a problem with this arrangement.
Is there any established art/name for something like a faun or satyr but with a horse lower body instead of deer/goat?
One of my players is playing a centaur who's married a human woman and I'm gonna make him a daddy to a half breed kid eventually.
>One of my players is playing a centaur who's married a human woman and I'm gonna make him a daddy to a half breed kid eventually.
... How is she still alive?
Him being very considerate and careful, her being very daring and adventurous.
First time they banged I rolled a CON save to see if she could still walk that day. She passed.
What was this lady, a PC? Sounds like she fits the mold of one, anyway.
To answer your question, the Satyr oscillates between having the legs of a goat, or having the legs of a horse. Make him like that.
>How does Veeky Forums Faun?
The way the we were taught by saint Gropey.
this thread need definitely more of this
Nope, she's a wholesome and heartwarming lady mapmaker who was quite taken by a charming centaur warrior telling his tales of adventure in far off lands and romance ensued. She's completely non-combat and he loves to dote on her and take care of her and treat her like a queen and she fusses and worries over how dangerous his adventures are and goes along to cheer him on. It's really goddamn heartwarming.
Satyr it is then.
be gone
Use Sileni if it's supposed to be a whole race / type of creature. Silenus was an ugly horny dwarf god with a horse dick but he doesn't have to be representative of all human/horse faun/satyr-oids in your magical realm.
make me
def more
Honestly, I kind of liked the response to joking implied racism with "Racism? I'll give you proper fookin' racism, mate!"
Are Warhammer beastmen in the faun/satyr category?
>wanting to fuck the morbidly obese
Only disappointing thing here is you.
Pussy's pussy bro. When you close your eyes, it all feels the same. Fact is, fat chicks are about a thousand times easier and put in ten times the effort in bed. Swallow your pride and stop putting pussy on a pedestal.
Careful, you're gonna run into the No Faun Police.
>I'm a loser that'll settle for thousandth best
There's a reason rich old men have hot girls, not fatties
I like to make creatures like fauns not based on one particular species of animal. They are a separate species that kinda looks like a hybrid of human and a cervid animal, but they aren't really goat people or deer people.
Not him, but are you seriously going to pretend that you are a rich, successful man yourself? Because unless you can, that argument is pretty much null and void.
Nah, I'm just married to a fairly attractive woman. But the point is nobody wants to fuck fatties or be seen with them if they can get another option. Pretending you're somehow the one-eyed man in the land of the blind because you go for ugly girls with low self esteem doesn't exactly do you favors.
It's ok, the artist has a bunch but I saved the only two that Deviantart didn't label as mature.
I just really like Fauns.
Why does anyone do female fauns? Those are just nymphs. They are split sex fay.
There are also no male harpies, just males they kidnap and rape. They either have only female harpies or eat male children.
Stupid buzzword for "thing I find unnecessarily sexual and makes me feel uncomfortable" only nerds use.
>my version of made up fantasy is the correct one and yours is wrong
You got to open your eyes eventually, dude. And being super easy and eager isn’t really a bonus like you think it is, that just means you’re looking for easy sex rather than good sex.
Mostly serious answer.
Most like dominant culture in the region if they were pagan, but with a heavy helping of classical roots. Normal Fae deviations, though. As a race I usually play them as having a (super)natural ability for agriculture/animal husbandry. I usually give them a cultural proclivity for instruments, music, and partying. Satyrs lean toward brewing alcohol, are much fewer in number, and are lazier.
Humans that make deals with them (and give gifts, etc) will usually find their fields more bountiful and their livestock more fertile/more productive. I usually play Satyrs as, while definitely lecherous, also given to deals and fair exchange of labor when consensual. Where Fauns will enchant the fields and the livestock, Satyrs will actually harvest and deposit the produce.
Faun biology can be mildly fluid, but both sexes are present. Although goats are more closely related to bovines than they are to deer, the association is with wilderness. Deer work better for that motif, and as such, the biological trend is for anything between caprine and cervine features. Human where it counts, though. Satyrs are explicitly male, lecherous, and goat featured, however.
This is my fae fetish. Satyr are good for bdsm roleplay stuff. Very raw and primal, very fun. Faun are fuckable as heck.
WHF beastmen are culturally and biologically different from classical faun-like fae. The closest they resemble is to really fucking angry and way more fucked up and chaos-mutated satyr, but the part-animal thing is as far is it goes. They don't love fun, they are the epitome of the man vs nature fear that was the seed of all the crazy half-person things in classic myth.
I hope to God that's a girl.
>the wall of a succubus's vagina is actually one of the infinite layers of Abyss, containing the souls of everyone who have succumbed to her charms
>armies of demons engaging any sperm and pathogen act as birth control and keep her clear of STDs
>higher-ranking denizens make their homes in the valleys, because high areas are more susceptible to damage from apocalyptic penis attacks
You are lucky this time.
BDSM roleplay with a goat penis?
Fauns are fun, satyrs are satire.
who dis semun demun is?
Wherein I am the goat penis.
Satyr makes for a good aggressor and dom, especially for consensual-nonconsent, which is to say, rape roleplay. Enables fun fantasy dialogue and many different scenarios. Plays off of my body type and features, since I am a very hairy dude in pretty good shape. Less cliche than a burglar. Allows easy disassociation during cleanup and aftercare; it's easy to remove oneself from the satyr persona, both for the dom and the sub, after play is finished.
"Pixie Bitch's Sloppy Suck With a MASSIVE Facial!"
My fauns are imitations of ancient sumerians, minus they don't have livestock, they just grow cerals and make beer. Lots and lots of beer, which they store in their walled cities so that satyrs can't get their filthy, caprine hands in it.
You must have the 'tism.
'Glamour photography is a genre of photography in which the subjects are portrayed in erotic poses ranging from fully clothed to nude. The term may be a euphemism for erotic photography.[1] For glamour models, body shape and size is directly related to success.[2]
This type of photography is colloquially known as "cheesecake" for women and "beefcake" for men.'
>Succubi collect souls by showing people they have sex with into their vag of holding
>nerds on Veeky Forums don't like cheesecake
Holy shit, I wanted to believe that all the talk about this place getting flooded with newfags from reddit was just hyperbole but you're not just baiting here, are you?
>succubi are fetishes taken to an extreme
>start small but gain power if someone goes along with the fetish
That's actually a really good idea.