What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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The company's attitude and entire approach to mk3
The game eventually became as expensive as 40K, and generally speaking whoever gets the first decent attack in wins.
Where do I begin?
>Tried to attract the casual crowd
>Ham-fisting all kinds of shit
>Community driven
Warmahordes has the potential to be a good alternative, sadly the only decent thing left is the IKRPG which is broken as shit.
I thought the MK 3 changes to the core rules were generally positive. The faction balances however, were what made the game not fun. They stripped away a lot of interesting interactions in the name of balance. I get that having too many broken interactions is a problem, but it's not fun to suddenly not be able to do half of the cool stuff your models used to be able to do.
Plus, Skorne, Cryx, and Legion were absolutely horrendous when the MK 3 rules changes dropped. If someone played one of those factions, it was pretty likely they'd switch or drop, and not be very happy about it.
How does it run now?
When I tried MK3 people were running like 1 named jack casters and spamming infantry squads out the ass.
It got frustrating because the game kept getting bogged down into back and fourth trades to see whose line broke first and then going for a caster kill rather than going for scenario or interesting assasinations.
I find that scenario is a lot more important, and mixed armies are decently prevalent, but if someone's building for assassination/attrition it'll still make a definite impact on the game.
As a Legion player, Legion was was alright and still had some tricks to get a reasonable amount of tourney worthy lists. Now their initial promise of making Legion a more combined arms faction was bullshit because they took the hammer to most of the Legion staple infantry.
Not enough to make me fully leave the game, but I find Malifaux a lot more fun these days.
31 teams, 155 players.
Faction spread is as even as the game has ever seen, and caster spread within the factions is quite solid as well. Sure, it's a team event, but even by the standards of the WTC/ATC those numbers are very good.
Warmahordes has gotten even better in it's balance and it's diversity, with far fewer highs and lows among the factions as CID begins to cover most of the game.
There's still some problems, mind you, and some serious ones, but they keep working towards fixing them.
The problems of Warmahordes and Mk3 still remain the fact that it's release was a shitfest and their PR management of that release was hilarious in how bad it was, and they're still feeling the sting of it.
About the biggest complaint leveled at Mk3 can be that it removed a lot of the more interesting elements of the gameplay for the sake of balance, for good or for ill. Because it's absolutely true that the game is far less interesting in what you can do, but it's also true that a lot of that shit was broken as hell.
personally a big issue I'm seeing is them pricing themselves like they're GW-quality minis, but releasing mediocre-at-best models. The Hooch Hauler, for example, went up a day later than they said it would, doesn't even have a release model to display, and they're asking for $165 US.
>Half of the Skorne lists are spamming turtles
>Most of the rest are either spamming Immortals or cats
What a time to be alive.
More smooth interactions, but fewer interesting interactions. It's weird, because I've never seen as many jacks on the battlefield before.
I got into Cryx because I love zombies, and when MK 3 dropped, all of my undead troops were nerfed. Bane Warriors I get, stealth was too much, and they're a little better, but only in a specific theme list. I felt that making Mechanithralls so feeble was a slap in the face- they were my favorite unit. I tried to play with the living infantry, but I just could never get into their aesthetic. I always found the pirate vibe in Cryx to be a little too goofy for my tastes.
The weirdest thing- Venethrax is actually not a garbage pile now.
Fucking this. When a game is generally decided on the first turn, there really isn't much staying power in it
They decided to go full Age of Sigmar and alienate their fanbase. Unlike Age of Sigmar though, no one else was willing to hop on board. Hopefully its death means that people will play better games, ones that use actual terrain.
For me I can bare with it because Chinese recasters seem to be increasingly picking up the game. The cast quality for Warmahordes models was never amazing in the first place, so you are hardly losing out when you buy a recast. Otherwise it is pretty stupid. I think that they should try to make the game cheaper overall. One thing I like about Malifaux overall is that it is very accessible in how little you need to spend on it.
WAACfaggotry happened and never mind the keep rolling back pricing and community outreach to the old GW style of doing things.
The game was built on WAACfaggotry. The problem was not reflecting that in 3rd edition.
The game could only thrive in a vacuum. As long as GW wasn't paying attention to its customers and wasn't supporting tournaments, PP had a base of customers. Many PP customers tried to convince themselves that WMH was better in every respect but you see now that they jumped back to GW as soon as they got what they had craved for so long - while PP began to take on the aspects of the Kirby-era GW.
>What went wrong?
Basically everything. Game balance, PR, pricing, competitors releasing more favourable products not long after.
$165 is a laff, goodness.
Too much focus on deckbuilding in a miniatures game
Lolwut. I don't think that 40K in its current form can be called competitive on any way. It is ultimately a beer and pretzels game for those that are into that.
PR nightmare caused by the team around the release
rules contradict each other and there was a lot of Skornergy
lore moved to novels (only I care about this)
Overcorrections on power levels from mkii (excluding cygnar)
neglected some factions (skorne)