Why people hate Imperial Guard?
Why people hate Imperial Guard?
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I actually genuinely do not know what Guard players did to get this kind of ire from the community. Did I miss something?
They're strong this edition, that's about it. Autismotrons will always whine about whatever beats their poorly optimized lists.
Man, I wish they had a tank that looked like the Neubaufahrzeug. That thing is sexy as fuck.
The Imperium is a mashup of all sorts of fascist governments, for example, commissars were a communist thing
Also I'm not sure what you're trying to say with this picture other than "IG has some nazi influences"
>troops with stahlhelms coming from a planet with a german word for a name are based on nazis
wow no shit you fucking idiot nigger retard
Someone has been shitposting anti-Imperial Guard stuff for the last few weeks. Don't read too much into it.
They were strong in 5e as well. Butthurt Marinefags have to lash out at any implication that the setting doesn't completely revolve around them. And some people just get sick of the constant meme spewing, of which Guardfags are just as guilty.
Makes sense. This IS Veeky Forums after all. I play Deathwatch, I don't give a shit if I win or lose, as long as I can actually get a fucking game in this year.
Was it user?
They should have followed the nazi example more closely with that second one. It's a fucking abomination. What even are those fucking tread wheels?
Isn't that fan art?
Your saying it like its a bad thing that the Imperial Guard are partially based on the most "based" country in modern history.
What's that last one? Don't recognize the kit.
Gas the Xenos, Galactic War now! Ave Imperator!
I think the taurox is meant to be a WW2-ified version of the modern big boxy British MRAPs who's name I can't recall.
This, really. The imperium is a caricatured authoritarian nightmare and the guard have heavy WW1/2 themes. That there's German and Soviet designs in the mish-mash should suprise no one, and honestly if it bothers you I don't know what you expected from 40k.
The recent shittery is just dedicated shitposter(s) dropping these kind of pics to trigger the small contingent of /pol/lacks who insist that the guard are ENTIRELY NAZI and that that is a BRILLIANT/TERRIBLE THING.
Funny seeing as Death Korps are mostly WW1 French in design, with just a little WW1 German mixed in.
Historical illiterates whenever they see anything mildly bad ass/authoritarian/not generic American marines want to scream Nazi
the foxhound?
Adding to that, its actually the Steel Legion that are mainly inspired by WW2 Germany
I think its more the ridgeback, but same kind of deal.
I think they were going for a 40k-ified version of a generic modern MRAP based on these in order to make the scions seem a bit more special forces.
Its hard to deny that it did indeed end up looking rather 'special'.
The only thing inspired is the Fallschirmjäger helmets, otherwise they are pretty plain
I love the IG and wish they got more focus over Marines. They just have an incredibly obnoxious fanbase.
Where you around here for the release of the Guard codex? Guardfax insufferability was at an all-time high then.
What's the matter OP, did they finally kick you out of the general for posting your shitty images too many times?
If you actually think that you obviously weren't here for 6th and 7th editions.
>Why people hate Imperial Guard?
Obnoxious guardfag memes
Honestly I kind of love the taurox. It's charmingly retarded.
Don't worry boys, easy fix
Look at what you can do with a printer at home!
shirt on the far left
I really like those Tempustus Scions, but I don't play and just like painting models
It is quite the mish-mash of despotic governments styles and lets be fair. WW2 Germans had style
Not really. Space Marines, Chaos, and Tau are worse in that order
I don’t know where you’re getting that notion from. Most people like guard.
Though, as someone who does hate Guard, I’ll give my stance: you’re boring. Playing against Guard is boring. In this game of giant robots, super soldiers, skeletons with eldritch science, and literal Daemons, I have to fight average humans who sit in a corner and just bombard you with artillery. Woo, so much fun.
Plus, you guys are waaaaaay you self absorbed in your “balls of steel” nonesense nine times out of ten.
I dont. Big fan of the baneblade.
I'm sorry your chadmarines got tabled, user
Players are really irritating and J, personally, have never had a fun game against any gaurd list (win or lose).
>That baneblade comparison.
Not even trying with that one. A Leman Russ or Malcador would have fit far better.
6-Rads, 8-Rads, and halftracks are cool, though. The Taurox is vile.
>the foxhound?
Foxhound? A Hind-D? Psycho-Mantis? Metal Gear?
>step out of troop transport
>immediately shredded by said transport's side-mounted autocannon
"easy fix" they said
Are "Wehraboos" still actually a thing?
They've had something of a resurgence as reactionaries to the current soc jus Starbucks Socialist trend in social politics.
No one takes them any more seriously now than they did ten years ago. Most intelligent people know you can have opinions on issues without saying Stalin/Hitler did nothing wrong.
Because parking lot armies give me aids
there is literally nothing more despicable than spessmuhreenfags and I don't even play IG
This is why. They literally cannot praise their own faction without hooting and hurling their shit at each other over how much they hate marines.
Gaurd players from my experience are usually the
most immature and most likely a man-child.
Also, they never stop with the fucking memes.
Try again user. I play Tyranids.
You can always tell who is the hugest cancerous faggots in an edition by seeing them reflexively lash out and call everyone who hates them a marinefag. Tau did it last edition.
is there any faction we don't hate?
dumbass memesters who shout WAAGH
little timmy has his dad's credit card
massive chip on their shoulder, probably nazis
Weebs, probably waac faggots
Definately waac fags, and obsessed with their special snowflake faction being better than you
As above, but also perverts
little timmy is trying to be edgy and dark now
Not even trying
Threads are much, much, MUCH easier to mold than wheels.
So are side mounted weapons that are just semi-relief, instead of fully sculpted gun on, well, any place on the vehicle
In short - it's cheaper to make it that way without serious drop of quality of the molding.
Veeky Forums seems to unanimously love Sisters, but that's because a lot of fa/tg/uys are ladyknight fetishists with mommy issues.
Guard have always been my favorite 100% because of the tanks. Total tankfag.
>little timmy is trying to be edgy and dark now
user you're offending me by how wrong this is, the CSM stereotype is that of a contrarian who gets whiny when marine players get a new toy.
i thought it's because of the nun fetish
I don't think that regular humans are necessarily a boring enemy but I agree that gunline armylists are generally hated more if they are OP.
I reckon GW could probably remove rules for units who are long range, stationary and don't require line of sight and no one would really miss it. Can't think how else the rules for the basilisk/manticore would be written though ? Maybe bring back minimum range for a start and maybe officers have to spend an order to give spotting for indirect fire ?
It's litterally a bunch of butthurt Eldar/Tau manchildren, that think IG deserves the same hate, they got last edition, because of IG's new good codex.
In other words, don't worry too much, it's just some autists.
Pic is from a couple of days after the new codex release.
>implying i dont just proxy the AE codex
freedom and sovereignty, not rape and pillage. The road to salvation is paved with the corpses of false prophets and brainwashed loyalists.
They don't or it wouldn't be a best seller...