Would it be possible for an exceptional sister of battle to beat an average space marine in combat 50 times out of 100?
In addition, is there anything sisters are better at person for person at all than space marines?
Sisters of battle vs space marines
Dont sisters have an extra armor save? That would give them the edge, but combats are a wash really.
Fluffwise, Sisters are the military arm of the ecclesiarchy and are regularly dispatched to fight heretical marines. I think they are kind of like rockstars. Regular humans, like gaurdsmen, but they get better gear and enjoy respect that is comprable to Space Marines
She would have to be very exceptional, the boosts marines get from their body mods are absurd.
Though I would like to see some use of the non-genetic stuff introduced by Cawl (such as the steel-reinforced muscle fibres) to give us some "Primaris Sisters" since those parts aren't reliant on emps's DNA. I'm sure if we finally do get those plastics they'll do something along those lines.
>are regularly dispatched to fight heretical marines
Are they any good at it, though? Most of their fluff is them getting horribly wrecked.
The only fight I remember them winning was the Sanctuary 101 rematch, and it was a pyrrhic Deus Ex Machina victory at that.
Depends on gear, I'd say. If they both have power swords or plasma guns I'd say the sister has a shot.
I dunno man, fluffwise, Marines can do some ridiculous shit like running 80 mph, jumping higher than Michael Jordan, etc.
There's probably some old lore out there where a group of Space Marines swing their dicks as weapons or something and win while being outnumbered 1:10000
>Would it be possible
>50 times out of 100?
Haven't really had modern enough plot with them as a focus. All the stuff we have is then as 'npcs'. Part of me wants more SoB but then I remember how GW does lady faces. A shame, their helmets look baller. The honest answer is: whoever is writing and whoever the writer wants to make seem cool. Space marines have really variable power levels even for 40k.
An average Canoness should easily be able to smoke an average Space Marine. Most of the time though, the Sister's main advantages over marines are numbers (the fact that they outnumber Marines by the thousands and yet have comparable arms and armor counts for a lot) and Acts of Faith.
There's a couple of good fights they win in Codex AdSor, but for some reason, GW seems really insistent on having them fill in for Guard when they need someone to take a hit. It probably has to do with their whole "blood of martyrs" thing, but if GW's going for that angle, they aren't doing it well.
Real talk tho, Sisters should regularly trash CSM. The fact that in the fluff they're near-incorruptible, far more resilient to psychic powers than any other non-psykers, and get powers from their own god should count for a lot.
>Most of their fluff is them getting horribly wrecked.
Some's gotta job.
A sister is almost always no match for a marine, aside from those with special wargear or tons of experience.
However, you can deploy 10 or more sisters with equivalent weaponry and armor for every marine, and they're almost as good a shot as the marines.
Sisters aren't as quite as tough, aren't quite as strong, aren't quite as fast, and aren't nearly as experienced, but can be deployed in the thousands, alongside armored vehicles, mobs of zealots, and an inquisitor or two.
How? Csm are still basically better in every way. Sob just suck as i thought. People are basically confirming what I already thought
Holy powers balance the table. It's like a bunch of mini Grey Knights.
Sister are made for love, not war. And I'd rather spend some quality time with the sis than with huge sweaty musclehead.
An average space marine that's part of a Tactical Squad in almost all Codex compliant chapters is generally still a veteran of like, 50-100 years of war. Your "average" space marine scout could probably still tear most Sisters a new one, Cannoness included.
That's literally their whole point. They have superhuman levels of reaction time and senses.
There is only so much learning one can gain from war before it starts getting redundant; the thing with Space Marines is that each Marine is expected to be able to carry out every possible function of a Space Marine, from driving a tank to commanding a starship, necessitating decades upon decades of training.
>The fact that in the fluff they're near-incorruptible, far more resilient to psychic powers than any other non-psykers, and get powers from their own god should count for a lot.
Maybe read the whole post before responding?
>An average space marine that's part of a Tactical Squad in almost all Codex compliant chapters is generally still a veteran of like, 50-100 years of war.
Same goes for most Canonesses. A Canoness also has the advantage of a much better kit than a Tactical Marine. Her power armor allows her to tank bolt shells relatively easily, and all it takes to kill a tactical marine is one hit from an inferno pistol or combi-plasma.
Second part's a response to
I'd say the best answer is all things being equal a Sister of Battle can kill a Space Marine in one-on-one combat but is at a disadvantage.
Well I mean, that's why specialization happens. That's why you have your Vanguard and Sternguard and the like. Some are just better than others at particular things. I mean fuck me, look at Dante. There's pretty much nothing alive that could handle actually fighting him in close combat. Sure he's far beyond your average Astartes but he's pretty much a Primarch-equivalent without really being a Primarch.
Same can be said for the Cannoness. She's got power armor. So does your average Tactical Marine. They also have Krak grenades, and other basic anti-armor capabilities, and special weapon access. They have equal chances to have a Plasma Gun or a Melta, etc.
Really it's all about context. Could a Cannoness beat a Tactical Marine in hand to hand? Maybe, but on average I'd say even with a power sword, an Astartes with a chainsword would probably still win more than 50% of the time.
That is also how the Admech do things, although their heavies like Myrmidons and Magi can actually beat Marines in a straight fight. Drown them in utterly expendable troops that are also good shots with their plasma submachine guns or gravity beams-o-death that Marine Devastators can't even equal. I'd say your average Sister would have some trouble, but a Canoness might just jetpack on down and end the fight with one melta shot, much like how Archmagi don't even bother with hand-to-hand combat because they're carrying multiple heavy tank weapons and enough defensive hardpoints to technically qualify as a bunker.
Pretty much. It also gets complex because SOB basically live for long odds situations (As that's when the bullshit faith happens).
Yeah, on the SOB end they don't have much that would beat it's marine counterpart 1v1 (Save maybe the tanks but at that point the pilot is barely a factor) but they've got good enough gear and training that a couple of SOB could take down a marine and SOB come in much larger amounts.
It's more or less 'Marines are low quantity, very high quality', 'Guard are low quality, very high quantity' with SOB sitting in the roughly middle ground of 'Good Quality, Good Quantity'.
Old SOB fluff is kinda weird on that front too. Where SOB have these special martial arts (What? Fish Speakers? Never heard of them) that allow them to do superhuman feats even before Faith Bullshit. The Seraphim are one of the few remnants of that in modern fluff, though the rules don't quite hold up (Firing two pistols at once used to be something only they and a single special character could do at the time).
Not likely. Although I guess there have been "normal" humans that would have been able to, like Marbo.
40k, even by the standards of fiction tends to run on 'Who is the story being written about'.
If it's Marines? A single chaos dread can tear through an entire order of sisters, including Exorcists and Melta Immolators but be felled by a single marine's thunderhammer. If it's SOB? Then she can destroy half a dozen fallen black templars bare handed due to SOB martial arts.
>Would it be possible for an exceptional sister of battle to beat an average space marine in combat 50 times out of 100?
No. Never. Flat-out impossible to even do it once.
The average Battle Sister's Strength of -1 cannot possibly wound Toughness 4.
Crunchwise, a 5 girl BSS squad absolutely demolishes a 5 man tactical squad. The girls get 32 boltgun shots per turn in rapid fire range, while the tacsquad only gets 14.
There's also some bits where they wreck some marines in the Soul Drinker novels, I think.
Unlikely. Sisters are commonly destroyed by marines in combat, and just one squad of Iron Warriors completely annihilated an entire Sisterhood's defense of a "relic".
>Real talk tho, Sisters should regularly trash CSM.
Based on what?
Barring fluff Chaos Marines hands down should trounce sisters and to an extent actually be better than modern marines. None of the Chaos Armies are really suffering from gene-seed degredation barring TKSons due to the time-fuckery of the warp. Even with "geneseed mutations", unless they walk the path to spawnhood Chaos Marines have more stable gene-seed than the Imperium brethren since in some of those entire organs don't work anymore, and it's quite clear GW have no real answer to this other than to quietly ignore it. This is made even more credible from the fact that little if anything is known on how the legions create new recruits.
I'll never understand how GW wants to make a legitimate "Evil force" in the 40k universe and proceed to handicap them in retarded ways like this. In addition force organisation makes no sense from the Legion perspectives because there are so many of them are shoe-horned with a hyper-simplification of battle doctrine.
Take World-Eaters. Yes berzerkers are cool concepts, but the legion should either be utterly trashed by now and unable to fight due to its reduced forces, or be so hyper elite at warfare in all its forms because the survivors are those who follow all aspects of Khorne and know War better than anyone else. Yet it's just portrayed World Eaters just throw people into a fight and then stop giving a shit even if entire battle companies are lost. The legion just can't absorb those kind of losses.
It's one of the reasons Blood Angels were universally hated in 6th fluff wise because they were better at being blood thirsty Berzerkers than the actual Berzerker army.
In one of the grey knights novels a heretic inquisitor tricks a battle convent and a few regiments of IG into defending some daemon's place of manifestation
The GK strike cruiser crashes into their lines and they are forced to fight through the SoB, two squads( one with termie armor) apsolutely wreck shit with the termies wading through literal seas of burning promethium until a cannoness intervenes and 1v1s the MC to a draw
SoB had Gun-Fu
The bitches had master the art of bringing guns to a sword fight and swords to a gun fight and actually win.
Basically over power urban skirimishers
Also marine hunters in very old fluff, but that has never been mention again since 3rd show up
I miss the “They who watches the watchmen” vibe SoB had
Nah...if you want to murder space marines you use sisters of silence, but then ration is 1:10 - 1 sister and 10 space marines
Exceptional as in protag-tier? I guess. You'll probably find some very gifted emperor-favored, bionic-enhanced, juvenat-filled 400yo seraphim or celestian veteran somewhere, but that kind of individual will be even rarer than space marines.
With the same amount of experience on both sides, the only advantage the SoB has is faith powers, and it's not reliable enough to ensure victory 50 times out of 100 alone.
>is there anything sisters are better at person for person at all than space marines?
In the old witch hunter codex, their armor was equipped with psy-occulums and other specialized stuff, providing an edge in some areas over a space marine's autosenses. Also their bayonets (sarissas) are supposed to be super duper, but I don't really see how unless they use power-spikes.
The training and hypno-conditionning vary from order to order and chapter to chapter, plus SoB fluff is kinda minimalist, but the Ecclesiarchy may have some secret techniques that even the marines aren't aware of, they're sneaky fucks like that. It doesn't offset the massive advantage due to the marine's enhancements, tho.
The daughters of the emperor was a warrior cult from the start. In 40k it can mean anything from shaolin to jedi or berserk cyborg.
Seraphims are still supposed to be masters of gun-kata. And IIRC celestians have better BS than tacticals, but tabletop rules don't really represent the fluff.
Gaunt's Ghost is awful on that point at times. Like a squad of guardsmen slaughtering a squad of CSM chosen without suffering a single loss outside of some local savages that were helping them.
Eh not really, but it depends on the rule set. In 2nd ed a canoness would consistantly wreck an average marine because weapons and stats worked differently. Fluff wise marines are strait up better individually than anything else humanity has to offer barring custodes and possibly some mechanicus stuff (and thinder warriors I guess) but SoB arn't really ckmpeting with marines for the most part they're on the same level as Arbites and Scions. Ie the best humanity has to offer while still being recognisably human
Due to their ties with the ordo hereticus, their love for melta weaponry, and their environnementaly-sealed, bolter-resilient armors, they're still the best tool available when you want to snuff out a renegade chapter, outside of bringing in another SM chapter.
They had drop pods in 3rd edition, too. That was lots of fun.
Apart from light armor acrobatics (and blankness) there's nothing a SoS can do that a SoB really can't.
I like how marine wankers need to dig really deep trying to present literally THE most experienced marine ever (seeing his 1100 years of real years service would trounce pretty much all CSM too) as 'average' one. Ever hear of bell curve? Dante would be literally on its fucking right edge, but if we were to dig for special snowflake cases, he would be still trounced by a Sister (Celestine can beat him in tabletop and costs much less, to boot).
Really, thanks to power armour, strength of both combatants doesn't matter, so it would come down to dexterity - and here woman has a big advantage over a man, never mind someone so steroidally packed as SM, in huge, cumbersome armour. All that muscle mass doesn't make SM more agile, he can punch harder but when it comes to stabbing arm joint or dodging a blow I'd easily bet on SoB. Really, the only advantage SM has is being more durable but if he gets his arm cut off or neck sliced open he loses, period.
As for a Sister who can win 50/50, yes, these might be rare (otherwise, who would waste money producing marines?) but Sister Superior can probably take on your typical rank and file SM with pretty good chances.
>Also their bayonets (sarissas) are supposed to be super duper, but I don't really see how unless they use power-spikes.
iirc, they were chainblade bayonets. They were notable mostly by being 'A decent melee weapon that doesn't take a hand'. If they still existed, you'd have Celestians with 3 effective attacks each melee (Due to the extra chainblade attack) without sacrificing basic weapons.
>Gaunt's Ghost is awful on that point at times. Like a squad of guardsmen slaughtering a squad of CSM chosen without suffering a single loss outside of some local savages that were helping them.
Don't forget the guy who killed a chaos dreadnaught with a lasgun.
As much as I love bashing marinefags you are wrong.
Marines are faster and stronger than humans even when using power armour.
Now that said SoB should win vs marines since GW haven’t remove the marine hunter job they had. At least versus renegades.
Specially considering how much melta the cunts wield in regular bases
dark heresy stuff would disagree with you, as if i remenber correctly SoB wear a lighter version of power armor than the space-marines, which is less potent in strenght boost
plus space marines are supposed to have super-senses super-speed despite their bulk, hence i4
>The daughters of the emperor was a warrior cult from the start. In 40k it can mean anything from shaolin to jedi or berserk cyborg.
Honestly, I'd love to see them bring back one of the 2e items for the SOB and go with the martial arts theme with it. In 2e the SOB had access to a staff, this staff was made from the trees lining the way into the emperor's palace. As a result of that holy power, they hit like they were a power sword (Except against demons where they hit a lot harder).
I'd love to see some SOB Celestians with those back. Have it be 'A power maul' + 'Whenever you would make an attack, roll 2 instead' (Like how some weapons do that for low attack models). So a 2A Celestian has 4 attacks with it and a Celestian Superior has 6 (due to 3 attacks). So they can cut a swathe through hordes with the staves. They'd also be a lot of fun as a Cannoness weapon, turning her 4 attacks into 8 Str 5 AP -1 hits.
As with human level stats, they really need superior weapons to make melee remotely an option.
Need to be a bit more specific. Space Marines are fucking insane in what they are, with the literal "best of the best of the best" training regime combined with unbelievably and kind of retardedly extensive gene modification. Sisters are just hyper-zealous humans with "best of the best" training, the only edge they have is their wealth of gear and faith, though in some situations that is all you need.
One on one no gear brawl, not even a miracle would save a sister. With armor and a melee weapon each, marine still at a massive advantage. Either the sister lands a solid blow early or she dies. Probably dies.
At range, having two hearts and insane blood clotting and some of the best power armor available isn't going to stop an inferno pistol or a plasma shot from cooking the fuck out of you. That goes for the sister too, but the gap in marksmanship is miniscule compared to the strength/toughness/speed difference between them in melee combat and either of them would get annihilated by melta/plasma weapons so it comes down to gear and/or first good hit. SoB happen to have a galactic church backing them so even if their bolters are smaller and weaker (though still able to kill a SM) they are also more likely to be packing fancier shit and that can matter (it certainly does on tabletop). Marine still at an advantage though, especially if it is bolter vs bolter and no cover.
But then there's faith. I can never tell how powerful faith is in the actual lore, but on tabletop it means a literally completely naked sister can, very rarely, shrug off a fucking lascannon or a tank shell or even make a bloodthirster's axe swing glance off. Sisters are weaker than marines slightly at range and massively in melee in normal circumstances, but if faith takes part they could potentially briefly be a league ahead of them in skill or speed, achieving something that seems impossible out of sheer faith and willpower. Not consistent though.
For starters a normal woman has for upper body: 50% the strength of a normal man, and for lower body: 66% the strength of a normal man (real world stats)
You are now comparing a normal woman to a genetically modified superman. She would be greatly weaker than the Astartes, probably less than 10% of his strength
Not even speaking of Astartes' superior reflexes, durability, additionnal organs, ...
2nd edition lore for SoB was the best thing ever
Also Repentia pulling Gandalf was my jam.
Run you fools! Proceeds to utterly destroy the enemy squad while getting kill
>normal humans
You argument is invalid from the start.
40k humans are not our humans but a hand made species to colonize space.
Yeah, that's another thing I'd love to see come back. Likely with a new name as we've kinda got repentia established as what they are now.
Have them have a weird deepstrike variant. They can come in less than 9 from an enemy and charge BUT they must come in within 2-3 of an allied unit. Sorta like WHFB how Dark Elf Assassin and Goblin Fanatics could just randomly pop out of units.
To be fair it was a heavily damaged dread (blind and all messed up) and iirc Mkoll did some sneaky sneaky and used the local flora (some weird plants that fired extremely toxic barbs when disturbed) to his advantage. Unless you're thinking of some other dread, which is possible too as I haven't read those books in a lifetime. The Warmaster was good though I thought.
To be less fair: He cracked it open by overcharging a lasgun power pack.
>Would it be possible for an exceptional sister of battle to beat an average space marine in combat 50 times out of 100?
Where exactly are we making the cutoff for "exceptional" OP? That kind of determines the answer.
>In addition, is there anything sisters are better at person for person at all than space marines?
Becoming Saints.
Sister of silence are augmented in similar manner to custodians....proven by them being 8 feet tall and killing marines with ease during Horus heresy, which should be noted was the time when space marines were even more badass then ones in 40k.... So yeah...they are space marines just better
Too bad the bald bitches suck ass in the game. I have 10 melee ones and they are shit.
Fun to run but crap
Well yeah, but if you made everything way it is in the fluff, it would not be fun game
Celestian Devas
Deva M6" WS3+ BS3+ S3 T3 W1 A2 LD8 Sv3+
Deva Superior 6" WS3+ BS3+ S3 T3 W1 A3 LD9 Sv3+
This unit contains 1 Deva Superior and 4 Devas. It may contain up to 5 additional Devas. Each model is armed with a Blessed Staff, Razor Knives, Frag and Krak grenades.
For every 5 models, one may replace their blessed staff with a holy brazier or evicerator.
Blessed Staff - Melee - S+2, AP-1 D1, Make 2 attack rolls for each attack made with this weapon instead of 1.
Holy Brazier - Melee - S+3 AP -2 D2, this weapon may be shot as if it was a heavy flamer in the shooting phase.
Razor Knives - 12" Str 3, AP -1 D1, Pistol 3
Acts of Faith, Shield of Faith, Zealot, Martial Trance
Martial Trance: Whenever a model in this unit is destroyed, that model musters one last surge of strength before succumbing to its wounds; it can either shoot with one of its weapons as if it were the Shooting phase, or make a single attack as if it were the Fight phase.
Hordesmashing assault infantry.
>I mean fuck me, look at Dante. There's pretty much nothing alive that could handle actually fighting him in close combat. Sure he's far beyond your average Astartes but he's pretty much a Primarch-equivalent without really being a Primarch.
He's nowhere near Primarch tier. Honestly the Swarmlord not turning him into hamburger is a disgusting level of plot armor.
>Muh strength
Sort of falls apart when sadly, Humans in 40k are not Humans of now, but are the "Men of Stone" who are designed to be hardier and tougher.
>(Celestine can beat him in tabletop and costs much less, to boot).
If she uses Acts of Faith and fights first, she can kill him before he can fight, else he kills her in one round. He's 15 points more than her, too.
Base fluffwise? Sure.
SoB are better trained with Bolters on Average and actually smart enough to keep that advantage by not advancing stupidly into the maw of the oncoming army.
Novel fluffwise? They're often used as mooks so they seem pretty shit.
Ephrael Stern would table literally any Space Marine except maybe the Primarchs.
Actually, SoB are better trained with Bolters than your average Space Marine.
And honestly? I think a SoB will actually have longer and better training than your average tactical marine.
Also I think Godwin pattern Bolters are better than mars pattern Bolters that Marines often use.
As always, fluffwise it depends on who's writing and the needs of the plot.
On the tabletop, my SoBs regularly defeated marines, including chaos. Granted, this was a couple editions ago, when the faith powers were more effective and the sisters were kitted with melta weapons because they knew they would be up against marines/chaos.
Nothing prevents the SoB from being augmented themselves. If the guard has enough money to put stuff in gland-warriors and develop eugenics with things like the afriel stain, then the church can as well.
I'll need a source on that claim. Both spend their time prayin' and trainin', and astartes have the benefits of an improved life expectancy and the occulobe.
They still own marines.
The game becomes fair when marines bring Primarch.
Otherwise SoB win by turn 2 against marines
You don't understand, they are more similar to custodes then to sob. They are giant killing machines that can overpower space marines with ease (also you have to give said augmentation in much the same way you would to a space marine, as there been blanks too old to become sister of silence.)
Also they have that whole deal of being relict from time of the emperor so they don't really follow whole imperial creed deal....
When I played, the SoBs were still folded into the Witch Hunters Codex. So...yeah, some time ago.
So not only are there Primarys Marines,whose existence is utterly redundant, now SoBs are supposed to somehow overpower the emperors finest warriors? what next an imperial guard killing 10 Astartes because he is just that good? NEW superior warrior who put the primarys to shame? Every passing day I'm getting closer and closer to dropping 40k as a setting, this shit is getting worse than a badly written chinese novel.
Even anime is ashamed of 40k from time to time.
At least anime does not make an entire race of anime protagonist.
>Ephrael Stern would table literally any Space Marine except maybe the Primarchs.
She and Miriael Sapathiel need rules yesterday
>Nothing prevents the SoB from being augmented themselves. If the guard has enough money to put stuff in gland-warriors and develop eugenics with things like the afriel stain, then the church can as well.
The thing is, gland-warriors and afriel strain were both costly and deeply flawed, and got shelved for a reason or are only useful situationally. And they come nowhere close to the augmentation of Astartes, let alone Sisters of Silence or Custodes. Gene Seed doesn't work on women, so that's out. And SoS/Custodes augmentation is far to costly and time consuming to really use beyond those to comparatively tiny forces.
>And honestly? I think a SoB will actually have longer and better training than your average tactical marine.
This is terrible and dumb headcanon.
>now SoBs are supposed to somehow overpower the emperors finest warriors?
Not him, but where did he imply that?
He's talking about Sisters of Silence there, not Battle.
>Ephrael Stern would table literally any Space Marine except maybe the Primarchs.
Ha ha ha. No.
You don't need the SoBs to have augments of any kind to wipe out marines.
On the tabletop they have the same armor save and same ballistic skill. Squads armed with meltas, particularly Dominion and Retributor, Immolators with multimeltas, and the organ of doom on tracks are all marine killers. Throw in the timely and judicious use of Powers of Faith, and SoB's are much better than marines.
Just keep them out of close combat.
>generic snuffbait
Like most warrior women armies the SoB only exist to satisfy the guro fantasies of neckbeards.
Well, she kicked the ever loving shit out of a anti-psyker assassin with psyker powers and beat black templars in melee with her bare hands. She's kinda fucking bullshit.
I don't disagree. But so are plenty of Marine characters. I just don't see her winning lorewise versus characters stacked with mile thick plot armor that can solo conquer planets and shit. But generic mook marines and some vets, sure. Marines like Draigo or Dante would cut off her head and wear it as a hat though.
>Would it be possible for an exceptional sister of battle to beat an average space marine in combat 50 times out of 100?
In game the closest to an 'exceptional' sister of battle is a canoness, while your average space marine would be a baseline tactical... So yes, in game she'd easily win most of the time, unless we're bringing meltaguns into the mix in which case you're just playing rocket tag.
Lore-wise it's more iffy. An exceptional sister isn't going to try to engage the marine in a way he has advantage, an average marine knows that too and will try to press the advantages he has. In terms of equipment they're close, the marine has his genetic enhancements and so forth, but the sister has whatever skill, experience, and raw talent that defines her as 'exceptional'... at that point she's at the pinnacle of what an unaugmented human can be. Yeah, I think she'd be able to pull off a 50% win rate. But it'd be close.
>In addition, is there anything sisters are better at person for person at all than space marines?
On a person to person basis they're more fanatically devoted to the Emperor, to the point where they aren't as susceptible to corruption and falling to chaos as we've seen space marines to be.
Eh, I'd not really agree there. Both of them fall rather under 'Plot armour you could use to tank a death star'. I think it comes down (like most of these) to 'Who is writing the book?'
draigo drops the people's elbow on demon primarchs and carves his name on their hearts. dante is an all around gary stu with fate and shit on his side plus 2000+ years. old man logan grimnar could behead a GK GM before he could even blink.
lore wise, there are a number of space marine characters that are pretty much untouchable for her.
that said, yes, bl writers have a lacl of consistancy. but generally, sob's get their shit pushed in and bodies mutilated. stern is strong and has cool psychic powers, but is still only human.
correction: She beat GREY KNIGHTS with her bare hand (at least one, then she took his weapon to kill the others). They were trying to take her alive for interrogation, though.
And her psy powers are what make her truly dangerous.
Sisters are supposed to a be close-range shooting army, not melee. The original repentia character was even an option specifically made to glue an enemy squad in cqc and prevent them to charge sisters.
>Lore-wise it's more iffy. An exceptional sister isn't going to try to engage the marine in a way he has advantage, an average marine knows that too and will try to press the advantages he has. In terms of equipment they're close, the marine has his genetic enhancements and so forth, but the sister has whatever skill, experience, and raw talent that defines her as 'exceptional'... at that point she's at the pinnacle of what an unaugmented human can be. Yeah, I think she'd be able to pull off a 50% win rate. But it'd be close.
This is a reasonable answer.
>lore wise, there are a number of space marine characters that are pretty much untouchable for her.
I dunno. She blew up a Cululex assassin by being too psyker for a blank to handle. Not even Magnus has managed that sort of psyker bullshit.
Still, I think this argument is kinda pointless as it's mostly just 'Nah uh, ah hah' as we whack our action figures into each other saying that ours is cooler because of the kung fu grip.
>Sisters are supposed to a be close-range shooting army, not melee.
Yeah but then we have 'Melee SOB' options (And they suck, badly). I don't think it would be bad to have some melee options, as long as they are not the majority of the list. They are not Tau levels of 'No melee allowed'.
>Not even Magnus has managed that sort of psyker bullshit.
That's wrong though. Somebody hasn't been keeping up with the Horus Heresy power creep I see. Psykers like Malcador, Magnus, and Lorgar are capable of pants on head stupid stuff in the fluff. They also can't beat Magnus on tabletop.
Well, I read Gathering Storm where Magnus ran like a bitch because the SoS were making him unable to use his warp-born powers. Did they seriously have Magnus blast through a null's protection in the HH novels? (I've not been reading them as I got really sick of it, really fast)
Can't really blame him, considering he was fight Girlyman and getting attacked by an army at the time.
But yeah, the HH books are a bit of a mess. At one point, Malcador just casually uses his powers and shows 0 discomfort while surrounded by all the strongest SoS's and shit.
The way they can't decide how to portray how strong people are or certain characters behavior consistently (looking at the Big E specifically) is frustrating.
Scout Marines go through hell before becoming a Space Marine
Initiatives already start by teenhood. That already tell things about how SoBs are out of their league when compared to SMs. Not even comparable, fluff-wise.
>old 40k fluff is dead
feels good
What is the schola.
Marines are basically over glorified tools.
Nothing wrong with it, but saying Schola are under classed by fancy wrench is silly
iirc putting down rogue spess muhreens is one of the reasons sisters exist
A cannoness could win with those margins, but not an average sister. This goes for pretty much every faction too. Space marines are speceficially designed to be exceptional warriors. A space marine is on par with the elite warriors of any given faction
What are gene-seeds.
If ordinary human beings were to become equal with an average space marine then there's no reason to further invest to them, considering how few SMs Chapters are in terms of numbers compared to the rest of the Imperium. In fact the Inquisition may just undermine them as they use their own army.
*are, in terms of numbers, small
This is as false as it gets. Sisters are absolutely made for war and nothing else.
>longer and better training
This is just silly, marines can live for thousands of years
>old fluff
Unless explicitly retconned, you're wrong user
Not him, but there are several non-militant Sister orders. They do a bunch of social and religious work in the Imperium.
I would like to see the sisters get new tools, but they are hard-capped by all the other imperial armies bordering their niche, and their insistence on using only the BFM trinity.
They could get lance-equipped bikers and elites with additional shoulder-mouted weapons, like Inquisitor Covenant. That would be unique.
That's old Rogue Trader fluff. Today they are like the Inquisition except they come from the church instead of the Adeptus Terra.
Eisenhorn has a couple conflicts between Ordos Inquisitors and Ministorum Witch Hunters.
So they take down everyone, including rogue cardinals.
You remember incorrectly.
The Inquisition just sometimes requisitions them to attempt that role.