Is Dungeons and Dragons good?
Is Dungeons and Dragons good?
Have we really sunk so low as to deserve this quality of bait?
Dungeons & Dragons is pretty great.
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons is good, all right, worthless garbage, useless crap, or inoffensively meh, depending on the edition.
In all honesty, yes. Yes we have.
Not really. The mechanics are too dated at this point.
>calls original D&D "nu"
It's objectively garbage.
But people play it, so if you wana actually play with other people, it's by far your best bet.
Old school & modern are calibrated to such different styles of game and campaign that you really should be more specific.
oldschool D&D (basically, everything published by TSR) does a very specific style of game. Quite lethal, exploration focussed, characters start as everymen and get interesting through play. Often, it's quite sword-and-sorcery in tone, with bold ne'er do wells out looking for treasure, rather than heroes on a quest. It does this sort of thing pretty well, although some of the specific rules are quite arcane. I'd say it's pretty good.
modern D&D (everything published by WotC, basically) is... a mess. Big piles of rules that mostly just turn into 'fight the monster' with a wildly schitzophrenic tone. Horribly breakable, and without any of the charm of older versions. In many ways, modern D&D (3rd ed through to 5th ed) are symptomatic of what's wrong with the rpg industry.
This right here.
D&D was the first successful RPG. Now ask yourself, is "the first" anything generally objectively good? Fact is RPGs made since D&D improve upon it in every way possible, D&D isn't even the best system to play games specifically about D&D tropes in (that would be Dungeon World).
It's very good. Without RPGS would probably have never existed.
>that would be Dungeon World
made me chuckle.
>(that would be Dungeon World)
Couldn't have explained it better.
If you want some good oldschoold D&D, play ACKS. Characters can be made in 5 minutes, the system explained in 10, the system is a solid retro-D&D, it's full of charm and works.
It's good as long as you don't expect anything more than "stab orc, get loot".
Anything more involved and character driven and you'll run into so many walls and pitfalls your head will spin, and god help you if you try to stray from the inbuilt heroic fantasy tone.
>(that would be Dungeon World)
>Dungeon World
Skrrt skrrt
Now stop being a moron and turn off your computer.
Yes, we have. We are the containment board.
It depends on the group.
No game is good no matter what. If you have a group of shitlords then you're not gonna enjoy it but if you have the right group for the right game, yeah its good.
If you meant mechanically, depends on edition. 2e was good aside from THAC0, 3.5 and its uncle 3 where just a mess that broke themselves above level 6, 4e had great combat and lacked in other departments like everything else. 1e was a mess because guygax doesnt know how to organize a book. 5e is pretty okay, its rules liteish and runs smoothly hiccuping every now and then when players get too creative.
Yes, it's very good.
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