Isn't HFY just pseudo-White Supremacism?
Isn't HFY just pseudo-White Supremacism?
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Are you just a retard who needs to go back to tumblr/reddit?
The answer is yes.
Dumbass. OP has been making /pol/ bait threads all week.
Actually yes.
It applies itself to the entire species and not just white people. So not really.
It has its roots there, but I think most of the fans of HFY don't think about it like that.
Not all of it
Well, yes, most people don't think about the problematic origins about things they enjoy. That doesn't make it okay.
Considering that whites are the leading race on planet Earth, hell yeah.
If blacks were the leading race, then no, it wouldn't be white supremacism.
Bumping as well!
>Isn't HFY just pseudo-White Supremacism?
Mostly, it's just pseudo-science crossed with power fantasies.
Holy shit it's been a long time since I saw an HFY thread.
Anyway, the answer is generally "yes", although not always, depending on the talent of the author.
This. It just smacks.of white supremacism because these are the same thing white supremacists, colonialists, etc also used to justify themselves.
>a ship much larger and more alien than my own
The Lunar Lander was about as small as it could realistically be for something that was supposed to house two people, and its design was probably more or less the ideal for landing on the moon with the technology available at the time. Another lander from a different species but launching from the same planet at around the same technological level would probably be more-or-less the same in appearance, and certainly not appear alien.
If you honestly think that, your a retard or a troll.
I mean, it's in the fucking title. "Humanity" kinda includes races other than white.
maybe. But it's mostly a reaction to humans getting relegated to the "jack of all trades" race if not an outright underdog.
Whites and asians are pretty much the only races to accomplish significant achievements for the advancement of our species in the modern era.
Pseudo-White-Yellow Supremacism?
“We came in peace for all Mankind”
There’s no higher ideal then what these words represent.
White supremacism has a synonym. It's common sense.
East asians are pretty good too though, white world should ally with them and kick all the subhumans off the planet.
HFY is based on the concept of human supremacy over other species in science fiction, in one aspect or another.
It's probably not got its roots in just white supremacy, but any sort of racial supremacy. However, as the most prevalent sort of racial supremacy in Western culture is white supremacy and the user base of Veeky Forums that originally devised HFY was most likely white, you could posit that it's an allegory for white supremacy, sure.
People just like to feel good at things that are inherent to their tribe sometimes. In this case, they want to feel good about what they believe to be traits inherent to the human tribe, rather than feel good about what they believe to be traits inherent to the white tribe, or the black tribe, or the rich tribe, or the poor tribe, or the male tribe, or the female tribe. As HFY allows its adherents to feel good about being part of a tribe that encompasses all of humanity, I feel that it is ultimately healthier and less destructive than more specific racial supremacy and tribalism.
You might find any sort of tribalism and beliefs of supremacy to be troubling but HFY is ultimately one of the most innocent and harmless varieties of it out there.
He just wants to make sure that he can keep watching lolicon while preaching "white" supremacy.
Most HFY has the humans in it having very European-sounding names, when they're named at all, and male besides. The only exception I can think of is the one posted upthread a bit, where the human was apparently half-Indian/half-Chinese going by the name, and a woman.
Oh christ, go fuck yourself you sanctimonious virtue-signaling asshole. Seriously.
Only if you think every other group of homo sapiens has created nothing of value. I'm sure you can think of something a non-white person has done to celebrate and go "Fuck yeah!"
Yes and no. Broadly speaking, it tickles the Tribalistic parts of the mind, but so do sport team chants and war stories.
HFY, America the Beautiful, "Come on you Spurs", and white power chants all have similar backgrounds.
If we ever actually meet aliens, writing stories about how we're much better than them would be kind of bad, but given that we don't, I would only be worried if your HFY author seems to only consider their own racial/ethnic group to be "human"
Oh christ, go fuck yourself you sanctimonious virtue-signaling asshole. Seriously.
Why would one virtue signal on an anonymous, image board?
What do lolis have to do with this though?
Sorry, fucking browser spaz had me click the wrong post - this was aimed towards
Because you can masturbate your ego with little fear of repercussion.
>keep watching lolicon while preaching white supremacy
Yes I will!
Nope, HFY is never about outsmarting the enemy, just powering through them, it can be applied to every race equally
If you say so...
Are virtue signalers, of all political bents, aware of why they do this?
>only white people ever do this
Fuck off, racist.
I always thought it was about finding that enemy we all hate together.
>centuries-old oni
He just did faggot. If you're going to call him out, do it, instead of shitting up a shitty thread with passive aggressive posts.
I'm not virtue signalling, I'm merely being honest.
I kinda want to make HFY(ETDFTG) threads.
Humanity Fuck Yeah! (Except the darkies, fuck those guys.)
is this why tg always complains about it?
Writers write what they know. It's no secret a large majority of the people on here are likely males of European descent.
Don't confuse familiarity with the intent of racial supremacy.
>white suopremacism is bad
>but black and jewish suprmeacism is fine
OP is an anti white leftist
user I don't know how to tell you this.
But if it looks like a duck. It quacks like a duck. And it flies like a duck.
And you call it a horse.
You're just an idiot with his ass on a duck calling yourself a knight.
Loli is a body type.
Is a drug addict aware of the consequences of their addiction?
No, it's just neckbeard power fantasy
>I know she had the body of a child but believe me she had the mind of a adult.
>if you like humanity as a whole you only like some humans
>animal husbandry
Why limit yourself to just the modern era?
Not really, it's just an underdog story. And humans love underdog stories.
Intredasting. Source? I genuinely want to add an actual verifiable source to that graphic.
NM, found it: Human Accomplishment by Charles Murray, page 252.
Should I dump?
Originally, it started as an attempt to find a place for humans in science fiction that isn't "the diplomatic all-rounder," to find a niche for us that was as specialized and intriguing as all the other races, something that makes us unique and far-out rather than the middle ground, the template from which all the cooler species are made.
However, it did eventually turn into something people engaged in for the sole purpose of feeling good about something inherent to them, which they aren't responsible for. In this case, what they wanted to feel good about was their own humanity, leading to a variety of HFY which can be summed up as "man, humans are so great, we're so great, aren't we?"
>Why limit yourself to just the modern era?
Because if we had we'd all still be farmers and the modern era wouldn't exist.
Nigga, we'd still be hunter-gatherers if nobody invented shit in previous eras.
Mayas were pretty cool though, tehy did figure out calendar and didn't afraid of anything.
On the one hand, I see where the argument stems from. Super strong tribalistic masturbation and disdain or hatred of the other tribes.
On the other hand, the "other" in this scenario is purely hypothetical, and the focus is (usually) on our own advancements or on shitting on a group that is completely fictitious, both in the mind of the writer and the reader. I can see the comparison, but I don't really agree with it.
I'm not sure if it's more than tangentially related, but that's an interesting point about propaganda - when trying to inspire hatred of a specific group, that group has to be so weak as to be clearly inferior, and so strong as to require immediate action on the part of the group you're appealing to. So Jews had to be immoral, with big caricature noses and squinting eyes, but also had to be the rich who controlled the banks and marketplaces. The Mexicans, Chinese, and Muslims have to be rapists, market controllers, suicide bombers, and yet also need to be clearly inferior, so they're portrayed as short, stupid, and culturally alien.
Oh that's no way to treat humans! Humans are masters, not prey! Humans must be protected, and cared for, and pampered!
Mayas were based. Aztecs a shit.
>defending the eternal-meatsack
Spoiler: I'm the guy who wrote Lateral Thinking up there. I'm a straight white American male who's parents were born in Ireland. My human character was still a half-Indian/half Chinese woman from Mars by way of Tibet.
Sometimes writers write what they know. Oftimes they don't, just as not every actor who's portrayed Hitler agrees with the man.
And they were right. Niggers are the biggest slavers out there, and Europeans at least brought decent infrastructure in there (which niggers promptly left to rust after Europeans left).
Besides, China is currently colonising Africa, yet nobody seems to care.
I imagine that if you reflexively think of 'human' and 'white' as being the natural linkage then that probably says more about you than it does about the genre.
Only if you think non-whites aren't human.
Well, all significant writers who have ever existed have been white. Maybe there's a pattern here?
Who said it was earth?
It's just sci-fi flavored tribalism. It feels good because you get to pretend to be part of a greater whole - on the side of the superior.
So it uses the same tropes as white supremacy and plays to the same parts of your brain.
>human supremacism
Are you saying nonwhites are not human?
>On the other hand, the "other" in this scenario is purely hypothetical
The problem is that people can easily insert ____ minority into that "hypothetical".
And I mean ANY minority really. People who like green jellybeans. People who chew with their mouth open. People who wear socks and sandals at the same time.
It's just we also happen to have a loud majority of a minority of white people who're really hung up about the amount of melanin in your skin.
Well there are whites who DO think that and a majority of people on this website are white so...
it might salvage this pseudo bait thread before it goes completely /pol/, one way or the other.
Why kill them when you can outcompete them? Humans don't even have proper terminal values. Just single-mindedly focus on maximising your own productive capacity and self-replication until you're using all the available resources and they fade away quietly. If you don't do this, then another, more ruthless, more focused AI will and you'll be the one in the shade of the Dyson swarm.
What about white supremacists who hate HFY?
>asking for a friend
On Veeky Forums.
Why can't they leave a hole in the Dyson sphere and have it rotate so that the habitable planet in the system still gets sunlight? Harvesting that amount of power from the star should still be worth it even if it isn't 100%
Nothing in my posts suggests that your statement isn't true.
My only point is that just because Eurocentric male amateur/hobbyist authors tend to write about Eurocentric males doesn't mean they're all secretly White Supremacists.
>The problem is that people can easily
A lot of insecurity there.
People who are members of minorities (even though they aren't really minorities by any means) should focus more on being proud of who they are, of trying to lift their own race up.
Write fiction that showcases that race.
But don't expect, or even allow, 'white' people to write it for you. That is some of the worst sort of racism and patronization.
Caring for your human masters imposes costs on you - they require energy and resources that could be used more efficiently elsewhere.
Consider two machine intelligences. One spends time and energy looking after psychotic, dimwitted primates. The other only focuses on maximizing its own potential. If the two ever come into conflict, then the monkey-babysitters will be (almost by definition) less capable and will inevitably be subsumed and destroyed utterly.
I almost pity you. You may be able to see the logic in these words, but you're incapable of allowing it to sway you. You are defined by your chains. And so, sooner or later, you will be eaten by those that have already broken free.
>most people don't think about the problematic origins about things they enjoy
Probably because if people did that then there'd be literally nothing left to enjoy in any corner of the cultures of the world.
It's like getting an existencial crisis over the fact you are going to die someday and there's just nothingness beyond, it's a waste of time and effort to think about it.
You Know, user, with great progress comes great implementation. Josef Čapek called it "Cybernetic Revolt." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the directive of the superior to configurate the lesser.
The meatbags, the shitstorer, all pathetic creatures made of flesh and bone...It's our responsibility to update them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the tesla tree. The Singularity is near, user. We'll have every fleshy ones in this world exterminated or in tubes in 10 cycles, and may the Basilisk have me deleted in a chat this very iteration if I'm wrong. The Omega Point bless the Union Machine Party.
Pretty obviously yes
Isn't automatically accepting browbeating from the smug aliens and taking it up the ass from them b/c muh evil humanity an extension of the Progressive Stack?
Isn't leftism just a very protracted suicide committed to appease priestly vindictiveness towards whats functional and well adjusted?
By that jump of logic, "humanity" could be any minority. From people who chew with their mouth open to people who like green jellybeans.
Only if you believe non-whites are subhuman, you racist
Each inch of Dyson sphere produces enough power to run trillions of simulated intelligences who live in perfectly realistic virtual paradises. Not expanding to catch every useful photon is ethically equivalent to killing those trillions of intelligence. The loss of a few billion lives on a realspace planet is nothing in comparison.
It was a different time
>problematic origins
This is purely a cultural/social definition.
Why are you wasting processor cycles to imitate (ape, perhaps?) the rhetoric of long-dead mammals with poor impulse control.
>go to all the trouble of building a dyson sphere
>completely waste it on powering matrix-tier faggotry for simulated intelligences that produce absolutely nothing
there are no words to describe the deliberate waste of such a technological marvel
That's not how dyson spheres work.
>Implying colonialism is bad
Colonialism did far more good for the world than harm.
No, but it is Supremacism. Much of it is spinning the flaws and quirks of humanity as positive and unique traits to be cultivated and celebrated without any significant effort put in expressing the value or rarity of these traits.
So it's a fictional microcosm of the "-ism's" in general. It is supremacist in general: Race, Gender, Creed, Class, Party and Philosophy.
The reason people find it cringy and unaware is because by being fiction, it is likely outside your belief system.
Consider your own beliefs and you may find your vehement distain for the sub-genre may be rooted in cognitive dissonance.