Is Veeky Forums still ome of the better boards, or have we sunk to the level of shit-flinging, meta-irony, and emotional sensitivity of other popular boards?
Is Veeky Forums still ome of the better boards, or have we sunk to the level of shit-flinging, meta-irony...
We are experiencing a temporary /pol/ raid. Please sage, hide and report until normal operations can be resumed.
Sage hide and report this thread or others?
It's slightly below /co/ on the polluted scale, which is pretty good.
All of them. Including this one. Especially this one.
>/pol/ raid
It's not, it's just a few shitposters who found out that we don't have a mod. Unless you aren't talking about the shitty template troll threads that have seen a rise as of late, and are instead talking about the fact that there are people who browse this board who have the AUDACITY to disagree with you. Because if that's the case, you're completely right - everyone who disagrees with you is a racist Nazi bigot who rapes children, and you should keep screaming that "fact" every time you're uncomfortable.
I don’t care if someone disagrees with me. I care that people bring real world politics into things.
I've seen a bit more whiteknighting than I'm comfortable with, and an unfortunate upswing of furshit that is likely due to the existence of /trash/, and of course plenty of /pol/ faggotry and 'sjw' faggotry, but on the whole we're still an okay board. It's the nature of things to change and if you focus on the bad you won't be any better.
Besides, the more things change the more things stay the same. Veeky Forums still doesn't know what a mary sue is, Veeky Forums still thinks magical realm means anything arousing, etc. We're all gonna make it, bros.
I'm sure your definition of "real world politics" isn't biased at all. Or maybe you're one of the few people who reports both -4 Str posters and posters who bring up "oh wow Trump sure is stupid" out of nowhere. Who knows.
(Funny when furfags are closer to proper Veeky Forums then some of the other anons)
/trash/ was a mistake.
Yeah nah, anthro will always be shit
Yeah it's just a small collective.
You missed their "mod test" thread they had up that was just porn. I don't know why they are doing it, but it's probably just some kids. They'll get bored eventually. Took them 30 minutes to take down the porn thread though.
Ok I will go after the term a bit...but anthro technically counts robots, orcs and treants too....and all three things can be awesome.
Furry is the term you seek.
>he thinks there's a difference between boards
>30 minutes to take down the porn thread
That's actually pretty good time for most boards.
I'm still convinced that we don't actually have any mods, though, and that any and all deletions are done through an automatic system where you get deleted/banned after X amount of reports.
Every other MTG thread devolves into how SJW's are ruining the game
because all you faggots get triggered by that shit. don't reply to them, post/talk about other topics. what's so hard? if you cunts would really want change, there would be no problem, because you would solve it.
This is my first time hearing about furfaggotry; I guess it doesn't bother me or I just don't notice it. The /pol/sjw/r9k/b/whatever/ is getting to be a bit much for me, and the reactions to them aren't much better, if at all. I think alot of us we just need to mellow out.
Yeah, I myself don't mind furfags - each has there own taste and I don't judge it (Same with other odd stuff like vore), but /pol/ crap is just...brainmelting, I kind of want to learn where to become a mod just to stop it for once.
I see you furfags. You have /trash/ now, just stay there please.
>It's not, it's just a few shitposters who found out that we don't have a mod.
Unfortunately, we have a mod.
He's just a /pol/tard who hates people having fun incorrectly.
What a hell even is /trash/, also I am just a person who acknowledges he has fetishes (maiesophile myself, so fur stuff not for me), and this is why I am in no place to judge others, as are you
Impregnation itself, or showing?
Belly and just growth of figure as a whole
Veeky Forums just needs to learn not to bite on every single piece of bait and the quality of life here will improve significantly.
This should be written as one of the entering rules
Even bait threads can be fun and productive, if approached a certain way.
Depends on the setting
So is that a "yes I only report people I disagree with?"
Also I've seen plenty of MTG threads start with people freaking out over /pol/ when /pol/ isn't even there. There is no raid, it's just a bunch of retards getting taken advantage of because they've whipped themselves up into a paranoid frenzy.
>it’s another “weebposter tries to blame the furry boogeyman” episode
You DO realize most of the people here know by now what a predictable little crybaby you are by now, right? Why don’t you take your countless “Stat my FOTM waifu!” threads back to /a/ already?
>There is no raid, it's just a bunch of retards getting taken advantage of because they've whipped themselves up into a paranoid frenzy.
Gotta say, this is a pretty good tactic.
Continue to make bait threads in your free time, while bumping them to insist that there aren't any bait threads and it's all in their heads. I was a little worried that we might see you boys slacking off once you realized that Veeky Forums wouldn't pretend to be your personal army over Jeremygate, but it's nice to see that you're still sticking it out.
>temporary /pol/ raid
>temporary /pol/
its this
It seems to happen to every board I visit in the end.
>/b/ started off as the birthplace of memes
>now it's just a bunch of faggots wanking over traps and kids shows
>/gif/ had good YLYL threads, fight threads, and decent memes
>now it's just shemales, weird fetish porn, and "lol loud so funny" threads
>/pol/ started off as a place that pointed out hypocrisies, launched attacks on attention whores, and would work in coordination to hunt down pedos
>now it's nothing but flag hating, unironic nazi loving, and shitpost threads
>/x/ started off with cool threads about supernatural events and monsters
>ends up with "lol sucubus", am vamp AMA, chemtrails man!
>Veeky Forums used to have comfy creature pic threads and setting discussions
>now it's just a bunch of faggots talking about how dwarves and elves hate each other, how many "that guys" they've seen, and stupid 40k threads
>/tv/ was a place to discuss decent shows, point out more indie work, and talk about latest episodes
>now it's just Star Wars memes, DC vs Marvel, and weak shitposting
The absolute fucking state of Veeky Forums now.
Please don't visit Veeky Forums
I've never known Veeky Forums to be anything other than shit, to be honest.
Literally any response I do or do not give you will reaffirm your position in your paranoid mind, so I want to give you this response:
Turtle pecan banana split sundae.
It's downright impressive how bad this post is.
The only board I go on that's even slightly passable is /k/ as they still arent a big traffic board, but I could see that ending at any point.
past homeboards in order were /b/, /pol/, /k/, /p/, and now Veeky Forums. I should probably just leave this shitty website at some point but the art and humor here speak to me
>Turtle pecan banana split sundae.
Oh shit, he said the code words to turn the raid up to 11!
10+ years of using Veeky Forums here. I agree. It honestly makes me sad
Water is wet. You'd be surprised how often people forget this.
Bait threads can be great, we've just been responding to the shittier bait and pasta
I can't believe I'm defending the mods but here goes:
Veeky Forums has goddamn good mods. They piss me off and I disagree with them but they're better than most by a country mile. You seem to be upset that they are being neutral, and conclude that they are your enemies politically. They are not. I am probably strongly opposed to you politically, for reference, and am a natsoc /pol/ack who likes tabletop. When this shitstorm started a month ago I received a day ban for mentioning my beliefs in response to being asked, and another a few days later under similar circumstances. I have watched them improve their response since then, as it evolved into deletion of specific overly political posts, and now to autosaging bait threads, while still respecting the basic autistic need for free speech that the shitposters of all politics require and that Veeky Forums considers so ethically sacrosanct. I'm still annoyed by them because mods, and I'm still politely annoyed at those of you who may disagree with me without the same frame of reference that I have, but as long as people aren't baiting me into discussion of politics by saying "I fucking love and trust the CIA don't you user?" I won't feel compelled to disagree and we can play with toys soldiers together. It is extremely frustrating to be unable to respond to overt politicization of one's hobby without being projected on to and accused of being the instigator rather than the responder. We're all under stress right now but we should come together to resolve the real issues and save the violence for the gaming table.
>Bait threads can be great, we've just been responding to the shittier bait and pasta
Back when we had quest threads on Veeky Forums, you really had to launch some top-tier bait to get any replies.
Now the average Veeky Forums poster is so bored that he's clicking on every bait thread just to chase that (You).
Which says a lot about the quality of most other boards.
>slightly below /co/
Slightly below the board that's basically /v/+/tv/+/pol/ except with more drama and fetishposting? Gee, wiz!
With more normies coming to this site, things are going to degrade naturally. Just something that can't be avoided.
>don't bring politics into it
>hwg exists on tg
>Veeky Forums has goddamn good mods. They piss me off and I disagree with them but they're better than most by a country mile. You seem to be upset that they are being neutral, and conclude that they are your enemies politically.
Nah, I'm upset because our mod decided that Field Kit Inspection was a quest thread and so were RISK threads.
Now you can't play RISK outside of /b/, because the threads on Veeky Forums get deleted instantly, and the threads on /qst/ don't get more than one or two players before the thread autosages because /qst/ is a dead board.
Veeky Forums used to have more aspects that encouraged OC; now it has fewer.
Veeky Forums is probably the most autistic, and I mean legitimately legally diagnosed autistic board on this entire site, no question. Take what you will from that observation.
I’d just like to say that general threads feel like they’ve been taking over lately and politicized or not 8ch tg distinctly lacks those threads.
>but we should come together to resolve the real issues
What real issues are those?
>those of you who may disagree with me without the same frame of reference that I have
And this frame is?
Personally I think mods are a bit fast bringing the hammer down on cheesecake, and I think they're a bit slow on things that are blatantly politics flamebait (I do acknowledge that on Veeky Forums especially these things can be a hard call). Overall though, they're not terrible.
Well, most of the time
But SJWs are ruining the game, along with everything else they touch.
Complaining about facists shitting up the 40K containment board is like complaining about furries shitting up a Star Fox forum
Good job, user!
If you keep outright lying, maybe they'll bring quests back!
But this way is better. The quest threads that involved roleplaying and storytelling weren't Veeky Forums related. Now that they're gone, all these bait threads that might barely even tangiently related to even the most obscure board game because they "promote discussion" can flourish.
Why would we want any sort of valuable entertainment, when we can just have the same regurgitated trash every day? That's what Veeky Forums is supposed to be, right?
Fuck quests. The moment they ban those retarded "Demon Hunter" threads, Veeky Forums will finally be free of quest shit.
I think you're aware that it is difficult to discuss card stock quality or art quality in Magic the Gathering right now without being called a woman hating double Nazi. Frankly if double Nazis are the only ones who notice this shit then maybe they're not so bad.
>Fuck quests. The moment they ban those retarded "Demon Hunter" threads, Veeky Forums will finally be free of quest shit.
Until our mod decides that a different part of Veeky Forums is no longer board-related.
You don't really think /qst/ is just the ghetto for quest threads, do you? Our mod moves worldbuilding threads to /qst/ these days.
Trips of truth. When quests were here, it was "look at all the stupid garbage threads, you should complain about those and not quests, besides we don't push anything off the board," and now that they're gone it's "We only had the BEST OF THE BEST bait thread when quests were here, there were literally no bad threads because quests pushed them off!"
It's hilarious, it's been over a year and people are still bitching as though the end is only days away, same as they were day 1.
>Our mod moves worldbuilding threads to /qst/ these days.
Good. They're nothing but anons spamming the answer to some question about their setting. Nobody reads anybody else's, it's just white noise.
I wish it was a containment thread
I know that's like asking 21% of all Veeky Forums to ruin one General at a time but it would be nice
I wonder what your fursona looks like
Yeah. It's a good thing those threads that aren't Veeky Forums related are gone, so we can have more bait threads that aren't Veeky Forums related.
It's a combination of /co/mblr, /r9k/, and /pol/.
Removing quests was a mistake.
>Removing quests was a mistake.
reeeeee stop pretending lots of people on Veeky Forums miss having quests here reeeeee
I'm peripherally aware, but I just put that down to Magic players being Magic players.
That argument is a fallacy though (association fallacy, specifically), being able to recognise shitty art gives double nazis no ground
/tv/ and /v/ are far and away more /pol/ than /co/. /co/ is faggy as hell, and cancerous, but it’s not quite that bad yet.
as an oldfag. what do you think caused this shift in paradigm? is it really just because of a higher traffic?
Not higher traffic in general, but more normies.
Code acknowledged, deploying botnet.
But why would normies be interested in Veeky Forums anyway? its completely anonymous and its design can be obtuse to newcomers. i always thought this would keep most normies not wanting to not become normies away.
Literally any response I do or do not give you will reaffirm your position in your paranoid mind, so I want to give you this response:
Turtle pecan banana split sundae.
It's less normies and more newfags trying to replicate their personal image of how oldfags behave. They drive memes into the ground by treating them with absolute seriousness, have no context for most of their traditions/actions, and act extra edgy and shitty because they think that's what you're supposed to do on Veeky Forums.
Veeky Forums's suffering a lot of problems that all the larger internet communities are dealing with. Everyone has become argumentative and factioned, content creation for the sake of content creation is being lost to the quick thrills of shitposting or trying to farm money or fame, fetishizing depression has lead to dead, joyless people, people now want all of their content in one place even if that means throwing your jerking off habits into your discussion forums, etc. You could say it's a flood of normies or a shift in how people use the internet or whatever, but it's the reality we live in and we need to either learn how to deal or move elsewhere.
On a base level there needs to be some level of policing as a community. I'll go a bit against the grain and say that Veeky Forums isn't as much as a lost cause as some anons, but we need to learn to punish lazy and bait posts with silence instead of responses.
Real world politics is not a subjective term you cockcheese.