>I demand realistic armor!
>But I also demand perfect gender equality in both occupation and ability for heavily armored fighters!
Pick one, retards. If we're already going to have something as unrealistic a d fantastical as ladyknights, why can't we at least spice things up with some equally unrealistic spiky tiddyplate? Seems like a fair trade to me.
I demand realistic armor!
>Pick one, retards.
> If we're already going to have something as unrealistic a d fantastical as ladyknights, why can't we at least spice things up with some equally unrealistic spiky tiddyplate?
Cause I don't want to? This is my setting, I do what I want. Now fuck off.
But the other armor bait thread is still up. Why are you doing this?
>Obligatory "who are you quoting" post
>Obligatory "Sorry OP, we've got our hands full with other, better bait threads so this one might get ignored" post
>Obligatory "/thread" post
>Obligatory "You can't /thread your own post" post
>Obligatory "Sauce?"
>you can't houtengeki your own who are you /threading bait
Damn son, you are butthurt as fuck.
Because the only reason to have ladyknights is because they're hot, and the best way to keep them that way is to make them pure and non-slutty.
>ladyknights (usually either dykes or shotadick cravers)
Now I've heard everything
>another thread died for this
>quests died for this
But user, this regurgitated trash is much better than something with any sort of quality. Why would you want anything else but a low effort bait thread?
-4 strength.
>Quests are less Veeky Forums related than constant anime shitpost bait threads
Th-thanks, Hiroshimoot
Seconding this. I allow ladyknights in my settings, but 8/10 of them are usually tomboys slicking to tapestries of the princess every time.
>Obligatory "/pol/ is at it again" post
>Obligatory "Funny one liner by Carlos" post
>all these (You)s
This thread is now a Carnival thread.
I know, right. Whenever I play in some one else's game and see women anywhere but at the back of the tavern cleaning shit up, I lose my shit completely. I can't fathom how people could get into some as ridiculously unrealistic fantasy setting as one where women could actually be knights. I absolutely can't believe this shit.
I know the feeling, it's so easy to bait Veeky Forums
That's because most people clamoring for ladyknights are c/u/cks
>every time there's a bait thread, questfags rush in to bump it and start a flamewar
>questfags will never stop being mad
I know you are being sarcastic but there is a difference between fantasy elements/things that don't exist in reality but could compared to clearly immersion-breaking unrealistic shit.
Female warriors and bikini armor fall into the latter, so if you are going to cast dumb cunts as stronk independent warriorz, you might as well also dress them up in bikini armor for the viewing pleasure of us guys, as they're both completely unrealistic at that point.
>obligatory cheesecake dump
Ladyknights have always been pure, it's the dyke and /ss/ ladyknights that are the recent invention.
>expecting females to make reasonable demands
>every time there's a bait thread, you rush in to point out people talking about quest threads
>why do so many people on Veeky Forums miss quest threads on Veeky Forums
If only, we had almost zero cheesecake threads and dumps in 2017
Literally the oldest versions of ladyknight tales are all sluts
This guy gets it. If your precious ladyknight waifu is so STRONK and FEMMEPOWERED, then she can """empower""" herself by dressing like a slut.
Isn't there a whole board for quest threads? I ask this rhetorically and really mean please die, or at least fuck off to
>b-bu-b-but you respond to our shitposts with dismissal, that makes you the problem!
>six posters bitching all the time is "so many people"
Butthurt for 482 days, 10 hours and counting :^)
>I allow ladyknights in my settings, but 8/10 of them are usually tomboys slicking to tapestries of the princess every time
>implying the princesses aren't just as bad
Can you explain such a thing as magic in a fantasy setting as concretely as possible? Not really since you will have to compromise at some point by saying something along the likes of: "it is what it is, deal with it". I don't see how ladyknights can't be dealt the same way
Um, the oldest I know of are from Orlando Innamorato and Furioso, and historical Joan of Arc and a handful of women like Florine of Burgundy, all of them were quite pure. Which ones are you talking about? Earlier examples can't really be called knights.
What if all lady knights are just trans? You know like the mtf that go and compete in women sports and shatter records.
Magic or for example fantasy creatures could exist, even in real-life - magic could be explained as some form of super-advanced technology, while fantasy creatures could either be creatures that evolved naturally or were artificially created - e.g, Orcs and Elves being separate branches of humans, etc.
On the other hand, female warriors consists of fundamentally altering the human body itself beyond anything it is like in our world. It only makes sense if your humans are some sort of genetically engineered uber-humans, and in that case you might as well not even bother calling them humans as they're hardly relateable.
Not to mention in the vast majority of most species on Earth, the females are generally weaker than their male counterparts. Yes, I know there are exceptions, but we're talking about humans or elves or such, not hyenas.
Except this never happened.
Literally armored harlots
This is pretty much the only way any "female" warriors are plausible.
Because most feudal societies didn't have time to entertain such brain damage
Neither Joan nor Florine ever fought, they were basically just cheerleaders for their side.
>Not to mention in the vast majority of most species on Earth, the females are generally weaker than their male counterparts.
This isn't true though.
Because there's no "female leagues" to compete in when it comes to knighthood
It's true for most mammalians, which virtually all fantasy races would be unless you're using lots of beastfolk.
>Isn't there a whole board for quest threads?
The problem with /qst/ is that quests were just something that people engaged in while they were in the process of browsing Veeky Forums. Nobody sought out quests specifically to play a quest; they just happened to see one that caught their attention while they were browsing Veeky Forums.
There's no impetus for anyone on Veeky Forums to browse /qst/ because most of the people who played quests only played one specific quest. With /qst/, very few people are eager to spend time browsing a board that ranges from 0% to 0.6% interesting, since the odds are that the one quest they're interested in won't be currently running at the moment they decide to check /qst/.
Basically, /qst/ was a dumb idea that was primarily created because the mod had the ability to do so. It made quests less fun, and it caused people to not have as much fun while browsing Veeky Forums.
Give me 500 examples.
>It's a Veeky Forums bitches about genre tropes because they never actually fucking play a single fucking traditional game but want to be here and shitpost anyway thread
How is that relevant to the discussion? And we don't really know this about Florine, and as for Joan we only know this from her own words in a court. Still, this is irrelevant here, they participated in battles in the same role as knights do, so they were ladyknights. I only gave them as additional examples anyway, we were talking about tales. Bradamante was a knight, fought, and was pure.
Now you are correct.
Open a list of arachnids or something.
It's completely relevant because the implication of being a knight in warfare is that you actually fight, not just cheerlead from the back. Hence, female knights as in the context of fantasy are unrealistic.
Top kek.
>puffy cheeks
God bless Houtengeki
why does Veeky Forums always fall for bait?
It's basically this.
>It's completely relevant because the implication of being a knight in warfare is that you actually fight, not just cheerlead from the back. Hence, female knights as in the context of fantasy are unrealistic.
Dude, we're not discussing the reality of ladyknights. Read this post , I don't think it's very hard to understand. That post is what I was answering to and what we are talking about.
Oh, I see, you're probably a /pol/tard who can't handle a strong woman falling for a superior Saracen cock?
No, your just a misogynistic douchenozzle.
because we can't play games during the day
He says while in an another /pol/ retard meltdown thread.
Looking pure but secretly being lewd is way better than looking lewd.
truly fpbp
This is the sort of quality posts that quests were removed to make room for.
Please post more Houtengeki if you don't mind.
Stacies aren't sluts by definition. Lady knights are all Stacies
>let all these migrants into your country
>but they need help and are less fortunate why won't you help them
Cause I don't want to? This is my country, I do what I want. Now fuck off.
>implying you will ever have a choice
There will never be a vote. Never has been.
>57271183 (OP)
These two things are completely unrelated.
I know right? You barely need to put thought into your bait nowadays, people will bump anything to 50 posts.
That's why you start killing your politicians like the good old days
It's cute that you think it's "your" country.
Ultimatedly it's just fetishes.
Let the virgins believe in virtuous women, they'll grow up some day and if they don't at least they'll be the ones being made a fool of instead of people who don't desserve it.
>quests died for this
thank god, at least is slightly better than quests
It's cute that you think it's "your setting"
>every human race is a carbon copy o humans in our world because I say so.
> amour must be designed just to look cool and with nor real defensive capabilities since it's just fantasy anyway. fuck people being smart and shit, I want things to look good.
the things is user if you don't even try too justify WHY you have tiddy plates and instead whiny about how IN THIS WORLD human women are weaker than men and should not be in combat because of x, y or z, you are just a lazy fuck who can't world build for shit. You aren't solving the first problem you are simply saying "because fantasy" which is fucking worse than any other argument you could make you absolute moron.
Why the fuck would a nun or priestess of the notChristian church be all tarted up?
Sup /pol/
If you look closely I think you'll find this is the board for traditional games.
Sup you heartless commie bastard
I demand cool looking armor, and something more grounded in realism is what I think looks cool. Not something that's actually realistic or would work in the real world necessarily, but something that can trick a know-nothing like me into thinking it'd be viable protection, like pic related. Tiddyplate looks dumb and better be used with severe moderation if I'm going to put up with it.
You have good taste user
... why not both, aside making a false dichotomous choice?
Oh wait, it's a shitposting thread after you got bored with spamming adventure guild threads.
>It's not slutty if she wears a wedding dress whole blowing 12 dudes!
Are you retarded?
>Hurr durr y r humans humans?
Do I really need to walk you through the fact that humans are humans?
So basically, quests are so shit that nobody bothers to go to the board we all wanted them contained to?
Who'da thunk it
>and something more grounded in realism is what I think looks cool.
He says, posting Warcraft/Warhammer tier unrealistic pauldrons, overly ornate plate that protects nothing, and an oversized slab of flat iron he pretends is supposed to be a sword
>we all
speak for yourself, no fun allowed fag.
So you're saying quests were essentially parasites on Veeky Forums's normal traffic and can't survive on their own because they're rarely worth more than passing interest.
I used to participate in quest threads idly out of boredom. Now I just make/bump shitpost threads to pass the time between threads that interest me
I think the user is saying they, when they were regulated, actually did a service to the board in that something like this blatant -4 Strength thread would have been pushed off as it's so fucking old that only shitposting faggots, autists, or shit/pol/sters would think it's good.
Truthfully I'd rather have a ton ofshit quests than something that's should have died with 'elf slave wut do, and 'why is Veeky Forums Christian threads.
>I actively make the board worse on purpose
Man, maybe we shouldn't have banned quests if it means we're losing out on such great posters like yourself...
I used to shitpost in quests too. It's just what I do, except now you have to deal with it too.