How would a human dude go about raising his half-orc daughter, regardless of setting?
How would a human dude go about raising his half-orc daughter, regardless of setting?
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>regardless of setting
>how does a dude of no particular race or culture raise his daughter who is of a separate race or culture from his own
lovingly, of course. what kind of question is this?
Wtf do you mean regardless of setting? without a setting there is no context and the only things you can say are pointlessly general.
same way you go about raising any child as a human dude
>Instill human values
>Teach her human games
>Encourage regular exercise, reading and socialising
>Let her know that true friends are the ones who look past her appearence
>Become a prominent merchant lord within city of residence to ensure you can bribe the teachers/instructors/institutes who would otherwise turn her away as a "filthy halfbreed"
Give her loads of martial training so she can channel her latent aggression into something useful
Depends on how orcs are viewed by society and how exactly does orc and half-ork biology work in this setting that we should disregard.
I don't know but I really hope I can fap to it
By dicking the dautheru.
Well I mean it depends. Is this thinly veiled "my wife's son" thread?
not at all of course
Bananas. Lots of bananas. Regardless of setting, the girl needs potassium.
Is my wife a human? are you implying what you think you are implying?
If so them kill the wife and marry the Daughter.
Teach her maths, literature, arts and sciences, also sports and martial arts, encourage reading and self-improvement, but also teach her about orc culture.
I don’t even know how to raise a daughter, and I’ve got two!
Just try your best, and don’t give away that you’re making it up as you go along?
I hope he'll stick to the libertarian principles of child rearing.
>being an authority for the girl instead of having authority over her
>no punishments
>no rewards
>teaching her to own herself
>respecting his own needs in the relationship with his daughter
>letting her learn, discover, and liberate herself independently
>I don’t even know how to raise a daughter, and my wife's got two!
Are they half-orc?
>no punishments
>no rewards
What is wrong with you, you literal fucking cucks?
Actually, the second one is an Electra Complex, not cuckoldry, you fucking moron.
sure, okay, do that, but dont expect me not to laugh when she turns out to be a brat
i would still help you if( if nececary) you though, despite laughing
>then spend the rest of your life trying to resist the urge to stare at your daughters massive green jugs
Stop making shitty threads just to post cheesecake
No it's fucking not, how can his fucking wife be a human if his daughter is half-orc? Unless he divorced his orc wife or she died, or he otherwise had the daughter before marrying the human.
so shit parenting. Great way to raises a child of any race, don't give them limits don't try to teach them morals, let them "discover themselves." This is in no way you ignoring the most important part of parenting, because you are lazy fuck, by giving some convoluted excuse so you can have some "Me time".
>Implying he isn't as disgusting as an orc, to the point of being an orc(male).
Dude, rewards and no punishments isn't a very good way of motivating your child. I won't say that you should never do it, I think there are situations when punishment is necessary, but for most of the time, it's not very effective, especially rewards.
*rewards and punishments
it works for almost everyone
No it doesn't. I know people whose parents tried to motivate them with rewards, like "if you have good marks this year I'll buy you this and that" and this shit just didn't work.
thats why you need both.
Netiher doenst work.
>Veeky Forums - child rearing
Rewards doesn't work that way. What you describe is a bribe. You need to look for the external factors that make your children repeat their behaviour, and then give them that, without having told them in advance, when they do right. That is when the behavior gets reinforced.
what? have you not read anything about developmental psychology? reward and punishments are literally the only thing you can use in order to teach you child. Stop with the "she will learn by herself and discover herself " crap, You as a parent need to teach her what is right and wrong, because if you don't she will learnt if from somewhere else, not to mention all the other things besides morality you need to make her learn if you don't want to end up with a retarded child.
This makes me want to see a muscular young orc woman with her hair done up wearing fancy noble gowns. So cute.
>>Instill human values
>>Teach her human games
>>Encourage regular exercise, reading and socialising
>>Let her know that true friends are the ones who look past her appearence
All of this presupposes that orcs are nothing but misunderstood green humans. Have you ever considered that savagery may just be part of orcish nature? Have you ever considered that, no matter how many "human values" you try to instill in her, the half-orc will at best resemble a tamed beast? What will you do when some kid tells her she has a big nose and she responds by tearing his throat out? What will you do when she mangles a baker's face for not wanting to give her a sweetroll without payment? How well do you think "but she's so cute!" will hold up in court?
Provide some elves for her to raep.
>reward and punishments are literally the only thing you can use in order to teach you child
Lol no. Your example is the most important part of raising a child. Children imprint and copy their parents.
See that depends on the setting. Some have orcs as irredeemable inherently evil monsters; others have them as "green humans;" many have a mix between the two.
Goblin slayer is well and good, but not every setting is goblin slayer.
>Tip one: Remember your daughter will mature quickly.
Orcs age and mature a little more quickly than humans do. Your daughter will hit the 'terrible twos' at one and a half, and will burn through clothing FAR more quickly than her peers. She may also become irritated with 'childishness' among those that are the same age as her. Encourage her to make friends with older children (while keeping a CLOSE eye on her for the mischief that older kids will get into) and find a good, inexpensive clothing source.
>Tip two: MEAT.
Your daughter is going to require more protein than her peers. Make sure that her diet contains a lot of meat, nuts, and dairy. Meat especially. If you're in an area where it's convenient, teach her how to fish or hunt as a pastime. If you don't know how, LEARN.
>Tip three: Coping mechanisms
Your daughter is going to get angrier than her human peers. Teach her some good coping mechanisms while she's young. Meditation, basic social skills, and the invaluable mantra of "fuck `em if they don't like it".
>Tip four: Boundaries
Make sure that your daughter knows that the only time it's proper to hurt someone else is when someone is going to hurt you. Don't use corporal punishment once she's above the age of four. Positive reinforcement is key.
>Tip five: Romance
Make it perfectly clear to anyone that she romances that you will gut them if they hurt your daughter. That as impressive and intimidating as she can be, you are worse.
>Last tip: Prejudice
You and your daughter will face ostracism and bigotry from all angles. How do you react to this? OVERWHELMING PRIDE. Be proud of her. Be OBNOXIOUSLY proud of her. Support her 110% in anything she wants to do that isn't disreputable or utterly idiotic. Teach her to GET SHIT DONE and do so.
And make it perfectly... perfectly clear that you love her, and always will.
Being a dad is fucking hard work. You won't have all the answers. That's okay. You'll figure it out.
Just keep trying.
Ah, you seem to be of the mind that nature is all that matters in determining someone's general behavior.
You sicken me. Next you'll say that you're a strict behaviorist. Get out of here with that outdated shit, you philistine.
You could always try teach her how to suppress her urges. We humans are also animals, but we manged to suppress most of our animalistic tendencies, granted some of us better than others. I don't see why an ork could not be taught the same thing, as long as she has an outlet this could be accomplished very easily. and you know sex is an excellent outlet for aggressive urges :^)
>this urge gets much more difficult when she hits puberty, a point at which regular orc females go into a mating frenzy and try to pin down the closest thing with a dick, which in her manifests itself as an uncomfortably consistent undercurrent of horniness
>"You're not leaving the house dressed like that, young lady. Go put put on a sweater or something."
So just like normal teens then.
Holy shit, are you an actual psychologist in a fantasy world? Awesome post.
Only without the pretense of dating first.
Just an old friend, really. Thank you.
So just like normal teens at a party then.
It might depend on the kid. I know when I was a kid, punishments didn't stop me from continuing to screw up, and whenever I got a reward it was through any personal effort but only by chance. I think it's important to also explain morales, not just condition the kid like an animal. My parents were terrible at explaining things, and even their punishment/reward system was wildly inconsistent. I had to learn morales and life skills from books, television, and games.
Precisely. Doubly so if beer and/or weed is involved.
A child learns the same way any organism does, by an action/stimuli. If you do x y will happen, if you touch the fire you will get burned, if you eat your stomach pains will go away, etc etc. What you do as a parent is give you child a relatively safe environment in which he can learn without having to suffer harm. If he/she tries, lets say for example, put his/her hand into the fire, you give him some sort of punishment in order to discourage the behavior, of course the punishment needs to be appropriate for the age of the child. You don't want to yell at 2 year old if he tries to put a fork in the electricity socked.
But if you ignore the opportunity and let the child "learn by herself" all you are doing is increasing the risk she has of harming herself. reward and punishment is the tool too
teach you child you can makes sure your child learn what she needs to learn without having to experience the harm learning it in a uncontrolled environment.
Considering half-orcs are not nearly as agressive/impulsive as normal orcs raising one should not be much more different than raising an autistic kid.
That being said if you need to be sick in the head to fuck the average female pureblood orc and probably not fit to be a father.
>Supressing beastly urges by feeding them
>Implying man can ever truly become the master of his own imperfect nature
Where do I even begin?
>This makes me want to see a muscular young orc woman with her hair done up wearing fancy noble gowns. So cute.
There's a two-part comic about that
Depends on whether his wife is an orc
Yeah, but like all the time and without normal age/relation parameters, so she secretly wants to fuck you but won't admit it.
For the purposes of this discussion, his ex-wife is an orc and the mother of his daughter. His current wife is a dragonborn.
well yes, one of the major problems parents have is making sure the child understand the reason for the "punishment" and why it got a reward. Plus parents need to be consistent with what they say, if the promise something the must keep their word instead of actin emotionally on a situation.It is hard to act unemotionally, especially if involve your child, but if punishment is just a way for the parent to vent his frustration at the child them it does more harm than good.
Really? You can't just say that without sauce dude.
Upvoted my friend
I think OP assumes he's a single father.
Mate, orc blood is particularly resilient. It takes something like eight generations of mating with humans for a 'half orc' lineage to produce a kid that's not identifiable as "orcy" at a glance.
Also, autistic? Are you fucking nuts? With autistic kids you have to worry about stimming, varying levels of verbal coherency, fixations on particular things, and sensory issues. With orc kids, you have to worry about anger issues, dietary peculiarities, quick growth, and racism. Not the same AT ALL.
>Really? You can't just say that without sauce dude.
I was hoping somebody else would have it but hang on and I'll look for it
/pol/ what are you still doing here?
Orcs are old, of old kind and nature, and this is reflected in their mannerisms and temperament, even in half breeds. Fortunately, many schools exist to acclimatize such crosses into human culture, and the Orc outreach programs are there for those that wish not. The latter is particularly helpful, since humans are pretty min-maxed into cooking with little flexibility, a more jack of all stats like Hu-Orc need the options for Global Balance, as per World Rule 207.2.
It's not like the child is a cross with one of the savage tree fucking elves.
My setting has no generations of racemixing, half-orcs are always literally half-orcs and dont reproduce
>king spends millions of gold on no orc left behind programs
>orcs still leave school/apprenticeships and terrorize the countryside
Probably teach her it's okay to fuck her dad if she looks like that.
Have this in the meantime
So, Orc == hominid Donkey analogue? Okay.
aww so precious
Fuck off you just wanted to post that fetish picture.
Dude, that's how many cross-species hybrids work.
>but daaaad zug
>enough! You're a god dam Johanson , not a whore
Humans were asking for it.
City guardsmen kill innocent orcish youth all the time.
>Simple-minded savagery being bad in business
Its like you don’t want your inhumanly-colored child to be president.
>"Dad i'm not a little kid anymore i'm taller than you!"
Definitely wouldn't let her dress like a slut i.e. OP pic.
Part 2
Nah, its for mystical reasons, races created by gods such as orcs cannot interbreed indefinitely because the offspring becomes unstable and unable to draw the required soul from the positive plane to sire a child
>wanting orcs to just be green humans instead of a different species
Copied from the archived thread where user talked about the drawfag here tl;dr Valla was in a party that wanted to go to a fancy ball.
Valla is naive and a bit brutish.
She bought a practical dress for mobility.
Elf cunts made fun of her for having no grace or etiquette.
She couldn't fend their insults away with her lower intelligence.
Stormed out crying.
But someone requested she get a happy ending, and the same artist that drew delivered
Oh, didn't notice you had both parts there.
Here's a bigger version of page 2.
Thank you! This makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside
So Orks are not fungus in your setting and they have souls? way to make me not want to kill them.
Teach her honor then.
Because fuck that's going to be the most common thing you all have.
Wait does the ex have visitation rights?
You can still kill them user, justice demands you do.
What, do you refuse to kill humans and suchlike in RPGs? Weird.
Shouldnt the fact they have souls make you feel better about it?, they are going to hellish valhalla after you slaughter them.
Well goblins and orks are depicted as a one sex species that mates with the opposite gender from other species in order to breed. In this setting I'm guessing the gender orks have is females and the genetic power of the humans in question is so strong it overpower the genetic superiority of the ork, used to make their offspring orkish, to some extent creating a half breed. So if said half-bred can mate is entirely debatable .
>Wait does the ex have visitation rights?
For the purposes of this discussion, yes, but the kingdom is currently under siege by the Dark Lord Allgon, the king has been slain, and a revenant-knight unjustly sits on the throne dispensing the cruel torments of his black master, so the judicial system is temporarily in flux.
For the purposes of this discussion, the father is Chaotic Good.
>Chad swoops in for the kill
>not every setting is goblin slayer.
Well you are certainly right, some settings are 40k too.
>Don't use corporal punishment once she's above the age of four. Positive reinforcement is key.
Also, she will be stronger than you at that point.
If they have souls like humans they can be considered the creatures of the same level of existence. If they are not only sentient but also on the same level of existence metaphysically than humans it makes hard for me to kill every single one i see if i want to be moral.
Oh, no. Not at four. At four, she'll be about as strong as your average six year old - so yeah, she'll be able to punch you hard enough for it to sting (if she's lucky) but no worse.
You want to cut off corporal punishment at four because A) she's "a big girl now" and you can trust her to understand your words instead of getting smacked, which will build pride, trust, and get her used to proper social norms, and B) you don't want to wait until she is, as you said, stronger than you to cut off spanking, because then she'll have it in her head that physical responses to anger are acceptable, and she'll have few issues smacking the SHIT out of you if she gets particularly angry in her teens.
As I said - positive reinforcement is key.
Go read the dojins