Have fun at FNM guys but don't bring children as WOTC endorses pedophilia.
Have fun at FNM guys but don't bring children as WOTC endorses pedophilia
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That's weird. You think a game with very expensive cardboard would have better things to have zero tolerance towards, like thieves.
Hey Jeremy, cool down with the spamming or Youtube will ban your channel again.
>bullying young children is okay
>bullying women isn't.
Wizards literally implying women are more emotionally vulnerable and incapable than children.
Get bent Jeremy
Literally what is the issue? The average MTG player is like 30. It's a tournament, not a fucking daycare center.
that's funny, the image you posted actually says that they have zero tolerance for pedophilia
How does
>>"We have a zero-tolerance policy for sex offenders"
mean they condone pedophilia?
Are you retarded or something?
You people are getting really aggressive all of all sudden
I don't get it it just says don't diddle people or you're banned.
We're being "raided" but it's a really pathetic raid because Veeky Forums isn't a very important board anymore so nobody really cares, plus it gives people something to do while they wait for other, better threads to update.
He's a polfag (watch, he's going to comment >muh /pol/, just you wait), and /pol/fags have selective schizophrenia
Apparently the "scandal" is that Wizards doesn't run background checks on MTG judges. Which 1) is a complete fucking non-issue, 2) would be a huge pointless cost and 3) would actually be illegal in a lot of countries.
Can we get back to the real issues, like how there are no tits in art anymore?
Because the statement is incongruous with the fact there are a bunch of registered sex offenders still judging events.
"Safety at magic events is our top priority" This is pure hypocrisy as their actions do not do anything to prevent predators from joining their ranks. They have recognized this by saying "Magic Judges, a fan-run community and seperate from WOTC" this means that they do not take any credit or enforce any rules towards preventing predators from becoming a authoritative figure (judges) where children are present.
Hey Jeremy, you forgot to link your videos for more views.
it's not? they suspend offenders that they know about. when they find out about offenders, they suspend them. if there are offenders that they don't know about, the proper course of action is to report them through the channels indicated so that they can be removed, not to allege a vast conspiracy for incredibly retarded and blatant partisan reasons.
>registered sex offenders still judging events
Literally how the fuck is this a problem? Should people just stop living if they end up on that list or something? You know the average magic player is like 35 years old, right?
Well, if it's really as shitty as literally having publicly-registered sex offenders as judges, that's a pretty fucking easy fix given that sex offender databases exist for a reason.
And the fact that they are intentionally pushing the judges as a separate organization to remove any possible liability.
>And the fact that they are intentionally pushing the judges as a separate organization to remove any possible liability.
It's called being a fucking business you retard
>volunteers get rewarded with goodboy points
>goodboy points in any community can be seen as a currency
>some how not a employee or contractor working for wotc
Intentional servitude.
Did Jeremy give you good boy points for doing this user?
Worst thing about this is that it isn't even from the official WoTC twitter page.
>I can't come up with an argument so I'm going to call you a shill
At least you were clever about it
Slavery was and is a business too user.
Yeah, and? All you're doing is describing how it works. You're not saying a single word about how it's supposedly wrong. Of course a company like WotC is going to take steps to avoid legal liability. That's simply the smart thing to do, the correct way to do things in business. Why the fuck would you intentionally put your company in danger if you could avoid it?
Jeremy is not a bright fellow.
I mean, Islam says it's all about peace, feminists say they're all about equality and antifa say they're against fascism but we all know those are blatant lies.
They can ban a guy from their events and spy on his social interactions, but apparently checking to make sure their employees and volunteers are pedophiles is too hard.
eat my shorts, friendo
did you know that hitler was an animal lover. If you like animals than you're a fucking nazi
that's the logic you're going on
Read it carefully. Put on your big boy pants we can go through this together. "Magic judges, a fan-run community"
Judges are not endorsed, paid for, or sponsoring the judge program.
>It's called being a fucking business you retard
It's called avoiding bad PR, retard. And they're rolling in it currently.
you just put what I said in to different words, but for some reason you're acting as if this proves me wrong
>And they're rolling in it currently.
You think you're such a bigshot huh? Noone gives a fuck about your shit Jeremy.
Jeremy is a dickbag who made his "career" shittalking other MTG youtubers until a Z-list E-celebrity decided to shove him under a bus for that, and shock and horror, he found nobody to defend him. He's running this "WotC endorses child rapists" angle as a desperate ploy to get some type of revenge.
Permabanning him from the game was/is overkill on WotC's part (especially since it involves closing his MTGO account, which should never happen unless you're cheating on MTGO somehow), however he's a piece of shit and I have no sympathy for him. Any supposed MTG youtuber who makes more videos of other youtubers than of the actual game is cancerous.
There's no revenge in this. He's just drumming it up for views and patreon bux.
>still playing mtg
There's definitely an element of revenge, he's salty as fuck about being permabanned. You can see it in him plain as day.
found the child molester guys
Not a child molester, user. That's a loaded word. He's just a paedosexual.
>but apparently checking to make sure their employees and volunteers are pedophiles is too hard
How many people do you think that is? Give me a number. Keep in mind that every fucking FNM in every fucking store in the fucking WORLD has some kind of a judge in it. And you're telling me they should run a background check on each and every one? For fucking what? To keep them from molesting the one fifteen-year-old in the room full of 30-something neckbeards? Are you that retarded?
user is not your personal army Jer.
What *are* the important boards, and why isn't Veeky Forums included? 0.o
>Should people just stop living if they end up on that list or something?
it would be nice if there was a death penalty for them considering they can't be cured and re-offend at high rates.
Also they are usually prohibited from being around children, not sure how they can play MTG at stores with that restriction unless they are violating terms of their release.
/pol/ and /b/ are like 80% of the traffic
Good job dodging the question fuckboy. How the fuck is it a problem, even IF there was an actual serial child rapist in the store? How is that anybody's business? It's not a fucking daycare center. You're not supposed to leave your kids unattended in there to begin with. And let's not fucking ignore the fact that the store is going to hvae other people in it, such as, I dunno, the OTHER PLAYERS, THE STORE OWNER, any fucking CUSTOMERS that happen to wander in. What the fuck do you think is going to happen? Even IF we assume that some Magic judge is the god of rapists who will instantly stick his dick into any kid if he's not watched 24/7?
Don't forget that the list is overused. Public urination can get a person on that list. Having a drunk SO assault a person can possibly get *them* on the list rather than the SO. List really needs to be more restricted.
Maybe you should look up how people get to the sex offender list son. It's way easier than you think.
Real life example: You dated a girl that was six months younger than you. She broke up with you and said you raped her. BAM, registered sex offender.
The accusations have them at knowingly employing registered sex offenders.
While not necessarily illegal it does raise a stink.
>knowingly employing registered sex offenders.
read op's pic and try again
The accusations, not what actually happened
I'm talking about the accussations not her statement. The accusations what's his name has made about certain judges having prior convictions/offending while being judges or kicked out over different reasons.
The whole thing is retarded, whichever side is right.
Again, what the fuck is the problem?
Let's skip that it's unlikely you can ever prove that "knowingly" part in any way if they don't do background checks in the first place and focus on the main point. What the fuck is the problem? Am I supposed to just stop thinking and fill my brain with blind rage when I see the words "sex offender"? Just five years ago I was arguing that list is bullshit to begin with since you can get on it for doing nothing, literally fucking nothing, some type of he-said-she-said situation that never got proven, and now I'm supposed to believe that everyone on it is such a vile beast that they shouldn't be allowed to live their lives even after being freed? Fuck off with that shit.
I'd unironically cheer if somebody nuked Hasbro off the map. Those fuckers haven't done anything good in like 20 years.
You know what?
I agree
talking about convicted pedos only, as in the MTG judges that WoTC didn't do anything about.
I know you can get on the list for some BS reasons and should have been more clear.
I'm not promoting shit, just filling the guy in on what's going on and why she wrote these tweets.
I don't even like MtG, just keep up with the news.
Andy "you touch my kid, I'll put a round through your head" Warski is gonna solve all of MTGs problems.
You'd unironically cheer on the loss of human life entirely because they are a toy manufacturing company that you believe hasn't made anything good recently. Congratulations, you just made yourself sound like a genuine sociopath.
Jesus, who pissed in your cereal?
replace "sex offenders" with convicted pedophiles then, since that's the case. We're not talking about people who did nothing.
Wait, are they actually Paedos?
I'm not the one that's in favor of the thousands of employees of a toy-manufacturing corporation being subjected to a nuclear holocaust entirely because I don't believe that they made good enough toys recently.
>An obvious hyperbole to express his contempt with a company.
>Taking it literally.
The only proof they have is from a guy who was just recently banned for life by wizards.
Also, reminder that a year ago these guys crying wolf are the same people who screamed at wizards for banning a sex offender from mtg tournaments.
Please be patient, he has autism.
Also turn on your adblocker to ensure Jeremy doesn't get ad money.
Jeremy, i still think you should do the 'suing the big brudda' patreon before the limelight is over. Think of how much money you can swipe off these mouthbreathers.
Yeah I know about the video and the accusations, due to past events with him I remain slightly skeptical as the evidence isn't exactly rock solid (or so it seems to me at least).
Yes but that's not a reason to dismiss the accusations, the issue should still be examined and Wizards response isn't exactly confidence building.
>linking that tool
holy FUCK these keyboard communists hate that guy for saying a cosplayer is a retarded skank so much that they've decided to defend pedophiles just to spite him for having brought this to everyone's attention
Calm down, Jeremy. Don't you have some porn you should be jacking off to behind your wife's back?
Have you crushed that thumbs up button for your bearded overlord user. Do it now slave.
You're baiting, right?
I hope to fucking god that you're baiting
Do degenerate things win degenerate prizes.
Yes but the accusations do feature the charges laid against the judges. So what's his name needs to provide evidence of both the charges and Wizards knowledge of them.
>your proof doesn't matter because I hate you for insulting mlady
This whole thread is cancer. Mostly the people complaining about the pol bogeyman under their beds.
Puh-lease. Don't pretend you deeply care about the lives of people you have never met.
Last time I checked my SS uniform under my bed didn't have a Pole in it.
Just remember that this is another example of sjw shitbags desperately defending pedophiles. It happened during gamergate, it killed neogaf and it's happening again now. SJWs always lie, SJWs always project and SJWs (apparently) always defend pedophiles
>>le /pol/ boogreman
Nobody uses the word "bogeyman" but /pol/
Nor do I wish death on them. I might disagree with what you type but I'm not about to ask you to kill yourself because I disagree with you.
there's like one post defending pedophiles. 90% of the thread agrees that pedophile judges should be removed. that is not the point at argument here.
Right around here was the point where the thread irrecoverably turned to shit
We're not actually defending pedos, we're just tired of your bullshit
>This ignorant of a website's culture.
>This ignorant of the use of exaggeration in the English attitude.
>This holier than though attitude.
You're a real life of the party.
>zero tolerance for sex offenders
That's fucking retarded if you know actually know what counts as a sex offense.
The accusations are clearly wrong; they didn't employ them, and they didn't do it knowingly.
At absolute worst, you could call them negligent for not knowing they were pedophiles. On the other hand, the issue is clearly being blown out of proportion by people arguing in complete bad faith.
Fair point, they didn't employ them.
They keep the judges away from WOTC because they're too fucking cheap to compensate them. If they acknowledge that judges basically work for them they have to compensate them.
And there's no evidence, and no reason, to suppose that they permitted them to keep their organizational status and be involved with judging while knowing.
What's his face's accusations have them at knowing the criminal history of some of the judges if not their domestic situations.
Even if it is a case of negligence it's still very severe if true.
>Hi Mark! Looking through the complete gallery of Rivals of Ixalan makes me wonder. Is there a reason there are far more cards that depict women gleefully inflicting violence on men than the other way around? I also remember how you guys publically apologized for the artwork on Triumph of Ferocity. It almost seems like your 50/50 gender equality principle is somewhat sketchy. One might even accuse you of moral hypocrisy and dishonesty. Or is that just another case of the pendulum swinging?
He probably won't respond to this on his tumblr.