You must choose one and only one, Veeky Forums:
Ladyknights or Amazons.
Make your choice, but choose wisely.
You must choose one and only one, Veeky Forums:
Ladyknights or Amazons.
Make your choice, but choose wisely.
Lady Knights
Can amazons become lady knights?
I choose for you to fuck off.
Which ones wear more Plate?
Nothing I like more than a gallant dame in her riding chaps and corset, astride a horse, bearing a wooden lance as she trains for her next joust, what what!
Ladyknights, but it's all boobplate
Then they'd stop being Amazons
Dammit, still going with Boobplate Lady Knights.
They better be prim and proper.
Pertaburo did nothing wrong
>Picture of Angron
Best primarch pic related
But....that's just a space marine. Russ wouldn't wear the pelt of one of his siblings....
boobplate is way better than battle bras anyways
Depends on which one has the stronger muscles to embrace me lovingly in.
the knights for me
kicking ass
with chivalry
Riding squirrels
and wearing pink
don't give fuck
'bout what you think
Like something written
by Edmund Spenser
She's an automated calculated
death dispenser
With a two foot sword
and a bird on her head
she comes out out the night
and she kills you dead
Yeah ladyknights
the knights for me
kicking ass
fuck, i dont even know if i can answer this question without tearing my soul in two
Well, he was neither an Amazon or a ladyknight, so that's two things wrong right there
>Doesn't wolf his wolf
Stay mad TSoy
Mighty keks were had, my delusional soyboy friend.
>but it's all boobplate
Begone, heretic.
That squire you posted has some serious DSL, dude.
Amazons because at least they're honest about being blatant fetish fuel
Lady knights are the obvious choice, they got your back and aren’t bogged down by primitive tribal thinking. Plus they can wear cloaks and sexy plate
>they got your back
Not in combat, where it truly matters. Ladyknights are glorified cheerleaders whereas Amazons actually hold their own in battle
While ladyknights
might be marginalia
their presence here
need cause no hysteria
To mock chivalrous knights
the monks added notes
of knights fighting snails
or rabbits on stoats
or women in armour
(what defeat could be worse
than a chivalric babe
with a squirrel and a purse?)
Don't be tempted to cite
Elanor or Joan
for the first was a queen
and the second unknown
They are a figment,
like amazons
of a poetic ideal
from an era long-gone
So don't soy-l your britches
and insist they existed
you've got it all wrong
your ideas are twisted
Neither 'knight nor 'zon
were historical facts
but historical fiction.
Considering that,
The ladyknight
has superior style
(a list of her virtues
I have upthread compiled).
Bodypaint, scars, and pelts >>> some bland armor
Nice opinion, but even if my compatriot can’t fight, she’s wearing armor and can act as a shield, or we can just fight in formation with pole arms. Also, I doubt amazons can fight as well as you say they do
>she’s wearing armor and can act as a shield
Darkness isn't even the best waifu of that show, though I'll concede she's breddy gud
You cut that heretical shit out right this moment.
Don't tell me you prefer discount Lina. I will be disappointed in you.
>Is strong and will help make you strong like her if you want
>What she lacks in booksmarts she more than makes up for in practical knowledge
>Isn't some listless rich snob who can't function without servants
>Down to fuck literally all the time
>Will give you strong children, unlike inbred nobles
>Will fuck up anybody who talks shit about you
>Can pick you up
>Sexy abs and thick thighs
Ladyknights can't even compete.
I pick the one in pic.
Nah, but Megu is unassailable in her position as best.
Next is rookie succubus
I'm disappointed in you, but not as much as I could have been. I shall agree to disagree, for those are okay opinions you are spouting, even if they're not the most correct.
>Horns and a tail.
This is not proper Dragon Quest. I don't like this.
I think everyone can agree that Megumin and Darkness are competing for first place, and are both different flavors of fun. Meanwhile, Aqua is just the worst and deserves every bad thing that happens to her.
Darkness also technically deserves every bad thing that happens to her, but she likes it so I guess that makes it okay.
Megumin deserves only light bullying, definitely not the sadsack life she had before stumbling onto Kazuma's gang.
Yunyun deserves a hug, and will never get one.
>Aqua is just the worst and deserves every bad thing that happens to her.
>Yunyun deserves a hug, and will never get one.
I shouldn't have doubted you.
need barefoot
>while not as strong as an Amazon she still has the mental and physical fortitude to go through squires hip and further to knighthood
>not only is she smart but she has the book knowledge to adapt to most battlefield obstacles
>willing to expend her vast wealth to a higher cause, her servants are now her shield bearers
>not a slut, willing to commit to a relationship as long as it doesn’t interfere with her holy mission
>will also give you strong children, and have the money to raise them properly with education and minimum sickness
>will challenge someone to a duel for talking smack about you
>you can pick her up
>athletic body, not a gross steroid body
Lady knights win without a doubt
>Everyone always hating on Aqua.
I like Aqua...
What kind of person does that make me?
A crazy cultist trapped in a pyramid scheme of evangelical recruitment?
Why must you make me chose OP?
I'm going to have to go with amazons, more likely to playfully bully me and be tall enough I only come up to her abs
Nigger, I've loved explosions since before Megumin was even a thing, so of course I'd be charmed by a girl who gets explosions the way I do. Nice Hollystone remains my waifu to this day for that a whole host of other things. Like scars and eyepatches.
>not all sluts
You realize a proud race of savage warriors already exists in real life right? It's not a good or sexy thing.
Fuck you I pick delicate princess. All muscle girls are a shit fucking fetish and tomboys are a M E M E.
>delicate princess.
We only have princesses (male) here on Veeky Forums, I'm afraid
> peasant
Have fun dying of disease
Knight women are best women
Amazons. I'd rather be ravished and kept naked than courted and kept "decent".
But women can't be knights
And men can't be pussies..oh wait they can be....they can be bigger pussies than most women...
Not him, but those are fighting words. You got proof to back them up you dickless faggot
>they can be bigger pussies than most women...
Objectively false
Well it's tough.
Any woman could become a knight, but being an amazon is dependant on your birth.
Gonna have to go with the daughters of Ares.
Amazons. Not even a competition really.
Amazon war parties that keep me as a communal whore.
You're not a whore unless you're getting paid, son
Communal slut, then. Whatever.
>Implying the communal whore doesn't get paid in food, alcohol, and nightly cuddles
>those photoshopped abs
This. The payment is being taken care of, and that's all I need.
Gender upgraded muscle catgirls.
I definitely like the way you think user
Boobplate is more real and historically accurate than female knights.
Are you retarded?
He's right, though. Hell, erect plate dicks are more realistic than ladyknights
True, no such thing as lady knights but that doesn’t stop you from being retarded
Also where are you getting these ideas? I’ve never seen boob or dick armor before, however it’s not like I’m an expert on armor
What they mean is that boob/dick armor is impossible but ladyknights are MORE impossible
Codpieces are definitely dick armor as much as any boobplate is boob armor.
Well, not sure exactly what they mean by boob plate.
If they mean "designed to be the idealised nude torso" then there's the ancient greek muscle cuirass.
If they mean "round pectoral plates" there's always the samnite breastplate. Although usually it's got three of them (one in the belly)
Amazons of course
What're you gay or something?
>when you have to wear armor into battle
>but you want everyone to be mirin
No, knight is mostly an honorary title, basically knight means those assholes on the horse wearing armor.
This must restrict too much movement, I’m guessing it’s mostly used in tournaments. The highly stylized armor supports this claim
Boobplate usually means armor that has space made for women’s breasts, which is stupid. If a women was to wear armor they could just wear regular armor or chain mail
Right, thanks for proving your point.
Yeah, but why wouldn't your amazons wear muscle cuirass designed to look like the ideal?
Ideally, Amazons should wear nothing. They don't need armor to show an ideal body, because they already *have* the ideal body.
nonsense, what about leotards? Or diapers?
Well that is also a good Greek way to fight.
Gross dude, besides, everyone knows the best Amazons wear fur bikinis and tribal paint
Amazons. If I'm going to go straight, they better put up one hell of a fight.
>I’ve never seen boob or dick armor before
Because you've never actually looked at armor before
>however it’s not like I’m an expert on armor
And yet it doesn't stop you from talking out of your ass and calling others retarded in your ignorance.
I choose none of your magical realms.
Amazons are more fun to fight
>less advanced tactics
>less advanced weapons
>less rigid understanding of warfare makes the occasionally try something new
>more feisty
>easier to "unpack" once defeated
Also make better slaves
>good endurance
>good genetics for breeding
>are also slaveholders, so expect this
In terms of conversation and entertainment value they are about equal. Lady knights are more educated, but it's usually full of history and faith, while amazons know less overall stuff, but more classical philosophy, geometry and practical knowledge. Poetry they both are capable of, but amazons are more inclined towards erotic or heroic poetry.
Only disadvantage is Ladyknights have the superior code of honour.
amazons because i'm in femdom stuff
ofc ladyknights.
Both chose the right choice for different reason. However, only one had the superior taste.
If I was a soldier and my General lead me and my fellow troops to a field to do combat and that was what we had to face. I'd think it was some joke like the Gerneral was so pleased with the seige last month that he bought harlots for the entire testudo as a treat.
Someone’s butthurt
>Because you've never actually looked at armor before
I have seen armor before, just not all of it
>calling others retarded in your ignorance.
You’re retarded and can suck my codpiece
>I have seen armor before, just not all of it
Ornate codpieces is armor 101, dummy.
>You’re retarded and can suck my codpiece
You mean the codpiece you claim doesn't exist?
Amazons, so I can use pic related as the PCs family and neighbours
>but the PCs are men
"Well sons, there's something we have to talk about. The truth is, none of you is adopted. I just never got around to dumping you with your fathers' families as is our custom. I just never got around to it, what with the Troll War and the Epic Beer Raid and the Get A Bath War... What I'm saying is, you're grown now, things are starting to get weird with your sisters and the neighbours' girls, and your fathers are out there owing you the inheritance you're due as their sons. I've taught you all I know about fighting, sailing, beer and ribald poetry, now it's time to go out there and put it to good use."
>Girly knight
>B Tier
>A Tier
>Cute tomboy knight with a complex
>SSS+++++ TIER
good taste
>Waifuing literally brain damaged used goods that cums their brains out to another man's dick right in front of you
Ladyknightfags confirmed for cucks
>Ornate codpieces is armor 101, dummy
Objectively false
>You mean the codpiece you claim doesn't exist?
I can learn, and you’ll learn to love my metal balls
where in that post was cuckoldry mentioned?
Well, it's certainly better than having to face huge, woad-painted, hairy, unwashed, naked men
picts related