>Dice pool system
>Player rolls for something
>"Oops, missed a die"
>Rerolls the entire pool plus the die that they missed before anyone can say anything
How do you deal with this?
Dice pool system
Automatic failure.
I politely explain that's not how we do things in this group, make sure they understand the proper protocol, and then get on with the game.
Basically the same as the others have stated. Give'em a warning the first time, after that start punitive measures.
What's wrong with letting them having the missed die?
Like all other Veeky Forums problems, and most interpersonal problems in general, it's dealt with by talking to the other party like a mature adult.
I had a GM who literally enforced this for the longest time before someone talked him out of it.
Do they always do this? If they do it on a good roll as often as a bad roll, then it's fine. If they only do it when it seems like they'd want to, then NEWP.
The part where they got a free reroll on everything else. You and I both know that no one would do that if they liked the look of their results.
Definitely stop them and explain that they only need to reroll the one die
If they say they still want to or they are too fast to stop them, state how next time the difficulty of each task will increase per re-rolled die, and keep the promise.
This. If it happens again, then you know they're cheating. Also, don't play with people you don't trust.
You stop being an autist, realize is a game of pretending to be, and continue with the game because you actually are here for the fun.
Tell them not to cheat.
Sigh and accept their antics if they are a sperg who says it isn't a legal roll and is completely willing to reroll incredibly good pools on account of the missed die.
>How do you deal with this?
I stop playing dice pool systems.
Without roll there is no game autist, you can go pretend in your head if you do this.
Countering a bad decision with a worse decision, you'd be at home managing ww1
As a DM, I genuinely prefer players reroll the entire pool due to both my own personal Dice Pool superstitions and also due to That Guy trying to bowl with his "missing die" to fix his roll.
This. total rerolls are fine and good with me as a GM.
If he does it every time he forgets a die I'll let him keep doing it. I'll just pay more attention.
If there are times when he rerolls all of them and other times where he only rerolls the 'forgotten' die, then we get to have a talk about him looking like he's cheating.
Shouldn't matter either way, as long as the group's consistent about it.
>You and I both know that no one would do that if they liked the look of their results.
Why I started DMing with my newbie friends, it took them five sessions before they remembered when they wanted high or low values. Before that they would reroll every single one without a second thought.
And it actually did fuck them over a few times because of it.
Tell them you will let it slide this time but that next time it will stand so be sure to roll all dice in the pool any left out wont be counted.
I read faster than anyone else in my gaming group, so I can usually tell what they rolled the first time. Generally, it's average, so rerolling the entire pool usually only hurts them. Most of my players just reroll the one die. We're all very aware that a +1 can make the difference between life and death. Statistics mean nothing when you're actually rolling the dice.
You either have to stick to re-rolling the whole thing or keeping the broken rolls with a fix.
I'm a pretty big stickler about re-rolling errors completely since it's a huge source of even unintentional cheating. If the roll looks good, you're likely to say, "Eh, just add 2 to that, I fucked up." If it looks bad, you're more likely to want to re-roll the whole thing.
Like I said, it's usually unintentional, don't need to be a dick about it, but you can't be giving the guy who makes mistakes all the time an advantage. You especially don't want someone purposely doing it.
Yet there are 20+ replies after it
It's easier to just reroll the whole correct pool than to police somebody trying to bump the die that rolled a "1" to literally anything else while adding the last die. Though I guess with unlimited tablespace anything is possible.
Though i agree, consistency is key regardless.
Always reroll all dice. If you accidentally roll too many you can't just remove one at random.
>Reeeee my player cheated a roll!!! The game is RUINED, RUINEEEEEEEED REEEEEEEEE
The game is ruined if you're regularly permitting people to cheat rolls. Like it or not, there is a GAME part of ROLE PLAYING GAME and that requires some form of rules and structure.
My games are very RP heavy but that doesn't mean that it wouldn't be spoiled if people could just reroll whenever they didn't like an outcome.
Laugh riotously.
>Oops i missed a factor in DC calculations