I’ll be running Maid with only two players. What’s a good kind of scenario to run that’ll suit the dynamic of a pair of Maids and a Master best?
I’ll be running Maid with only two players...
Buddy cop movie.
No seriously. The master needs these two maids to investigate a crime in his holdings because bringing in outside authorities would lead to more problems.
Things get crazy from there.
The master can communicate with whom via radio or video chat at times where master interaction is needed but it wouldn't make sense for the master to be there in person.
"Your a loose cannon, but a dman good maid."
Does this include an optional "Charlie's Angels" conclusion with the introduction of a third Maid when the master learns that they get results in the crimefighting biz?
I may or may not be 100% sold on this already.
This. Or combat maids
Goldmine of hilarity
Doesnt even need to investigate a crime. The dynamic alone will make things great enough in the master's daily life.
[spoilers]one working the shaft and the other playing with the balls[/spoilers]
this is the best idea
One thing I’m trying to figure out is, how big of a factor should Favor be? It’d probably be administered through the radio, or maybe administered when they report back. But what kind of things garner favor?
Writefags get in here ASAP
My gf and I have wanted to play for a while but have had no idea what to do. Asking for your expertise once again for one on one ideas. Lewd encouraged.
>master is a butchy lesbian
>maids are pro-op MtFs who are competing for her love but know she won't be with either of them if they can't work together
>master has no idea the maids have penises and would be disguted to find out
>have players do their best to work together while also trying to get the other caught with her feather duster out
The key words for running Maid are "hijinx ensue." Ideally you want find things that would be both funny to see girls in maid outfits doing, that also have a good chance of going horribly, hilariously wrong. Here's a list of things that have happened so far in my own game
>An accident in Master's bioweapons lab
>Preventing a war between two rival galactic alien overlords... by inviting them to a tea party (It worked somehow, and by somehow I mean staging a maid deathmatch for entertainment)
>Exploring an unopened Egyptian pyramid (they accidentally blew it up)
>Gambling at a casino
>The demonic butler (female) discovers she's being worshipped by a cult (it ended in a three legged race, Prince was summoned from the blackest pits of hell to judge)
Don't be overly generous with favor. Stress explosions are sort of the point of the game. Only give out favor when they do something clever or difficult, not just "you did your job"
Are you asking for ideas for a one on one game? (just the two of you)
Or a game with a group instead of just one player?
>Master: The target is in the building
>Maids start assembling a weapon from places where they keep their maid stuff
>Going to door to door saying "Room service".
Just the two of us. To be honest as much as I like Maid I've always been confused as to what tp do with it.
An upgrade to this one - murder mystery.
> There are about a dozen people in the mansion including guests, maids, butler, and master. One of the guests gets killed.
> Due to the flood, the mansion is isolated on a small island with no means to escape. The murderer is among the people here.
> Roll randomly to indicate the murderer before the session - it may be any guest NPC, the butler, or one of the maids. If it's one of the PCs, discuss the details in private.
> Maids still have work to do: entertain guests to distract them from the near-by corpse, fix and fuel the old clanky spare generator during blackouts, go for candles and flashlights, and the normal job.
>Just the two of us
We can make it if we try
The master is writing a love novel/making a love flick and needs the maids to act as a couple for his masterpiece.
Just came up with an update on this. All maids have killed the guest - each for her own reasons.
> Maid 1 poisoned the guest at dinner because she wanted to take revenge for some past offense. She knew the poison would start working at about midnight. She needs to cover up the poisoning.
> Maid 2 is a witch and cast a deadly curse on the guest because she once was in love with him but he had rejected her. The curse would kill him as soon as midnight moon casts its light on him. She needs to keep the curtains in the guest's room open.
> Maid 3 is the victim's daughter and chokes him with a pillow in his sleep for the legacy. She must do it at midnight and nobody must see her.
> Maid 4 is a notorious criminal, and the guest knows that. She decides to secretly come into his room at 0:15 and cut him with a knife she then must hide.
> Maid 5 is a professional assassin and has a sniper rifle hidden in a tower next to the victim's window. She plans to assassinate him at 0:30 when he's asleep.
> The butler is the victim's former classmate. The victim has become a multimillionaire, and he is still a humble butler, and the victim was a dumb asshole at school and bullied the butler. The butler decides to place a deadly trap under the victim's bed, it will impale the victim with spears through the chest at 1:00. The butler must spend an hour in the victim's room before that.
>Buddy cop movie
Sounds like Mafia, but with maids.
As if you couldn't have the master being mafia don
>Two maids are hired by the head of the biggest crime family in all of Italy
>One day, he and his wife are killed during a trip to Sicily
>The boss' will is brief but clear: he wants his infant son to live a life that's as normal as possible, safe ignorant of the sins of his father until he's a man
>The new shota goshujin and his two maids spend the next few years living a quiet life in a modest estate in Tuscany
>The other crime lords of Italy (and abroad?) however want to finish the job and make sure that the old crime boss' family is entirely exterminated, as they fear the young boy will one day take over where his dad left off and rule all of Italy from behind the scenes and make it impossible for the other crime families to turn a profit
>Can the two maids protect their master while keeping him ignorant of what's actually going on?
This of course demands some pretty interesting backstories for the maids. They can be criminals who turned over a new leaf, retired soldiers, employees for some PMC working undercover or even genetically engineerd supersoldiers/cyborgs.
All the games I've been in have have been ones with multiple players.
The first was a oneshot taking place in a space opera setting. The local nobility had been shaken up by a death and the new hair apparent to the sector was in a VERY weak position Politically. One of the ways his supporters with means had backed him was to arrange for him to get some especially capable people as his maid staff. (hide body guards, stunt drivers, wizards and such by having them be maids)
Another was a modern setting kitchen sink where the master was the amnesiac first born black sheep son of an important family.
Amnesia and deciding who you are ended up being important themes in that campaign because the Master and 2 of the maids (both robots) started with some pretty severe amnesia.
2 of the maids were people from his past who wanted to reconnect with and marry him (one was a blind woman around his age, the other was an AI he had created who had stowed away in a servant robot chassis and via hacking had set themselves up to be bought and mailed to the estate, though it would be a while before she managed to break through the chassis default programming.
1 was a stoner necromancer who had crashed at the estate to avoid getting pinched by the police and ended up a maid
1 was another delivered mechanical servant who started out thinking they were a custom production order and nothing more.
1 was an ancient monster who had fallen in love with the Master Grandfather once upon a time (she wasn't the Master Grandma though so obviously she lost) and was their to try to manipulate events to make sure Her old flame's family line would continue (and that she would get to be nanny to the resulting kids).
Deep into the game we encountered and adopted a slime creature. (it started out as something we encountered in a dungeon we found while digging the foundations for a second mansion, the next session we had a new player join the game and the decided to make a slime maid.)
The third game was another modern setting game.
The master was one of the sons of the master from the previous game.
Before the First World War the family had holdings in northern Europe. The Master, a rather licentious follower of the spider goddess of love, had come to rethink his life, and restore the estate.
This game ended up having 9 or 10 PCs. (though not all active at once and two of them were played by a single player simultaneously)
I'm not going to try to summarize what happened in that game since I was only there for part of it. (I joined on session 3 and left after I forget how many sessions but the game kept going for a while afterward)
Some more ideas.
> There is an undead in or around the mansion who happens to be the master's ancestor hunting down his/her childer as a result of a family curse. If your maids or butler are some sort of vampire, that may be one of them.
> The master has just arrived to the mansion left behind by his ancestor. There are lovecraftian horrors hiding underneath this decrepit castle.
> The master has married. His wife is an evil witch that has charmed him. And she wants to sacrifice the master's daughter to stay beautiful and young for 100 more years.
> The master has discovered that the mansion is haunted and decided to invite a number of guests for a parapsychological experiment. The more uneasy and irritated the guests are the more satisfied the master is, and the more powerful the ghost is.
Have the master invite a bunch of his political enemies as guest and have the maids kill them.
Master fake his death, his son willing to sell all his stuff very cheaply, they come, and now they die.
This. It's the perfect kind of MaidRPG campaign.
This sounds pretty interesting, but how do you make sure the randomized characters are compatible?
You guys don't mind if I drop this off right? Ok good bye as you were boys.
How does one find friends willing to erp anyway?
I guess the DM and his players would have to talk it out beforehand. Though I doubt it's possible to roll two characters so incompatible that it's impossible to put them together. Worst case scenerio, they were employed at different points in time for different reasons, but ended up together just before their old boss died.
> The master has just arrived to the mansion left behind by his ancestor. There are lovecraftian horrors hiding underneath this decrepit castle.
I was just thinking this as I came across your post except I was essentially imagining Darkest Dungeon but with maids.
>Darkest Dungeon but with maids.
That was the premise.
> This Lovecraft's short story I don'te remember the name of. Alchemist, I guess.
> Darkest Dungeon
> Snow-White
> The Haunting
Yes I know. Just thinking I’d like to run it. I’m thinking of have the mansion be built over one of structures that the Great Race of Yith built during their time. That way their can be trapdoor containing Flying Polyps that can kill everyone at the end (probably) lol.
Damn I’m having a really off day in terms of grammar/spelling. *having and *there