First time starting a thread, sorry for any mistakes-
This fucking dinosaur though. Thanks for activating my Rhonas
First time starting a thread, sorry for any mistakes-
This fucking dinosaur though. Thanks for activating my Rhonas
I was pretty happy to see a standard version of phyrexian rager. Time will tell if it has any impact though. Diff between a 2/2 and a 1/1 is large, but the vampire typing is very relevant.
AWW how cute he's trying to do brainstorm things!
I'd rather they make something like this but for Phyrexian Gargantuan.
>It's over, Vraska lamented with a heavy heart as she waded through the shallows toward the mind mage. A pang of headache warned her another memory was about to flood her perception, and she shut her eyes tight to brace herself as Jace's past slipped through his control and rammed into her mind.
This card is amazing with enter the unknown you can guarantee your extra land drop and your explore for an extra +1/+1.
Being compared to Oracle of Mul Daya says a lot of good things right there. Won't be amazing in limited I think, but has a LOT of great implications for constructed
This card is pretty great actually- like mentioned, the fact that his explores get *that* much better is a pretty great pairing with it's brainstorm-esque ability.
Being a merfolk doesn't hurt it that much either.
K so I think this is looking like a decent set. I'm a drafter so I appreciate new additions. I gotta know though, WTF is up with these new re-prints?? Sailor of Means, Raptor Companion, Colossal Dreadmaw... is this just laziness or is there a concrete reason for these common reprints? I think these are good cards, especially Sailor, but I'm curious about the choices made here more than anything...
BBB zombie 1/2 when this creature enters the battlefield lose 3 life and draw two cards
This card is fucking great and I will probably run at least 1 of them in my merfolk deck.
Digging for 3 is great.
Well have I got the card for you!
Now this is nice, very nice.
This thing is nowhere near as good as Oracle. It's not even as good as Courser of Kruphix. It doesn't actually provide card advantage. I can really only see this getting played in a Dino Ramp deck, as then it plays a split role as an overpriced Explore effect that might turn into a 5/5 in the late game.
Is it worth it to put a couple of this in a vamp deck? I feel like its biggest flaw is that it's less aggressive than ramunap but after you empty your initial hand there's not much you can do.
Depends on how aggressive the vampire decks turn out to be post-RIX. I could definitiely see this as a 2- or 3-off in some or most builds though.
Truthfully, the only real comparison to Oracle is the additional lands clause. Other than that, it's a 5/5 for 3 with a downside. It *can* activate rhonas and other 'ferocious'-like effects, but I think the card will still be good. My only fear is that it'll function as a do-nothing until Ascend is triggered, but I hope the little guy'll be more useful than that.
I think the vamp deck needs to be fairly aggressive. There's definitively material for a grindy midrange deck but I don't think there's space for it in the format. Am I crazy for considering a 4x of the Squadron Hawk vamps? They suck but I'm really afraid of not dropping creatures constantly
I think with cards like Adanto's Vanguard the Vamp deck is basically forced into being aggro AF. Midrange is a viable option with all the removal we've got in this new set though... can we fucking talk about pic related?
It's actually a bit of an oddly designed card for Constructed. This thing is a bit of a bomb in Limited, since it's a decent body and is probably going to draw you 2-3 cards on average.
In Constructed however it feels like 5 mana is too much for an aggressive deck to be paying, unless it wins you the game straight away. This might be more at home in a midrange deck with a Vamp subtheme.
The only problem is there's probably better cards for both decks than this. If you're going for some sort of aggro/tokens strat then Sanctum Seeker or Bishop of the Bloodstained are probably better. Vona is probably better in a midrange deck. So he feels more like a Limited card unfortunately.
Midrange vamps sounds spicy as fuck with all the sac shenanigans but I don't think is viable. At the same time if you go aggro you risk blowing out too early and have no chances against other aggressive decks. The 4 mana lord makes racing you nearly impossible, but in the meantime you gotta shit out vamps like no tomorrow. I feel like 4x Squadron Vamps and 4x this is the only real solution.
I think Ascend is going to be a lot harder to get than people expect. However, the fact it counts tokens means a WB Vamp Token deck might be a good home for this.
If you fill a deck full of cheap Vamps, like Vicious Conquistador, Skymarcher Aspirant, Gifted Aetherborn and Legion Lieutenant, then Mavren Fein starts to look pretty good. If you curve out and cast this on turn 4 you could potentially Ascend on Turn 5.
>I think Ascend is going to be a lot harder to get than people expect.
It's a mechanic that has Midrange written all over it. Control's not gonna have enough creatures and Aggro wants to close out games before it gets to that point.
>First time starting a thread, sorry for any mistakes-
The only mistake was to come here in the first place, get out asap!!
I don't think there are any payoff good enough to really dedicate a deck to an ascend strategy. Arch of Orazca gets into every control deck but aside from that I can't see it working aside for a couple of things in some token decks.
Control can get to 10 lands pretty easy. Have you ever seen a Standard or Modern UW deck and their piles of lands and enchantments?
Alternative win condition for mono black marionette master.
Doomed dissenter
Dire fleet hoarder
Weaponcraft enthusiast
Ruthless knave
Pitiless plunderer
Marionette master
Treasure map
All these cards combine very well with it.
They said on the preprerelease stream it was to avoid reprinting vanilla commons with a different name (eg the 2cmc 3/1 dino).
We'll just have to wait and see. It's a new mechanic so it could swing either way. It may be that it won't ever leave the kitchen tables, or it may be that WotC has severly underestimated their power, or it may turn out that the proper way to look at it is as a bonus on already playable cards.
Did both sets really need a vanilla 3/1 dino at two though? I find this really hard to believe desu.
Dissapoonted that the Bat god thats in Arguels Blood Fast didn't show up
There's a total of one card in RIX spoilers that I kind of want for meme reasons, and it's the combination diabolic tutor/wish. The 2BB card. You know the one.
The rest just reaffirm my decision to bow out of the game for the foreseeable future.
That's pretty much my janky vamp deck right now. Boatloads of cheap evasive vamps to trigger Mavren Fein, Sanctum Seeker and to flip Legion's Landing. Won't be hard to make it to 10 pernanents at all. The new Bob mythic with ascend will fit right in.
Or they could have come up with a new card? Maybe?
If even a relatively good/interesting set doesn't make you feel more than that, you should quit the game, yea
It isn't a good set. I have zero interest in a set that has 213 female characters and not even one of them has her tits out. That's just darn inconsiderate of them.
Other factors that I can't stand: Colorless mana symbol, new thin cardboard that feels like I'm going to rip it by accident, soulless overdirected art, four sets per year when I thought even three was too many, relegation of all good cards into Masters sets, getting rid of duel decks, getting rid of core sets, bringing back core sets.
Blog somewhere else. Noone cares whether you're still playing or not.
I do
The less people like him are playing, the better the community will be
Hi Jeremy.
>Other factors that I can't stand:
>getting rid of core sets, bringing back core sets.
Make up your mind Jeremy, you fat piece of shit.
They couldn't have made her 3/3, or even 2/2, or brought her down to 1WB.
There are few things I can think of that are worse than 4CMC 1/1s.
Will this actually see play outside of EDH memes?
>it may be that WotC has severly underestimated their power
it might turn out that ascending is way easier than it looks, but even then there aren't any busted cards that let you win the game on the spot if you ascend. At the same time, most of those cards except Vona's Hunger and maybe the draw 2 one aren't good enough without the city's blessing, so they'll never see play. It's a pretty disappointing mechanic, maybe if there were different ways to ascend it could have been cooler to build around it.
Okay, so maybe some art does look fucking awful.
Don't think so, too costly.
she looks like a bad commander but it's not something unplayable in a BW sacrifice deck. If she hits the board in the worst case scenario she leaves behind a dork which is not worth the 4 mana but at least does not create card disadvantage. If she sticks even sacking a couple of creatures make her a respectable beater and her death way less painful.
I am not sayign this is good and probably it could have been pushed a bit, but consider there are the WB vamp lord and the 3 mana enchantment. It is very reasonable to have this card come into play as a 2/2 at least, possibly 3/3 too. (and of course her tokens scale with her) I think she is somewhat playable in a token vampires strategy. The problem is the token vampires strategy doesn't really seem to be there to me. We will see.
A 2 mana pump spell that gives +1/+1.
Why is wizards so terrified of instants these days?
It's a common cantrip. Why are you expecting it to be good?
because they're making their move on Hearthstone with Arena and they don't want to confuse the blizzard babbies. Needless to say it will backfire.
I'm going to try her in my casual b/w token aristocrats deck. Could be a nice finisher if I can sack my board, then her, then her tokens. But the 1/1 statline is fucking awful.
Not sure what to think of this.
Daily reminder that they could have killed Hearthstone during its beta phase if they weren't so fucking stupid
I was expecting it to at least be fucking +2/+2. What fucking use is granting such a tiny pump?
Meh, it doesn't even belong in an Edgar deck. White vamps were a mistake.
Not good? It gives you nothing. You have 7 land, tap to cast this and get 7 treasures? Basically skipping this turn to get double mana next turn.
Maybe there are combos for this, but certainly not in standard. Storm maybe?
WotC was testing the waters with all those things, and players just keep buying and playing by their rules.
Players are at fault here as the consumers mainly by overbuying shit with shit quality and not saying that enough is enough. WotC and hasbro is doing what Blizzard and other enterprises has done (and keep doing) so you know where this will lead. i´d tell you to buy the singles you want or like and keep yourself out of the game, as there is no middleground beetwen waifucards like vaguard/FoW (with way better quality in cardstock and fanservice) and what is mtg now.
They don't even need to compete with it. Magic has more depth, more history and the whole irl community to back it up and Hearthstone will never get those things. I agree they should have moved to create a decent online play system way earlier, but I don't think that Hearthstone players will be attracted by "generic HS clone #2934" just because it has Magic written onto it. Casual players will always keep playing HS, but the ones that want interesting and deep formats, different playstyle and batshit crazy stuff like cubes may come over.
>They don't even need to compete with it. Magic has more depth, more history and the whole irl community to back it up and Hearthstone will never get those things.
And yet MtG is losing hard on the virtual market
That's why they should limit to give us a online experience better thant the trainwreck that is MTGO and not dumb down the game to make it lose the only appeal it could have over HS
What are the chances of this actually making a splash?
This is dumb but I love it.
Tron or bust. MAYBE in legacy/vintage to stop stripmines while still keeping your op mana lands? I'm too poor to figure that out.
Not much really.
Is this all that enrage.dec needs to work?
there's janky Marit Lage combo to be made
Legacy and vintage are too fast for Blood moon to matter and many decks have absurd amount of nonbasics, surely this bad version of Bmoon won't cut it.
When i saw this i automatically thought it was shit(because it is), but in this standard unless i am missing something, the only removal which gets this is contempt and cast out right? Maybe removal is so shit we get to see this shine.
>is a shitty 5 mana creature way below the vanilla test that can be killed with no backfire going to make my dorky and slow ass tribe that could field way better creatures for the same CMC and actually try to win the game good?
I think the answer you're looking for is "no"
Removal is scary. It's better to tap your creatures sideways.
Also, blocking is scary because your creatues might die, so we just gave everything unblockable or flying.
Enjoy your limited.
It'll be huge only for budget players, as it allows you to ignore downsides on second rate lands. Being able to shit on expensive lands with shit lands is bound to have some popularity.
Probably fun with ravnica bouncelands.
You seem desperate, bucko. Take it and get yourself something hot to eat.
Don't they still etb tapped?
Amulet of Vigor
>turn 1 amulet of vigor
>turn 2 bounceland into blood sun
>turn 3 second bounceland into Acid-Moss
Looks cute, might try it.
You'll be happy to know that I, another stranger, will be playing less often thanks to attitudes like this. It's good to know that the people we considered friends don't actually respect us. Hopefully this wave of arrogance crashes soon.
Entering tapped is a static ability, which gets removed by blood sun. No need for amulet, although it helps I'm sure.
That card, the new windfall, and the bad stop are the only cards that seem interesting desu. I guess that the new black 2/1 is going to make pauper suicide black better and I like that deck.
Is there any reason to use this card in any format?
1 turn no Fumigate
It probably has its use, as a sideboard card against combo or something
>Sorcery speed
Oh, I forgot: Condescending assholes who have played for three or four years and think they're too good for the people who started playing Magic before they were even born. That's another thing that's fucked with this game, thanks for reminding.
Notice how there's like five cards in the set's art that depict a woman murdering a man, and zero cards that depict the opposite? I guess we want equal representation, but not too equal, amirite?
This is the kind of stuff that you never pay attention to before you notice it for the first time, and once you've noticed it you can never stop noticing it.
begone thot
Sideboard card against approach or any other control deck. If the opponent isn't playing creatures this is pretty close to a time walk.
>Focusing on non-issues
Harsh truth: If mtg was 5 years old it would have been more popular from the start due to the normiefication of nerd culture instead of being picked up only by the dorkest kids and greasiest neckbeards 20 years ago that later on created the antisocial, bitchy and vastly autistic culture that drives this community scaring all the decent human beings away.
>it would have been more popular and full of decent human beings!
Why would we give a shit? You literally just called everyone who likes MtG bitchy autistic neckbeards and you expect use to believe your bullshit spewed as "truth"?
You stupid? Wanna die?
Another harsh truth: it is extremely shitty to return to mocking and bullying nerds fifteen years later in the name of making things more inclusive. You're literally going after the same nerds now that you decided you like their shit.
Violence against women makes the culprit look weak, this makes for bad card art.
This is also why evil brutes tend to be male. An evil brutish woman is hard to do in a beliavable way. Vraska is a rare exception. Vona is a common failure.
Sorcery speed means nothing here. You cast it on your turn to make them unable to go off on their next one. You essentially Time Walk the Storm deck, giving you an extra turn to kill them.
What is a "city's blessing"
Ascend keyword. Control 10 permanents or more.
Is that it? It's just an emblem that's going to be there, sometimes enabling other "ascend" cards?