.... Can I kill myself now? It'd been over a year since we got anything new for xenos that wasn't the triumvirate of Mary sue.
When will GW release something that isn't imperium or chaos for 40k?
.... Can I kill myself now? It'd been over a year since we got anything new for xenos that wasn't the triumvirate of Mary sue.
When will GW release something that isn't imperium or chaos for 40k?
When more people start buying Xenos
People wont' buy Xenos when they don't get any publicity/updates/attention.
>2017: A year of 40k Nurgle releases
Followed by:
>2018: The year of Nurgle
What the actual fuck GW?
>one of the most legendary warriors in Eldar history
Please update our line
Most of our shit is 20 years old and still crappy frail resin based on blocky metal sculpts
Just fucking update us
>We're not squatting Sisters. Yet.
Really, it's my fault for expecting more.
>I deserve it when he hits me, it's my fault for not putting a beer in the fridge.
Why the fuck do you retards keep getting disappointed by this? Did you really expect anything else?
On the positive side of this, at this pace they are going to run out of imperium factions to release within the year and be forced to release Codex: Adepta Sororitas just to avoid being forced to give xenos anything
I had no expectations for this and I'm still let down.
Inb4 they're left with Xenos/Sororitas and they release 9th ed.
>People wont' buy Xenos when they don't get any publicity/updates/attention.
If people didn't buy xenos after codex tau/eldar shat on EVERYONE for two fucking editions thanks to broken rules by that retard Kelly, then there is really no demand and the bandwagoners who jumped on this train can suffer a bit, if you ask me. These two shit factions should receive any updated LAST, after Sisters/Orks/New xeno race being released...
>Adepta Sororitas
You know that getting it will be even more disappointing than not getting it, right? It'll just be the index but with new typos.
Looking at today's update they'll just keep inventing new imperial/chaos factions so they don't have to release sisters.
I'm pretty confident sisters of silence will get a codex before sisters of battle.
I don't wanna do this user, but Eldar are supposedly getting killed off whatsoever, leaving only Ynnari and DE who are remade into chaos eldar. Apparently GW thinks "the faction needs too much updating to be worth it".
>rumors based on nothing
Your rumor based on nothing doesn't even make sense considering Eldar is several orders of magnitude more popular than DEldar, if they were squatting an eldar faction it'd be them
Just wait a year or so. I don't expect anyone to believe it, but you'll see. As retarded as it sounds, it's what's happening.
Yeah, just like all the times people have said Sisters are getting squatted in a year right?
If Sisters are still around after all these years despite having the playerbase of a Somalian fishing village, Eldar will stick around too
I'm glad to see that Spartan Neil got hired by Games Workshop.
If he had, we'd have at least 50 factions by now, would be changing scales every six months and would have space ships galore!
I never said that. I'm just passing on what I got from a very reliable source of mine, he's been right about everything that happened since last february a year earlier. It's almost scary how much he knew, no idea where from.
stop talking out of your ass. either provide source or shut up. and the "my dad works for nintendo excuse" makes you sound dumb.
The Elves getting squatted line sounds reasonable, though I don't expect it'll happen any time soon. It'll happen like old Space Marines getting phased out - over years.
Out with the old, in with the new- which we can resell to you
>we'd have at least 50 factions by now
We're getting there, what with every space marines paint scheme being treated like it deserves its own codex.
There's already six marine codexes, with SW and DA still waiting on theirs. They only need to release books for Custodes, Deathwatch and Crimson Slaughter for power armoured books to be as many as the boxed sets in the necron range. Might as well be playing 30k at this rate.
>Yeah, just like all the times people have said Sisters are getting squatted in a year right?
Have they not been? Last I heard SoBs got a 2 unit update before GW told their fans to go fuck themselves, and that was months ago for an Anniversary model and Celestine herself.
You have 2 recourses:
1. Go to their Facebook page and put in an angry react on the announcements. On Monday, this is how they are going to gauge the community reaction. Put as many angry reacts as you can get by Monday. This is how social media works. Don't make an angry comment, if you do, just make it "more Marines..." or something similar.
2.Don't buy custodes. Tell your friends not to buy them.
XenoFags on suicide watch.
And Thousand Sons are confirmed to not have any new models in their codex just a couple of Age of Sigmar Tzangors which fucking sucks.
Psykers dreads, Rubric sword masters, Magistus Amon character, Osiron pattern dread (although there is a Forge World one, but I'd like an updated blue one), Sehkmet Terminators are our version of Death shroud I guess, Hathor Maat which is a bit like Mephiston, Young sons for a cheaper option, An upgrade sprue for Rubric so you can convert Raptors and Havocs into Thousand Sons, Hidden ones for scout options, terror fiend heavy, diskriders to have a melee chance (although the Tzangors ones we are getting might cover this)
I mean we have tons of stuff we could have gotten if they wanted to. Not like we are lacking.
>Can I kill myself now?
Oh god, yes, please!
>DE who are remade into chaos eldar.
>Chaos Eldar
Im gonna cum so hard. Is it just rumors/speculations about GW moving with time line and making End Time lite in 40k?
>Age of Sigmar Tzangors which fucking sucks.
You never played agains Skate Tznagors? They fukin rekt stuff with shooting and meele.
And stick that 30k shite up in your ass, thanks to retards like you we see banana boys codex.
t. chaos fag with 14 marines in his list.
>more marine wank
Theres literally one 30k model there user. 2 if you count Amon, but just want to see him make a return and bitch slap Arhiman.
It's all about big blocky guys shooting other big blocky guys. Can you even be up to date with the current lore without delving deep into the soap opera of the emprahs retarded kings getting stuff wrong?
No, first post moronic post. Why would anyone buy into a range that hardly ever gets updated or expanded and spends 90 % of its fluff time jobbing to the latest power armour fuckbois?
Never, then. GW is basically writing rules for third-party models at this point.
>Bitching about 'blocky metal sculpts'
>Please update with swollen, over designed, busy CAD shit
What did he mean by this?
>I got from a very reliable source of mine, he's been right about everything that happened since last february a year earlier. It's almost scary how much he knew, no idea where from.
>Not enough people bought Nurgle kits
>Fuck you plebs, now it's the year of Nurgle
> beatings will continue until sales improve
I propablu jumped the gun, havent seen much of previous codex so names dont sound familar.
With new GW names Im scraching my head often.
You have 2 recourses:
1. Go to their Facebook page and put in an angry react on the announcements. On Monday, this is how they are going to gauge the community reaction. Put as many angry reacts as you can get by Monday. This is how social media works. Don't make an angry comment, if you do, just make it "more Marines..." or something similar.
2.Don't buy custodes. Tell your friends not to buy them.
Not everybody plays or buys for tourney spam, you fucking autist.
Amon is dead as shit, Ahriman wasted him and looted that awesome helm from his corpse.
As a Tsons player I think this is way better than nothing, the Vortex Beast is cool, it looks like Screamers will be made native so that will give us a fast attack option that isn't spawn. Enlightened are boxed with skyfires so we might get arrow shooting disc riding tzaangors. Oh also the shield Tzaangors.
Other than this I hope some more CSM stuff is made native. Like you said; Young Sons, Raptors, maybe warp talons (god I dream of bikes). Psyker Dread, Magic Robots, HIDDEN ONE's scouts although Hidden Ones are implied to be subconsciously brainwashed spies.
>40k gets cumtoads instead of anything interesting or wanted
Like we didn't have an abundance of big power armored golden dudes in AoS. Is this somebodies fetish over at GW?
Ok so I've been searching for an army that is easy to paint and small in numbers (due to space and storage constrains) was set on deamons because you can play them in both AoS and in 40K but now I'm wandering about Custodes - gold is easy to paint (for me) they will probably be very very limited in numbers. What are currently the biggest chalanges to running small numbers army? (I own big guard army but I wont paint them in like 15 years because I dont have time).
The fact that 8ed actively punishes elite armies.
>What are currently the biggest chalanges to running small numbers army?
You can't hold objectives for shit. You pay a billion points for a statline that gets ignored by mortal wounds. In the case of custodes, they'll most likely end up GK-tier due to having negative impact on hordes and still not being elite enough to deal with superheavies.
>What are currently the biggest chalanges to running small numbers army?
haven't played that much now, but what I heard, this edition massive blobs of infantry are why better
better stick to your guard
Go with daemons, go mostly Nurgle and play them in 40k and the upcoming maggotkin book for Sigmar
He's death
>Osiron pattern dread
all CSM have only Helbrute for some reason
>Sehkmet Terminators
Scarab Oculli are Sehkmet
>Rubric sword masters
>An upgrade sprue for Rubric so you can convert Raptors and Havocs
But rubrics are just mindless automa that need guaidance to do shit
>Hidden ones for scout options
they are dust
Thanks - I think I will fallow this advice - I have some DG too from the starter box. Veeky Forums to the rescue as always :D
Psyker dread can easily be a stratagem upgrade.
As an AoS player who loves Tzeentch, the only thing motivating me to play 40k is that I can use half of my models for 40k (Daemons, Kairic Acolytes, Tzaangors).
I like Tzaangors, and I'm sorry that Tzaangors don't like you.
I blame myself for this. I bought the Know No Fear box. I encouraged GW to make nothing but more Marines. As far as they can tell, only Marines sell.
I've learned my lesson, though. Only getting Marines from eBay. Buying only xenos from GW from now on.
I never really expected them to get new models now. No other army did, except primaris and DG
Also, Amon is dead
>Codex gets more new options than most of the 8th Ed codex releases so far, after getting a big release a year ago
>bitches that it isn't enough
>Seeing people this happy in such a jaded thread.
How far have I fallen?
>we'll start making them when people start buying
>no support, rules end up unbalanced
>playerbase falls because it's clear gw doesn't care
>well then I guess nobody wants them! Just look at how it's not selling!
It's like they learned nothing from Fantasy.
Can Tzaangor Skyfires be our flyer units?
Hm. I allways thought 2017 would have been the year of Nurgle, considering how cancerous it was.
Only Enlightened are confirmed. Bow and arrow might be deemed too much of a stretch
>Can I kill myself now?
If this upsets you, look into it.
>When more people start buying Xenos
thats some AoS tier logic "if you want fantasy just buy more"
how about they actually give us stuff to buy
>When will GW release something that isn't imperium or chaos for 40k?
Like Eldar.. or Nids?
The last release that actually got me excited was GSC. If they had to add another imperium faction id rather have sisters of silence cuz atleast they have the boobies
I thought the windriders and plastic farseer/eldrad were pretty good, and nice and clean design-wise
I am so sorry for you guys. This is just another space marine army isn't it?
This is the first death thing ever for AOS.
Death have it even worse.
Why the fuck do I play skeletons and orks
>Eldar is several orders of magnitude more popular than DEldar
>This is what craftbitches actually believe
>This is the first death thing ever for AOS.
If you actually played, you'd know that was incorrect.
The backlash this shit is getting is so fucking sweet. So SICK of this shit, why don't you fucking update one of your chaos gods that get LITERALLY NO ATTENTION. You've updated KHARN. You've updated TYPHUS, you've updated AHRIMAN, yet nothing for lucius or the emperor's children, a legion that desperately needs an update.
First this argument was used against my Bretonnians ever being updated, now my xenos too? People don't play unsupported armies.
Do the custodes get rules for their horus heresy units too?
>Grav hover tanks pls instead of shitty land raider
Aren't you excited for 2Codex : Marneus Calgar's left testicle" and "Codex : Bob,The Janitor that cleans up after the Magos Biologis' experiments"?
They do, actually.
>Muh xenos
What the fuck where Tyranids and Eldar then?
Be grateful that at least you have an entire range, meanwhile Thousand sons are gonna be given fucking tzaangors and shit from AOS. I tought thousand sons where fucking space marines, not beasts of chaos.
This was such a fucking retarded move. I tought this was called codex thousand sons, not codex beasts of chaos.
Literally the only fucking thousand sons units are 4 in the entire thing, well 5 if you count Magnus the red.
Meanwhile, here have all the shit from AOS including the Ugly ass mutalith.
>GEE DUBBS Oh but you got the first primarch, be grateful
So why did the Deathguard get a gazillion versions and units and tanks eh? this is just fucking bullshit.
Atleast you got SOMETHING..
Kids these days!
Back in my day we waited years and years for codexes and army books. Now they release two every month. Stop being faggots.
>But rubrics are just mindless automa that need guaidance to do shit
The scarab occult are technically assault units since they have power swords. But still the rubrics would suck at CC.
They need more fire power. Give us a conversion kit for predators and defilers. Give us a badass new dreadnought. How about a specialized hero? Like the all time classic thousand sons sorcerer but in plastic and with a funky new pose?
>waited years for codex
>codex with actual fucking model release and shit in it.
Stop complaining, your turn will come. Screencap this when they give you:
EC marines
Noise Marines
Plastic Hero
Plastic Lucius and Plastic Fabius
Plastic Primarch
Plastic terminators
Plastic noise terminators
Slaneesh tank
Be grateful that you will recieve center spot and not just scraps.
>gold is easy to paint (for me)
Tell me your secret
>Not knowing Eldar is Jes Goodwins baby.
>Not knowing he designs all their shit.
Yeah, thats not gonna happen.
They've been saying that for how long? GW won't release shit for at least another 2-3 years because Slaanesh is a very touchy subject and could drastically impact sales negatively. Little timmy's mom doesn't want her sweet angel exposed to sex demons with big titties and soft asses. She doesn't want her bundle of sunshine knowing about the rock and the rolling or what a drug is. Not to mention most people prefer the "M-m-muh warrior god!" and the "M-muh death god!!1" Nah m8, you and I will never have the same love those two have. You and I will always be on the back burner, but even then, you'll at least get scraps from the table every now and then.
These will probably be released with vanilla chaos marines, heavy weapons guys and abadabadoo
The problem is GW knows "the backlash" comes from faggots like you.
Good. Then there's alot more faggots like me than I thought. Because this shit is getting torn the fuck apart by people.
But only fanbase is considering Slaanesh as god of sex. Look at mins of slaaneshi daemons and warriors, only models with boobs are boobsnake from fantasy, fiend(more of animal tits than human) and FW KoS.
Nothing in that list has titties.
What's going on in this picture?
>2016 Thousand Sons
>2017 Deathguard
Stop being so negative.
They will probably are gonna go for the classic look of the EC marine and Classic noise marine considering the big ass boner that GW has for classic crap right now.
You know what's going on.
That’s a fucking disgusting model. Worst part of playing Eldar is ugly units like these.
Most of models looked like this 20 years ago when this one was new
Would anyone have a link to the Sisters of Battle Omnibus, pretty please?
I would buy Codex: Imperial Janitors.
But I'm such a sucker for underdogs that my biggest dream is a Dogs of War codex full of pirates and mercenaries.
If it means they get electric guitars again, so be it.
First we lost 50% of our models.
Flesh eater courts was non-content
Then we had the sepulchral guard, non-content made for another game.
So if we say tomb kings had 40 kits, currently we're still on -38 releases, being generous.
Am I missing anything?