>That guy tells you that in his last group they where killing gods
That guy thread
>That guy eats food you've brought with greed, but raises a shitstorm when somebody touches his.
This is legitimate depending on the setting, some of them have incredibly puny deities that are barely more than glorified PCs
>that guy reeeeeees because people play what he doesn't like
e.g. Exalted. If you haven't killed a god by the time you hit Essence 4, it's because you specifically avoided doing so (or are a Twilight caste).
>That OP that can stand others having badwrongfun.
>that guy implementing gods in his settings to make it look deep
>that guy that brags about infinite/broke combs he made in D&D
>Not actively hunting gods so that you could become a fedora again
>That guy who constantly whines how he feels unappreciated, wants to be a hero, NPCs don't give him enough credit for what he did when the most relevant thing he did was kill some kobolds
>That guy who complains when things don't go his way
>that guy who intentionally derails a campaign and causes a TPK because he couldn't accept being wrong on something
>That guy who wants to feel cool taking risks but complains when he's actually in danger
Holy shit, all of those were in my party. One of them was me.
It's no big deal being "that guy" as long as you're aware of what you're doing and your party isn't sick of it. Let people play the game in their shitty way if it doesn't hurt you; and just call them out all the time when they complain. Thats how I DM.
>they are actually pretty shitty.
>killing a god erases his domain from reality
>special task force formed from all mortal races hunt down and destroy malicious gods.
>trick is correct equipment and preparations
>killing disease god require full sterile enviroment and sterile fully healthy organisms.
>killing mud god req perfect clean everything
>gods do not dissapear forever and wrongly killed god can become disaster
>like killing god of vermins once caused global ecological catastrophe.
>never touch other people's food
>never bring my own
>Player who has a preferred play style and enjoys a certain type of game and nothing else. Yet insists to join all campaigns, regardless if meet their demands. When they eventually, like clockwork, loose interests they ruin the game instead of leaving.
>Complains about a lack of challenges and stakes, then complains that it’s to hard and they don’t like the fact that they may loose stuff.
As a humble that guy, sometimes a little godslaying can be fun.
I hope you weren't the forth?
>cook lasagna or cheesy bread or casserole or something similar every week
>comfy food breaks often during sessions
>character cooks in-game every time we eat irl
Food and gaming go hand in hand. Families that eat together, stay together and all that, right?
Daily reminder that 1e Lolth had 66 hit points and killing her was intended.
>That guy who plays a communist revolutionary in every game.
>dm creates a world were every country is communist so he'll make a different character
>complains it isn't real communism
that is a cute doll
She always is
>That guy who constantly whines how he feels unappreciated, wants to be a hero, NPCs don't give him enough credit for what he did when the most relevant thing he did was kill some kobolds
Hey man, we’ve all been there. In my case replace “kill kobolds” with “saved the universe”. But I guess that story is more for a That DM thread.
>That Guy who constantly brags about his characters stats / magical items / damage dice.
I know you have a magical sword. I was there when you got it. You don't have to remind everyone every single session.
I know you used point buy and proficiency to get a +10 to Stealth. I did the same fucking thing with Deception. It's easy! Literally anyone can do what you have done. Stop bragging about how good your fictional character is and actually do something cool in the story.
Luckily we have one of the less bad that guys in our party
>that guy who thinks that P&P adventures progress like his precious vidya games and regularily jumps to vidya conclusions
>never touch other people's dicks
>always bring my own
>this people needs sports to have arbitrarily high numbers to be enjoyable
Bad, bad bait go sit in a corner and think about what you did
Please no frogposting on Veeky Forums.
>Finish last campaign
>Shooting the shit with friends, trying to decide what to do next.
>Suggest a Lord of the Rings based game
>Resident Tolkien nut spergs out about the legendarium.
>Talks the rest of the group into his insane idea that if you want something "true to the books", what you should REALLY do is have a competitive game where each player is a different narrator, and we all struggle over details of what 'really' happened over a given set of adventures that we did not actually participate in.
>We are now on a two week hiatus while he prepares a system for this monstrosity of a game.
>Just wanted to kill orcs and pal around with cool literary figures.
Spot the commie
And the faggot
dumb frogposter
i dont trust either of them to know shit about communism
It's not hard to learn about communism, it's called reading a book, nigger.
Read some Solzhenitsyn.
Or read world history in school and learn that communist countries lost.
If you think history is a matter of winning and losing you're an honest to god retard
please educate me oh wise master
>Playing GURPS.
>Playing with the Infine Worlds Expansion, GM has created a Diselpunk-ish world where Wallonia is a major European state set against Prussia.
>Campaign is rather combat-light, it's mostly a matter of intrigue and social adventures.
>GM told us so at the beginning.
>That Guy, apparently, did not.
>After the GM denied him the chance to play as a primitive cyborg, he decided to play his character as a socially retarded Wallonian mercenary with his tongue cut out.
>I'm initially warm to the idea, even if one of my buddies wasn't really so, which got picked up by That Guy, as he played his character as utterly disliking my buddy's for no real in-story reason (OOC, That Guy said that the mercenary was offended by the mere fact he was Batavian [Dutch], in spite of me playing a Batavian socialite too, and putting way less effort in antagonizing me) and essentially tries to do do things like trying to steal from him while sleeping and trying to beat him when the party was separated.
>The few times we were in combat together, That Guy went with hare-brained schemes that didn't get him killed because he had an obscene amount of Fate points to spend to get "just scrapes."
>He also tended to loot corpses and buildings at every turn, in spite of the fact that doing so made police encounters more difficult.
>Then the GM introduces The Upstreamers, basically humans from a much more advanced timeline, that came in the PCs' timeline in order to istigate tensions and provoke yet another war between Wallonia and Prussia plus France for their own profits (as in reality Wallonia's prime minister is a puppet of the Upstreamers).
>GM lays on thick that the Upstreamers have basically portable railguns capable of piercing a light tank's armor as a basic weapon, while their body armor, while not impenetrable, is still way too strong for our guns (our best gun was a 10-mm rifle) to penetrate; and as such we weren't really meant to oppose them right then.
China is not most dominant super power already and growing. Not at all.
INB4 China isn't communist state.
It is.
Have you tried not playing GURPS?
Jesus fucking christ I hate this so much
I could fucking just write down "+10 sword" on my character sheet, it literally means fucking nothing
>The first session, all is well: after the Upstreamers have given a demonstration by felling a robust tree with a single automatic salvo, everyone gets the memo and starts discussing with them.
>Well, except That Guy's PC, who just watches and tries to give them the stink eye.
>The next session, the Upstreamer patrol decided to leave only two guys to question the party and try to enroll their help.
>When the GM describes one of them leaving to take a leak and the other questioning my character, That Guy says the fatal words.
>"I wanna knife that soldier while he isn't looking."
>"I want that gun. Betcha cover won't matter anymore!"
>The GM asks him if he's sure, while me, my buddy and the other player look dumbfounded.
>"Yeah, I mean, why now? I can always figure out how to reload another time."
>GM asks again, this time he mention what the soldier is armed with, what's his body armor, pointing out that for all he knows he may have ways to alert his buddies etc.
>"Who cares, I just want the damn gun."
>That Guy rolls to find an opening, but he onlu hits a shoulder pad.
>Rolls for damage to the knife, it bends.
>The guard, startled, drops backwards and rolls to get the mercenary off him, then he kicks him in the mandible.
>The bones of the mercenary are, naturally, much weaker than what is essentially steel, and break so hard, the character is considered both unconscious and near-death.
>The Upstreamer points a rifle at us, I manage to get him to calm down with a very lucky roll for Diplomacy.
>The mercenary still dies to his wounds in the ambulance.
>"Hey, that's not fair!"
>GM repeats him he told him many times that it was suicidal.
>That Guy huffs and storms off, apparently he flooded the GM's WhatsApp with insults and threats of violence.
>Playing GURPS
there's your problem
kidding i'm also autistic and love gurps
China is not a communist state, in face it's the most capitalist state, even more capitalist than America.
Are you, by chance, Indian?
nobody has ever tried TRUE ZEON before
That's cause all our souls are weighed down by gravity.
have you tried talking to him?
About what?
>Oh, sorry, your massive Veeky Forums autism has ruined yet another game with your pointless "Only I see the real Tolkien" bullshit that you can talk other people into because nobody else is willing to spend years diving through the books to contest your insane theories?
Yes. You fucking autist.
lol,that movie sucked benis
Feed me cheesy bread so I will have the strength to HIT THE MONSTER REEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAL GOOD!
There is a system which does this already. Look up Polaris
Fucking this. I play with a group that's constantly trying to optimize their builds, and they do it in the blandest possible way. Battlemaster fighter with polearm master and sentinel is good? Who the fuck knew. Shame you couldn't come up with something more interesting.
Legitimately funny
Hence the quote, "History is written by the totally impartial observers."
I mean to be fair he was probably right. Your average person doesn't know that communism was defined by Marx as a classless and *stateless* society.
Okay, I've seen this way too many times in too many different threads now. Is it some kind of nascent meme?
"We wanted to play in the middle earth setting as heroes, not storytellers."
Marx didn't define "communism" as a society at all! He defined communism as a political movement of radical labour opposed to capitalism. What many people forget is that communism arose in opposition to a particular class society - capitalism, (coinciding with its popular base industrial labour, which didn't even exist prior to capitalism), and doesn't make sense outside of that context. I mean, come on, does the average RPG world builder even start to think about the underlying production relations that define a society's political economy, let alone their implicit political ramifications before just throwing shit like magic into the mix without even bothering to think about the broader technological consequences?
I mean sure, doesn't make it even remotely tenable though.
Teehee Maccaroni is the bane of my fucking existence.
Every fucking campaign that my GM runs inevitably at some point involves running into an NPC named "Teehee Maccaroni," who the GM affectionately describes as "an epic level sorcerer who's also a retarded nudist gnome."
Teehee Maccaroni wander the countryside with a unique Rod of Wonders powered by "retard magic" shoved up his anus, and he casts the Rod of Wonders by diddling his penis. He says nothing but his own name in different inflections and the phrase "I like-a the goodberry, gimme gimme the goodberry." The GM thinks it's hilarious to have this character show up during the middle of encounters we're struggling at and start jerking off magic everywhere.
But the worst part is his chant. He wanders around chanting his name, so when he's about to show up the GM will start low;
>Tee-hee-hee, Maccaroni Maccaroni
>Tee-hee-hee, Maccaroni Maccaroni
And then get louder and louder until he's fucking shouting
And the table loves it! The other guys I play with think this is the best shit! Teehee Maccaroni has been our table's de-facto inside joke, our signature "running gag" for six years now. When that chant starts up, everyone else joins in like a ritual; the whole table is expected to start chanting "TEE HEE HEE, MACCARONI MACCARONI" by the end, and every fucking time I refuse because this is some embarrassing circa-2002 Penguin of Doom shit, it's always the same thing; "There goes user again! No fun allowed around user! user's just a big grouch who's getting angry because we're making him touch Teehee Maccaroni's penis again! Why won't you just let us have fun with this character, he's just here for dumb fun, you stick-in-the mud!"
These motherfuckers are all over 25 years old.
Teehee Maccaroni is going to be the death of me.
nice pasta
Thank you. It is maccaroni.
Tee hee
It is used wide-spread in Europe, mate
>I've gone full bait the post
I could. But it's not like it was the system's fault this time (or, better yet, not of GURPS in and onto itself), we just got That Guy.
I'm fucking laughing
They have currency and private property you nonce
Oh god I hope this is a true story but at the same time I'd be relieved if it was made up.
Don't worry, it's pasta.
I played communist revolutionaries in Mordheim. It worked about as well as the winter war but it was funny either way.
Could you imagine some poor fuck trying to create a better homebrew setting by reading book on book of sociological theory just so his NPCs have the right sort of class consciousness for the setting
We used to have this one guy in our group that regardless of system, his character ALWAYS had a super-pissy ex-wife that took all his money/put him massively in debt in a divorce
Who's that?
stale pasta. dead meme.
2/10 find something fresh
Does he happen to either have gone through a break-up that sent him off his rocker, or is he just /r9k fodder?
Honestly if my GM was throwing a legion of overpowered future soldiers into the setting I'd assume that killing them would be on the table. Especially in a close quarters situation where it should be doable to jam a knife somewhere their armor doesn't cover. They seem like they were supposed to be the antagonists at some point, and that situation smacks to me of the GM trying to railroad the players into finding his predetermined course to fight them.
If by "predetermined course" you mean "at least three different and sane options with differents ways to go at it," then sure, he was railroading. But if we go for the traditional definition of "railroading," then no, it wasn't a all and the GM was just trying to get That Guy to suffer the consequences of his action.
You know, you can lure him into the building and then collapse it on him, then just finish him while he is trying to get out of the rubble. You can hit him really hard with some mace in the head while he is off-guard. You can befriend him and poison him. You can try and join them. But just trying to stab a super-soldier in such a situation is retarded
How is hitting him in the head with a mace when he's off guard any different than stabbing him in the neck when he's off guard? It's a reasonable course of action against any human enemy because there's no reason why they would be any less vulnerable to getting stabbed somewhere their armor doesn't cover.
GURPS uses a hit location system. The original guy said that he botched his rolls and hit a shoulder pad
No he's happily married, last I checked.
God, that would destroy your thumb
Lessee if memory serves, man-portable railguns are TL 11 so yeah, that guy probably had 80-100 DR. You'd have to be really fukken strong and/or have a really good fukken weapon to get through that.
Because no matter what your helmet is, a hit in the head like that might be very strong. You can even brawl such character if he is wearing a cool armor and not exoskeleton. Trying to kill him with knife is autism
I see no problem with this.
>is the DMs gf
>has no interest in D&D but plays anyway
>always on her phone, never paying attention to the game, does not even try to act interested
>"Where are we? What's happening?" every 20 mins
>Lawful Good, but keeps all loot she finds to herself, always tries to start shit with other players and NPCs
>killed an innocent store clerk in cold murder for no reason other than that she could
>10th session, still doesn't know basic game mechanics
The worst part is that this would be a 10/10 perfect group without her.
here. The thing was, even if he had managed to kill the guy somehow (a daunting task, since the Upstreamers' TL was ruled as 10^ with 60 DR in armored parts like shoulders, chest and head, and 15 in exposed areas like legs and spaces between plates), there still was the problem that the soldier that went to piss was going to return sooner or later, meaning that, at best, he would have been shot and, at worse, there would have been a TPK. And even asuming he spent what little Fate points he had left to take less damage, what was his plan exactly, beyond shoot the Upstreamers 'til he had no ammo for the railgun-rifles? Besides, as pointed out, if he really wanted to get his hands on the gun, he could've tried to stun him, instead of backstabbing.
>that guy who refuses to play without minis
>Playing through Strad
>I’m excited because I’ve done a good job of being spoiler free
>I roll a human detective (Inquisitive Rogue) investigating weird rumors in the area
>My entire party of 4 other people are wizards or wizard multiclass
>every single one
>Campaign becomes murderhobo of ridiculous proportions
>I’m completely useless
>that guy betrays the party then goes "it's part of my backstory" even though he never shared any part of that with the party, and even the GM didn't know what he had in store because it was poorly articulated