Here's a fun thing that we can do as a collaborative fun thing. We will use the sector template present here in the OP picture. Each user will get to make their own sub-sector as well as naming it and all the planets in it, when it comes to how many planets a sub-sector get you will roll 1d5, the result is how many planets there are (if you get a 1 as a result then feel free to roll a 1d2 to get some more planets in).
After the amount of planets is finished you can either come up with details of your own or roll on the planet generator down below.
Then we will put these sub sectors inside the sector as a whole and come up with more collaborative fluff regarding the wider sector.
40k sector creation
Rolled 5 (1d5)
I shall go first with my subsector
Rolled 1, 3, 8, 3, 8, 3, 9, 10, 8, 4, 5, 5, 8, 4, 5, 7, 9, 4, 5, 9, 2, 1, 5, 4, 1 = 131 (25d10)
Alright 5 planets, let's get rolling then
Rolled 6, 2, 6, 2, 7, 2, 7, 6, 9, 4, 2, 6, 6, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 8, 1, 10, 5, 6, 5, 2 = 134 (25d10)
rolling for the 2nd half of it
Rolled 1 (1d5)
Rolled 7, 5, 5, 6, 3, 2, 9, 4, 3, 7 = 51 (10d10)
1d2 option isn't for simulationists like me
1st planet
>Agri world
>Ice World
>Safe for widespread habitation
>Adherant to the Imperial Cult
>Mostly peaceful, direct war may not happen for centuries
>Active Genestealer cults
>Adeptus Astertes on world or nearby
>Threat: Hrud infestation
>The traditional enemy is chaos
>It's a high gravity world
2nd planet:
>Feudal world
>Jungle world
>Safe for widespread habitation
>Adherant to the Imperial Cult
>Planet regularly sends troops to close by conflicts
>Petty Cults active
>Adeptus Astertes on world or nearby
>Threat: Ork Waagh!!!
>The traditional enemy are Tyranids
>The planet has 10 different weather season
3rd planet:
>Cardinal World
>Desert World
>Semi Dangerous
>Adherant to the Imperial Cult
>Planet is in a state of war
>Petty Cults active
>Poorly Trained PDF
>Threats: Chaos Incursions
>The traditional enemy are Orks
>Planet has a high level of Nitrous Oxide
4th planet
>Cardinal world
>Ocean world
>Safe for widespread habitation
>Mostly peaceful, direct war may not happen for centuries
>Active Genestealer cults
>Poorly Trained PDF
>Threats: Chaos Incursions
>The traditional enemy are Eldar
>High Gravity world
5th planet
>Hive World
>Mixed biome world
>Borderline heretical or extremely unorthodox
>Mostly peaceful, direct war may not happen for centuries
>Chaos cults active
>Guard Regiments stationed with naval defences
>Threat: Chaos Incursions
>The traditional enemy are Tyranids
>The Planet has 5 habital moons
Added my worlds and sub sector
The sector governor is a crazy person who mostly communicates through squeals and grunts when not enveloped by schizophrenic seizures and screaming for the emperor. He has recently ordered that all infants are to be tortured thoroughly and then put to the fire, for they are heretics of the highest order.
They shit everywhere and care not for cleanliness (Nurgle); they are the product of the most dangerous and degenerate emotions in the eyes of the Imperium, that of love and lust, and after they burst forth from female sexual organs, they derive sustenance and pleasure from suckling on the teat (Slaanesh); they throw tantrums and attack with malicious intent at random, and will bite to draw blood when their teeth grow, it is only there small size that curbs their bloodlust (Khorne); and they are changing rapidly and quickly, and gaining knowledge of the world (Tzeentch). Furthermore, all infants "interrogated" have been unable to prove their piousness by even recanting some of the most basic holy words or tenents of the Imperial creed.
He has also left the sector wide open for invasion from the nearby orks since he depleted the PDF by sending them on a crusade against a death world where the very air is toxic to humans to wipe out the underground living stone age aliens there. Due to usual imperial skullfuckery, they were shipped off without gas masks, and continued to be shipped off even 20 year later without the masks.
For all of this, he has been recognized by Holy Terra as an unusually competent sector governor with a bright and long future ahead of him should he continue down this route.
>The Forge World of Hecate
>7 - Forge World
>5 - Jungle World
>5 - Semi-Dangerous
>6 - Adherent to Imperial Religion at an average level
>3 - Planet is in a state of war
>2 - Insurgency Rating: Chaos Cult Active
>9 - Military Status: Adeptus Astartes on world or close by
>4 - Threats: Ork Waaagh
>3 - Tarditional Enemy: Eldar
>7 - Laughing Gas Atmosphere
Hecate is the single planet of a system of the same name, a troubled world which the Imperium has no choice but to defend due to it's strategic and industrial value. Venerable tales told by underhive mothers whisper that the planet has been the site of conflict since at least the dark age of technology, when all other major orbital bodies, including Hecate's sister world of Diana, were smashed to ruin by weapons of great and terrible power. Hecate's lost sisters now feed her ravenous industry as an immense asteroid belt which permeates most of the system. Unlike many Forge world, the wilds of Hecate have refused to succumb to the toxic fumes of its industry, and both flora and fauna seem to have engaged in a state of warfare with their human neighbors, dangerous pack beasts and well adapted abmush predators are an ever-present danger and the world is steeped in a haze of mind altering spores.
Fueled by the "jungle mother's visions" chaos cults from the wilds have been waging guerilla war in the lower hives for centuries, a distraction which has allowed the omnipresent ork population to boom to truly alarming levels. Fragmentary reports are now reaching the capital that these orks are organizing under the direction of an Ork Warboss, an immense Albino monstrosity who feels only rage and hate for the true faithful. In addition to all this, tales persist of ghosts in the depths of the hives and the furthest reaches of the jungles, strange alien warriors which appear from nowhere to defend decaying ruins and disappear just as suddenly, there presence here stretches as far back as the planet's records, and the PDF's spine is stiffened in combat against them by persistent rumors that it was the weaponry of these "Eldar" which sundered the ancient world of Diana.
Hecate does not face these tests alone however, a chapter of the Emperor's Angels of Death has recently arrived in system at the head of a battle fleet, and even now prepares for the opening scenes of what promises to be another bloody chapter in Hecate's history.
Update map here.
Rolled 3 (1d5)
Are subsectors supposed to be a single system, btw?
Rolled 4, 1, 2, 6, 4, 4, 3, 4, 2, 9, 6, 1, 4, 8, 4, 6, 1, 10, 5, 5, 5, 9, 2, 5, 8 = 118 (25d10)
this feels like I'm playing shadowrun
Subsectors are just a term for a cluster of star system so they can easily be governed by the Imperium and the sector as a whole
Like this user says Imagine them being like counties in a state. That’s the best analogy I could think of
Laon subsector, only imperial settlements on the moons of the gas giants in the Baudouin system
Baudouin VI a1
>Feral World, Desert, Barren, Normally Orthodox, Unrestful, Fukken stealers, Competent PDF, Threatened by Ork Waaagh, As usual, Deemed "remarkable" by the Officium Meteorologicus due to its weather cycles.
The first moon of the gas giant seems to attrack Space Hulks, and many of the massive objects mar its surface, emerging from the sands of the desert. As the result there are frequent skirmishes with all kind of aliens emerging from the hulks, including orks and genestealers.
The techno barbarians tribes of the world have concluded pacts with the Adeptus Mechanicus and scavenge the wrecks in exchange for imperial technology and commodities.
The moon is orbited by Watch Station VB-516, that studies its magnetic anomalies and strange weather, hoping to find the reason behind the Space Hulks presence.
Baudouin VI a2
>Forge World, Desert, Barren, Unorthodox, Unrestful, Petty Cults, Poorly Trained PDF, Hrud Infestation, Accustomed to Tyranids, Moon of a Gas Giant.
Closely following its sister moon a1 in its orbit, a2 is a forge world focused on the retrieval and study of the Space Hulks appearing in the system. The defense of the world is ensured only by legions of combat servitors, the techpriests estimating that the low risks of attack don't justify the cost of training an actual defense force, and preferring rely on the Imperial Navy presence and invest their funds in more salvage equipment.
The world is orbited by a Ramilies-class star fort hosting a couple Cruisers, and a myriad of monitors and support boats. Every decade or so, a new ship is pulled out from the nearby moon's wrecks and repurposed into a vessel of the Imperial fleet. A few Rogue Traders have been able to pull ties and seize such ships for their own use.
Baudouin VII a
>Feudal World, Mixed Biome, Deadly, Normally Orthodox, Peaceful, No Cults, Poorly Trained PDF, Eldar Incursions, As usual, Moon of a Gas Giant.
The third moon of the gas giant was recently settled by imperial pilgrims, after it was sold to the Ecclesiarchy by the Admech on the condition that it becomes an agri-world, to make the system economically independant from the Jerva sub-sector. The world is a true paradise, which isn't surprising as it was originally an Eldar maiden-world. As such it hosts a small population of Eldar Exodites, that have prevented further expansion of the colons, annihilating any new settlement on what would have otherwise become a thriving imperial world.
Rolled 8, 9, 5, 4, 2, 6, 7, 1, 9, 4 = 55 (10d10)
Sounds like your average, run of the mill Imperial governor, to be honest.
Now for some lore about the sub-sector:
1st planet:
The Agri world Snokyla is a planet currently in one of it's ice ages, the high gravity of the world doesn't make it any easier for the humans living there, but the inhabitants of Snokyla are the sole providers of food for the Jerva sub-sector and many other worlds in the sector. The foodstuffs produced here take the for of aquatic animals that the workers haul up fromj giant rigs situatated ontop of the frozen oceans in order to break through the ice and haul up the creatures swimming the cold oceans. But recent Hrud infestations had seen the sudden collapse of many of these rigs. The situation is so dire that a small foce of Adeptus Astartes has been sent to the world in order to pacify the threat.
2nd planet:
The Feudal world Hertook is home to many primitive city states goverend by local monarchs. There is little interaction with the citizens of Hertook, but occationaly the members of the Departo Monitorum decend upon the planet to gather the tithe in the form of soldiers for the Imperial Guard, over several generations the even known as "The Decent into heaven" is one every aspiring solider on Hertook looks forward to. That they can prove themselves worthy of fighting beside the God Emperor of Man. This drive of proving themselves has taken the interests of a chapter of Space Marines that take young soldiers and put them to become space marines. But the planet is threatend by Orks from Lervex Divinatus that could threaten the entire planet if not being dealt with soon.
3rd planet:
The dry and harsh cardinal world Lervex Divinatus with it's many temples and churches dedicated to the God Emperor is currently under attack by Orks that roam outside of the cities, constantly beseiging them. The poorly trained PDF was also no match for the Orks as they were only glorified temple guards. But the Astartes in the nearby systems are on route to aid Lervex Divinatus
4th planet:
The Ocean world of Gegovanixa-VIII is almost the opposite of Lervex Divinatus, with oceans covering the entire planet, and no conflict has been seen on the planet for many years. This has made the planet a popular pilgrime location. This influx of pilgrims is what makes the planet go by as it doesn't have much in natural resources. But among the pilgrims also lurks danger. Chaos worshippers have gathered en massa in order to try and topple the planet for the dark gods, but "thanks" to Genestealer cults the chaos worshipper doesn't have it easy. If war were to break out it wouldn't seem like the Gegovanixa would last long as similar to Lervex Divinatus the PDF is mostly a ceramonial temple guard.
5th planet:
The heart of the Sub-Sector Jerva is the hive world Centragon Prime. Here is the seat of the sub-sector govenor. It's also home to the majority of the Guard forces in the sub-sector as well as being the home for the Imperial Navy in the region. Thanks so aincient Dark Age of Technology filters the hive doesn't pollute as much as on other planets. This can be seen as many natural biomes still exist on the planet. This along with it's 5 habitable moons has made it easy for Centragon to be self sufficent when it comes to food in case they are cut of from the larger Imperium.
We need to put in warp routes, too.
Yeah, should we use purple for them and do them in straight lines? Or should we make them more curvy?
straight I think, so far it's a schematic map, and the "lightning" routes would be beyond my MS paint skills.
On a sidenote, I like what we got so far.
I did a thing
What should we name the sector by the way? Any suggestions?
im sure the inquisition sees it another way...
Figure that out later.
The inquisition would look at all the future heretics he's purging and pat him on the back. These are the guys who'll shoot you after a trial, even if you're innocent because:
>"There is no such thing as a finding of innocence in my court, for even if the accused is guiltless of heresy, he is still guilty of wasting my time. Guilty."
Better safe than sorry after all.
some distance to the north west of the systems center floats a warp gate twenty miles across. Although clearly Eldar in origin the runic script is of a more archaic style then is usually seen of the race. Surrounded by a minor asteroid field it lies cold and deactivated...if it works at all only the Eldar know, only the foolish or the brave venture close.
Rolled 3 (1d5)
eh, why not it looks like something fun to do
Rolled 4, 2, 10, 1, 10, 9, 6, 10, 8, 6 = 66 (10d10)
Alright so three planets
Rolled 1, 6, 8, 1, 8, 9, 5, 5, 3, 3 = 49 (10d10)
First one is!
>Feral world
>Desert World
>Safe for widespread habitation
>They are fanatically religious
>Planet has no records of war
>petty cults active
>Guard Regiments stationed with naval defences
>Hrud Infestation
>Chaos is it's traditional enemy
>The planet has a planetary ring
Sounds pretty cool desu. I shall name it Extrevisum (it sounds cool). I will have to write some fluff about them once I am done with all 3
Next one then!
Rolled 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 3, 3, 7, 5, 5 = 42 (10d10)
>1, 6, 8, 1, 8, 9, 5, 5, 3, 3
>Agri world
>Ocean world
>Safe for widespread habitation
>They are fanatically religious
>Mostly peaceful, direct war may not happen for centuries
>Petty Cults active
>Guard Regiments stationed with naval defences
>The threat is a T'au Expansion
>The treaditional enemy are the Eldar
>It's a low gravity world
I shall name this world Joipax-V, lore is coming later. Now time for the 3rd planet
>Feral world
>Jungle world
>Death World
>Adherant to Imperial religion
>Planet sends troops to nearby conflicts
>Genestealer cults active
>Compitent PDF
>Threats are in the form of Dark Eldar raids
>Their traditional enemy are the Tyranids
>The planet is a moon of a gas giant
So this is Avatar's Pandora 2.0 but with humans instead of the Na'vi, so I shall call it Morsaltu (I just combined the latin words for death and jungle)
Extrevisum is a primitive desert world that once was home to a powerful human empire, but for unknown reasons decended into mayhem and destruction, leading to a de-evoloution of their society and technology. Thousands of years later explorators found the planet and it went by unnoticed since then. It wasn't until a large migration of Hrud came to the planet and it's planetary rings, thus posing a huge threat to the surrounding systems. Thus a large force of guard and navy forces has been sent to eradicate the Hrud infestation.
wants to kill you and eat your eyes for juju bees
where can I get this template?
Can someone roll the system where all the plastic sisters and new ork codexes live?
It has been eaten by the tyranids.
Gonna make some ships to travel those routes
The basilica astra Aphthartos (from the BFG thread)
This gigantic vessel is classified as a mobile diocese instead of a warship, allowing the Ministorum to operate her despite complaints from the Imperial Navy and the Adeptus Mechanicus. Nonetheless, she boasts a sufficient population to be considered an imperial world in most aspects.
The ship travels from system to system, organizing planet-wide religious feasts and witch hunts when she arrives.
As her presence is seen as a good omen for warp travel (and since her weaponry deters most pirates), she is always followed by convoys of smaller ships during her journeys.
Why don't you just save that one friendo?
Feudal World, Mixed Biome, Borderline Heretical/unorthodox, Mostly peaceful planet, Genestealer cults active, Adeptus astartes have a presence on world or close by, World under Inquisitorial suspicion, tyranidsas traditional enemy, moon of gas giant. on my phone..cant really green text.