How do you prefer trolls?
How do you prefer trolls?
2nd down on the right. Wise but childlike beings, who are a bit self centered as a product of being older than the mountains.
Something like this.
Warcraft trolls
love the voodoo
posts about trolls. No picture of actual nordic troll. Sad!
Tazdingo mon
Which ones? Norse mythology has a ton of different and interesting trolls.
Witcher trolls
John Bauer and similar, including DiTerlizzi's, Paul Bonner and such.
About how trolls behave and stuff, I like how they're in folktales and myths; sapient, but most of them appear as brutish or simple creatures, with some of them being incredibly wise, while others are violent and horrible.
>WoW trolls
They're cool, and are more or less a straight descendant from D&D trolls, but I wouldn't use them in my games. Love how their lore mixes voodoo and Aztec elements, though.
Also vengeance for Zul'jin.
>LotR trolls
That's how I picture ogres.
>Frozen and Troll toys
I understand they're kinda like true trolls from mythology? But as pointed out, trolls in norse mythology come in all sizes and shapes.
No interest. They're more like goblins, I think.
Like those mostly. But 1-2-3 are lovely too, in they own settings.
Man I'm surprised you used a Sacrifice troll.
What's the top right one?
A sacrifice Troll. It's one of those wierd games than have a cult following, pretty good for its time.
Bart is best girl.
Bottom left. Enough intelligence to outsmart an ogre and enough strength to bully an orc. Squalid living conditions in swamp or forest. Actually pairs well with top left if you want a tribe and not just some loners, where a few of the most intelligent ones become with doctors and shamans
I think the problem with trolls is that they usually overlap too heavily with other, more iconic races. The big, ugly, stupid kind are a bit too similar to orcs and ogres. The child-like and eccentric little ones are too similar to halflings and/or goblins. This is probably why no one can agree one what a troll is supposed to look or act like. Pretty much the only consistent things trolls do are regenerate wounds and guard bridges.
See the thing is that these names from the original mythologies: elf, dwarf, ogre, troll....they don't refer to a specific creature, and are more like descriptive adjectives. So you'll see trolls in norse mythology that are described as Jotuns, but others described as dwarfs; you'll see dwarfs described as dark elves or as hobgoblins. The idea of these creatures as SPECIES came from christianization, mostly. Goblins became impish demons, dwarfs became small humanoids, and trolls...never really became anything.
But as for OP's question I don't lean towards any one version, I just prefer that the trolls aren't too similar to another race in the universe. If you have ogres that are big dim-wits but still sapient, make the trolls have animal intelligence. Warhammer did that, and Witcher did the exact opposite.
In a homebrew I prefer the scandic troll-mountain or
The 3-6 meter range is more of an ogre than a troll.
Muh people
Beat the game not so long ago and understood why does it have the cult following. I recall that it had two kinds of trolls, Persephone( in the OP) and Pyro modified version(pic related). Fire god's troll doesn't have the regeneration, instead it increases own damage every time it takes damage.
I like having different species of trolls in order to have more or less all kinds represented. I think it's way more reasonable than with most races that often get a thousand sub-races (looking at elves) if not done like in WoW.
First two
Like this.
That's a bumble, not a troll
I really like Trudvang trolls. I feel like they strike a very happy balance between their folkloric background and modern kinda D&D/LotR style trolls.
I prefer legitimate businesstrolls
I agree with you and that's why I easily prefer Warcraft trolls of the bunch. I find the "big lumbering brute" archetype is filled just fine by ogres in most settings, who vary far less in depiction than trolls do.
I think Warcraft trolls are also very cool with all of their different sub-species.
Those are males, these are females.
That drawing is literally called "Sea Troll"
My jot from another mound
Regular Troll is cute.
I remember when I first got really into contemporary fantasy that trolls used to confuse the shit out of me. The first I probably noticed were warcraft trolls from warcraft 2. So I learned:
>they are brutish, but still intelligent
>they are a ranged unit
>they regenerate
Then came D&D trolls
>they are brutish, but still somewhat intelligent
>they are tall and strong
>they regenerate
Then came LotR
>they are brutish and dumb
>they are big and strong
>they turn to stone when exposed to the sunlight
But they were all ugly, and that stuck to me.
>literally drinking its own piss/shit to power flame fists
Not what trolls look like. Try again.
Bit of a soft spot for the warhammer river trolls.
I prefer multiple types of trolls in a single setting
Basically "troll" becomes more of a generic terms for a wide variety of troll like monsters.
That said I hate what blizzard did with Warcraft trolls. I liked the original art more.
>Basically "troll" becomes more of a generic terms for a wide variety of troll like monsters.
Iron Kingdoms does something like that where there are a number of related troll species. Trollkin are slightly larger than humans and of similar intelligence, full blood trolls are the trollkins' larger, less intelligent cousins, dire trolls are even bigger and more animalistic, pygmy trolls are smaller than trollkin and about as smart, and then you've got mountain kings which are fuckhueg monsters that like to just eat everything in sight.
> ctrl-f Humon
> 0 results
Veeky Forums, I'm disappoint.
I like Discworld trolls. Rocks that are named after the type of stone they`re made of, with silicon brains, and that never stop growing and eventually become mountains.
It`s like each author takes an aspect of troll lore he likes and turns it into a species.
It`s interesting how trolls don`t have that standarization all the other races have. It gives them an outcast vibe.
Siege ballista's optional?
It`s true that he can only shot once. However, it`s also true that he only needs to hit once.
But seriously, that mini is fucking fly. are there more?
>How do you prefer trolls?
No consistency beyond a few key physiological and biological features, I.E: All trolls regenerate, can be killed by direct sunlight (smaller ones will catch fire, larger ones will turn to stone, though reaction can vary), and many often have tusks, prominent noses, and tails.
Those, though, are where the similarities begin and end.
There's a lot of variation and discrepancies between what a Troll is and isn't supposed to be both in fiction and real life folklore, so I decided to roll with it on the basis that: Troll regeneration causes them to be extremely susceptible to blatant, abrupt, and visibly graphic mutation, to such a degree that few Trolls (even individuals related to one another) really look much the same.
People will tell you about River, Forest, Jungle, Bridge, Mountain, Cave, Sea, Sand, Trolls, but really all they're doing is describing the visible morphological patterns that the Trolls within those environments have mutated or physically adapted to. Trolls living in a cave will all look very different: some will have horns, some will have six fingers, some will have two heads, etc.. But their status as "cave" Troll means they'll all generally be very pale, have small beady eyes, no fur, and will have adapted to life in a cave.
Absolutely marvelous stuff user, hope you don't mind if I steal that shit.
In a way, "Trolls" work in fantasy like "mutants" in Sci-fi. It basically covers a wide spectrum of mutations and transformations that are still considered part of the same species.
>can be killed by direct sunlight (smaller ones will catch fire, larger ones will turn to stone, though reaction can vary)
This is largely absent in most settings
Skyrim trolls are best trolls.
Well, most settings are ass. The only good troll is a highly flammable troll.
1. D&D (specifically War Trolls)
2. Warcraft
3. Homestuck before Hussie shat the bed.
I like the Trollkin within the context of the IK but not really compared to the classic troll design. I mainly don't like the proportions I guess. The idea though, of there being hulking primal trolls, then smaller like cavemen-level trolls, followed ultimately by the smallest and most advanced human sized trolls, is great. I could probably do without the Whelps and stuff but I guess they fill in that goblinesque role for them.
Something like this same setup for Trolls like those in D&D and Warcraft I think is ideal. They probably wouldn't work together as much as they do in the IK for various reasons, but the idea that small groups of trolls band together in the wild as minor clans or that lone dragon-sized trolls sleep in forgotten caves for thousands of years is great. The Mountain King isn't a good model but the art and concept of it is great.
He just wants to eat everything.
That's great stuff.
> Norse mythology has a ton of different and interesting trolls
And I swear I can never find a resource that organizes them into discernible subtypes
I love Witcher trolls.
Trolls are ugly, both male and female. However there is a mutation of female trolls that make them very beautiful and hypersexualized, known as Trollops.
There are already lots of stuff who are weak to sunlight, its boring
Trolls live around and with an Archtree, a tree inhabited by a fae spirit. The fruits of an archtree grow into trolls, and these can be basically any size, shape, or personality, or any shade of yellow, blue, grey, brown, or green, depending on the fae sprit that fathered them. They all regenerate and suffer ill effects in sun light. They form eusocial communities with the other trolls from their archtree, with multiple distinct castes of morphologically differing trolls. Archtrees can be tiny saplings with minuscule mischievous little trolls or giants towering pillars visible from miles around protected by a functioning civilization.
Archtrees grow from the dead body of a troll or trolls of sufficient strength, which may be one truly towering troll elder who went on a death quest to go die somewhere and become the fae spirit of a new troll people or a giant pile of viscous little cannibal goblin trolls who tear each other apart. a new tree arising from their piled bodies.
Trolls that are into agriculture typically raise thick mossgrain in stone gardens and giant snails.
It's a tie between Warcraft trolls and the traditional Norwegian trolls and their derivatives. I prefer lanky, big-nosed trolls to the giant fat trolls like in Tolkien's works. Those are more ogres, for me.
Whilst i am a big fan of Warcraft/Dota trolls, i love the big idiot sort too, having both is a tuffy though.
Trolls are easily replaced by Ogres, so any is good.
Yup. Is a goodest. Choosing
Stand still stay silent trolls
So post what female trolls look like in your setting.
I like my Trolls from Trudvang.
>Not what trolls look like. Try again.
Even within their original mythological source material ,trolls are all over the fucking place looks wise. From massive, hunchbacked dudes with huge noses and tails who may as well be the whole hill rather than living in it, to a gnarly old tree, to midgets, to some hottie that'll make men wander into the forest and make them stay there for the troll pussy for hundreds of years.
I like them edgy
Check out the movie Trolljägaren (Troll Hunter). It's actually pretty good.
I myself have always liked their Stone Trolls.
Warcraft Trolls, they are suprisingly similar to the trolls I grew up fighting.
How is Starfire a troll?
damn good movie too
All of the above at the same time. When it was pointed out to me how much more inconsistent trolls are then any other fantasy thing I thought it'd be neat for a settings gimmick to be that literally no two trolls are the same.
The gods sat down and made all the other races like normal and then threw all the extra unused parts in a big heaping pile and that's where trolls come from.
I should read threads all the way through before I post because apparently a bunch of people said more or less the same thing
But why did you post a kinda bad Starfire pinup?
Huge, beautiful, and dangerous to climb.
>trolls...never really became anything
Yes they did. See ; ;
Wot dis
When was that? I fell off like right after Cascade, then come back to find out it's over?
Trolls and ogres are the same species.
Trolls are what happens when an ogre is born with or develops a rare defect that causes constant regeneration. Because of the constant growth and caloric cost of it, trolls are always hungry. Because of constantly growing/regenerating nerve tissue, trolls are basically retarded and can't remember anything past their childhoods.
Ogres treat trolls as tragic stories, and often leave troll children out in the woods to fend for themselves, or locked in their basement trying to find all kinds of cures.
a berserk troll