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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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Is Dirge ever going to update FFXIV jump?
What are some settings that you want jumps for, but that you'd rather people hold off on until their respective series is finished?
Ava's Demon
Re-posting the True Ancestor description. Made minor changes after it was pointed out I was downplaying it a bit.
Please point out if I missed anything important here. This should be the last background description.
Post whatever neat combos you can think up off the top of your head as you read this post.
>Natural Genius/Ordinary Man + Shard Administration = You're An Entity Now
Didn't he like abandon Jumpchain as a whole? It's well known that he's forsaken /jc/ but I haven't heard word of him being active anywhere else recently either.
Dr. Stone
Robot x Lazerbeam
Talimancer (Overlord [LN/M/A]) stores spells in physical objects + The Abyss of Magic (Overlord [LN/M/A]) makes any spell able to grow beyond its limits via time & effort + Sting (Worm) bypasses the physical defenses, up to and including dimensional quackery + Balefire (Wheel of Time) to unmake the target's existence + Magic Must Defeat Magic (Jackie Chan) makes it bypass any non-magical powers these things are using + Warring Warlock cancels/erodes their magical defenses + Anathema (SMITE) defnese reduction + Blessing of Stravhs (The Banner Saga).would create an attack that kills perma-dead + Conjoined Conjures (Cardcaptor Sakura) to make the magic play nice + Safety First (Cardcaptor Sakura) so that if it ever was used against me/Reflected/etc it wouldn't work full stop+ Final Casting (Demon King Maoyuu) for the full full weight of my magic behind each spell.
One of my favorites.
Funnily enough, when I was making BTTH, part of me wanted to hold off until it finished, but the anons almost unanimously said to release it now and make an update for it later.
These comments are on the original, I'll look over the new one now.
Pretty darn cool.
Some things to consider though.
>brought to life in the modern era against all possible odds.
In this grammatical context, 'possible' is somewhat redundant. I'd considered just getting rid of it myself.
>Like a Dead Apostle, you are able to regenerate from even physical annihilation by your injuries ‘reversing’ back to your healthy state, though this is a drain on your stamina...and it is incredibly exhausting.
Technically, if Roa is any indication, most Dead Apostles can't regenerate from complete physical annihilation. Even he still had his feet (the Manga) or on foot (the VN), and needed the Full Moon to manage that.
That being said, Arcueid's implied that she can pull that sort of thing off normally, and that under normal circumstances its not even very trying on her. It was the MEoDP not allowing her Curse of Restoration to heal her wounds that put her in her miserable state during Tsukihime. She explicitly states that her wounds would't heal after hours of agonizing pain, so she had to remake her body from scratch. While it's not explicitly stated, the language of that implies she actually used Marble Phantasm to make herself a new body instead of her Curse of Restoration just throwing together a new body.
Of course, because MEoDP are absolute BS, those wounds still carried over to her new body, though they seemed much less 'unhealable' afterwards.
When she regained the power Roa stole from her though, she could apparently revive herself without issue though.
Anyway...that description does work, but if you make any notes about what Marble Phantasm can do, or include it any perks, you might want to keep that in mind. If you want any quotes though, I can probably transcribe Arcueid's initial conversation with Shiki today, though manga scans would be easier to acquire.
Anyway, overall it looks great!
>Natural Genius/Ordinary Man
I know what Shard Administration is, but I don't recognize those other things, where are they from?
I think that's right? I thought he was active on the discord for awhile, but since my only experience with that is other anons crossposting, I wouldn't know if that's changed or not. Certainly I haven't heard anything about him in months.
I havent seen him in the Discord for a long time, unless he changed his name.
Looks good, only thing that stands out is the Marble Phantasm description. I know you're trying to simplify for the sake of not spamming Nasuspeak, but there are actual imagination-creation powers elsewhere out there (e.g. demons, certain NPs like Alice's and Shakespeare's) so I think the description from the wiki summarises it pretty well.
Especially the part where Marble Phantasm can't affect things not of nature.
>The concept works on "clustering illusion" theory of probability. Much like a mathematical metaphor involving drawing a white marble from a bag of black marbles with a one percent chance, Marble Phantasm is the ability to raise that chance to one hundred percent and definitely pick the white one amongst all the black ones. This remains within the laws of the world, but similarly, a Reality Marble would allow for all of the marble to turn into white ones. This is something the world wouldn't naturally allow. It can be considered more efficient, but Reality Marbles can only specialize in that one aspect, while Marble Phantasm can perform any number of things. Reality Marbles can also affect things not of nature, so they can also be called superior in that sense.
Alright, I just axed the line about the regeneration being draining and made the following lines:
>Similar to a Dead Apostle but well beyond their norm, you are able to regenerate from even physical annihilation by your injuries ‘reversing’ back to your healthy state. In addition, you suffer no physical weakness from sunlight, nor do you require blood to sustain yourself - simply a few days of rest will suffice should you overextend your abilities.
>The more you exert yourself, the weaker your abilities become - while you remain formidable, you become increasingly vulnerable if you recently had to do something like recreate your body from slabs of meat in the daytime, requiring you to rest for several days. While fighting Dead Apostles constantly or making uses of Marble Phantasm will not be enough to drain you, coming back from certain death or battling nonstop for hours at your full power will likely be a heavy toll.
And some lines on what Arc says about Marble Phantasm would help a little, if only for something to stick in notes or clarify it. This look good? And thanks again for the help!
It seems clear but I'm having trouble translating that into something my brain can easily digest. So it has an exist or be already-possible for Marble Phantasm to affect it?
Not that user, but Natural Genius is from Petals of Reincarnation and lets you develop superpowers based on notable events and accomplishments that have become part of your personal history. Ordinary Man is from Fate/Grand Order and removes skill caps, allowing you to keep advancing in proficiency until the skill turns into magic to keep up, and from there into a Noble Phantasm, like how the Servant system interprets Sasaki Kojiro being so fast at swording as him being magically able to cut multiple times with one slash because it just can't conceive of it, otherwise.
By the same token, Gamer Perks and Shard Administration also works.
NG is from Petals of Reincarnation
OM is from FGO
Both have the effect of making it so you develop new superpowers.
that might be a while
pic unrelated
>It seems clear but I'm having trouble translating that into something my brain can easily digest. So it has an exist or be already-possible for Marble Phantasm to affect it?
I think it's less that it has to already exist and instead be something that can exist without active intervention from magic. Like, a Marble Phantasm obviously cheats on the way to the end state, it ignores physics doing that, but once its done the thing it makes has to be real enough to survive on its own. It can't make a giant monster out of solidified dreams, because that's not a thing that makes sense under physics, but it could make regular animals. Which makes the "you're changing the color of the marbles, not just picking the right one with perfect success" analogy kind of flawed, since black marbles are perfectly viable existences.
The way people explained it to me before, Marble Phantasm works by increasing the chance of something that is possible in the natural world (that is, Gaia's world, not the universe as a whole. Probably.) happening to 100%, even if that doesn't make a whole lot of sense in the current "context". As said, it can't affect things that aren't a part of the natural world directly, even if as the vacuum blades used to slice Roa show, it can affect them indirectly just fine.
...You'd probably have to use non-canon examples, like creating a fire or tornado, since Arc doesn't get too creative with it.
You should probably defer to those other anons, though. They seem to know a lot more than I do.
Pretty much, and be part of nature apparently.
...you know what though, I'm not ever 100% sure about that last part? Because in Fate/Extra Arcuied just...fucking RIPS her way out of the Moon Cell. As in. The digital recording of Arcuied. Somehow breaks out of the Moon and into reality somewhere.
I think it was explained as the Moon Cell, well, being on the moon. So that state of MAXIMUM MOON was buffing Arc's powers once she snapped out of the crappy limiting Servant state she was accidentally summoned into.
...I need this.
What would you rate yourself as?
Jump-wise, currently at a dekahelen and trying to get further.
IRL I am firmly at an attohelen and finding new lows to sink.
>Finally, your connection to the world enables you to use a phenomena called the Marble Phantasm - tapping into the will of Gaia and re-shaping it according to your will, using your imagination to create changes in reality. An example of this is turning the atmosphere within a hallway into vacuums that would slice apart a target like a knife, but the hallway itself remaining untouched because your imagination didn’t factor into it. Empowered by Crimson Moon, Arcueid Brunestud could pull out a version of the moon itself from the distant future, though this is an extreme example and beyond what you begin with. It is also more difficult to use this ability within areas affected by the progress of human development and civilization, though the difference is slight. What you create with the Marble Phantasm must be something possible under the rules of the world - it could not make a creature or item made of dreams or magic, but it could create animals and other results that were possible within the world - such as fire, villages, or even natural disasters. The Marble Phantasm allows you to create results that were possible according to the laws of the world, akin to reaching into a bag of marbles and pulling out a white one every time with only a 1% of drawing it normally in a bag of black marbles. Finally, you do not age, untouched by the ravages of time.
Did I nail it, or...? If anyone here wants to suggest a clearer write-up, I'll be happy to throw it in. I'm slightly distracted by loud noises at the moment.
Get one of the xianxia or crossover makers to read it. Chances are one will make it.
Jumper! Who was your greatest Foe?
Like most of us here, my greatest enemy is myself.
This troll made my time miserable while I was there.
Close enough mechanically, I'm just uncomfortable with it being called "using your imagination to create changes in reality" when it's technically just high level probability manipulation.
Fluff/lore-wise, how powerful is Runescape magic? Should I be preparing for DnD levels of bullshit or do I just need to avoid a few elemental bolts?
lack of imagination
Who the fuck is this satanic looking little weebshit and why is he labeled as odin?
>This look good?
Looks good to me.
>And thanks again for the help!
Happy to.
>It seems clear but I'm having trouble translating that into something my brain can easily digest. So it has an exist or be already-possible for Marble Phantasm to affect it?
So the thing to remember is that Marble Phantasm is essentially the innate ability of an Elemental to make natural phenomena take place.
Because Arcueid is one of the buffest Elementals to exist, she has a lot of theoretical versatility (which she generally doesn't use, because she genuinely prefers to just apply brute force until a problem goes away, something she apparently got from Crimson Moon if Archetype: Earth is any indication).
Anyway, as for what it can do...if it's a naturally occurring phenomena within a certain scale-limit, Arcueid can make it happen (Lets just ignore the chains, maybe True Ancestors were blacksmiths and it counts as natural that way or something...). She could, for example, conjure up a ton of un-purified ore above Dead Apostle X's head, but she couldn't conjure up an anvil or a car for the same purpose.
She also can't directly affect humans and things made by humans, but she can affect both indirectly (using vacuum blades to reduce Roa to a stain on the wall, healing Shiki by molding the primordial mud left behind by Nrvnqsr to replace lost flesh).
>that is, Gaia's world, not the universe as a whole. Probably.)
A few of Archetype: Earth's moves *do* look like she was throwing around stellar plasma...
>fucking RIPS her way out of the Moon Cell
That actually makes complete sense. I can't remember if its in Kagetsu Tohya or Melty Blood, but Len at one point sequestered Arcueid from her connection to the Counter Force by dragging her into a dream-realm.
Arcueid basically laughed and called on the Counter Force anyway, which broke through the dream-realm to reconnect to Arcueid.
Its the Odin from God Of Highschool
This looks good
.Eh, Nasu describes it as both in his own materials.
Though, I can't recall if Arcueid actually ever explains Marble Phantasm in Tsukihime proper...might've done it in Melty Blood though...I'll look into that.
>Finally, your connection to the world enables you to use a phenomena called the Marble Phantasm - tapping into the will of Gaia and re-shaping it according to your will, using your imagination to create changes in reality. An example of this is turning the atmosphere within a hallway into vacuums that would slice apart a target like a knife, but the hallway itself remaining untouched because your imagination didn’t factor into it. Empowered by Crimson Moon, Arcueid Brunestud could pull out a version of the moon itself from the distant future, though this is an extreme example and beyond what you begin with. It is also more difficult to use this ability within areas affected by the progress of human development and civilization, though the difference is slight - and while you cannot directly affect humans or things made by humans, you can easily do so indirectly, such as with the aforementioned vacuum blades. What you create with the Marble Phantasm must be something possible under the rules of the world - it could not make a creature or item made of dreams or magic, but it could create mundane animals and other results that were possible within the world - such as fire, villages, or even natural disasters. The Marble Phantasm allows you to create results that were possible according to the laws of the world, akin to reaching into a bag of marbles and pulling out a white one every time with only a 1% of drawing it normally in a bag of black marbles. So long as it is a naturally occurring phenomena, you can create it - so you could create unpurified ore from nothing, but not a car or an anvil. Finally, you do not age, untouched by the ravages of time.
Mmkay, updated the description to account for what you mentioned. This look good now?
Looks alright I guess
This woman.
If I had a complaint it would be that your first sentence and last sentence both begin with "Finally".
I agree. Such a bitch
I turned Ginny into a dude.
Yeah, she’d probably murder you for that.
Why is the age roll in Batman Arkham Asylum 11 + 1d8? Is that a typo?
I like it.
One grammatical issue that kind of sticks out though.
>because your imagination didn’t factor into it.
I think this works better as 'factor it in'. since right now it reads as factoring in your imagination, and not the effects on the wall.
*Prepares witch-burning stake*
But why though?
Not that I’m saying you’re wrong or anything, because Ginny, I’m just curious
>*Prepares witch-burning stake*
You can follow her onto it, you pagan moon worshiping harlot.
Just thought it'd be funny to do when she and Harry finally got down to it. I spent my last three years in Azkaban for GBH
Age rolls were a mistake.
Jump when ?
>Just thought it'd be funny to do when she and Harry finally got down to it.
Cool. Not that I’m in any position to judge.
Hmm, now that I think about it. It might be fun to try that and claim Ginny and Draco swapped genders. Ron would certainly flip his shit, which is nice.
So is anyone doing lazy dungeon master? I want to request a buy item of the futunara potion.
>see latest episode
>perfect chance for a decapitation strike
Salem's an idiot. She puts all but two of her best pieces in ONE place (and of those two, one is crippled and the other's an unarmed nerd), and she expects no one to abuse that? The only downside is Penny and Pyrrha have to die for the trap to be sprung.
>being 12 years old and witihn a mile of the Joker
I don't know, but...wow, sucks to be you if that's an early jump
Go away Hazel.
Hazel ?
Damn it where does this Barbie wannabe keep getting new powers from.
I'd have to go with Tsugumomo. The power levels have been pretty stable, but I'm still expecting there to be one last major boost hidden in the endgame. And after seeing someone suggest it before, I'll have to second their desire for a Ghosts Among the Wild Flowers Jumps. It's all over the place but I really, really want to be a Howler.
>Plug and Play + Above the Influence + Combination Prodigy + Gem Sockets
My list of Kamen Rider combinations list has grown now that I can install slots and sockets literally everywhere. There is pretty much no end to the things I can cram together anymore.
Now I just have to hook it into a Song Tower and a Warhammer 40K Noise Marine armor.
If the whole planet can't hear me transform I'm doing it wrong.
Right now Queen Atziri is topping the list. But that's not hard to do when she's a literal Nightmare corrupting the real world with dark shrines while gathering an army of undead and constructs.
Houseki No Kuni and also The Arcana vn app, as well as Mystic Messenger. Mystic Messenger is probably finished but due to the nature of the game it's gonna take a long time to play it (Each route takes an irl week to finish due to how the game is set up) and go through all the routes and I'm too impatient.
>You can follow her onto it, you pagan moon worshiping harlot.
>Thinking fire would hurt an Aristoteles.
Such adorable naïveté.
Though, now that I think about it, burning witches who can apparate probably wouldn't work that much better. Since she can just apparate away.
Darkseid was, and will likely continue to be my greatest foe. Being the New God of Free Will kind of makes my existence inimical to that of the New God of Tyranny/Evil/etc.
Fortunately I've only encountered fairly low-level avatars of his (DCAU Darkseid in my chain is an avatar of Final Crisis Darkseid). I doubt I'll be as lucky in future DC Jumps.
Doctor McNinja. No joke, that asshole was scary.
I thought Ordinary Man was just something that made stuff you did NP-Level.
Playing With Super Power + Any "You're Good at Games" perks" + the Gamer Driver from Ex-Aid for bonus points that uses gaming skills as combat
Alternatively, a 1 up perk like "Quarter Muncher" with a lethal overdrive ability like opening the Gates from Naruto.
I actually did a similar thing with my samurai pals in the Samurai Supremacy. I taught em the gates and then used the Evil Pieces perk from D x D to revive them as stronger demon boys. Was great for Morale, tell you that much.
Eh, no, that's a bit beyond the limit. You're willingly spending it and even still kinda have access in a way.
Honestly, so long as you replaced her daughter with another(I suggest turning Ron into a girl for maximum effect) she would probably get over it. Especially if you rezzed her brothers. Admittedly she might be annoyed with the prevention of Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione, but once she saw Harry and Hermione as a couple, she would get over that too.
If Ron gets turned into a girl Harry and Ron are obviously going to start dating. Assuming Ron stays straight of course.
>Admittedly she might be annoyed with the prevention of Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione
Depends on when you interfere, I think. The idea that she was match making from the beginning is just fanon, usually the sort that shows up in bad bashfics.
No, I'm fairly certain Harry has better taste than Hermione does and wouldn't go for a food splattering snore engine that insults everything that moves.
However, it might be fun to swap Ginny to male and both Draco and Ron to female, and then find some way to imply that it was some sort of magical std that was the cause. Then watch as people get sick wondering who caught it from whom. Maybe hit Crabbe and Goyle with it too. Definitely leave Pansy untouched though.
>a food splattering snore engine that insults everything that moves
I mean...he did marry Ginny.
Could you take a look at ?
He removed himself from the jumpchain discord. And when I asked him he said he really didn't have the time anymore. And even if he did he wouldn't be posting them here.
Yoshi had kids?
Bonus points, hit the littlest Creevy with it too.
Yes, well she at least doesn't eat like some sort of all devouring monster(just dates that way), we also have no evidence of her snoring at a volume that probably caused her entire dorm to learn silencing charms early. Can't argue about her passing out insults though.
Dennis? or did him and Collin have a younger sibling(for some reason I keep wanting to think they have a little sister)
>(just dates that way)
That's a very nice way of calling her the school bicycle. Spot on though.
'Faster than a blink' is a vague description compared to the other physical feats. Maybe change to 'far faster than sound' or something. Also, I'm pretty sure TAs are capable ot adapting to magecraft and conceptual weapons on top of their general resistance.
I don’t recall the books ever mentioning Ron snoring that badly, are you sure that’s not fanon?
It’s DEFINITELY fanon that they had to learn the Silencing Charm early.
>Yes, well she at least doesn't eat like some sort of all devouring monster(just dates that way)
She dated two people before winding up with Harry, who she remained in a relationship with and eventually married. That's not "being the school bicycle". You've been reading shitty bashfics if you think otherwise.
It’s not though. Three guys in what, two years (one of which she goes on to marry) is far from the school bicycle.
We have any Jumps where we can become a book? I want to be a Grimoire, and to become the best Grimoire I can possibly be.
Nier (original, not Automata) has an origin for it. One actually called "Grimoire", in fact. Lot of nice perks for being best book, too.
>She dated two people .... That's not "being the school bicycle"
You keep your fetish for loose sluts to yourselves, anons. Your low standards and cocklery fantasies are really best discussed elsewhere.
I can't tell if you're doing a bit or you're genuinely a purityfag, but either way please shut up.
>Dated three people in high school
>Not a slut
GTFO cuck.
Both of which were in Harry's year, right? Am I remembering that right. Doesn't it seem odd, assuming I'm not misremembering, that she dated guys older but not just older, exactly as old as to be in Harry's year, one at least in his house?
There is a Warhammer 40K and Xianxia crossover? That sounds amusing.
>Ah but Brother I have cultivated in the Dao of Sorcery.
>Your foul plans end here traitor, for the Sect of the Wolves shall trample you into the ground.
Yeah, sure. How about you keep your lewd slutfagging to yourself and that way we'll both be happy.
Nope. It isn't a crossover, it's just called 40 Millenium of Cultivation. It's a good level-headed Xianxia where people aren't pricks and society actually makes sense and keeps checks and balances on the hot-heads. But not actually a crossover of any sort with Warhammer.
I'd recommend it, but it's only on Qidan.
I would have learned a silencing charm, and I do recall mention of snoring(whether it was as bad as I imagine and some fics claim is beside the point).
I'll admit that she isn't too terrible in canon, I just don't much like her in ships. Other than harem ships. Canon her is just too blank other than being a fangirl.
Generic Isekai Item origin can do this for you. inb4 >ugh.
Speaking of 40k, I've got a dilemma.
I'm doing the Loyalist perks right now, and whereas the Chaos Route has the Four Patrons and undivided to choose from... but on the side of the Imperium, there isn't exactly a lot of options god-wise. So it could potentially come off as a bit more bare-bones in comparison. So I'm asking this: Should I add in another patron like the Omnissiah? Or search for other potential 'patrons'?
My main concern is overlap with jumps like the Mechanicus, but if folks want to see additional Loyalist patrons in I could try to find a way to finagle them in.
The Light of Destruction. The whole chain revolves around chasing, hunting, fighting, and hopefully one day killing it.
For some reason, I want to say that one was in his year, one was in hers. But I doubt that’s the case. Regardless, it’s not TOO terribly odd. And even then, there’d have to be a sample size greater than three to determine a trend. Maybe if both of them had black hair and played Qudditch you might have a trend.
Dean and Michael Corner, yeah I think they were both in Harry's Year. Dean was a Gryffindor and Corner was a Ravenclaw, I think.
>Should I add in another patron like the Omnissiah? Or search for other potential 'patrons'?
Other patrons? Like maybe the Star Child or Ynnead somehow?
Ron and Harry would end up together, have a big Chudley Cannons bedspread and talk about Quidditch constantly.
An age gap of one year is not at all uncommon. Further, Dean being in Harry's house means nothing, since so was Ginny. All three of them are Gryffindors. You're not saying anything meaningful.