Now we've got all of the cards for Rivals of Ixalan, let's practice drafting for it.
What's our first pick?
Now we've got all of the cards for Rivals of Ixalan, let's practice drafting for it.
What's our first pick?
>literally every card in the pack is a creature
What is this, Legions 2.0?
Anyway, Regisaur feels like the best playable in the pack. Rig-Hauler is kind of removal, sort of.
It's Brazen Freebooter right? Or Hardy Veteran. Maybe that's too safe.
Raging Regisaur it is, to start with.
Plummet. If we're playing limited, creatures with evasion are going to be a pain.
I agree with , Plummet is a good pick. Mutiny would be my second choice.
I'd say Plummet or Giltgrove Stalker.
Plummet taken.
Brazen Freebooter or Shake the Foundations. Leaning towards Shake.
Take Brazen Freebooter, curve was more important than tricks in trippel ixalan.
Brazen Freebooter it is.
Cacaphodon is pretty good with our Regisaur, but the Trailblazer looks nice as well.
Cacaphodon it is.
its not to late to go white for conquistador
Uh... I'm really really confused. How was plummet the right pick there...? You can't want more than one plummet, right? and it seems pretty crazy to me that wouldn't come back around...
That raptor is a dragon with a mane.
spot removal on evasion is pretty good, we don't have any, and its competition was "an acceptable beater"
"An acceptable beater" seems like a better card all around than "a situational answer"... Plus, again if we needed it seems highly unlikely we wouldn't see that or another plummet again.
we'll find out soon enough if it was a good call
is there a lot of r/g reach/flying in this set? if not, plummet.
Not really, right? Unless you actually play. It's not really hinging on whether or not we see another one, it also hinges on if we needed to actually play the Plummet or if the Plummet ends being a worse draw than whatever else we may have picked.
Mutiny was the better choice. It can hit flyers and none flyers. Plummet is almost always a sideboard Cats, not P1P2.
Sun-Collared Raptor taken.
Sun-Collared Raptor. Decent early game, usable late game.
Knight of the Stampede. Let’s go full Dino.