How do you roleplay as a friendly thief in any setting?
Do people like them for their utility in groups?
How do you roleplay as a friendly thief in any setting?
Do people like them for their utility in groups?
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If people know you're a thief, you're doing it wrong.
Why do you keep making threads with these shitty fetish images, you horny fucking manchild?
It depends, right? Being a thief on a heroic quest is different than being a thief in an urban political game.
If you're the quest sort of thief it's fine if people know you are: in that situation yes, people hire for them their utility in groups. Sometimes you really need someone who's quiet and sneaky and good at stealing stuff. Like the key to the inner fortress or the dragon's magical gem or the captive princess.
>Steal shit
>Help people
Congrats, you’re a friendly thief now.
These threads are made by a mod, or a close friend of a mod.
I always remember the huge fat thief in the Conan story who moves completely silently, has an unbreakable rope woven out of dead women's hair and a vial of poison gas, and gets his shit completely wrecked by an evil giant spider.
You paying attention to the image is what gives it power.
Black lotus powder!
That makes actually a lot of sense.
Just don't steal from other characters or friendly npc's. Don't do unwanted shit that puts your group in danger.
None of that Robin Hood noble thief that needs to support an orphanage bullshit.
Just another bro in a group of guys that possess these skills and can put it to use for them. Friendly banter with the lawful members of group mandatory (optional).
Just run Aladdin
Friendship crosses all lines and borders. Even the one between law and outlaw.
Don't be a dick.
You don't just randomly roll to steal from villagers as you're walking down the street.
Bilbo wasn't seen as a thief by his fellow Hobbit neighbors in the Shire; he was hired because he had certain qualities that would aid in future breaking, entering, and general sleight of hand.
Heck, your thief could have a profession or life that's completely unrelated to "theft". Maybe you're a clockwork automaton maker and your "open locks" is a self-propelled multitool, your "climb walls" is a mechanospider that scales the wall and then winches you up, and your "hear noise" is a brass mouse.
Picture unrelated, probably.
It's alright for them to know your name, as long as they don't know your face. I'm still mad Doyle threw a hissyfit and Lupin vs Holmes isn't canon in the Holmes universe.
Bilbo Baggins?
Thief is such nasty word. Let's say... security specialist.
I was thinking about reading some of these books. Are they good?
Stop making shitty threads just to post cheesecake you fucking tard
Sorry boys, I lost. That there be my fetish.
>Dat Ororo Monroe palette
>Perfect Titty triangular slope
>Female Thief tight body mixed with thickness
Fucking shit, imma bout to bust
Well as a true party thief (Little combat skill, massive utility) you often possess the unique ability to go with a truly pacifistic character who has never killed anyone, doesn't want to, and is uncomfortable with the idea of having to do it, even in self defense. You can often role a very light hearted and straight up innocent character who also functions as a surprisingly strong moral compass in an age of gaming where the lawful good Paladin and Cleric archetypes have totally shit the bed and now advocate genocide because of the rise of "Lawful Good isn't Lawful nice" shit birds.
Robin Hood never have to the poor.
And he was clearly a Wizard. Only this explains his skill.
I agree.
The head is so small, its like a child in a adult suit