>Setting has gods associated with elements
>Fire is the evil one
"Not this shit again" thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>Setting has water, air, fire and earth as elements
>setting has water, earth, air, or fire
>necromancy is inherently evil
>good guys still interfer with the cycle of life and death but its conveniently not considered necromancy
Oh look it's a "people complaining about stuff, but not actually trying to fix anything" thread
how meta
he said, doing the exact same thing.
Why not? What's wrong with god of fire being evil?
Because it has been done to death. Besides, it's tree hugging anti-civilisational nonsense.
>no, AKSHUALLY, necromancy is totally neutral and super beneficial!
Who are you quoting?
What if god of fire hates civilization?
Would love to see the god of nature be the villain. Turns people to trees and makes all domesticated animals Dire.
Would be awesome. Party rolls into town, everything is chill next thing you know the old dog in front of the church spasses out and grows twice in size and goes on a rampage. Dire rats swarm out of barns! Roots shoot from the ground a entangle people.
The party wont know what the fuck is happening.
>Setting has elemental gods
>Gods of fire are the slut and the jew(s)
>Setting has regular good and evil gods, needs additional Cthulhu outsiders just because
>Obligatory Cthulhu shoved in every setting in general, because it's apparently cool and must crossover with everything
>Magitech/Steampunk fantasy, it's just a bound elemental stuffed somewhere to recreate an appliance
>Elementals full stop. Homogenous vaguely shaped blob of an element that only likes the same element, wow such imagination. In every damn setting ever.
>whimsical fey trickery fueled by rule 0 retroactive catch 22 situations, lol madness, alien morality xD
>human only, gritty low fantasy, historically accurate™, brownfiltered dirtfarming simulator
>magic is rare and dangerous ~10% chance to cripple you on cast, still assaulted by witches in every hedge that sling spells willy nilly
>enter worldbuilding thread
>guys, I want to do something differen--
>dozen post of "there is nothing original" spiel
>every time
Isn't fire also a symbol of good?
Purification, light, warmth?
>I summon the power of the four elements!
>Ball Funk!
I mean it would make sense. It could be the god of nature is angry at how the planet is being treated and fights back against the creatures she deems as harmful to her.
>setting has no earth, water, air or fire
I played Before the big bang, it was an indetermined time of nothing, when something happens I'll be able to explain you what my feels were, are...will, I dunno
That would be quite a stretch. Does he hate being worshipped?
I prefer settings with only 3 elements.
Maybe he just wants to be left alone
You are a sad faggot
Came here to say this
>fire god is a cute spunky tomboy
>completely bonkers cosmology
>24-hour days
>7-day weeks
>12-month years
>365-day years
Everything has to be a race.
>studded leather armour
I know this is common on tg, but can you point to some published settings where this trope is explored?
Lurk moar
>Nice sounding death deity
>Lawful Neutral
>All things end death deity
>Neutral Evil
Fuck this shit.
>Neutral Good death deity
>Eventually becomes Chaotic Good
>>Setting has regular good and evil gods, needs additional Cthulhu outsiders just because
>he doesn't do the trinity style
Fire is a consuming force. It doesn't want to be left alone. That's how it dies.
That's because people think Death and Entropy are innately evil, therefor even a "good" god of Death must be neutral "doing what I have to do" at best.
It's stupid and wrong, but people are gonna think what people are gonna think.
They all provide good an bad, there's no reason for an evil one. Fire may kill, but also provides warmth and cooks food. Water drowns and sinks ships, but is also necessary to life. Ice keeps food cold, but also kills, etc. They all should be fucking neutral
>people think Death [is] innately evil
Have you neverer heard of christianity or islam?
There are and have been plenty of death cults that extol death.
You can make an extremely positive fire divinity, like domestic protection (kind of like Lares and Penates for the romans).
The kind you revere at the fireplace/hearth
Holy shit this, is there anything more reductionist than calling every single thing with sentience a member or a """"race""""?, what does it even mean anymore?
>people doing x bothers me
>you can not do x!
Who would have thought.
Exactly. There can never be anything unique any more, it has to be a fucking whole genealogy of creatures with their own functioning economy, kingdom, and culture.
Demons can't just be a vague term for evil entities, they have to be a bunch of horned, red-skinned magic users that live in desert nations. It's not THE Minotaur any more, it's a whole herd of the bastards, and they're probably going to be Mongolian or Native American stand-ins.
A world of maybe two or three actual sapient races? NO! It has to be a world of ten dozen different types of sapients, some of them only differing by colour and stupid name containing an apostrophe. And don't forget all the half-breeds!!
that's mostly for OOC convenience so that the players (and the DM) don't have to try to keep track of the differences between our calendar system and a COMPLETELY different one
>Float the idea of playing a Lord of the Rings or Middle-Earth based game
>Resident Tolkien nut derails it entirely.
>>magic is rare and dangerous ~10% chance to cripple you on cast, still assaulted by witches in every hedge that sling spells willy nilly
This made me chuckle. The idea of a kingdom with a hedge witch problem greatly amuses me for some reason.
are you actually fucking retarded
I bet the Witcher series throws you right the fuck off the cliff
>Alernate History setting.
>The setting's technology remains roughly the same as the Point of Divergence's, even if 500 years have passed since then.
>Or, even worse, the PoD causes supernatural elements to appear on their own without reason, creating a Fantasy or (really) Soft Sci-fi setting with only a bland Alt-history flavouring.
>thinking this is genuine
This is just lazy /v/ style vague complaint thread only barely tweaked to make it Veeky Forums "related."
man you guys are awfully specific and bitchy about your settings
>not Nophica
It's not a quest, so it's okay.
I just think it adds that nice "created" feeling when the time units line up better/differently than in our world. I kept 24-hour days, but have 4-day weeks, 28-day months, and 336-day years. Close to ours, but with more sense.
I just stole the time scale from Dwarf Fortress.
>I know this is common on tg, but can you point to some published settings where this trope is explored?
Diablo's Necromancers.
This is what you sound like right now. I hope you know that.
>coming from holidays
>"ayy guys I'm alive :^)"
But user, death and entropy ARE inherently evil, and a "good" god of death must be neutral in a "doing what I have to do" sense, otherwise they're a murderer.
Just make the death god's function "guides souls to afterlive when their bodies can't work anymore" rather than "wants everyone dead".
Maybe they came up with the idea of afterlife in the first place after realizing life is different from other natural processes.
So the death god would actually be protecting mortals from entropy and oblivion. That doesn't make dying any less unpleasant or scary, of course, but does justify good alignment.
Don't forget elves :^)
But that's a good thing.
Aren't diablo's necromancers all about maintaining the balance; IE hunting rogue practitioners of the art
Nah, I just reject lazy executions on both ends of the spectrum. It's not some binary choice.
>>human only, gritty low fantasy, historically accurate™, brownfiltered dirtfarming simulator
I hate brownfiltes too, no Human only, gritty low-fantasy, historically accurate™, dirtfarming sim feels right without a few Nazi Germans.
Captcha: Majestic Flatlands
If I recall right, the ancient god of destruction, Ashura Ô was fire based. After all, fire has destruction as only purpose, but that's not what makes it "evil".
Why is grey so important? Isn't it a sign of indecision?
A sith would react by "fuck off I do whatever the fuck I want" to this pic, and many people would think like that. Not necessary evil, just chaotic egoism.
Why indeed?
You take that back. Nophica is proper and pure lady!
>A world of maybe two or three actual sapient races? NO! It has to be a world of ten dozen different types of sapients, some of them only differing by colour and stupid name containing an apostrophe. And don't forget all the half-breeds!!
i actually like this
Kinda amusing that Harry Potter of all things has the bad guys be associated with water over fire.
Yeah he's used one or two bad things with a water theme, but he's more associated with necromancy stuff like soul splitting and insta-death stuff.
>characters blatantly lifted from whatever media the DM likes
>doesn't even adapt them, basically just tosses them in there
>weeb shit
>characters have oh so quirky~ mannerisms
>unneeded and unwanted political commentary
My DM's setting has a god of fire, but he's basically Bruce Banner. More like a great spirit, a boar specifically. He's the god of inspiration, hope, and other good things like that, but every once in a while he gets set off and Hulks out, basically works as the setting's version of the Tarrasque.
We entered into an alternate future once where the devil princes had taken over the material world. We needed something in the place where Mephisto was hanging out so we tricked the fire spirit into thinking Mephisto made fun of his daughter or something to make him go nuts and turn into a giant distraction. Fun times.
>Setting doesn't have Earth, Wind & Fire
why does it even exist then?
Pretty much. They act as protectors of the dead and exist to keep both angels and demons from fucking with the deadly departed. It's just that demons are really the only ones interested in doing so.
i need to read the whole thread, somebody beat me to it
September is so fucking good.
>steampunk nazis
>space nazis
>medieval nazis
>fantasy nazis
>"nazis are the good guys in my setting I'm so edgy and thoughtful =D"
>nazis are the good guys in my setting
Making settings based on real life is boring.
My platoon's theme song was September. I have no idea why we chose that, but everyone just fucking loved that song. We would play it on the loud speakers from our vehicles before we rolled out on missions.
Godly tastes ITT.
"Good" necromancer
Idk how often is fire Evil?
>vulcan isnt evil
>plane of fire in D&D isnt evil
>prometheus gives fire, civilizing us
>God shows up as a burning bush
At least in Western and Judeo-Christian stories fire doesnt seem "evil" inherently. If it has a source at all, its probably psychological connotation based on how destructive fire can be if it gets out of hand.
I make a distinction between communicating with the dead and reanimation of corpses.
Talking to ghosts isn't a problem, defiling the dead is.
Well, in muh settan, the sons and daughter of the primal god of fire were mothered by a slutty jew. He literally gave her his jewels in exchange for burning-hot sex.
The first Thief game actually features the nature loving dudes as the main villains.
The technology worshippers aren't perfect, but they are far more sympathetic by the end.
To balance it out nicely, in the sequel a crazy zealous technology cult offshoot are the villains, and the small remnants of the nature lovers assist you in stopping them.
"necromancy is considered bad but is actually neutral and can be used for good" is even more of a "not this shit again" for me.
Like if the hero skull-fucks the villain into submission to,make them stop taking over the world, does that mean the ability to rape is a "neutral power"?
And in the third game both are kind of idiots and get played by the bad guy
>Setting has common non-human race (elf, dorf, etc.) that break the stereotypical mold and have a genuinely unique take on Tolkein's/DnD's original concept but you only get exactly ONE member of that race in your party and he's the exact fucking same cliche member of [insert race here] as every other fucking fantasy universe, so all the interesting and off-beat members of that race are the ones you spend barely any time with and you're forced to go through the whole game with the least original representation of said race instead and they aren't even allowed to be contrasted with a less cliche character of the same race.
>, even worse, the PoD causes supernatural elements to appear on their own without reason, creating a Fantasy or (really) Soft Sci-fi setting with only a bland Alt-history flavouring.
Agree (the most disappointing thing about Bright IMO), but it can be a fine line to walk - you change too much and it's no longer actually an alt history setting, it's just fantasy scifi that appears to (lazily) borrow real world elements to pad itself out.
>DM claims to be running things by the books and the players should act accordingly
>Hasn't actually read the books and contradicts what they say regularly
Too fucking right. Leshy? Mother fucking LESHY?! Might as well have a bunch of thundercunts running around called Zeuses.
What the fuck do you mean nigger there's no nuance allowed in our games