/btg/ BattleTech General

We're here to cut heads off and chew bubblegum, and we're all out of bubblegum, edition

The /btg/ is dead - long live the /btg/!

Old thread: ==================================

BattleTech video-game Beta gameplay


>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions?

>How do I find out which BattleMechs a faction has?

Unit Designing Softwares
>SSW Mech Designer
>MegaMek Lab

>/btg/ does a TRO:
builtforwar.blog(not spam)spot.com/

>How do I do this Against the Bot thing? (old)

2017-03-03 – (Against the Bot)

Current 3.21 rule set is included in the mekhq package

>Map of /btg/ players (WIP):

>Rookie guides

>Sarna.net - BattleTech Wiki

>Megamek - computer version of BattleTech. Play with AI or other players

>BattleTech IRC
#battletech on irc.rizon.net

>PDF Folders

/btg/'s own image board: - (2017-12-28 - Still getting worked on & now has 21476 pics! Any help with tagging appreciated!)

More goodies! (Rare manuals, hex packs, TROs, discord servers, etc.) Last updated 2018-01-02!

Other urls found in this thread:


Can I have some Starburst instead?

You'll take your Axmen and you'll like them, mister.

I've always wanted to run a campaign where the players are opposed by a raider group led by a Redjack Ryan/Maria Morgraine in a custom Banshee with a hatchet.

Redjack Ryan/Maria Morgraine type, meant to say.

So, Jeren Reinesblatt?

Went thrifting today my dudes and paid $.99. Not the era I am interested in but I consider it a dollar well spent

>I'm sorry, but where the fuck are you people getting the idea that crashes are routinely survivable?
>the fact that I keep playing games against them, seeing them hit the ground and get back up to fuck me?

Well then:
1) Show them the TW rules. Intentionally or not, your opponent is misplaying the rules.

2) Bring your own aerospace to keep them off-board and irrelevant in the first place. Keep your aerospace near the ground boards; the aerospace Altitiude Differential blindspot means that if you're at or around Altitude 6 and within ~3 hexes of a ground map, they'll try to dive down to Altitiude 2-4 to exploit your blind spot, which makes forcing a Lawn Dart easier (more likely to crash when it). If they DON'T use the blind spot, your ASFs get a -3 bonus to hit an ASF on a ground-attack run (TW, pg 241), which means that getting multiples of 20 damage to make their PSR much harder becomes way easier.

3) I don't know if this is a MegaMek thing or not. Can't help you if MM is coded wrong.

>reposted to new thread to make sure you see it

Good deal for a dollar. I mean, it's 3067 so that's kinda meh but for a buck? Good find.

Holy crap, I'd completely missed him and the Blades of Death. An evil motherfucker with just the kind of Banshee I want, and in command of a surprisingly long-lived pirate group as well. Thanks, user, looks like I've found my next campaign's opfor.

Reminder to complain about the Fafnir on MWO's gold forums, and maybe they'll fix it when they're modeling it.


>not .hpg

As they are /btg/s official band, I petition to start putting CCR songs in each thread's OP starting next thread.

All in favor?

For the edification of the thread. It's basically a 95-ton Zeus with a fist-fucking glove.

Against, mostly because Deep Purple and Steppenwolf also belong there.
> youtube.com/watch?v=hxGuFGJ09qE
Blitzkrieg/Locust pilot theme song.


This is perfect.

What about Blue Oyster Cult? They're some band I've always associated with Battletech for reasons that I have no idea what they are.

user, we elected Creedence as the official band of the thread at least a month ago. No one cares about this other bullshit you "think should be included". If you want to be petty and vote against it because it's not something very specific you would rather have in place, but don't act like your selection is as relevant to the thread as a group that was selected by the thread's members a while ago.

It's no CCR in the OP, as it is currently, or CCR, as a nod to the group decision. Any other band would have to be agreed upon by the majority of the thread to take CCR's place.

There can only be one Official /BTG/ band.

You're forgetting Radar Rider, along with pretty much all of the Heavy Metal soundtrack, really.

Because Veteran of the Psychic Wars is pretty much the anthem of the Third Succession Wars?

It's not about "representative of BattleTech", it's "representative of /battletech general/". Creedence Clearwater Revival was selected because it's the Dadrockest of Dadrock, and was agreed to represent the general thread. It was already discussed when the vote was held that other genres and bands represent BattleTech itself better, but it was, again, about /BTG/, not BattleTech itself.

I never voted for them. Old bands throwing vinyl LPs at you is no basis for a system of government.

I cannot help if you chose not to vote or if you chose not to be present for it. We can't just vote for the Official Band every thread because Jeremy missed the vote last thread. Stop trying to subvert the democracy, god dammit!

Why are old men so autistic?


Can't we just compromise and call it the Rolling Stones?

The person in charge of *their* creative endeavors was a semi-competent criminal too.

>Allen Klein; who also ripped off the Beatles so hard that they would have rather quit music completely than continue to be associated with him. Which feels a rather fitting analogy, actually.

>Rolling Stones
I would rather die than accept the Stones as my Official /BTG/ Band.

I'd rather die than have CGL in charge of Battletech, so the analogy kinda works.

My vote is for Nickelback, because they're terrible and so is Battletech now.

Works for me.

My merc unit has a dropship called "Ruby Tuesday"

>nuh uh! *THIS* dadrock band is the ONLY band you can listen to!!!

When we decided to make the Star Spangled Banner America's national anthem, no one said you couldn't listen to other music. That one was just made the official song of the nation.

Obviously the official band should be Creed. I would welcome them With Arms Wide Open.

>Ruby Tuesday

They have an amazing salad bar.

This is Veeky Forums, we do not like doing actual work on changing stuff, we just like to bitch about it

>Autists arguing over dadrock

Is this a dream? Am I on /mu/ trying to prove someone's tastes aren't subjective?

I have no problem with that, but the thing is the OP is literally a few characters away from the 2000 limit. Could a link be put in the NAME field, because I'd do that for people when it's my turn.

Or we could just consider the whole thing something that was fun for a thread and can now be forgotten before it turns into a forced meme.

>user, we came up with the OP for the thread years ago. No one cares about this other bullshit you "think should be included".
Keep your milhouse bullshit out of the OP.

this please

Fluff-wise what's your favorite Successor State or Periphery regiment?

No one is really arguing. No one said "you can't like this, you must like that". It was "Do we want to do X?" and someone said "Let's do Y which is completely unrelated."

Silly me for thinking we can have nice things or running gags

>Fluff-wise what's your favorite Successor State or Periphery regiment?
The Death Commandos, because fuck game balance.

>Silly me for thinking we can have nice things or running gags


My quirky brother in law's funeral. :(

One of the clan sourcebooks had details about the different sports they played (Football and lacross among others). Also I think they played lacross in the Kerensky Trilogy. Are there other instances of battletech sports besides Solaris?

Shit seriously? If true, that sucks man. If not true, fuck you for lying. (Gotta cover my bases, this *is* Veeky Forums after all)

For music, what about JAM Project? They did mecha anime music and made the piece of crap anime Machine Robo Rescue have some of the best music ever.


I'll admit to not intimately knowing the plot of a show that has off the air for more than 7 years and wasn't good to begin with. Sorry I missed your joke.


Sadly if you go to the announcement thread it's overwhelmingly positive, including many "here's my money" statements.
I even saw someone say they'd order another additional package they'd previously canceled just to show how grateful they are for the faf.

Looking grim for longfafnir chances.

They fired you though. And you got fat.

Because the old gold men would eat literal shit if you shoveled it into their mouths. They honestly don't give a fuck what it looks like, their tiny little cocks are just hard because of the name of the chassis alone.
"m-muh Fafnir, I played one of those in mechwarrior 4 when I was younger! Ahh Nostalgia"

While it isn't a surprise that people are eating up the nufaf it is still disappointing. One day, humanity will rise to my hopes and expectations. Until that day, I will continue to be saddened by them.

You're our only hope, draw a LongFaf and post it to the MWO goldforums. Maybe they'll see light if it's you.

So I'm obviously retarded, but are the full Tech Manual and Technical Readout: Succession Wars in any of hte troves? I've search and couldn't find anything.

Tech Manual is in the second trove, in the Rules folder.

TRO:SW doesn't appear to be in any of the troves.

Anyone have the Op Revival turning point or scenario thingy? Couldn't spot that one before when I looked.

It's a megamek thing, Yes. I don't know the Aero rules well enough to question its implementation or make bug reports for where its wrong, I just kinda have to trust it.

Operational Turning Points - Revival Placement Trials is in the second trove, under Turning Points.

That's the only Operation Revival anything I could find, sorry. Not sure 100% what you're looking for though, my BT book-fu is weak.

Herpity derp. Thanks, but I meant the Widowmaker Absorption. That's the one I couldn't find but I brain farted and said Revival instead.

What's the exact name? Is it literally Widowmaker Absorption?

Nvm, figured it out. The troves don't have it.

Operational Turning Points Widowmaker Absorbtion

Pic related is how I feel whenever something new is announced in Battletech. The only time I ever regained hope was we hen the Battlemech Manual came out.

I have hopes for the upcoming box set(s), hopefully they actually happen at some point. IWM also keeps producing minis, most of the newer ones of which are actually pretty good. But generally, BT is pretty sad right now. I'd like to see the game progress somehow sometime eventually.

>Looking grim for longfafnir chances.
How 'bout lamfafnir?

>Is this a dream?
Why can't I be saved by science? Can't science rescue me?
Saved by technology, since it put me in the place I seem to be.

MFW later this year they release the 4th SW SB and all the minescule successes the Capellans and Dracs enjoyed are revealed to be the result of random chance because the commands involved are even bigger retards than the fluff already made out. Also, the FWL is completely crippled by wide-spread insurrections because Just As Hanse'd.

at this point i'll take anything that doesn't devote a chapter to how the fwl was so fucked up by hanse the fedcom could have taken them on at the same time and offers a plan to do so that was never put into effect because reasons

Are they doing a 3SW book and a 4SW book like they did for 1/2SW?

They haven't announced it but I would lay strong odds on getting both of those before ilClan.

Really liking this aesthetic that the DA Green Burd mechs have. Are there any other mechs that have a unified look like these?

As someone that has just discovered Battletech exists it gives me all the worst feels to know it's in such bad shape. But my boys you have shown me an awesome world on this board and I will never go back to /b/. So even if Battletech is in the shitter, it has made me a better user

Also after thrifting today, I spent the afternoon with my autist brother. Legitimate shortbus riding potato of a tard. Do you know what we did? We looked at Battlemechs on Sarna. Then we made them with his Lego and it was amazing. Tard law now says all mechs can fly even the four legged ones. Write that down

Honestly, your brother sounds alright. Making Lego versions of BattleMechs goes a long way to endear someone to me. Do you have any pics of them?

There are sites on the web that they do that with some computer program or something. Go google it, sorry, not my thing.

>totem 'Mechs

I didn't even think to take pictures senpai. We were just chilling and having a day which is something I don't normally get to do. Next time we make some I will definitely take pictures for you though.

Sounds like a good time. My younger brother was echolalic for years but he'd open up a little when we got into the legos. We still fcuk around with them occasionally.

IIRC there's a few Krauts that run a Lego-BT community, I'll post some pics in a second.





this pretty much clears out my collection of pics. Coulda swore I had more at one point

I think some of these are on the booru, but not tagged yet. Damn some are really nice. Whoa.

Not sure what that user was on about, I just hit a Corsair in Megamek with enough AA fire to cause it to crash and it took 220 damage. Granted the Corsair is only 50 tons but I assume 220 in 10 point groups is enough to ground even an Eisenturm.

I know the seven-plate guys (Mobile Frame Zero) have some more BT-inspired designs, but I've not been hanging out there in a long time.


Is that not what they are? Heck one of them is named the Jade Hawk.

No they are I just hate the Totem 'Mechs for the most part. I don't think animal features belong on Battlemechs. Don't mind me.

They are in fact Totem 'Mechs. Don't know what that other user is on about.

You realize a lot of totem mechs aren't animalized right? Like the Cauldron Born, the Turkina, or the Shadow Cat.

>for the most part
But the vast majority of 'Mechs with animal bits on them are Totem 'Mechs, which I dislike. I'm sorry that offends you, user.

How dare you dislike something I like?! Be ashamed, user!

Don't worry, I get having an irrational hatred of certain element so mech design. And I agree too much animal on a mech kills the design for me. Like I find the Mandrill to be straight fugly.

My shame is boundless, user. BOUNDLESS I SAY!

You have to hate at least two things irrationally to be a Battletech fan, I think. Animalmechs are one of mine.

If someone lawndarts and doesn't die- they're probably cheating

If that's the case, I'm not a good BattleTech fan, since I really only hate one thing irrationally (population/production numbers, which are just FASA being retarded).

Also holy shit Aerospace crashes under whatever rules I'm running are insane, this poor Rifleman took 240 damage from the crashing Hammerhead and was reduced to little more than a smoldering puddle of molten steel.

That's pretty accurate as I remember, Aerotech crashes into mechs are like some kind of super charge that obliterates whatever it hits. There was a game I was in that had a plane lawndart into a mech, displacing it into a mech, displacing it into a mech, which fell off a short drop onto a mech. Several of those were completely destroyed.

Eisentsturms have like 350 armour, good chance it would take off again.

Could be worse. Could be Hydaspes. I would be very surprised if that crash killed it.

Those are all signatures, not totems. Totems are ones like the Nova Cat or Balius.