Is there a reasonable explanation on why scalding tarn cost $70 fucking dollars? Why the fuck do I need 4 of them?
Is there a reasonable explanation on why scalding tarn cost $70 fucking dollars? Why the fuck do I need 4 of them?
It's blue.
And then It's blue and red.
The reason is the certain spells that it allows access too.
Because people are willing to pay $70 for it. Not you, obviously, but people in general.
A thing is worth what people are willing to pay for it.
It fetches shocks, it's blue, and it effectively reduces your deck count by 1 land, which can be dead drops in the late game.
not op, but what's the difference between using this, and say WR fetchland? It can still fetch UW UR WR
Because WotC is a shit company
Did Modern start out cheaper than it is now, or is WotC keeping prices about where they were with Masters Sets?
Consistency and color I guess? Sometimes you just need an untapped Island to get your spell off, so having that option is nice. I also suppose that UR is a particularly good/strong color combo in Modern right now.
Ah right, it can fetch the basic lands. I was just stumped for a second, because in a 3C deck, any fetch can fetch any other shock.
I should check my rares. I think I might have one or two.
Been meaning to offload most of my magic cards anyhow. Anyone have any advice when I've got a fuckload of 'em because they fed a gambling habit? I haven't played regularly since the first Zendikar, but kept buying through Theros.
Only correct answer
>Is there a reasonable explanation on why scalding tarn cost $70 fucking dollars? Why the fuck do I need 4 of them?
fat people and optimization.
is this another goddamn proxy shill thread?
Its cheaper now than it was two years ago. Much cheaper.
Daily reminder that most of Veeky Forums are poorfags who either work retail, dont work and live with their folks, or live in 3rd world shitholes.
I thought there was a rule about spamming the same image over and over again
>Paying $70 for a $2 single piece of cardboard.
Because muh secondary market
Reason it's that high though is because for a lot of people it's an investment in a card that, barring some seriously fucked up shenanigans on WotC's part, will always be useful in Modern due to it grabbing land types without mentioning basic lands at all.
It lets you fix your mana and reduce "dead" cards from your deck quicker. Why include 20 lands when you can have 8 or so and just fetch them, picking the specific one you need in your circumstance?
Poorfag detected. May I reccomend hearthstone or gwent for you instead?
>"Instead of buying a role-playing game book, or a new video game, I'm going to spend it on this single piece of cardboard that's going to be useless in the meta a couple months from now"
In a couple years, it's going to be a worth a ton in cash
It's a hobby.
All hobbies are expensive. If I wasn't pouring money into cardsboard then it would be into little plastic figures. Or endlessly buying board-games and their overpriced upgrade kits.
>instead of buying golf clubs Im going to smack a ball with this pipe I got for 5 bucks from the hardware store
Its called a hobby. Some people drop hundreds on skis or vidya or little plastic 40k guys. If you cant afford it then get out poorfag.
How about I drop a couple hundred on video games, roleplaying books, and cardboard cause I can afford it and still have money leftover.
Scalding Tarn is a staple and has been for years. It will never not be useful in the meta and there's pretty much 0 chance it'll get Reserve Listed.
Dangit Bobby
>mfw I read that as scalding tard
Just check your rares and your non-basic lands.
If you got some common/uncommon modern staples, separate them from the bulk. Sell your good cards separately but sell your bulk in boxes because nobody will buy shitty singles unless they are collectors.
Fetchlands have been been staples in every format where they're legal since their initial printing in Onslaught (2002). They are better than true dual lands because a single one gives you access to all five colors and thins your library.
that boy ain't right
Yes it fucking is. Fuck OP.
>people still taking the bait from OP
If you ignore Jeremy fags post they'll magically lose their powers.
Linking every post in a thread is so much more cancerous than any possible discussion. Yes, that includes discussion you don't approve of.
Because it's the most played and sought after fetchland for all the tournament legal constructed formats. In Vintage/Legacy it gets Tropical Island, Underground Sea, Volcanic Island, Tundra and Badlands.
You should have grabbed them when they dropped hard from Modern Masters 2017
Supply and demand.
Why don't you have a playset of these already?
I traded out one expedition Verdant Catacombs for 4 regular Verdant Catacombs and extra dollarydoos. That's one card for four cards, I like to call that card advantage.
WoTC shills truly are the shittiest one around.
>Supply and demand.
What a meme, there are probably more scalding tarns than MTG players in circulation and you could instantly buy hundreds of them from any site, yet they cost 10000x times what they cost to be produced.
How's you b&, Jeremy? :^)
>A thing is worth what people are willing to pay for it.
That is not true and has never been true for anybody except people who masturbate to the Fountainhead.
We're pretending only Jeremy hates this game's astronomical cost? Really now? The single most complained about thing since the game was invented is now all this one Z-list youtube guy?
Scalding Tarn is never going to be useless. It is, however, obscenely overpriced and its price is entirely due to artificially limited supply.
The whole Magic business model is like if chess pieces were exclusive to the World Chess Company, and instead of getting a full set of chess pieces when you buy a chessboard you had to buy blind bags that have a random piece in them, and queens had something like a 1 in ten million chance of being in the bag. No one would tolerate shit like that. Yet when it's cardboard people are so easily fooled.
That's literally the definition of worth.
No wonder you think supply and demand is a meme. You're too stupid to grasp a simple concept, as demonstrated by the fact that you cite production cost, as if it's relevant.