Is there any magical girl game that doesn't do the meduka grimdark shit and is fun to play, or is that another one of the gaming white whales?
Is there any magical girl game that doesn't do the meduka grimdark shit and is fun to play...
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I don't know of any that work off the top of my head. I'm in a Nanoha setting game using Legends of the Wulin, which works surprisingly great even if the system is an absolute arse to learn. Pic related, art of a PC from the game.
I thought in most meguca games going grimdark was entirely your choice. It's up to you whether you want Precure or Madoka.
Fundamental assumptions still affect how a system works and what it's best for.
Magical Burst is the one talked about a lot, but it's pretty awful for straight magical girl stuff. Then again, while the system is kinda bad for anything other than grimderp, it doesn't even do that particularly well, since instead of basing the bad shit off of emotional intensity it just kinda happens at random based on dicerolls.
how about mutants and masterminds
All mahou shoujo is grimdark to some extent, young women really should not have that much bullshit resting on their shoulders
It ends up turning them gay like 90% of the time
5 Across The Heart sounds like exactly what you're looking for.
Stop fetishposting
I feel like Nanoha is kind of the exception in that regard. While a lot of mahou shoujo's have an extended 'I don't know what I'm doing I'm not sure I'm qualified for this', she skips straight to the 'Right, I'm going to work my ass off and do my absolute best to help fix this situation and help people'.
Which is one of many reasons why she is the goddamn best. And presumably why she turns it into a full career instead of just a childhood diversion.
Give me a tl;dr? Not heard of that one. Any links?
She's also a best because she can back it up, and when she sees she doesn't have what she needs to back it up, she works her ass off to get what she needs to back it up. The White Devil's hellish powers come from as much grit and determination as they come from her ancient artifact from a dead, cursed civilization.
calm your tits
all you're doing is inviting people to make you more upset
Raising Heart isn't a Lost Logia, IIRC, it's a modern Intelligent Device Yuuno built. Of the main group only Hayate and the Wokenritter are Lost Logia powered.
Pretty sure Yuuno found RH in ancient ruins. Been a while since I saw the series last, but almost certain that RH is an ancient artifact. Unless they changed it in one of the movies?
Huh, checking the wiki you're actually right, he found Raising Heart during an archeological dig. Guess that must have been explained in some of the ancillary materials, when I first read about it the assumption was he'd made it himself.
I thought it was in the first episode, what with Yuuno being a treasure hunter and all.
Doesn't seem to be out yet sis
I swear I remember a line about him making it to help with his research, but that might have been a mistranslation.
You're looking for MAID RPG, which believe it or not does Magical Girl stuff pretty well.
I was all over Nanaho when it first came out. I finished the season season, then went a long period without watching any anime.
Maybe I should rewatch it.
I'm gay for the ferret
It also helps that her cause is just, her will is strong and her gun is very, VERY large.
>ancient artifact from a dead, cursed civilization.
They seem to be a dime a dozen, though.
You might want to look into Crisis Heroine
Best bet is probably a generic system. Savage Worlds if you want to get into mechanics more, Fate Accelerated if you want to get into characterization more.
Never played any but have heard generally good things about Princess The Hopeful.
Im pretty sure there's also a fan made Sailor Moon system too.
Watch The Movie First, it's basically an improved redo of the entire first series. Then watch A's, because it's the best show in the franchise, then watch the A's movie because while it's not quite as good it actually works well as a companion to the series, the movies actually existing as in universe dramatisations of the 'real' events of the series. StrikerS is weak plot and pacing-wise, but has excellent characters and worldbuilding. Avoid the Force manga like the plague, look into ViViD if you're okay with the whole thing suddenly becoming a martial arts manga.
I've been told recently that as of the 3rd movie, the movie has been retconned into an alternate timeline that involves some weird cross dimensional travel bullshit.
So basically they got rid of what was cool about it so they could make shitty FORCE references.
Really? That sucks. I loved the conceit of the movies as in universe films created as propaganda pieces by the TSAB.
but does she rule the universe?
She doesn't, but that's honestly something I like about her. Nanoha is, in essence, a public servant. Her actual job is a drill instructor with military deployment being an emergency button they pull out in a crisis. Seeing a magical girl get a real job and a stable home life with a life long partner, raising their daughter together, adds this weird elemented of grounded realism to such an over the top magical battle show, IMO. She doesn't just fly around and kick ass, she does the paperwork afterwards before going back to her job of training people to kick ass, as the TSAB always needs more heroic mages ready to go into danger for the good of dimensional space.
Mutants and Masterminds.
>Seeing a magical girl get a real job
Usagi: REAL JOB!, Being Queen is Hard, jerk!
Most stuff made for magica girl stuff is either madoka or magical realm stuff. Best off adapting a generic system to what you want.
>Implying that's not user's plan in the first place
>whole thing suddenly becoming a martial arts manga
How could this possibly ever be a bad thing
Okay, sure, but what's the tax policy?
Princess is exactly the grimdark shit to avoid here.
It's never gone into in detail, but we can extrapolate from what we see of how the TSAB functions. They seem to allow administered worlds to have their own civilian governments, but they act as a single unified military force, outside of paramilitary organisations like the Saint Church or Caledfwlch Techniques. Their level of technology is nigh on post scarcity, so poverty doesn't actually seem to be a thing on administered worlds, but they seem to take a tithe of goods and resources in order to support the interdimensional fleet from member worlds.
They only seem to take political actions involving administered worlds or unadministered worlds when it would violate one of the TSAB's more important laws, like avoiding research that could trigger a Dimensional Quake or the complete ban on mass based weapons.
The first movie triggers my autism hard by having Nanoha in her StrikerS design right from the get-go.
it's in french, though I think some anons have started translating it.
That's because it's a movie produced in the StrikerS era. They went for familiarity over accuracy to make Nanoha's position as a propaganda icon work better.
Would pic related be alright in your magic girl campaign and I'm going to get the "Sorry, lolicons only" treatment?
Do you mean a middle aged boston man crossdressing or an overpowered lesbo with the mindset/personality of a middle-aged boston man?
I've never been a fan of males in mahou shoujo, way too tryhard against the medium
user NO
I would argue that the presence of a non-mahou man can be good for a magical girl campaign in both modern,
and medieval fantasy settings.
Nanoha isn't mahou shoujo though, it's reskinned mecha.
You can play a hag if you want to but no boys allowed
I guess BESM Sailor Moon
pdf isn't related to OP's question as it isn't a game, but make sure to keep it around to run magical girl games
I trust you guys are watching the new Cardcaptor Sakura anime, which began airing this very day, yes?
If you absolutely want to play what PreCure movies call a "Big Friend", he first is turned into a little girl and THEN can transform into one of the magical kind.
The only thing I know about sakura is that I would sakura, is her mango/animu any good?
I dunno, but the french openings had some really catchy eurodance.
So no Carl Madoka, even for the comedy?
Anyone who wants anime in their game is a fetish fag and anyone who allows it is a filthy enabler of bad behaviour
I've yet to meet a weaboo that wasn't some kind of pervert mentally fapping to this shit and awkwardly injecting cringy innuendo into every bit of shitty RP. Losing their shit if their waifu is threatened and acting like a fucking child if they don't get their way.
TLDR: You're all fucking scum
Id allow a Carl Tuxedo Mask
That would be extremely unsettling.
How about Queen Carlberyl?
Are your eating disorders acting up, Serena?
You forgot INNOCENT, which is by far the best children's card game series to date. Also loli Fate in cheerleader outfit
>the new Cardcaptor Sakura
>that one shota bastard appears
Oh, look. A 10 second series! 11, tops.
Sorry, got to be Carl Madoka, because Carl usually get screw over by something everytime.
Anyone who wants realism in their game is an autism fag and anyone who allows it is a filthy enabler of bad behaviour
I've yet to meet a realism fag that wasn't some kind of pervert mentally fapping to this shit and awkwardly injecting cringy factoids into every bit of shitty RP. Losing their shit if their realism is threatened and acting like a fucking child if they don't get their way.
TLDR: You're all fucking scum
Anyone who kink shames in their image board is a fetish fag and anyone who allows it is a filthy enabler of bad behaviour
I've yet to meet a kink shamer that wasn't some kind of pervert mentally fapping to this shit and awkwardly injecting cringy faggotry into every bit of shitty complaint. Losing their shit if their opinions is threatened and acting like a fucking child if they don't get their way.
TLDR: You're all fucking scum
You're all scum
I know what I'll be reading tonight
I haven't known how to watch anime on the internet since limewire died ;-;
...Really? I mean, fuck, there's actual legal options like Crunchyroll, anime torrent sites like nyaa and a boatload of illegal streaming sites. A five second google should have pointed you in the right direction.
> No boys allowed
Do you even Mamoru?
I'm currently running Princess: The Hopeful, and my party seems to be enjoying themselves, but, um.
It is literally the opposite of what OP was asking for.
A particularly insidious relic from a dark age long gone (in part thanks to the series in OP's pic) and that hopefully will never return.
Also, I've just remembered about Tokyo Heroes, which was made by the same guy who made Magical Burst, but almost ten years earlier. It's basically Magical Burst without the body horror and psychosis, if I remember right, with a Mahou Shoujo/Super Sentai theme. It's been a long time since I've read them though, so they may not be as mechanically similar as I remember.
Is there a single magical girl game that doesn't end with lesbians?
That's from Crystal isn't it? Oh god I hate Crystal so damn much.
Pre-Nanoha era megucas were for the most part straight. You can always play as those.
Where's the pun?
Yep, that's from Crystal.
Good Serena, you look kinda cool. Also wasn't Crystal supposed to be closer to the manga?
BESM Sailor Moon or FATE
It is last I remember. But faggots got way too used to muh 90s.
It gets worse when you consider the 90s Sailor Moon you watched might have not been the 90s Sailor Moon I watched.
Was Zoisite a woman? Were Uranus and Neptune cousins? Were the Starlights male AND female? Ask ten different countries and you'll get ten different answers.
Maybe try something like MAID or FATE/FAE?
Possibly Strike!
>Were Uranus and Neptune cousins?
Even as a kid I could see through that. It just made everything more incestuous. And started up confusing feelings in my own cousin.
Yes. Yes. Don't know because I don't use Hulu.