Uh-oh Veeky Forums! The Commissar caught you red-handed!

Uh-oh Veeky Forums! The Commissar caught you red-handed!
Now you may as well confess to your Warhammer sins, and he might make your punishment a swift las-bolt rather than flogging to death!
I'll start:
I buy Age of Sigmar models/rulebooks from GW because not even THAT has been able to change my unabiding love for Lizardmen aesthetic

Other urls found in this thread:


I didn't actually start collecting my army until this year. Up until that point, I was using a combination of paper cutout bases and models borrowed from friends.
I've been playing 40k since 2011

I think Tyranids as a concept are retarded.
I want a Grot-Exclusive army.

I have over 200 models I haven't painted, I just like building things ok?

I've actually looked into making molds of the models so I can be a cheapskate and not give GW my hard earned cash.

>thread theme music

Are you me?

Both of these are unironically correct
Faceless swarm of characterless bugs is the worst possible idea for a game about making and painting your own guys.
Goblins getting the short end of the stick from the fantasy to 40k transition was a crime.
>only 200

>summary execution

ill just reroll my morale then.

I don't actually play Warhammer or know much about it's lore, I just collect models and paint them.


I bought and painted 3 Knights just because they looked cool, I don't even have the core rule book for the game.

>My friend had a Gretchen army
>We would have 1500 point showdowns on some bases we made.
>whenever I put a blast template over a section of the Gretchen hoard that size blast plate would leave a hole that size.
>he would insist that he could take on my blood angles

Jesus it was always a slaughter

But was it fun?

I don't even play 40k, I just read the BL books 'cause I love the setting.

This one isn't really a sin. Did that for years before finally succumbing once I got a good job. Some people just don't like building or painting, or playing with toy soldiers.

I've tried and failed with this. Needed to get better molds. The time it takes is not really worth it imo.

I never get to field an Inquisitor and their retinue because every time I finish one Inquisitor I decide I want another aesthetic and make something else.
Fucking execute me.

>blood angles

Gretchin can't comprehend straight angles, no wonder you won.

I don't play the wargame, I only play the FFG rpgs. Furthermore, I don't like the Dawn of War video games.

You're almost me, except I paid for an entire army of nids and only then realized I actually don't like the whole painting and playing aspect.

>Faceless swarm of characterless bugs is the worst possible idea for a game about making and painting your own guys.
If only there were a range of individual and highly gribbly bioforms in the Tyranid race. Alas, that will never be.

Dawn of War 1 excluding Shitstorm was the only one worth a damn

Underrated post

Retribution had Bluddflagg tho

I still buy models having tons of them left to be painted.

I only played with one friend because I like to use custom rules and units.

I once disposed of an entire collection of Sisters of battle to the embrace of a septic tank as retribution for my brothers treachery at school once.

He never recovered them once I told him and showed him, not that I could be punished because I was going on a camping trip with my scout group, and I kept the best one to myself.

Fuck you Ryan, you worthless fuck.

I’m too cheap to buy new models despite only having the sad models I built when I was 14, the amount of effort I’ve put into rebuilding them could’ve been spent working or something to just buy the whole army. Plus I’m still too scared to paint them.

I never finished painting an entire army.

I pirate all of the rulebooks.
I play with scratch-built ork models.
I will occasionally fudge measurements by a millimeter or two.

i think soulstorm was actually pretty fun

I dont remove any mould lines or drill barrels. I do spend time painting absolutely everything before it goes on the board though

>Grot only
Fun but not competitive.

I like the new diversity push.

There's only one bike in my White Scars army atm

I bought chinese models and then use the money I saved to hire somebody to paint them for me.

I like to steal spess marine pauldrons.

Y tho scout brah?

I play Space Wolves.

I fucking hate the Space Marines and think the franchise would be significantly improved if they stopped existing.

I play with bottle caps and sheets of paper for models and books for terrain.

i think more than a fair share of us pirate the rulebooks/army books/codexs user.

Im so sorry

I'd drop everything I was collecting right now, if skaven where brought to 40k, with their same themes and aesthetics.

I'm a lore fag
I barely play the game at all I just like the universe

>I'm a lore fag
>I barely play the game at all I just like the universe

Mah nigga