Can we share some mtg memes?
the correct term is image macro you god damn newfag.
nothing wrong with what he said wise "old" turd
People stopped calling them image macros a decade ago
Durdle Turtle.
For God's sake. Yes, like five shitty draft-bait commons got reprinted. Out of how many total cards?
I mean, shit, it's not like you'd care if theyh replaced them with five other shitty common cards. I'll admit, it was cheap and lazy as hell they didn't have alternate art, but WotC can't even print on decent cardstock at the moment, alt art is definitely expecting too much.
We shall never see it's like again.
indeed. some say he still wanders the land of EDH, narrowly dodging board wipes and being put in decks because some people want a plushy of durdle turtle.
You've got to understand that this is the shape of things to come.They push cheap and lazy practices as far as they will go. New sets will share 25% of the same cards with each other.
You mean it wasn't WotC turning into SJW cucks?
Yeah I'm ok with reprinting commons.
Personally it's irritating that they keep using up "Good names" on shitty functional reprint cards, so I'm ok with them reusing the chaff. It's not like will matter in anything but draft or sealed.
Could it be that their business practices are worse than their politics? Sad but true.
These aren't reprints in the conventional sense. Shit, they sell sets that are comprised entirely of reprints. This new shit is something else. They are trying to get away with doing as little as possible
Memish of memes
>high power level cards
this has to be the most hideous art i've ever seen on a comic
it's like buckley fused with that buzzfeed, and then someone ate it and threw it up
this one is a classic too
I laughed harder than I should have
Dark and new. I like it
>SJW cucks
Now tell me that MTG is only played by people that eat soy ya fucking dweeb
>high powered
nice joke
>Dark and new.
>Image is from 2012
You're the one who's dark and new.
That's just you. is ancient.
No you fucking retard it's because limited uses multiple sets and those cards don't work unless there's a critical amount of them going around. I hate the way Magic is going but I don't see this as a bad thing.
This could probably be updated to make them Manifest their library(probably with Mastery of the Unseen) so you could rip up their sorceries and instants too. And use something like Ulamog's Despoiler to make sure you can rip up anything of theirs that got exiled.
Here we go again... I thought this was going to be a fun thread.
I have tons at home but I'm at work atm. Will post at the end of the day is the thread is still up.
Why am I feeling like an unborn child is dead.
Ha, niggers.
I don't get the combo.
I too am at a loss.
I'm at loss for words to explain it.
Your loss, I guess.
I don't remember who made this, but that user is my hero.
Pls explain
Id help you, but I loss the link.
if you tolerate it, it'll only get worse
I'd laugh, but this is a real thing at my LGS.
image macros are this particular type of memes that got out of fashion about half a decade ago
Anybody got the Mairsil, the Pretender one?
personal favorite
Everything gets worse its the natural order of existence. The fact that we have the internet accelerates the rate at which things turn to shit. By the time the first batch of whatever is shipped or put up for download the executives have already figured out how to water down the complexities and rough spots that don't appeal to the mythical general audience that will expand their market base that will never materialize. Every company pushes trying to please everyone and end up pleasing no one and just write off the product they drove into the ground as a fad and drop it.
Which is why I try to get everyone to not buy it so magic can finally die and stop being shit on. Its the only real solution because they won't listen to customers they pay focus groups for that.
>Mastermind's Acquisition
>Dramatic Reversal
Time to upgrade the combo
forgot the pic
made when I was drunk
do you want memes?
>The Loss
Now that's what I'm talking about.
Amazing. This must be what they call IRL shitposting
>simple yet effective combo
I like it
I duno man I think you lost me.
All right, this is really easy. Basically this shit is about different stages of hero's journey. First, you have the titular hero jumping at the call (messenger's speed). However, not everything proceeds smoothly, and he soon discovers an obstacle to bypass (opposition). This opposition browbeats him into cooperation and he betrayes every single comrade of his, finally discarded too when there is no more need for him. The end.
Such is the life of the titular hero.
I'm still at a loss for words.
Cheeky bugger
as the guy who first put that combo together, I'm a little scared that it's approaching actual playability.
How does this make you feel?
So that is why they introduced Emmy to Innistrad?
OK, that one's pretty good, got a chuckle out of me.
I like you.
I don't think copies are cast, but if you have something you can play over and over again, it would work. You'll still need the chalice or some combination of nonlands that gives you 4 mana, but you can drop this over an over again to reset everything.
>I don't think copies are cast
Doesn't scepter explicitly say so?
The gatherer text for Isochron scepter says
"2,T:You may copy the exiled card. If you do, you may cast the copy without paying its mana cost."
I meant if you wanted to replace Turnabout/Dramatic reversal and one of the scepter pairs entirely
Well, that's how it happens. So you have one scepter with twincast beneath it, new wish is in stack. You activate scepter ability, it lets you cast the copy and untap the scepter and chalice, activating then the former again.
Either this or I still don't get you.
Right, yeah, that's not going to save anything. Swapping out the second scepter and untap spell for paradox engine is enough.