Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

Post-Announcement Blues edition

Current Discussion: Why do GW love marines so much?

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Custodes aren't marines newfag.

I guess by your logic Officio Assassins must also be marines because they're genetically modified super humans.

The long wait continues

working on my boxnaught for my blood angels army. first time paining a model, how'd i do? not quite finished

Reposting for prosperity

Deathwatch spends 375 pts for 6 Boltstorm Aggressors and a Jumpack Captain. Beacon of Angels to DS the Aggressors into shooting T1. 36 + 6D6 S4 AP0 D1 shots.

If, for some reason, the opponent ignores this, they double that shit next turn.

I pray that primaris get access to special issue ammunition one day.

In light of today's developments, here's a new Penguin.

These dudes look baller, wonder if it'll be a new kit or reboxing the current kit with a new sprue.

Your base coats are good. Next you'll want to work on layering and shading


And dont forget to drill your barrels

>How can you possibly compare this group of genetically modified super humans in power armor with this other group of genetically modified super humans in power armor?



Probably tribune.

This one will see some use

Same trick Raven Guard and Space Wolves Aggressors use. It's pretty strong.

Yeah I spent a little more time on it expecting that.

How many of you use an allied detachment?

I'm considering using a handful of Primaris or Custodes to complement my humble Guardsmen and make them look like the demigods depicted in the lore.

We can only hope Deathwatch will get their Codex next and the Primaris units get access to Special Issue Ammunition. It would be a perfect faction to highlight during the Year of the Xenos.

They look great, and appear to be completely new kits, it's just weird that they're making a kit that looks so similar to the old one, with the only difference being the Storm Shield and Sentinel Blades being replaced with the Castellan Axe.
I love how they've all got some kind of cloak, It annoyed the hell out of me how the Shield Captain was the only one to get a cape in the old kit.

>He doesn't know the lore
They're not space marines. Sisters are closer to space marines than these guys. And yet everyone is crawling over each other begging for sisters.

>AP -3 Bolt Rifles
Stop, I can only get so erect

They're literally better marines, STFU.


>tfw someone actually believes custodes aren't marines

>"It is said that as the Space Marines are forged from the gene-seed of the Primarchs, the Custodian Guard are fashioned from that of the Emperor. His greatness runs in their veins, gives them stature and strength far beyond human limits."

Gene-seed. Superhuman. Power Armor.

Yeah, I can see they've got absolutely nothing in common.

My list for a tourney this weekend, hoping it will get me an early high ranking for Orks in America.

>Space Wolves got cucked by wolves
>Thousand Sons got cucked by birdmen

I unironically hope Orks and DW get a simultaneous release. Let's get a grudge match going.

*this upcoming weekend

>210 stormboys
Jeez that's a lot of dudes, they can run and charge too right?

I admit, I made it as a dick comment but fuck at least Deathwatch would make more sense than Custodes. They're xenos-related.

> Xenoscuck doesn't know shit about the lore.

More news at 11.

chances of a new and interesting release this year?

They don't have geneseed tard. You've truly showed me your mastery over 40k lore.

How's this for my first tourney list?

Okay then. Let's just assume this isn't the obvious bait that it is and go for it.

What makes the Custodes different on a fundamental and conceptual level from Space Marines?

I dislike psykers so I've taken to allying in an assassin and am considering using some custodians for melee

Big boy.

Take it up with the person writing their fluff in the Index, supertard.


God damn, he's big. I thought he was gonna be on a Morty sized base from the looks of the pictures. $140 seems a little more justifiable now.

So something I'm suddenly curious about despite having never once thought about it in all the years I've been into 40k is why the hell are all Sisters almost always portrayed with pure white hair? Do they ritualistically dye it or something?

What do you consider a release? i mean they want to have every codex out by this year. so if you count that as a release i think that would constitute as interesting and new releases.

I think it's just that one order that do.

I think it's supposed to be a "bleached white by the pure radiance of their faith in the Emperor" type thing. Kind of like Moses after he hid behind a rock from God's ass.

Any rumors about orks yet?

I get tired of losing because all my opponents now have a Dex and all the sweet shit that comes along with that

It's a popular dye job in the Order of Our Martyred Lady.

>have a tournament on the 25th
>still have 50 models to assemble/paint
and here I am on Veeky Forums


Centuirons and Devastators are inefficient as far as units go.

Needs a few more lascannons.


Super tards aren't tards dickweed.

There was one rumor that said we'd get an Ork dex in early to mid summer. The leak was right about Daemons and Custodes in January, so take that as you will.

Hey if I got 20 devastator and two Rhinos done in a week for a vow then you can crush your goal as well. Stay strong and fight hard user!

1. Your army gets an amazing new model line, but you get the shittiest Codex in 8th

2. You get no models for the foreseeable future, but you get the best Codex in 8th.

Which would you choose?

Dark Eldar. Our models are top tier already.

Care to post the exploitable? I've got nothing else to do tomorrow so I might as well make some.


Easy choice

Forgot to add that I choose #2.
Here you go.

I am fucking up my posting tonight. Jeez.

Do I build more wraithguard or do make my first squad of wraithblades? I’d have ten wraithguard which doesn’t seem silly to me, but wraithguard look cool. What do

You're a good lad.

Being on top comes and goes, but the new units are forever.

Unless you are Ork player, in which case you get neither.

I play marines, if we were the worst army for once it might bolster xenos players so not every match is marines vs marines. Also the butthurt everytime marines get new toys is just fucking priceless.

Wraithblades look awesome that's what I'd do.

1 except trade new models for a new Iron Hands upgrade pack.

Appreciate it. I think it'd be hilarious to have a General image made of Penguins. I tried to make a Necron one before, but that was tough. So far I've done GK, DE, T'au, Sisters, and Orks.

What do you think of "your guys" custodes?

How different are the marines in the Devastator box from the marines in the tactical marine box?

Can I buy a box of devastators and make more devastators with the extra weapons and tactical marines?

Tyranids already have too many models so 2.

>Iron Hands upgrade pack
I think stuff like arms, legs, and clan pads are already covered by 3rd party guys.

It's kinda like GK, decently hard to pull off, since there's so few of them and they have a fixed organization structure. GK even have just about every member listed in the codex.


Im going to be a greedy ass and want plastic steel legion and a new battle for armageddon codex.

Threadly reminder that if you buy the new custodes you are what is wrong with the hobby. No matter how much you like them you have to buy a xeno army even if you dont like them.

Baller. Require any modifications or does it work out of the box?

Are you the same guy that started the campaign to have people see Justice League six times so it could get a sequel?

No, but that sounds fucking hilarious

As a Tau and DE player your still implying there is a year of the xenos lol. Two more primarch releases all but officially confirmed at this point. Whatever the fuck armies release for sigmar.

The year is filling up fast for any sort of xenos release other than bare bones shit dexes.

More like the edition of lucky to even exist.

those sniper marines are fucking rad

not even all of them do it. But yea it is a thing for that order, and since they are the postergirl order

Nope, you're only limited to the number of legs and torsos across however many kits you buy. Doesn't matter how many weapons you have left over.

cheers m8

>so few of them
Custodes are stated to be at Legion strength. You can just justify your dudes by calling them some obscure caste or something.

Well, fuck. I missed that. So there's more Custards than GK? That seems very odd.

>I missed that
It was in the "codex" they got in 7th so it was easy to miss.

Unlike GK, they've been fuck around in the palace for like 10k years.

mix and match.

10 wraith guards/blades total is a lot of points so you can go with 5 if you don't feel like fielding the others. that and you can only put like 6? in a waveserphant.

>18 Lascannons, 2 Missile Launchers, 2 plasma guns, a vindicator and a hunter-killer missile.

Well you got AT covered. What's your plan for the guardsmen and gaunts?

>19 S4 D1 weapons.

Fucking RIP, man.

Ah, Pamphlet: Adeptus Custodes. Thanks.

>almost 700 dollarydoos
>a single GUO costs as much as morty
what absolute madmen

They changed the Devastator legs so they're bulkier than normal now. You can still use the legs, but they're not "the correct armor." I use the legs on my heavy and special weapons dudes myself.

It's as big as the resin one and looks great.

You can use other armor sets entirely though arms aren't going to always match


Hey /40kg/, just started building my own army and I wanted to know anything about getting non-citadel paint to paint my army with(I live in a shithole with no official GW stores or anything) besides thinning my paints of course

getting 10 wraith guard means you could just put them in a big fat unit and webway strike them onto something you don't like.


I really hope those are dollarydoos and not burgerbucks.

Doubt anyone would do this, WB deserves nothing but shit.