Does anyone else prefer just normal humanoid race choices...

Does anyone else prefer just normal humanoid race choices? No weird alien or six-legged monster race has ever stood out to me.

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I prefer Human-only settings entirely, to be completely honest. At least in terms of playable races.

When you make a race playable, it always invariably ends up as "Human but with these specific tropes/quirks hyper-exaggerated. Like it's alot easier as a DM make elves interesting and give them alien magic and personalities and a feel of being exotic when they're an option for players to pick and play as "LOL HUMAN BU THEY LIVE LONGER AND THINK THEY'RE BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE!"

*when they're NOT an option

Im okay with anything fairly humanoid a properly sized but anything too big/bestial/alien should no longer be considered a "race" IMO

Is Veeky Forums okay with draphs?

I wish there were half as many tusk humans as there are horn humans.

As long as you dont pretend they are actual dwarves.

Of course!

no one does that


Why is there a Luchadore in that pic?

Its the player character

Shortstack race of former sex slaves who are stupidly strong and sexy?
What's not to love? They're even the perfect height for standing titfucks.


Damn it man, stop stealing my thoughts.

>granblue fantasy has a race of shortstacks
why have i never heard about this

We're just kindred spirits, my main man.

No, I hate this shitty trope, if you're gonna play variations of humans then fucking stick to humans, this is a fantasy, I like to play things that grant me different senses and spacial movements, crawling on walls or going through cracks between rocks, anything novel that's not "you're a really big human" or "you're a tiny human".
What I hate however is when the six legged ugly monster is living in peace with the other humanoids, fuck NO! I hate tolerance in fantasy setting, races should only tolerate something that looks close to them.

This to be honest. The fact that PC races have to be balanced against one another kind of removes a lot of the reason to have non-humans at all.

What's the in-universe explanation for cows being sensitive to headpats?

shitty weeb taste

So you're saying weebs bred them for headpat sensitivity?

No, not really.

>tried to like tau
>still cruel and full of sinister shenannigans
>'greater good' is a lie

>Of course!
Was getting a headpat part of your plan?

I prefer to be a pal with weird aliens.

This is a Japanese Medusa

Just like real life!

>if you're gonna play variations of humans then fucking stick to humans, this is a fantasy

But user, my fantasy is playing variations of humans.

Me. If you can't play an interesting human, you probably won't be an interesting minotaur or half-ghost or whatever either.

I don't mind traditional fantasy races in DnD, though it does bug me that 99% of the time those characters are stereotypical or revert to stereotypical. The elf is haughty, the dwarf is gruff, etc.

nah, that's pretty lame.


I like FFTA2's races

Mah nigga

You were saying?

>Steve and me on Vacation, Summer of 48

>though it does bug me that 99% of the time those characters are stereotypical or revert to stereotypical. The elf is haughty, the dwarf is gruff, etc.

Really? People have this problem? Last dwarf I played with was an elderly witch-woman, and the elf was a sleazy attorney. I know everyone's aware of the stereotypes, but I almost never see them in actual play.

Also: if you CAN play an interesting human, but have done that several times and want to mix it up, you can probably play an interesting golem or unicorn.

I hate how often people get up in autism arms against playing a lady if you are a dude, despite how amazing being a fucking crotchety old witch is.



"hey steve can you fetch me the wrench"
"thanks steve"

>expecting anyone in 40k to be even slightly in the right

Nah, I hate them. if they look that similar to humans, just play them off as mutated/altered humans and not something pretending to be an entirely new or different race.

Honestly, the elitist faggots who insist that all non-human races should be sentient shades of color purple and other shit like that have turned me off weird aliens. They're as annoying as furries in this regard. Maybe even more, as most furries know better than to screech autistically at people about badwrongfun and inherent intellectualism of playing a spider-legged octopus robot thing.

Furthermore, no matter how weird they insist races should be, they're curiously never seen playing them (or, when they play them, they just stick to a single lazy stereotype) because, as it turns out, it's almost impossible to play something completely alien.

I like weird races. I really do. But for playables, i'll stick to the usuals, thank you.

Somebody's got to play 'em, if you want to use 'em.
Might as well let the players do it too.

They are better than dwarves in every way.

The funnest thing is, most people i GMd for aren't exactly trembling with excitement at the prospect of playing "weird" races, though i had several players who played stuff like thri-kreen and shardmind decently.

So, it's not like i prohibit them from playing extradimensional methane-breathing medusas, it's just that people outside of Veeky Forums's elitism contest don't care about that sort of thing that much. Interestingly enough, in my less serious games people were more willing to pick something weird, maybe because pressure to play them properly was lower.

Honestly, I just like being skelemans, treemans, robots, and the like.

Because cow's can rarely rub clean that area, so being rubbed there feels really good, it also probably involves how cow's treat each other and grooming another's head is probably only something that only cows that trust each other do.

Generally yeah.

When it comes to scifi I'm okay with humanoids because it seems plausible that aliens capable of sapience and space travel could reach a similar shape, I don't need something wildly different, I'm okay with something different as long as it has been given some thought and isn't just different for the sake of being different.
Nothing takes me out of a universe like adding in a humanoid cat that for some reason has a culture based on earths ancient egypt.


>these humanoid races are so lame, they're just humans with strange ears.
>here, this is my sophisticated and original character: a human with wolf head!
laffin big time

This image is hilarious to me.

>The long list of midget cowgirls measured by tit size
>The anime runes explaining the tit measuring methodology like its a research paper
>The luchadore being used to show scale
>The blue line emerging from the luchadore's dick to show height relative to his cock

I dislike that I get shit for wanting to just play a human. Sorry guy whose a half-drow werebear with anime eyes, I just want to be a dude in armor who fights monsters.

There are two schools of thought when it comes to making alien races user

The star trek school teaches us that aliens are just people painted blue with some funky shit on their head. This style is very popular in low budget science fiction and any story that skews more towards fantasy/adventure than hard sci-fi.

The Lovecraft school of thought tells us that aliens should be genuinely alien to humans and look butt-fuck crazy, something so odd we wouldn't be able to tell which part we're expected to talk to. This style is more popular in high budget movies that can actually afford the effects needed to portray these creatures. Also popular in sci-fi that takes a more realistic approach to the matter or has more of a horror focus.

Star Wars is somewhere in the middle.

>No puppeteers
Shit art collection senpai.

Really? Who's persecuting you, who's giving you shit? Are you sure you're not just being oversensitive?

Frankly I only allow human PCs in my games. There are other races in the setting but I find that letting players pick those always results in them leaning on a stereotype that eventually flanderizes the character.

Also a major theme of the setting is that only humans have free will, the rest have to really work to overcome their "nature" anyway. It would be difficult to model for a PC and probably very frustrating for the player.

For real? I see a lot more shit flung at anyone who wants to play something non-standard because muh furries.

Isn't it the other way? Humanfags invading every thread that as much as mentions other races and starting to scream at people for enjoying badwrongfun?

The people of nippon are a blessed race, and may the sun always shine upon their island.

I guess it must have just been that old game group, but the entire party was made up of over the top race and class combinations (because the DM just didn't give a shit) and I was the odd one out for being a human fighter. Was definitely mocked for not being more "creative" with my character.

The party was:
>mimic who used their shapeshifting to take the form of a 6 year old girl
>half-drow werebear
>a child gnome that had multiple personalities as determined by a d3 roll
>a tiger woman who I think was also a weresomething which seems odd considering the fact she's already part animal
>me, the male human fighter

Does anyone have any decent ideas for human-like races except Dwarves, Giants, and Halflings? Nothing half animal or half celestial or anything like that. I'm thinking some type of Neanderthal but I wouldn't know how to make them unique, with them being a short but brawny race.

I would be more okay with them if they were a race of actual cow-people instead of low effort anime girls.

if you gonna go nonhuman, go all the way.

As someone who played Dungeons: the dragoning, Tau make surprising sense in a sci-fi/space fantasy that's less grimderp than Warhammer.

Nartaki/other multi limbed races are pretty cool too.

I like non humanoid races for this reason tbqh

You can't pull that sort of shit with something like a kobold

This. I generally like to stick to humans and human offshoots as far as playables go.

You really can, though. You can't really play a nonhuman convincingly because you are (presumably) a human, so everyone you play will ultimately be a human who acts weird.


Honestly, this anime made me turn my opinions on Shardminds 180 degrees.

>You can't pull that sort of shit with something like a kobold

I've definitely caught flak for "boring" race and class combinations before.

Yes. This is the problem with people who do not understand the wookie rule.

You need at least one boring guy per handfull of weirdos.

I have found what happens on Veeky Forums and what happens at actual gaming tables are completely different things

I mean, doesn't everyone like a good headpat?

It depends mostly on who I’m with. When I was playing with my favorite group (LAH college students), and they were more worried about creating a good story than winning, we had people play as all sorts of races and make them work. As wide ranging as obscure sentient fungi, literal spirits, Lovecraftian monstrosities with too many legs, and so on.

If I were to play with any group I’ve had since then, I would probably just stick to standard and hope they don’t build characters out of tired tropes and stereotypes.

What's the point in having other races if they are off-brand humans?

Nothing wrong with that.

Sometimes low-key aesthetic differences are all that you need.

I agree.

If they are going to have low-key differences then make them all the same race.

It made me completely reverse my opinion on CG anime

Only downside is that I had to take the time to remind myself that none of the characters actually have a gender about three times per episode.


They look lame. Not a race to play but to fap too.

To be fair, in this case CG fits like nothing else would.

Also just because they're genderless quasi-hivemind beings, it doesn't mean they can't all be best girl.

And for unenlightened there's Squid Tits.

Because all the differences are low key. There is no sense in having them all be different races then.

What's the difference between making them the same race but with different cultures, and making them separate races that lookgenerally the same, can mix and are only differentiated by culture?

So do the horned men in the left have small dicks if their women are tiny?

But there's also no reason not to do it. It's no real expenditure of effort and it contributes to the fantasy aesthetic.

So what the fuck is the point then?

I can't play a mage convincingly either, because magic doesn't exist in real life.

The point of fantasy is be a fucking fantasy

Luchadore makes sense in the context, he's protag of the game. And blue line is half his height, though I like the way you think.

But it doesn't contribute to the fantasy aesthetic.

The differences are low key.

>do the horned women on the left have huge vaginas if their men are so big

>tfw haphephobia

The first one is honest the second one is lip service.

It would make sense since they are designed for fanboys to jerk off too. This way the males fulfill their role as a perfect power fantasy.

Does the term race not already imply low key differences?
It's bug men and walking octopi that shouldn't be called races; they're separate species altogether.

It still contributes

I feel like you're being facetious

Nah, it's a useless word that will get cut from the language in a century or so.


Nah, it contributes as much as using peasants instead of serfs. It's a pointless detail that not even the story cares about.

It's spelled luchador.