Weekend Warcraft Lore General

Keeping the Peace Edition

Discuss the lore and story of the Warcraft franchise and its application in and around traditional games.

>Document compendium: Contains official (ex-canon) DnD 3.x variants and a fan made DnD 5e version! Also the official Warcraft Chronicles volumes 1 and 2.

Previous thread

>Anyway, with void elves joining high elves in the Alliance, does it mean that elven society is now split in half? 50% in the Horde, 50% in the Alliance?
50% in the Horde? Makes sense. I think their population is not very high on numbers either. A lot of blood elves joined Kael in Outland.

I want my human paladin to be a veteran of AQ, is it possible lore-wise?

The big battle outside in Silithus itself? Very possible.

Confronting C'thun deep within? Less so.

There are actual IRL player veterans of the Ahn-Qiraj raid still playing those same characters today so why wouldn't it be?

Unless you're afraid the grognards will hone in on your poseur ass.

Makrura: smart enough to be part of a pirate crew?

Just the outer battles? That's fine, how far into AQ20/40 would you want him to have gone and as the spearhead or a clean-up crew to hold ground?

The Might of Kalimdor was a giant cross-faction effort to stand ready at the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj when they opened. To the public at large, whether or not you entered AQ itself doesn't matter; the fact you were there at that battle and survived is testament enough of your ability.

What the fuck is that draenei doing there on the steps leading up to the gong? They hadn't landed on Azeroth yet.

It's not so much whether or not your character was inside Ahn'Qiraj itself, because it's very reasonable you were. The main matter is getting other people to believe you. RP is about give-and-take and an acknowledgment of trust between players. They have to be willing to play ball with you when you say "I braved the catacombs and hives of Ahn'Qiraj itself."

>Makrura: smart enough to be part of a pirate crew?
Murlocs can, so why not? Anything goes in WoW universe.

Oh god the event

A disaster on every server, every single one

Worse for me, having to play on a server located on the other side of the Pacific. I didn't even see Silithus until long after it was too late to get the black qiraji mount

>Oh god the event
>A disaster on every server, every single one
It is really sad, that because of that, event is largerly ignored lore-wise.

(It's a realm hopping scrublord from before they shut off the ability to get Scarab Lord on newly created realms.)

Or just a really hot broken dragged through as a slave.

You can play it again from Jan 21st to 23rd, or at least the grind. Yearly thing, even lets you ride the mounts for a little while.

Could be art of the next holiday that happens every year now.

Or the Arist could be a dum dum.

RP-wise, claiming you participated in an event which occurred during the game's history is not a tall order. Especially since you're dealing with people playing Grimtotem Warlocks or Gilbin Spellbreakers or Dwarf (Not A) Death Knights.

I can SMELL the Aqir lore hidden within BfA, /wwl/.

I can't wait for them to rise from the depths once more.

Well no crap, we're pretty sure that the whole bringing the War back to Warcraft is for faggots who don't get that it's pretty much an Old Gods/Void setup.

I hope blizz will update old silithid and qiraji models.

what would "putting the craft back in warcraft" be?

An all profession expansion.

kick the elves out of the horde, fire all female writers, including that hack Golden as a start

They did update the Silithid Tanks. Apparently during the upcoming event we can even use them without being scarab lord for three days.

There's the Veeky Forums mad about elves meme, only with Oxhorn's stupidity added in.

An entire expansion where all high-end gear is crafted instead of looted, and instead of gear you loot reagants and craftable materials from bosses

It would be almost as shit as putting the war in warcraft

Do like riding bugs.

But then professions would actually mean something.
DOn't know how they'd subtly (for Blizz) tie it into big bads though.

Christie Golden must keep making those books because she's the only writer willing to work for game time tokens or some shit. She is without a doubt one of the worst writers I've ever encountered. Yet she gets a lot of defense on RP servers, presumably from people who don't read grownup books.

She was an absolute darling on my server. It would be very heavily implied, if not outright stated, that you were a sexist if you gave even a sliver of the harsh critique her shit writing merits.

Eh? She's not all that bad. She's no Knaak that's for sure, but otherwise she's okay prose wise.

Sometimes though you can feel that she's not super enthuiastic about the direction the general lore is taking and stops really giving her all. Like the Sylvanus WAH WAH MY SISTER DIDN'T POISON GARROSH I'M GONNA GO SHOOT DEER IN THE WOODS AND CRY bit in War Crimes.

>She is without a doubt one of the worst writers I've ever encountered.
And what about Knaak?

Its ok because elf ass.

You know how much grief there is when people fight over a rare crafting recipie? This would be nuts.

Not that guy, but Knaak > Golden, though that doesn't exonerate him any because he's also shit.

I only have a few objections to her work, but usually not with the prose, and I feel like a good portion of the bad parts are orders from Blizzard though it's hard to tell.

"Hype the Horse we're gonna make Arthas drop!" And "Make a character less edgy, then back out at the last second and double down hard."

Golden's best is worse than Knaak's best, but Knaak's worst is worse than Golden's worst

Knaak is so far below my standards of quality I don't even consider him a writer. He's the PG-13 version of that faggot who wrote those creepy Gor novels.

But she is. The Arthas book was nigh unreadable. Her prose is equivalent of that of a high schooler writing fanfic in between classes and her ability to stick to lore is even worse than the writers working on wow. Lore isn't supposed to be malleable in its entirety but only in smaller details, Golden and her wow crew just throw out entire sections of lore for new stuff whenever they feel like it.

>She is without a doubt one of the worst writers I've ever encountered.
She made "Beyond the Dark Portal" actually readable after terrible "Tides of Darkness". Better fight scenes, a more intricate and interesting story and better written characters.

I don't think Knaak's made anything as good as Rise of the Horde, let alone Lord of the Clans.

Unless you mean more passage-to-passage in which case maybe, a lot of Knaak's battle scenes in WotA were great.

>her ability to stick to lore is even worse than the writers working on wow. Lore isn't supposed to be malleable in its entirety but only in smaller details, Golden and her wow crew just throw out entire sections of lore for new stuff whenever they feel like it.
Ehwot? Other than having ZERO sense of scale (Using in game scale far too much) she seemed fine on most lore details, and lore changes are sorta something that HAS to come from higher up the chain.
I didn't mind Tides of Darkness, though I'd rather they had the Horde dig in to a few more strongpoints instead of being on this constant long march.

>Her prose is equivalent of that of a high schooler writing fanfic in between classes

This is what really gets me. The woman never heard of the active voice

I was counting all of their work, not just Warcraft stuff

Some of Knaak's D&D stuff is... well still shit, but almost passable

>The woman never heard of the active voice
Oh god, I really really don't fucking get that distinction.

I feel like some autist english teacher years ago got a major stick up his ass and it turned out to be contagious.

I gotta disagree on Golden and the lore, and I'll use Arthas as the example, it's pure character assassination that even contradicts WotLK itself to an extent. It's heavily implied that there's still some humanity in the Lich King. He hangs out in the Halls of Reflection and the ghosts of the people he's fucked over can apparently just pop out as they please to bitch at him while he just kind of mopes and takes it. He keeps mementos from Jaina, Muradin, Uther, etc. He even takes a moment to reminisce about being a shaman, even though Arthas supposedly ate Ner'zhul. I think, to be quite honest, she didn't have enough oversight and no one at Blizzard cared enough to give her fanfiction some much needed editting.

Active voice flows better. When the writer falls into the passive voice, the prose is clunky and awkward.

If Golden is the worst writer of WoW EU, who is better? Knaak, DeCandido, King?

>I think, to be quite honest, she didn't have enough oversight and no one at Blizzard cared enough to give her fanfiction some much needed editting.
To me it sounds like that was the original plan and they just didn't stick to it, given the timetables of the book going to print vs the game coming out.

And just ONE internal attack on his conscience may not have truly killed it etc etc if you need an excuse.

I take King getting stuck with the travesty that was the general outline of the Illidan novel as an example of why I can't exactly blame Golden for some things.

King wrote fucking Gotrek and Felix, I feel like only so much is an author's fault on these carefully managed licensed fiction projects.

I really wish they'd gone with these hobgoblins from the RPG books, makes all the Ogres that worked with goblins sorta redundant.

Why there is no important gay character in warcraft universe? And where are all black humans?

Khadgar is gay.

Wrathion is pretty gay. And also black.

I'm not sure if there are any black NPCs who are actually human, but you have to understand that in this setting, humans are degenerated and broken viking robots who have mostly all lived next to each other on the same temperate continents and associated with one another, no real room or reason for dark skin to come about.

I seem to recall a black shirtless blacksmith or two.

I don't want to be "that guy", but I think that a diversity stuff should be in Overwatch only. WarCraft has more epic and timeless themes about war and life, there is no need for the franchise to be hip and trendy.

>Black smiths
Checks out.

There is also a black priest in Stormwind Cathedral.

Orcs are black.

Is Wrathion gay or is that just what yaoi fans like to say to ship him with Anduin?

Even the darkest-toned brown orcs aren't as black as some of the humans.

He is just camp as fuck, very easy to type cast as a fag. But none of us really know

He's a black dragon. He is what he needs to be to accomplish his goals.

king just wrote the illidan books right?
jesus christ, I can't believe its the same man that wrote gotrek and felix.

He kinda halfway flirts at Andy.

It doesn't mean that he is gay. I always flirt with my friends.


Chinese Skeletal Ushers are swole as fuck. What do they do, carry people to their seats?

Like I said, executive control is pretty heavy, or it feels that way at least.

>What do they do
They're just wearing this kind of thing.

If I were a skellington, I'd wear a muscle suit too.

Who was it that speculated that the dark irons might get core hound mounts?

Actually, what even ARE core hounds? Where'd they come from?

They're elemental beasts from the Firelands. The demon ones aren't actually core hounds. And things like the Kurken are different creatures entirely. They're all just classified as core hounds for taming purposes.

how old is the average nelf anyway? Are they all 10,000+ years old? How often do they have kids?

Oh, I was referring specifically to the ones you find in Molten Core and whatnot. I know Kurken isn't one of them. Figure it's just one of the many horrid mutations caused by the Exodar sabotage.

Not all night elf males were druids, so most of their society ran pretty much as normal, and your average nelf could have been born at any point from pre-Sundering to some time before WC3. Druids themselves are probably either 10k years or acolytes who started training after the Third War, though.

Forgot to add in the middle there...

Have you seen nelf males? No wonder nelf females are all over that stormwind dick


Night elf males look a hell of a lot better than human males

I'm not sure this is much of an improvement...

Why are these towers so fucking cozy? Just adding a sturdy stone room at the base really makes the classic Horde Watchtower look so much better.

>Blue Warchief is a hereditary position now

>Figure it's just one of the many horrid mutations caused by the Exodar sabotage.

I expect it's the same kind of beast Omen was before it became a demon.

I don't think executive control was that high for the arthas book, because it was not filler.

>tfw always RPed my Belf pally has an alliance loyalist, at least in private, so now i'll have to justify why he isn't a void elf (or just make him a void elf)?

"While he wishes he could join Allera, he is not willing to traffic with the Void Lords to do so, the risk is just too much."

That or he just doesn't wanna be blue.

"My father once told me the world was gonna roll me, I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed" -Jaina Proudmoore

Noble garden is the spring fertility event, npc's tell that is a kaldorei holiday. So they go into heat once a year


I think the "blood elves must be in the Alliance" fag is one and the same with the "Forsaken are worse than the Holocaust" fag. They share too many traits to be different people:

- Severe inability to participate in an argument, will completely ignore everything people tell him and repeat his opinion ad nauseam;
- Obsessed with derailing the thread at any opportunity and making it about his autistic obsession;
- Weirdly extreme hate towards characters from a video game with a badly written plot;
- Obvious samefagging and claims that his opinion is shared by nearly everyone;
- Won't shut up until everyone arguing with him have given up, can keep up the shitposting for two days straight if necessary;
- Post roughly at the same time;
- Very similar writing styles.

If he was banned, this thread would instantly become 80% better.

I was there! Like 12 years ago? I am an old cow :(

How long do Tauren live?

I think Warcraft's past 7 years of appealing almost exclusively to only the most cancerous aspects of it's fanbase has left it with a lot of terrible, terrible people as fans, and that you're being a bit presumptuous in assuming that there's only one awful person posting stupid things

Would be convenient if it was indeed one person, but I don't think so

About 120 years or so

Oh good, maybe I'll turn my fur grey in a few more expansions.

hold up, night elves are mutated trolls and troll females REALLY get going once they get in heat so if that trait carried over to the elves that would mean that holiday gets really intense


>tfw my char IS the veteran of AQ
Why would it not be possible?
>inb4 he didn't raid

Grom being pumped full of mannoroth cum ofc

Warcraft Orcs are Germanic as fuck dude.

So shouldn't elves be very restricted in where they can go? Shouldn't they start to go Withered if they go too far away from their well for too long?

user, you ARE a skeleton wearing a muscle suit.

There should've only ever been one writer. Metzen.


>King wrote fucking Gotrek and Felix
He also wrote the Ragnar cycle aka the worst books ever

>Blood Elves, Draenei, and Goblins during the AQ war effort

I can't wait for fan art depicting a Zandalari Troll defeating the Lich King or a female Nightborne single handedly freeing Orgrimmar from Garrosh