>It's a "the entire adventure is set in a demiplane completely covered in antimagic/dead magic/null psionics/Pathfinder-style-antitech-field" quest!
How does your character perform? Can this episode be fun?
>It's a "the entire adventure is set in a demiplane completely covered in antimagic/dead magic/null psionics/Pathfinder-style-antitech-field" quest!
How does your character perform? Can this episode be fun?
Other urls found in this thread:
Lotsa rolling to deal damage
Just 'cause you got btfo in the last thread doesn't mean you have to repost it in the hopes of not getting btfo in this ope.
>How does your character perform?
He dies instantly
>Can this episode be fun?
No, anti-magic zones should not be abused, only shitty GMs do that
>Can this episode be fun?
It can be if you're playing a game where 90% of your options aren't magic based a whole third of the PHB isn't spells.
If you're playing DnD though, just fucking forget about it. The session is going to be miserable unless you're a fighter or barbarian, and the DM is shit for putting a campaign somewhere where 90% of the game can't be used.
Luckily i brought my anti-antimagic belt.
Brought to you by the makers of the tracebuster buster buster.
>arcane trickster minus attacking illusion wizard
She hides the entire time. I have fuck all to offer besides spells.
>It's a "bend over and let the GM ream your characters" episode
You can do better, so stand up for yourself. Don't take this shit from him.
More like
>It's a "time to get creative" episode
Taking away someone's ability to do anything encourages detachment, not creativity.
>Taking away someone's ability to do anything encourages detachment, not creativity.
Maybe if they overspecialized like a moron or are happy with just rolling face against every challenge like a shitter.
One of the most fun experiences I had in a game was when we were up against a force that was fundamentally beyond our capabilities as a group, yet we still managed to win simply because we kept throwing in curveballs that eventually opened the enemy up to a finisher.
If you literally cannot do anything because the GM threw an enemy that was beyond your comfort zone, that tells me that either you need to become a better player or petition the GM to run a better system.
Fox thread?
He wears a ring that reflects spells thrown at him. He doesn't mind
>yet we still managed to win simply because we kept throwing in curveballs
Let me guess, you probably came up with creative und unconventional ways to use your resources and the GM let it happen. Wow.
anyone else notice how /jp/ shows up right after /pol/?
Last year [s4s] suffered a particularly nasty /pol/ raid, and immediately after, /jp/ came in and converted the board into their own personal ecchi dump
>/jp/ came in and converted the board into their own personal ecchi dump
So, nothing out of the ordinary
The problem with not playing D&D is that it's very, very difficult to find enough people near you who are willing to play something else, and even if you do, those people are generally weird as fuck and spend way too much time playing RPGs
You're a PF occultist or whatever in an antimagic field adventure. How do you solve it?
Anyone who wants anime in their game is a fetish fag and anyone who allows it is a filthy enabler of bad behaviour
I've yet to meet a weaboo that wasn't some kind of pervert mentally fapping to this shit and awkwardly injecting cringy innuendo into every bit of shitty RP. Losing their shit if their waifu is threatened and acting like a fucking child if they don't get their way.
TLDR: You're all fucking scum
You fuck the antimagic
>garbage weeb foxes
Fuck off Veeky Forums or at least use GOOD fox race. Pic related is a simple visual guide.
Preach, brother!
How do furfags keep finding this website
The problem isn't magic being to powerful. It's supposed to be.
The problem isn't martials being worthless, because they're not worthless. They're not worth much, but they're not supposed to be powerful. They're supposed to be chaff. That's the point. They take the hits and risk their lives. A fighter is a foot soldier. A monk is a peasant. A barbarian is a homeless nomad.
The problem is players keep comparing and even pitting the classes against each other when that's not really what you're supposed to be doing.
Antimagic can be a really nasty trick when it takes the form of a spell like zone of silence, but a demiplane of anti magic is just trying to hard to humble magic wielders.
If your martials feel like they're not getting their share of power fantasy, tell them to either re-roll a new character or suck it, because martials aren't there to be a power fantasy like casters are.
Running away gets harder. Everything else is pretty much the same.
>The problem is players keep comparing and even pitting the classes against each other when that's not really what you're supposed to be doing.
You are a team, if the guy that casts spells outdoes everybody in the team that does not casts spells at the same time it is a problem.
In D&D 3.# you will pretty reach level 20 before you can play Hector or Conan the barbarian, and you have to play against things that are ten levels under you or it's still impossible, and you will never ever play Roldan or Hercules. And trying to say that it's all right to have in the meanwhile another player having all the options because he picked cleric, and he can choose if he wants to be a heal slut or emulate an avengers line up by having eight free hours because the game does not need balance is retarded.
>but they're not supposed to be powerful
>martials aren't there to be a power fantasy like casters are
the source is your ass I presume
Antimagic field adventures are great for barbarians.
>How does your character perform?
Dual class, monk wizard. i'll be fine.
>Can this episode be fun?
Oh yeah.
>we were up against a force that was fundamentally beyond our capabilities as a group
>an enemy that was beyond your comfort zone
That's different from the GM taking away all your powers and telling you to suck it up
A monster that's capable of soaking up 99.9% of your damage when you're the strongest member of the group is no different than a mage being put in an AMF.
As a matter of fact, the latter is easier to deal with than the former because at least the mage still has spells that he can still cast within an AMF while the creature who is capable of soaking your maximum damage output is virtually impossible to take out in a fair fight, which means that you either find a weakness to exploit, you run, or you die.
Phew, I thought I might have to actually consider the content of your post. Good thing you made a typo.
>mage still has spells that he can still cast within an AMF
>anti-magic field
>can still cast spells
This is your brain on dnd
>can still affect monster with a subset of powers
>no different than it being immune to your only attack pattern
This is also your brain on dnd
>no magic or technology
It's going to be naked cavemen screaming and hitting each other
>This is your brain on dnd
So you haven't actually read the rules? d20srd.org
>Wall of force, prismatic wall, and prismatic sphere are not affected by antimagic.
I know that it's true, I mean that the rules are absurd in the extent to which they shield spellcasters from all possible counters.
That's neither here nor there, the point was that if the outcome of combat is already decided just because the GM threw something that you couldn't defeat normally, it tells me that either you need to become a better player who is capable of thinking outside the box or ask the GM to run a better system where your success is based on whether you're a pair of scissors in a world of rocks.
>Can this episode be fun?
It's literally designed not to be.