Finally, an orbital ring has been constructed around Earth. Millions of persons can take a trip to space cheaply and allows them to commute to space for work in the morning and still come home for dinner, and spend no more for a ticket to orbit than you would for train or a plane ticket to a neighboring city. How do you stop crazies and terrorists, and nations doing wars below, from blowing it up?
Finally, an orbital ring has been constructed around Earth...
blow up the earth first
Gundams. Gundams everywhere.
The procedure for loading people on to the lifts includes formally abandoning the religion of Islam, drinking a bit of schnapps and eating a bacon sand witch. You can keep the sane countries in line with some kind of M.A.D. scheme. You can use international diplomacy to try and steer countries away from losing their sanity, but I really don't know what you can do when they inevitably crop up.
Lots of lasers and graphene.
Forced nerve stapling nanobombs and that cyber-Stalinist AI implant to watch and report on your every move.
Everything else is doomed to imaginary friends akbars.
I think the Quran specifically says you can lie and pretend to not be islamic if thats going to get you into other societies.
Congratulations, your Orbital Habitat is now infested with Falun Gong, ETA, Maoists and several variants of ecoterrorists.
You're thinking of the opposite. I remember there's a passage where it is said that you mustn't renounce your Islam-ness, even under the punishment of death.
The only ways to ensure peace among the welwala and freedom for belta is a worldwide bombardment and shooting down any survivors that might attempt to escape the surface.
Make more rings. No reason to have 1 when you can have 2, 3, or 20.
>Falun Gong, ETA, Maoists and several variants of ecoterrorists.
Don't give tickets to crazies.
Non-muslim terrorists.
Falun Gong is actually a religious movement that's banned in China and gets slapped with the 'terrorist' tag by the Chinese.
ETA or Euskadi Ta Askatasuna, better known as 'that Basque liberaton front', operates in West Europe, mostly Spain.
Maoists in India, Nepal, and Turkey have long been slapped with the Terrorist tag, because they do bombings, murders, kidnappings and stuff like that since the 60s.
I was going to put IRA in there, but they've lost their teeth.
You best believe this huge, unnatural thing will attract ecoterrorists by the boatloads. Maybe the Earth Liberation Front, though nutters will probably try it by themselves.
>You're thinking of the opposite. I remember there's a passage where it is said that you mustn't renounce your Islam-ness, even under the punishment of death.
If I remember correctly, neither are from the Quran itself, but from a book written by an Imam as a sort of add on, that most traditionalist muslims treat as part of religious doctorine.
And they're both situational. Sometimes they're allowed to lie about it, sometimes they aren't. I can't remember the specifics.
>How do you stop crazies and terrorists, and nations doing wars below, from blowing it up?
Considering it was build in the first place, I don't think crazies and terrorists are any more a thing to exist in Earth, user.
Time for creating Earth's fleet.
>>You're thinking of the opposite. I remember there's a passage where it is said that you mustn't renounce your Islam-ness, even under the punishment of death.
>If I remember correctly, neither are from the Quran itself, but from a book written by an Imam as a sort of add on, that most traditionalist muslims treat as part of religious doctorine.
>And they're both situational. Sometimes they're allowed to lie about it, sometimes they aren't. I can't remember the specifics.
I believe it comes down to "if they are forcing you to convert, die" and "if them knowing you're a Muslim will hinder you, you can pretend to not be a Muslim"
You can't completely stop the crazies, and running a humint operation to stop bad people from getting to important places will fail and leak eventually. So just make the damn thing super durable, and/or modular with a bunch of redundancies, so a loner with a pipe bomb or a stray missile won't knock out the entire thing. Hell, maybe even put the most tempting targets into isolated, easy to replace outcroppings.
Why would eco terrorists give a shit about the ring if its not causing any harm to the environment?
Why would they let facts get in the way of bitching about shit?
This makes me more angry than I thought it would. Also
>Female science teacher
>Look how misogynisticI am! Look!
Entire staff in my school was female, aside single German teacher. What's your problem, aside trying to be edgy?
Exterminate the muslims.
Yes and look how you turned out. Anyone that posts of Veeky Forums is not a well adjusted human. Myself included
Is this a parody?
No this actually happened but it was in one of the large swaths of America we call "fly over' because it's populated by ignorant inbreds and lack any large Civic centres
>north carolina
you're a retard
Don't let the humans in.
Once the asteroids are secured, initiate bombardment. Don't stop until the atmosphere is mainly volatilized silica.
I worded the answer a bit ambiguous, and i feel I should clarify something: DO NOT USE THE ASTEROIDS FOR BOMBARDMENT!! Securing the asteroids means having industry up there, not strapping rockets to them.
Otherwise the plan stands.
>How do you stop crazies and terrorists, and nations doing wars below, from blowing it up?
Ever read this?
>I believe it comes down to "if they are forcing you to convert, die" and "if them knowing you're a Muslim will hinder you, you can pretend to not be a Muslim"
That's just your headcanon though
This would be much better if the ship's main weapons weret drone-missiles and gundams out of railguns instead of lasers. Just saying.
>North Carolina
>NOT flyover
Hint, unless your state has one if the 30 "large hub" airports, you're flyover. The reason these states have so much traffic is they're someplace you'de actually want to land.
*shot out of railguns
>captcha: COLLEGE YALE
>This makes me more angry than I thought it would. Also
>Female science teacher
Now post some articles where men get pranked by parody news sites and use them to make policy decisions.
I mean obviously you won't because it doesn't fit your worldview, but it would be funny if you did.
>Is this a parody?
It seems that the city council in that town got swayed by a phony research paper because nobody realized they were looking at a parody.
Charlotte is a pretty major Hub airport you bigoted city-slicker.
>from blowing it up?
By designing it so that the whole thing doesn't come down even if portions of it are destroyed, and so that it'll take a lot more than just a couple of planes to bring down even part of it.
>plane ticket
that's really fucking expensive and unsuited for commuting
Huh, so it is, I missed it in the list.
Ok, not a flyover. Just fucking dumb.
I don't know what a city slicket is, I also don't know what a flyover state is, but my perception of USA's population is that they come on two variants: possibly multi-racial frenetic city loners, and shotgun-welding white/black individuals with varying degrees of beard and pot belly.
>I don't know what a city slicket is
He actually said "city-slicker"; you can google the phrase to learn what it means.
>I also don't know what a flyover state is
You can google the phrase to learn what it means.
This is Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums everyone is cock thirsty here.
Doesn't change the fact your people are dumb
T. south carolina
I was being derisive towards American urban people, as it turns out that when controlling for wealth, they're dumber on average than American country folk. The main reason the country gets branded 'hicks' is because you have the coastal elite living in the cities and sucking the life and wealth out of the working class while doling out handouts that create a permanent, non-working underclass which does nothing but manufacture social unrest.
Not as dumb as coastal non-elites~
So, people's revolution to give the working class control of industry from the citydwelling landlords when?
>not knowing that hyrdoponics are just around the corner and in a few years all the frankencrops will be grown in labs a few miles from the cities so all the interior land will be worthless for agriculture, which will lead to a mass exodus from the cities as all arable land soon becomes usable for residential space instead.
>How do you stop crazies and terrorists, and nations doing wars below, from blowing it up?
By building the elevators from stuff that you'd need nukes to damage, and then using the easy access to orbit to utterly annihilate any hostile nation's nuclear arsenal.
Any friendly nation has a vested interest in keeping the ring up.
After a few years of nearly free access to space from even a single elevator, however, there's more than enough resources in space to make the remaining flatlanders a backwater minority with next to no resources, and most of Russia and Australia into gigantic uranium mines to fuel nuclear thermal rockets. The ring is merely the prelude to strip-mining the earth of anything it doesn't explicitly need, and turning it into a gigantic farmworld devoted to growing food and reproducing soil.
>I was going to put IRA in there, but they've lost their teeth.
No, the shitstain Labour government from 97-2010 just gave into their demands, so they stopped making bombs.
No, that's judaism. They're allowed to pretend to give up being jewish for the sake of continuing to exist and worship.
The structural strength required of a freaking orbital ring makes some loonies trying to blow it up the least of your problems. Imagine building a ring around an apple with thickness of no more than a single atom, and then remember that this thing needs to hold its integrity against the gravitational pull of an entire planet.
>The main reason the country gets branded 'hicks' is because
Is because they're a bunch of inbred ignorant bigoted morons with a stick jammed so far up their arse it's impacting their ability to speak properly, but not their ability to shove their noses into other people's business and gossip endlessly, mostly because their entire existence revolves around being a place where people too poor to fly stop to get fuel and sugar-laden snacks.
Really. I've been across america, and that was my impression of the vast expanse in the middle.
I mean, they were stupid enough to let most of their soil blow away, for fuck's sake.
It's much like italian cheese; solid crust on the outside, soft mush inside that's writhing with maggots.
Fuck you guys imma be ruling my own interstellar Monaco from Cape Dread.
You want to go to mars? Guess what, I'm the closest refueling station in terms of deltaV.
Link fucking related:
chill user
I'm pretty sure once you've done the engineering required to make an orbital ring around a planet, you can start making orbital rings without needing a planet in the centre.
>orbital rings without needing a planet in the centre.
Why, though? The point of an orbital ring is to make it easier to exploit the planet's resources.
Really, after doing the Earth ring, you then use the resources to make a sunshade to block the sun from Venus, force the atomsphere to condense, and then set about strip-mining it.
I wonder if the fast orbiting material material inside it that keeps the thing in place and up has so much inertia and such powerful magnetic active support that no explosion would be able to damage it.
>the fast orbiting material material inside it that keeps the thing in place and up
It's held up by the space elevators it connects.
No it isn't. It also doesn't require any new material, although it would make it easier. It's just old wire orbiting very fast and accelerated even more by running a current inside it. It's an example of active support.
If a section is damaged, the material inside that section would fly off to an higher orbit while the stuff previously supported by it would fall like a rock and burn in the atmosphere.
It wouldn't burn though really. The supported stuff was never orbiting. It'd just fall at 1g until it hit terminal velocity. You could probably just put huge ass parachutes and separation charges on the thing. Split it up and float the chunks down, in the event of total support failure.
>The supported stuff was never orbiting
So, how is it meant to be useful if it doesn't release things at orbital velocity?
You can use it as a low-altitude tether for elevators. You don't need mega-materials for a tether if it only goes up a few hundred miles instead of to geo.
Also, you can use the entire exterior circumference for one giant mass driver track and fling things at whatever velocity you want. Same is true of releasing a tether to grab returning craft and braking them with the same system.
Added bonus, it's not orbiting, so the interior doesn't need artificial gravity, natural earth gravity still works.
>Post decent thread about possible future tech and potential threats.
>thread immediately derailed by idiots fighting over whether its better to come from a state where its ok for a guy to fuck his sister, or a one where its ok for the same guy to chop off his cock and become his sister.
Is /tg now /pol?
... If it's only a few hundred miles up and not orbiting, it's not an orbital ring.
An orbital ring is what you get when you connect multiple equatorial space elevators together at the top. Space elevators make access basically free, and the ring is moving at geostationary speeds for the 'basically free' boost to anything released from it.
aren't most religions headcanon anyways?
>an orbital ring is what you get when you connect multiple equatorial space elevators together at the top.
I'm pretty sure we're talking about two very different things then. The version I'm talking about, illustrated in the image posted , is a low-orbit structure made stationary by accelerating a stream of something (usually magnetic wire, could theoretically be a particle stream, etc) to orbital velocity for that altitude and then basically riding its magnetic field. Accelerate it further to counter the added weight of the stationary part, and you can basically hang whatever you want off it.
Cities pop up where the factories are, and factories pop up next to the ports. Why would you start the city in bumfuck nowhere?
An orbital ring will require a level of international cooperation that will only become achievable once religion has been largely marginalized.
I don't feel like this design is more feasible than the standard "space elevators holding up a big ass ring* design for an orbital ring.
>factories in 22nd-century America
Good joke fellow robot
I find it amusing how Nikola Tesla was the first guy who came up with this one and came up again around the 80s. It's been almost a century and half since Tesla came up with it and we are still nowhere ready to build the thing.
Why would people move? They need something to keep them busy it can just be "residential" unless teleportation tech become commodized but thats a whole nother thread
Probably because the amount of resources needed is immence. You'd need tens of billions just for the power plants.
Sure the scale makes it economic, and every one you build after the first is a fraction of the cost of the first, but the startup cost is just something else.
Everyone always talks about how this'll change space travel due to how you can launch shit from just about anywhere easily, but I've always loved how it would change travelling from one place to another. Any major city connected to such a network of rings would effectively be within a reasonable commute from another, meaning you could live in Berlington and work in L.A. and do the round trip every day.
And then there's shipping, the sheer speed and scale you can do it at, if you couple that with automated transports and delivery (which could easily be integrated into the rings if you've already reached the point of making them) would make it so that pretty much everything would reach its destination within hours of being ordered if you aren't on some far flung part of civilisation.
>don't let the humans in
Wait, then who built the ring?
The Radam invade.
Robots obviously
Why go to the effort of building the ring if you're going to exterminate all humans anyway? You can do it from the ground.
It’s called a Hadith, which is something like a “a friend heard a friend of Muhammad’s brother say this” thing.
You judge the quality of a Hadith by how well-verified the claim is in connection to Muhammad, with a lot of the weirder Hadith’s basically being considered not official or not worth teaching because they’re just so poorly sourced that they aren’t really reliable.
Dropping rocks is cheaper in the long run
not really, and if we're getting rid of the humans we should just use poisonous gases to poison their asses (well, actually, their lungs)
>so they stopped making bombs.
Counts as losing their teeth for me.
With traces of lead?
I touched one, it was dead
The ability to have created a proper Orbital implies the existence of a eugenics program a century prior, as well as the existence of only one remaining race on Earth. I don’t give a shit about your feelings; this is an objective scientific and psychological fact. You’re not going to get one that isn’t blown up if you haven’t ridden the species of the genes which cause mental illness in the first place.
Suck leftist cock somewhere else. We’re having an on-topic discussion here. Your false flag is transparent as fuck.
There are physical forces that require any ring to only be at the equator, user. Even a polar satellite orbit is unstable.
ETA went the way of the dodo
The problem is that IQ correlates heavily with psychosis.
Not saying the eugenics program isn't worth it, but it actually takes a relatively intelligent person to rationalize themselves into extremely stupid things.
Now, a proper cultural hegemony would go a long way, but the problem is the people currently trying to create one are the last people who should be in charge of a ice-cream truck, let alone anything with more potential to kill people.
That would likely be a pretty big structure compared to a human being. I suggest having it being an empty ring made out of 8 rings placed in a octogonal fashion. Each of these would have the potential to carry the entire structure: you run them at 1/8th their capacity in regular operation and if any cable gets blown up you adapt the speed of the others.
Second, there's no reason access to the cables themselves would be easy. The only access will be the thethers/elevators. Getting up there is not doable outside of those. So it will be fairly easy to compartiment the maintenance access and the living areas very effectively. Getting close to a cable in itself will be a hollywood heist movie plot. Most maintenance will be automated and only verified personnel will ever get in the guts of the ring. Most terrorist bombings are done in places where it's relativelty easy to do it. They would possibly settle for bombing the Great Commemorative Hall or something but that won't damage the integrity of the ring.
Obtaining or building missiles that would reach it is likely too expensive and complex for terrorism, but the ring probably would have batteries of anti-air to blow them up before they hit.
Moreover, those cables will be huge (200m thick maybe? Doesn't seem too insane to me), well-protected, and solid. They will be basically a high spead stream of plasma/liquid/gas/matter or some huge solid chuck of metal. Actually snapping just ONE will require advanced equipment and knowledge as opposed to a building made of dried mud and metal twigs.
Hm, yes, genocide. This will make people renounce their beliefs and cause cooler heads to prevail, no doubt.
Also the fundamental problem exists in any technological society because anyone can access technology that can kill a lot of people.
That’s a more ridiculous assertion then the Earth being flat and is about as “objective” as you telling us your dick is thirty feet long and can lift up a semi-truck and providing no evidence.
Implying there's not historical precedents of whitey blowing up random things just because he didn't like the taxes.
Stay mad, hillbilly.
Christ, this is embarrassing.
>go to work every day, spending as much for a plane ticket
I hope thats both ways...
At any rate, you don't worry about it. Nations can probably destroy it no matter what you do, since a Railgun will be hard to stop. Missiles can be stopped with advanced lasers... but then there's LEO fragments that still may fuck your shit. Suicide sats may be a threat, but again, laser defense. Realistically, if a major power like China or US wants something that big dead, its dead. You would have to install something like a MAD nuclear bombardment "fail-deadly" mechanism to enforce good behavior, but no one will allow that sort of Sword of Damocles above their head.
As for people, why even bother having people up there. By this point in development, robots will likely be far more efficient at damn near everything, requiring very few (if any) humans up on the ring at a time. In a post-scarcity society (probably the type required by such a massive ring), there is 0 reason for humans to be doing much of anything. Give the people vidya, porn, entertainment, etc., and let them live and die as turbo-NEETS while robots do all the dirty work.
>Italian Cheese
But isn't parmegianno hard all the way through?
I'd give it a week, tops, before some durka durka decides to blow it up so he can have his harem ending
Strong as fuck armour, thousands of sectioned compartments that go into lockdown if any bad stuff happens. Lots of guards, automated turrets, metal detectors, scanners etc.
Are you sure you're not thinking of a Fallout scenario? Because that sounds like a nigh-impenetrable fortress that one hobo with an immunity to pain will destroy in a ten minute raid.