BNTY, DENT, and REQ all fucked me over

BNTY, DENT, and REQ all fucked me over

Tell me actual profit coin

DBC. Get on this rocket before those sell walls come down.

How the hell did req fuck you over

REQ is doing well, how did you lose money on that

idk how good BNTY and DENT are because I use Binance, but I've made thousands off REQ how could it possibly fuck you over?


Just stop investing in crypto, If all you can do is read Veeky Forums threads and buy at the absolute top as well as sell it off every time it dips with a net negative return you are too brainlet to succeed in any arena.

Dent seems like literal cancer. Idk how the 10% of coins on crypto exchanges are meant to appreciate. What do they have to do with the 90% on the dent app/exchange?

someone pls explain for dumbfags like me

Im laughing at all of the xrb and ark fudders, im only trading incent for quick gains and eca is a good hold for 10x in a month or two. True chad portfolio here.

Verdict: buy eca


Jesus Christ clean up those notifications user.

Hahaha nigger if you lost money on REQ you need to kys. Lemme guess you lost it chased the bnty pump and then got dumped on? Hahahaha

You must learn to hold, user.

Don't chase anything being spammed. Look for the gems and you will find them.

Hint: wtc

Hold XLM

Stop your shit now and just buy BZC

This has to be a larp. You literally couldn't have lost money on REQ if you bought in any point until now. It's still going up...

>losing money on REQ

hahaha nigga you retarded? Hahahaha

the fact that you lost money on REQ tells me you seriously need to do some introspection, study what your personality traits are.. you likely have a lot of character defects that are becoming manifest through this..

BNTY went from 9cents, to 27 cents.. then retreatded to 15 cents, went to sleep will probably hit $1 next year.

DBC pumped and dumped I don't know about it.

REQ started at 2 cents many years ago, I grabbed some at 28 cents, it's at 85+ cents now.. I'm not selling until $50 minimum.

What's wrong with you?

Do you buy at the peak and expect it to immediately go up, if it fails to you immediately sell for a 20-30% loss and claim biz fucked you up.

Just remember anything you hear on biz is on a literal 1-2 day delay.

If you here "X is mooning!"

X has already mooned, the right time to buy in was 2 days ago.

Thus the correct thing to do is find projects you like that have volume and FEW shills on Veeky Forums..

Buy FLAT and sloping prices. If the line is more than 45 degrees stay out unless you want to hold for months-years.

Can someone explain to me how it's possible to have lost money on REQ, unless you purposely sell below the market price? I don't understand

If you managed to lose money on REQ then its a sign for you to just stop crypto and continue flipping burgers or whatever low wage job you do.

you could buy REQ at ATH and still make profit, the fuck did you do wrong retard?

stupid pajeet, go back to plebbit

BNTY all in

You’re trading lunch money faggot let go of the ego it’s embarrssing. It’s easy to do well in a bull market, especially one as crazy as recent weeks, you could of put your money in literally any altcoin at the start of December and at minimum doubled your money

You’ll be one of the first that gets completely fucked when market sentiment changes

How did you lose money with REQ are you retarded?

no, REQ didn't fuck you over. YOU fucked your own dumbass over

stupid pajeet, peddling a shit coin

BNTY smart buy