Do you think slightly different blades should have different stats or you don't care?
Classification of swords in RPG
Don't care, I'll just play a caster if I want options, agency, and fun RP choices.
There's not enough information or context for a reasonable answer. Different systems will do it in different ways, and that isn't a bad thing. It depends on what the system cares about and how its mechanics work, along with its tone, themes and general focus.
Or just don't play D&D.
Or you play D&D 4e
You're not allowed to dislike DnD around here. The drones will find you and attack en-masse. You'll never survive.
I think it's the other way around. Functionally different blades (stat-wise) should be different to account for their different stats.
Most systems don't have enough stat difference. Usually it's just damage dice.
This show went better than expected after opening sequence with 3d flaming centipede desu
Best sword duels in years.
It's great they are using different types of nip swords too. Not just goddamn katanas.
What's a "slight" difference? Comparing an arming sword to a claymore I'd just give the bigger one more damage, while an arming sword to katana would need to give the katana something like a penalty vs metal armor but a bonus against lightly or unarmored targets.
>contrarian shitposters
Aw, how cute.
Arming sword doesn't do shit against metal armor either
Small sword, bigger sword, fuckoff big sword. That's all the distinction you need unless you play some autism simulator.
No. that way lies autism.
Reminds me of the guy in my old FLGS who made 200-page supplement for d20modern basically listing every single modern gun, all with slightly different stats (90% of them ending up statistically the same) and a whole framework of rules to "accurately" represent slightest differences.
I moved cities 5 years ago, but, from what people i keep contact with tell, he still haven't found anyone to test his homebrew with.
Depends on system.
It would be really awesome if the entire game revolves around swords.
no, because there isn't a system that accurately depicts sword fighting so all the differences are moot
D&D is the RPG equivalent of CoD. I don't hate people who play it or anything, but acting like it's a good system is plain retarded.
>trying to make d20 realistic
Not what's true autism.
Depends on the system... But in general:
- Big swords do more damage, but require both hands
- Normal swords do normal damage, but require only one hand
- Small swords do smaller damage, but can be used with dex instead of str (or whatever is appropriate)
That's the broadest explanation for my thoughts I can come up with.
No difference in terms of stats for blade of roughly the same length.
Different on crit or hit effects
>No. that way lies autism.
This is correct answer.
Unless, in theory, you use some kind of more abstract system.
I could see differences in weapons come to play a role in FATE or similar.
Where one character can invoke his "sabre"aspect to get bonus against lightly armored opponent for a bonus, and GM can invoke the same aspect when in combat against heavy armored knight.
Or the system revolves entirely around swords.
>but can be used with dex instead of str
Some kind of dnd, ugh.
All weapons should get +hit from dex and have min str score and get extra damage from str
Kawahara plz go and stay go
Nah, it's too troublesome.
I just put them on tiers, from common to divine, and making just general stats for everything.
At most, if the sword is way too unusual I change a few things based on the weight of the weapon.
>Do you think slightly different blades should have different stats?
>No. that way lies autism.
Depends what you want from your game. Some people don't give a shit about realism but plenty of people want realism and historical games.
But those people should never go near d20 systems.
Getting into the minutia of swords seems pointless since it's basically impossible to put objective stats on them. If you're going to mechanically separate them, separate them by function. IE: Swords that use one-handed leverage vs two handed leverage, and swords that are based around thrusts as opposed to swords that based around slashes.
>still trying
How adorable.
D&D is more like the RPG equivalent of Mario.
Consistently high quality, built on a classic but always innovating, and popular to the point where the only people who hate it are obvious contrarians.
>Consistently high quality
>built on a classic but always innovating
>and popular to the point where the only people who hate it are obvious contrarians.
but the funniest is still
>D&D is more like the RPG equivalent of Mario.
Is this what D&D fags really believe?
D&D fag here, no. He's just a threeaboo.
This physically hurts to see.
Many systems separate them by their properties, like when they fall for the "Rapiers don't require strength" meme.
Not him, but it's a fairly apt comparison.
I'd hesitate to call 3.PF "high quality," but D&D editions are generally well put together and do a good job at what they were designed for.
It changes things up pretty well to make every edition feel at least somewhat unique (sometimes a bit too unique).
And most imoortantly, D&D is hands down the equivalent of Mario when it comes to recognizability. People who have never played a video game know who Mario is, just as people who don't even know that there are dice other than d6 and d20 know about D&D.
Now I'm not going to act like Mario or D&D are flawless, or that /everyone/ that hates them does so for purely contrarian reasons, but they are both very popular for good reasons. Most of the hate comes from people like Veeky Forums who like to argue against the majority.
>contrarian troll THIS triggered
Holy shit. What are you even doing on this board, where the majority of the roleplayers play D&D, if you get triggered this badly?
You might want to find a safe space on r/GURPS instead.
Anyone who wants anime in their game is a fetish fag and anyone who allows it is a filthy enabler of bad behaviour
I've yet to meet a weaboo that wasn't some kind of pervert mentally fapping to this shit and awkwardly injecting cringy innuendo into every bit of shitty RP. Losing their shit if their waifu is threatened and acting like a fucking child if they don't get their way.
TLDR: You're all fucking scum