Daily reminder to NOT trust the Wizard, or his tricks.
Post Wizards you shouldn't trust.
Daily reminder to NOT trust the Wizard, or his tricks.
Post Wizards you shouldn't trust.
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally any wizard with Vecna as their patron
Sheev isn't a girl
The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.
Seriously, for all appearances, he has too many touches with evil stuff.
Just being near this dude can kill you, especially if you are intimate. Poor Dresden.
That shifts a bit from "trust" to "be in the proximity of." I would trust Dresden with my life if I wandered into a fight, because I know he'd get himself killed trying to keep unrelated people out of it. But I'd still be in grave danger just being near him, by the very nature of all the bullshit constantly happening around him. Fey contracts, angels, Excalibur-wielding saints, demon-possessed coins, wizards with no training doing mind-affecting spells... just a whole lotta bullshit.
Now, Michael Carpenter? I'd trust him with my soul.
Wait, is that in doctor who speak at the bottom? As far as fictional writing goes, that’s one of the coolest
>doctor who speak at the bottom
The fuck?
Gallifrayen is what I meant by doctor who speak. It’s very circular and gets really complex. Not really into the series but I love the alphabet and writing system created for it
Are you talking about Doctor Who?
... yes. Was that not apparent enough?
The lower case threw me off. Usually when people talk about shows/books/etc, they capitalize the title because it's a proper noun.
I actually thought maybe you were ESL or something as "the doctor who speak at the bottom" looks like a bit a of direct translating from some other language.
Now that I know what you meant, it's much easier to understand.
I’m just a lazy fuck who didn’t hit shift
He looks trustworthy.
>"Are you sure this is safe?"
>"...trust me young lad"
It's just a generic demonic seal.
You have to be 18 to visit this website, you know.
Nah I think it's either "Enochian" or just something based on/taken from the Keys of Solomon
I don’t look up demonic circles in my spare time, but it reminded me of that cool ass fictional writing system from Doctor Who, so I didn’t know if it was used in place for an added look of mystical seal
Way to be a dick over someone asking a simple question user.
I don't mind answering the question.
(You can trust me, Mister Skelly Space Mage)
Running out of Eldritch Horror type mages. Some one help me out
What is this, an untrustworthy wizard for ants?
The Wizard is NEVER trustworthy, even if he appears so initially.
>the virgin fighter
>the Chad wizard
meant for
Points if you know who this is
Pic related
Zalasta Larger
What media is he from? Never heard of Zalasta Larger
Never EVER.
That's an Eddings book and a petty wizard if I'm not mistaken
You can trust her to do what's best for Gensokyo. You just don't know what that entails.
Just a version of a Lovecraftean deity seal.
You win points. It's The evil villain wizard of his second Sparhawk series, the Tamuli
Technically not a wizard, but close enough.
Unless it involves Lunarians.
Then everything's at risk.
Profoundly unrelated.
Doctor Who originally released in 1964 and re-released over 12 years ago in 2005. Anyone who watched it enough to understand they were watching would be at least 17 and that's pushing it.
no one cares about your children's show
I mean it was originally a show meant for children so you're not wrong there. I just wanted to point out that fucko crying "underageb&" was wrong
Fuck you Erebus.
This is wrong. This is the only type of wizard to trust. You know exactly what's going to happen when that guy is around.
>How to write in Gallifreyan
Yes yes very useful I'm sure, but how the fuck are you supposed to read that?
See how his sword is at his groin, pointing directly downwards, representing his impotence?
Time Runs Out by Jonathan Hickman
Sadly The Black priests are minor side charterers. Cool designs though.
There it is. That's what I was expecting. Stay predictable, Veeky Forums.
Even if it is both absolutely right and still hilarious.
Be an insufferable sot who puts too much effort into the lore of overrated shows.
*Nothing wrong intensifies*
fucking normies....
No, he's trustworthy. He has grown beyond with concern of what people think of him. A man that pukes his dinner into a skull mug while using his giant spider as a chair isn't going to waste time with lies, what you see is exactly what you get.
>Young Arthur, I am glad thou art here.
>Thou must go buy some more chips. And ice.
>And another six pack.
She is hot, and therefore completely trustworthy.
The demon? Oh, so she can be saved from the dark path she's walking? Even better!
Magic Weapon
Grants +1 to hit and damage
Bypass DR
Gallifreyan is the term you're looking for but it's honestly not hard to realise that not every magic symbol in a circle is Gallifreyan.
God I fucking love this image so much
>Old man wizard with pointy hat
>Summoning demons out of his spell book
>Old but hench, has a sword and a helmet amongst his stuff, has probably been in a war at some point
>Owns both an owl and a corvid familiar
>Pentagram o nthe wall
>Old bookcase full of magic scrolls and books and potions and shit
>Owns no less than two skulls
>Trying to do some spooky shit to a maiden
>Knight in the background is wearing brightly coloured heraldry and late medieval armour instead of being swallowed by pauldrons
>Dashing blonde knight
It hits loads of my fantasy g-spots really hard