"What's your build?"

>"What's your build?"

Other urls found in this thread:


>I’m going to limit races available to the player’s handbook
>”Can I play [homebrew race]?

That's a fine question to ask. Mechanics aren't the whole of a character, but they're an interesting and important part of the game.

>I’m going to limit races available to the player’s handbook

That's fine too.

>”Can I play [homebrew race]?

So's that. You shouldn't argue if the DM says no, but there's nothing wrong with asking.

You turds just want something to bitch about, but you can't even find a legit complaint.

>just mentioning builds triggers OP
Better get out of /tg fast

Knowing how someone's character functions mechanically can be useful both in and out of combat.

its like how irl knowing what people are good or bad at helps in figuring out who should do what. It also can have social relevance since someone who is good at something may appreciate being asked to do something or be sick of being asked to do it, and someone who is bad at something may appreciate getting a chance to practice or show off how they are getting better, or get upset because they don't their being bad at that thing being brought up, and may even take it personally.

>i play a paladin, warlock, barbarian because it's in my background how i became all these things.

>Thinking mechanical optimization and role-playing are mutually exclusive.

The mere mention of the world "build" indicates that the player has an "MMO mindset". This is unsurprisingly prevalent in 3.PF, 4e & 5e players.

>Hey Gnash how healthy are you right now?
>On an arbitrary scale of say 1-63 I’d put myself at a 28
I love this

Use the word 'theme' if you're triggered by mechanics in a game.

>uhhh... Fighting Man?


they are

Bear mode

I love it too, honestly. It makes me laugh every time.


Why is that, do you think?


Are you trying to say you wonder how the guy made those things appear ?


Not him, but it's because most optimizers focus so heavily on the math and the capability of their build they neglect anything that isn't focused around using that build, which includes most RP. Stormwing Fallacy is fine and all, but it's really just an excuse that optimizers use to claim they're good at roleplaying, when they fail to actually roleplay at all. 2hu is the prime example of this effect, where they claim to be an excellent roleplayer when all they do is try to make the game revolve around how their build works regardless of the situation.

>MMO mentality
It's older than MMOs.
Try to look like less of a newfag the next time you decide to whine about kids these days.

Ok so you're probably dealing with someone new to tg, your response is to go full autist rather than help them better understand tabletop?

People who cannot wrap their brains around the game are also incapable of getting into playing their role.
If you're lucky, they will just be either extremely bland, or try "roleplaying" something extremely at odds with the actual character they made. If you're lucky.
Most often you'll get one of these on top:
>I made my character extra useless and nonsensical, because I'm a roleplayer, not a powerplayer
>I'm just playing my character
>My character hates (race of two other player characters) and will never work with them
>My character is a bland, cowardly drone with no redeeming qualities and no way of engaging with the campaign narrative

In my personal experience, limited as it is, i have run into a lot of people who are just bad at role-playing regardless of how optimized their character is. I actually find it more useful to have an optimized player who is bad at role-playing than an unoptimized one who is also bad at role-playing. Since the good or bad role-playing doesn't seem to be correlated to one or the other type, i prefer the optimizers to the people who fundamentally dont understand how to make a competent character. Obviously, this is my own opinion based on my own experiences but it's shaped how i view optimizing in ttrpgs.

Hi, I've been using "build" to describe a character build since the 80s. It is video games that borrowed this term from tabletop gaming; after all, many early prominent RPGs were based on TTRPGs or were indeed licensed adaptations. Therefore I submit that you should go fuck yourself. Thus ends today's lesson.

Really only in 3e. Optimizing in 4e gives you a tiny bonus but always comes at a ridiculous cost, often at the expense of accuracy.

Hey, so how's your character like?
>She's a kitsune sorcerer that can do at least 45 damage per round!
Uh, I mean like, personality-wise.
>Well if you ever piss her off she'll attack you.
The same person lambasted every other game save for D&D 3.5 because you apparently couldn't roleplay in them. I wish my local scene wasn't full of spergs.

>She's a kitsune
Could've just stopped there.

Even the "I know enough to avoid the obvious direction with it and intend to play it actually faithfully!" bit is old and still just an excuse to play a cute furry chick.

Unless a game is actually set in mythological Japan, kitsune are a no-go. which is a shame as I really like the concept, it's just something that attracts too many autists


It wasn't even the kitsune part that bothered me, it was the fact that he couldn't comprehend any form of roleplay that wasn't either "kill a thing" or "roll a skill check".

>Playing TTRPGs
>Playing Wargames
>Being alive at all
It's like everyone is a bunch of fagfaces

There's not much that people complain about being video gamey in tabletop that didn't start on the tabletop. Maybe aggro mechanics, that's the main one I can think of and I'm not even sure on that one.

Kitsune is my usual go-to for when I want to play an assassin type character since hidden identity comes built in to the race, specially if you build up on the bonuses that the race gives you.

Goddamn, this hits home. I am so sick of these fucking niggers who think they should be allowed to play whatever they want in my campaigns. No, your shitty tengu is not allowed. No, your ratfolk is not allowed. No, your catfolk is not allowed. No, your tiefling is not allowed: that is a literal fucking demonspawn. Why the fuck would that be allowed in any campaign, let alone this one? No, you cannot play a drow. You will be shot on sight on the surface. Half these fuckers don't even read Drizz't so they have no excuse for wanting to play a drow, besides "lol it's different." Fuck different. Here's the thing: your race is the most boring fucking part of your character. Unless you do something interesting with it (which 90% of these stupid cunts don't do), then you are just weighing down the game. When you have a thri-keen, some homebrew furry shit, a tiefling and some fuck who wants to play kender, you know what? Fuck this. I made a setting that actually feels somewhat like the real world because it doesn't have 90 different races running around like it's motherfucking Mos Eisley cantina. It's not my fault that YOU are a bad roleplayer who can't be satisfied playing something out of the core book. Create an interesting character, and you can play as a human for the rest of your RPG career. I had groups that were entirely human yet they had personalities that seemed like real people. But no, no one wants to lump in 30 homebrew races plus 60 official wizards of the coast crapshit races they pump out like chocolate because they know it will keep people entertained and requires zero effort on their part. No DM worth shit wants to spend hours and hours putting that in his world.

>"Other types of gamers at just as bad as powergamers therefore powergamers are ok"

>how dare you want to be something other than a human, elf, or dwarf!
GTFO of here sean.

Just force them to play humans and make the town guard captain a retired 15th level fighter with an amulet protecting him from all enchantment. Does wonders, trust me.

>A barbarian seeked to put their clan in good favour with the fae courts by completing favours for them. Along his journey he ultimatly forms a [paladin oath] of some kind.

>A paladin interested in recording and experiencing exotic cultures travels to a barbarian village and adopts their warrior & spirtcalling culture.

Do you even use imagination?

>tfw that they haven't re-released Excalibur Prime or Umbra

As much as I'd like the founder primes, if only for muh completionism, as I understand it they stated that those will never not be founder-only and they're in a country where if that changes they have to offer refunds or something.

It's pretty relevant, and can help find glaring problems.

I was playing SR, and one of our less-savvy players made a street sam who had 6 defense, 1d6+6 init, and damage resistance of like 18. That's the equivalent of a normal untrained office-worker who does not belong anywhere near a firefight. She'd be a corpse if we didn't have her respec into better stats.

Has the game changed much since Update 14? I thought it good at first, but it just ended up being an endless grind.

>optimizing in 4e
>reduces accuracy

What kind of drugs are you mainlining?

>Has the game changed much since Update 14?
Yes. Core gameplay of kill hundreds of guys remains the same, but plenty has changed. Warframe is officially a game with plot events that can be spoiled now!

I once ran a game where the enemies were a group of Vecnans and the players were trying to put the Pelorian princess on the throne. Her father had been murdered by her eeeevil uncle, right? So anyway, this one girl wants to worship Vecna so I'm like...why?

She had never played D&D before but she had read some of the book and saw that Vecna was the god of secrets. So she wanted to be a sorceress who believed worship of Vecna should be a secret, and that by openly worshiping him they were heretics. She wasn't evil (she was neutral I think? maybe lawful evil.) and she didn't do any stupid lolebil antics or anything. She kept her worship of Vecna secret and had a cover story that she told the rest of the party.

Ironically it never mattered because she, staying in character, kept it a secret.

Anyone who wants anime in their game is a fetish fag and anyone who allows it is a filthy enabler of bad behaviour

I've yet to meet a weaboo that wasn't some kind of pervert mentally fapping to this shit and awkwardly injecting cringy innuendo into every bit of shitty RP. Losing their shit if their waifu is threatened and acting like a fucking child if they don't get their way.

TLDR: You're all fucking scum

It's also complete and utter shit STILL in """"beta"""" and DE is actively making it worse with every update

rip coptering you will always be missed

Are Warbros Prime still around winning tournaments?

I think they gave up once then came back and fucked everyone again but are just kinda there now since DE doesn't do fun events anymore

Even in death I still grind etc etc

copter meta was shit, weapons should be picked for damage and/or style, not their ability to fling yourself across maps

fuck off, only reason you make these abominations is to do more damadge.


Vehicle was the only actual use, now it's just shitty meme damage when guns and cc are still the most efficient choice.

>rehash of an old image but this time it's with flavor of the month bullshit from /v/
I wish they would stop doing that

Here here.

I stopped running D&D for these reasons. Cunts who think their meme race is a substitute for roleplay.

Unfortunately WOTC perpetuate this bullshit.

Inherited from reddit.

>I’m not even trying to argue anymore because I know for a fact that there is no world where barb/pally/Lock is more powerful then just staying on the strait and narrow or doing something that is actually mechanically powerful.

Speaking from experience I played a young pallylock of vengeance who was absolutly wonderful to RP. Flavoured as having the fiend patron come to him after a village masacure.

>A guy I DM’d for had a rouge Druid who was all about sneaking around and suprised attacking in wildshape and it was perfectly fun.
The only multis where it’s in the cards to call somebody munchkining is stacking on warlock

nu-male d&d player detected.

asshole detected

>"Which toon are you on again?"

Where the fuck does 'toon' even come from? The only game I remember using it is Toon! and that is hardly famous enough for that to be a thing.

don't fucking ask me, it spontaneously materialized around me in goddamn everquest and I never got a clear answer.
I am CERTAIN it's a bearenstein bears scenario.

This desu. Anime ruins minds.



Hi sergalfag

Character, char, cartoon, char-toon?

Yeah man, fuck those people having fun!


Can you even spell or speak English?

MMOs. Specifically retards migrating to other MMOs from Toontown.

I agree but you explained it completely wrong. The reality is that when someone says "What's your build?" instead of, say, "what is your character like?" "what race and class are you?" "what's your backstory?", it's clear that they're coming at the game like it's an MMO because they see it like a video game character

>unironically refers to characters as "toons"
There's one and only one time it's ok to call a character a "toon," and that's if you're playing SJG's Toon RPG.

I mean, sticking to the PHB is reasonable demand that your players should be able to respect, assuming you properly communicate this to them. Also, I agree that race is pretty inconsequential to a player's character unless they want to do something with it. At the same time, I don't see a failure to roleplay as a reason to bar a player from a race. I love it when players get invested into the game, even it means making way for a mary-sue special-snowflake race, or even making the setting into a Mos Eisley cantina clusterfuck, so long as it does not infringe upon everyone else's fun. You can speak for yourself when you declare what isn't fun.

Can you people seriously just be okay with anything?

Like not even happy and ready to embrace it just like... not spazzing out at the mere thought someone might enjoy a game for a different reason than you do.

I like to believe we only have a vocal minority of stubborn incomprehensible angry folk.

>Would you like some arguments with that buzzword sir?

My build is a simple high-school boy who just wanted to meet some cute high-school girls.

>be me
>lifetime female friend wants me to join a club she's a part of
>sounds boring but whatever, it'll make her happy
>club only has four members
>but they're all girls
>actually kinda enjoying the whole poetry and literary vibe going on
>best friend starts acting weird, even for her
>she fucking kills herself
>then I woke up earlier that week somehow, and she doesn't exist any more
>shit gets real fucking glitchy
>one of the girls is abused, the other is a complete psycho
>coulda sworn I saw her eye bleeding at one point
>she guts herself like a proper dishonored samurai
>have to spend entire weekend with corpse
>I find out the girl I wanted to be with in the first place was behind all of it just to be with me
>Even went out of her way to bend reality to do so
>Kinda cute, but damn was it fucked up

Fucking hell GM, what do I need to do just to get a cozy high-school themed story?

>meme races are fun because reasons

thanks for spoiling it dipshit

>/v/ pic in OP
>not expecting spoilers for /v/
Maybe this time /v/ will go and stay go.

How do you put Japanese animation into a game played on a table? Do you draw each frame on the map? Is it a flipbook?

Don't be disingenuous. You know perfectly well what that user is saying. This entire post is nothing more than a shitty attempt to derail from the point by over-emphasizing technical accuracy in language. "anime" in the context of the post you're responding to clearly refers not so much to literally the style of Japanese animation as to the culture, aesthetic, values, tropes, cliches, and so on that is identified with it.

Besides, lots of us play games online, and it is quite easy to, say, use an anime image as a character art.


Name these cultures, arsthetics, values, tropes and cliches.

>anime character art
Oh nevermind you're a bitter faggot who hates badwrongfun about picking a picture for your play-pretend avatar. Carry on.

Low effort shitposting gets low effort replies.


Read for yourself, because I don't actually believe you think anime and manga lacks a distinguishable culture, aesthetic, et cetera. I think you're being disingenuous and dragging out an argument you know is bullshit.

>man fuck anime in my games
>what do you mean, pls explain
>go fuck urself and read these lists I cant be bothered

It's hard to take you as genuine when you can't even provide one example.

Those links provide quite a few.

I still do not believe you sincerely believe anime and manga lacks any distinguishable culture, aesthetic, et cetera. If you do believe that, then you are clearly too poorly versed in the issue to speak authoritatively about it to others. Go watch some popular anime and take notes of the trends, stock humor, character arcetypes and so on you notice there that you don't see used in the same manner in western works.

>but this time it's with flavor of the month bullshit from /v/

The original puke-chan was also FOTM from /v/

>I think you're being disingenuous and dragging out an argument you know is bullshit.
The reason why they do that is so they can shift the conversation away from the larger point and onto criticizing the individual examples.

As seen here: >How do you even add anime into a tabletop game?
>Well here's one example, you could use anime art-
Utterly ignored the fact that that is, in fact, a legitimate example of using anime in a pen and paper game.

That's why they ask for examples of simple, obvious, and uncontroversial bullshit. Don't bother.

How about you actually substantiate your own argument instead of linking TVTropes? Use some critical thinking and express your own thoughts unless you're incapable of that.


>roleplay a good, thought out character
>be a courtesy, engaging team player
>"sorry your character portrait was drawn by a man in Asia, you're a shit player"


>How about you substantiate your own arguments instead of linking something substantiating your own argument?
For the same reason I didn't personally invent the wheels on my car, you fucking numbnut. You're asking me to name tropes and cliches used in anime, right? There's a website dedicated to doing that exact thing.

See above.

I actually agree anti-anime hysteria is contrarial bullshit spouted by people who need to look where they are. I am actually watching made in abyss on my other monitor right now.

I just think the disingenuous faggot arguing against it needs to be called out for the disingenuous faggot they are, that's all

>I think this
>Please expand on this
>No go read a website I can't expand on my own thoughts

Wow truly groundbreaking

>I think this
>Can you provide examples of this?
>here's a couple links with examples
>Wow nice job not even coming up with examples yourself instead of linking to examples, faggot
You're either severely autistic or you're trolling. I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and say you're trolling.

Does it actually solve the problem, though? Entitled people don't usually see other peoples' perspectives.

No, but it's entertaining.

>I dont like anime in my games
>Go look it up

Really made me think
It is almost like there are many tropes here, some not anime exclusive, that might be more relevant to the discussion

If only another person was interacting with me in some form of conversation, they could more accurately tell me which specific tropes are the offensive ones