You know... For a game that touts about wanting to obtain and retain new players, they sure make it financially difficult to get people in the game...
You know... For a game that touts about wanting to obtain and retain new players...
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should've bought 20 boxes back when they were selling for $125/box (5.2/pack)
They want rich new players, and there's tons of rich people in this world who don't play Magic.
Besides if you even dare saying Magic is an expensive hobby, they'll respond you "60 cards are enough to play". So there's that.
They make their reprint packs 10 dollars MSRP so people who already spent 200 dollars on a playset of scalding tarns aren't out of 140 dollars worth in value. For better or worse, people see this game as an investment. Even me, who thinks that notion is utterly retarded, still gets a little angry when cards I buy for 30 dollars drop to 15 or lower because of a reprint like Avacyn.
So imagine people with thousand dollar decks wake up the next day to see that their decks are now worth maybe a tenth of what it was before. Even if they don't have the investor mindset, they still payed out a grand and have a couple hundred if that to show for it. Everyone who assigns cards with value would be out for the blood of WOTC and try to saw their heads off.
I certainly don't agree with investors or want to protect them and personally think they're fagbags, but this is how I rationalize all of this fuckery.
the ones who get hurt the most by reprints are not investors, but players who put in money hoping to cash it back eventually.
Nobody would care about cards "retaining value" except that the only way to afford to buy into a new deck is to cash out of or trade from a current one. If all decks were cheap it wouldn't matter. Literally only mtgfinance tardlets think cards NEED to be expensive for some idiotic fucking reason.
here's the scoop on cards:
if cards were cheap, going to stores to win packs would have much less appeal because chase rares would not really exist.
chase rares are chase because they are good
the other deal is that with mtg cards you can literally go enter tournaments and win big money with those cards so if youre actually investing then you can really make the cards work for you. if you spend the money on them and then leave them on your shelf, that's your own problem.
this is not to say that I agree with cards being expensive. but I understand some of the implications of cheap cards and am playing devils advocate
Isn't that the standard price for a booster?
>thinking that masters set is designed to lure new players
That's actually a quite strange kind of bait
No. Normal booster prices are 3.99 MSRP
Masters sets are 9.99 dollars MSRP.
This is gay because the zendikar fetchlands got reprinted in MM2017, but only dropped about 10 dollars and some like Scalding Tarn are climbing back up again.
This combined with the fact that even when key pieces get reprinted for a deck archtype, the pieces that don't get reprinted jump in price, like Arcbond Ravager when Affinity got reprints in MM2015.
The only thing that actually dropped in price significantly from the masters sets that sees competitive play is Goyf, because he's been reprinted 3 times in them. Some bomb mythics didn't even drop at all. Vampiric tutor was still 30 dollars post EMA. LOTV dropped 5 dollars in MM2017 but regained it back.
EDH cards tend to plummet like the Praetors, but nothing for modern/legacy.
So you are saying that even though they wanted to help newer/broker players get access to powerful cards so they can join in on other formats, they didn't do that much to actually do that. So overall it's more like a scam.
>people get pissed when vidya is pay to win
>it's okay if its a card game though
MTG is pokemon for manchildren who think they're better than the manchildren who actually play pokemon and it's fucking gay.
I'm surprised they kept Norn around given her sexy figure.
All masters sets are a scam. The secondary market itself is a scam.
>Nobody would care about cards "retaining value" except that the only way to afford to buy into a new deck is to cash out of or trade from a current one. If all decks were cheap it wouldn't matter. Literally only mtgfinance tardlets think cards NEED to be expensive for some idiotic fucking reason.
This. A hundred times this.
It's all just an artificial scarcity ponzi scheme that literally doesn't need to exist. There is no need for any Magic card to be above a dollar.
If you draft or otherwise play with 90% cards player receive in boosters then you get some very interesting decks and interactions.
This also assumes a world where people don't just buy enough boosters to get all the cards.
It would be nice if they just release prints of the most expensive tournament cards.
I'm sorry OP. I can't take you fucking serious, you are complaining about magic (and have been doing so for the last few days).
Meanwhile warhammer (which I also play) and other mini games are also discussed on this site.
And between the two you choose to cry out against MTG being the expensive one... Your opinion is discarded. (Pun)
I fucking hate that excuse that WOTC uses to fill the packs with 90 percent chaff. Who cares about limited? Every single other set release is balanced around limited. We don't need the sets that should be dedicated to reprints balanced around draftfags. Who the hell buys into 40 dollar draft anyways?
Actually, they would. People who own expensive collections would be pissed and even some with a few modern and medium priced EDH cards would be mad at it. If all cards were 5$ tops, sure, I can now build any deck I want and have plenty of them for my games, but I still lost 300$ or so per deck and that'll piss me off. WotC would much rather do what the people with most cards want to happen instead of what would please poorer and newer players, which is pretty reasonable.
Do you play mtg?
Iconic masters have been less than $150 for months and you can get cheaper packs at Walmart or Target.
No one pays MSRP
>how to make all the stores where players can actually play the game close
Yes, everyone would benefit from the cards having no actual value :^)
Fucking idiot. There's a difference between a card costing 20 bucks and costing 80 like Liliana or more. If anything Wizards should find a way to make a different version of cards rarer (full art, different foilings) so that investors and niggers who want to pimp their decks can still have their space and everyone else can play the game for cheap.
Nah, it's not reasonable. They are facilitating cancer. They are putting a bandaid on a problem and letting the future deal with it.
It is surprising they don't just print new art for the cards.
New players don't play with Master sets cards, retard.
If they knew the Master cards get them in a wider breadth of competitive play they will.
By "new players", I assumed that meant new to the formats the masters sets are pimping. I've been a standardfag since Theros, but I have nothing to help buying into Modern be easier. So in that regard, I am a "new player" in that I have no resources available to me. But the Masters sets still don't help me out into actually getting into the format.
New art wouldn't solve the problem, they need to make multiple exclusive versions of the cards that actually FEEL exclusive, foils are not enough, so that the regular version won't be able to raise in price too much.
For example they can make rare cards uncommons and the exclusive versions of the cards rare and mythic. It's not like you get more than 1 or 2 copies of Fatal Push each box already anyway.
>new players
>competitive play
New players don't play competitive because the game is almost specifically designed to prevent it.
>it's another proxy shill thread
The virgin cards
>no intrinsic value apart from the card stock
>re released at WHIM
>enjoy hunting in packs GOYIM
>easy to damage and decrease value
>can still be assembled, painted and observed if Nerf't into irrelevance
>Price only ever goes UP making it a GREAT investment
>If you damage them, Strip or greenstuff the issue
cardlovers leave this TABLETOP not CARDBACK icelandic saga shitposting tome
WotC should just back Pauper 100% like Commander and reprint the cards like crazy. It's not a perfect format, but would give poor eternal players a home and be a good intro to new-ish players. If they openly announce with the format that it will focus on keeping prices down, investors will stay away.
Would you enjoy losing 10 games out of 10?
That's why you shouldn't play competitive when you're a new player. Play pauper instead.
ive been thinking about pauper masters
i think itd be hilarious to have a pack/draft of all commons, and make the packs dirt cheap, like 3 bucks or 4 bucks.
>ever being good
Of all the things you can buy with your money figs are probably the most retarded one. At least with the warhammer ones you can play.
I despise all the /a/nons that buy figs or merchandise.
Nah, Magic is a pretty simple game. People just need not-crap cards.
The problem is that rare cards don't actually cost any more than regular cards.
>make the packs dirt cheap, like 3 bucks or 4 bucks.
More like 2, not gonna pay more for common cards.
>Magic is a pretty simple game
HAHAHAHA. Oh dear.
Nah, it is. They just muddle up the decision making of new players by printing crap cards.
There, I found your problem.
Get a job, fag.
Not everything has to be free.
>people who have jobs aren't poor
Wew, lad.
I think it would just give them a place to go. I don't like the format, but it would stop MtG being known as "that expensive card game" to people.
I think the biggest obstacle is Pauper then makes 1/3 of Standard booster packs unplayable in the format. Sure WotC doesn't want that.
He's proabably a baby boomer.
It's all depends on what the strategy of your deck is. You can't compare burn with this.
He's not wrong. Magic is fairly straightforward to learn if you don't have to stop the game to explain why their deck isn't working yet and how they should totally pretend to have fun until they draw the right cards. Put a new player in charge of a streamlined snappy legacy deck and see how fast they get into it by comparison.
This. Some specific decks have weird interactions, but a lot are more about reading your opponent and knowing when to sit on cards and when to play cards.
MTG being overpriced is what drove me to yugioh
for all the shit it gets it's not that bad
Again, I'll take it you enjoy losing 10 games out of 10.
Magic being "overpriced" is exactly what drove me back to it once again. If it wasn't for the collectible/investment part I wouldn't give two shits.
Why not just invest in stocks instead of a card game?
I'm sorry that you have such a hard time with magic, but it's really not that complicated.
People like this are the reason everyone else in the gameshop hates mtg players
It's kind of sad that it would be a pretty effective format to be sanctioned at events, but it would not fly at WOTC. Their marketing team only knows how to do one thing, and that's beat the shit out of the planeswalkers. Also, due to the fact that they cannot legally discuss secondary market prices, drawing more attention away from shit like modern would be another indirect admission that even they believe the prices have grown too out of control.
For the same reason Rudy swapped to magic. I like it better. I'm not an investor but I'd like to get started.
I didn't say the game needs to be expensive but neither should the cards hold no value. And for what you know I might have been talking of reserved list cards.
As someone who plays both, here's my HOT TAKE
40k: Expensive initial investment (about 2-300 euro for a decently sized army, plus books and paint can be up to 500 euro for your first 2k points), but there is no price climb long-term. If you want, you can chase the flavour of the month and buy into new armies and units, but if you have a decent army you can win against all but the most broken lists, provided you play well and have a bit of luck, and you'll never NEED to re-buy that army to stay relevant except in fringe cases where you bought 6 riptides in 6th edition and 4 years later they got a hard nerf.
MTG: Cheap as shit initial investment (15 quit for a starter deck), crazy easy to get started with some friends. But from there you'll want to go play against others, and the following is inevitable:
>go to game store/club
>Take out deck of format of choice
>play game against shitty noob who has a mountain in an 85 card deck with no R
>play game against guy who has invested thousands in this deck, after you lose horribly he invites you to a rematch, with the same deck obviously
>Switch to commander, join a 5 player game
>3 people are using starter decks and 1 is playing mass control
>spend 4 hours doing nothing
You want to stand even the slightest bit of a chance of fighting that guy? You need to spend equal money. There are rarely back alleys to power, and the power gradient over a set is always fucking ludicrous.
>standard rotates
>all your cards are literally unplayable now
If you think 40 euro for a squad of space marines is bad, you have to drop that much on average for every single card in a half decent modern deck, and every card is only 1/60 of your deck, whereas in 40K a tactical squad is at least 1/10 of your army.
40K is a niche hobby with the paywall up front, everything after your initial 2k points is all optional. MTG is like a drug dealer who offers the first hit for free. The rest of that crack is not cheap.