Tell us about projects you abandoned, Veeky Forums.
On an unrelated note, someone should go through 500 recaptchas in front of a judge and have Google slapped with a colossal fine for every objectively correct answer being branded "wrong".
Tell us about projects you abandoned, Veeky Forums.
On an unrelated note, someone should go through 500 recaptchas in front of a judge and have Google slapped with a colossal fine for every objectively correct answer being branded "wrong".
any hope of my parents ever being proud of me
>every objectively correct answer being branded "wrong".
A star system in 40K based on the Achmaenid Empire and Greek mythology combined with a planet that's mostly small islands.
I had abandoned my basketball RPG idea until Veeky Forums seemed interested in it.
Don't give up your shit.
My real life
Too many to list
Started DMing when I was 16, 22 now, ran 11 sessions and loved it, but hated the pressure of having to have something ready every 2 weeks, in the end I donated my setting to our current DM who has been happily running it for 5 years and he's done a good job with it, I still consult or write stuff for the setting when he needs me to, and I enjoy it. I'm just more focused on running Cyberpunk every few months now, much more relaxed, can put more love into each session
My project to cast a hundred concrete Land Raiders, because reasons - I think I got to 27 before my cement expired and I generally lost interest.
But why
Were you going to throw them at people?
Did you get rid of them?
Would you sell them?
I had some bags of cement left over
No, they weigh 1194 grams, so they aren't anywhere near as heavy as I'd hoped.
>Did you get rid of them?
No, If I ever revisit this project I'd have to start at number one again
>Would you sell them?
You want to buy 27 Concrete Land Raiders?
Fucking Veeky Forums autism i swear
>Tell us about projects you abandoned, Veeky Forums.
I have several world-building projects I never really fleshed out:
>Sci-fi settings based around early Cold War era in space - more precisely, the life of space crews under the Space-SSSR, where off-world exploration/colonization was largely an analogy to Soviet "colonization" and expansion to Syberia. It was originally set up for a possible videogame project.
>A somewhat surreal world inspired by fiction such as Haibane Renmei, Kino No Tabi and Windaria: utterly anachronistic, symbolistic, heavily centered around the "industry" for soul reclamation and circulation.
Mechanic-based projects (mostly for basic game prototypes, though all of them were designed to work on paper):
>A combat system centered around Japanese Martial arts, based system of "commitment" where players would plan several moves ahead in the combat, rather than setting actions turn-by-turn.
>A magic-focused ruleset based on actual historical magic and mythology of Celts and Slavs, mainly. This one was in VERY early stage.
>Table top (or digital) basic turn-based strategy game similar to old forgotten game called "Shogun", set in a world of my own provenience. This one was actually mainly my friends project, I assisted mostly with incorporating the world lore into mechanics.
Also, I have a dream of setting up a basic ruleset for table-top RPG that would allow for creation of experience akin to pic related.
Why are there so many fucking touhou posts today?
When I first started caring about D&D a few years ago I decided to try to create a setting, because I didn't want to run pre-made adventures/settings. So I downloaded the AD&D Worldbuilder's Guide, and let the dice decide (almost) everything.
And the world was an absolute clusterfuck. There were 5 major Civilizations, each with their own pantheon of gods, and each pantheon having zero crossover. To make matters worse, each civilization had almost the maximum amount of gods the tables listed. And I named and gave each God a backstory, domain, physical descriptions, etc. Each civilization also had a history of how it was founded, list of all their rulers, as well as a bunch of other pointless shit.
About the time that I started working on the map and trying to fit each civilization into it so I could figure out how they lived, I realized that this was all fucking pointless and threw it all away. Currently all I have left is the original sheet that I wrote down all the dice rolls on.
There are so many games I proposed to run and ended up discarding with no previous warning. I am so sorry. Tons of those were with people from Veeky Forums. This is what weighs the heaviest on my hearts.
Please forgive me.
I have a few cardgame concepts that I scrapped for not being fun/unique enough.
>I had some bags of cement left over
That's not a real reason. Why did you look at a bag of cement and say to yourself, "I want to cast 100 concrete Land Raiders"? That is very odd behavior, sir/madam/nigger.
autistic story from my childhood i did a ton of worldbuilding for then abandoned when i ruined the already-shitty plot. 820 megabytes of scanned doodles and diagrams of ships and equipment, character sketches, writing, summaries, and the like. It was too cringeworthy to ever turn into an rpg setting but I was working on statting the main characters in gurps and savage worlds anyway. maybe i'll go back to it one day.
>Tell us about projects you abandoned, Veeky Forums.
I abandoned a campaign setting I posted on GitP years and years ago after doing a huge amount of work on it due to being a retard when young.
I also abandoned a TCG project that got to basically the "get art, print cards, sell game" phase due to issues with my business partner. I want to restart it one day but it isn't really practical to do so. Shame too, it was an amazing game and would have been a commercial success.
>it was an amazing game and would have been a commercial success.
Says the user as he dodges potential bankruptcy
Off the top of my head
>because I could
>because I had the moulds anyway
>because I enjoy working with Concrete
>because I hate things going to waste
>because it takes 5 minutes
Also this is in an abandoned project thread, I couldn't reach my target without being struck down by boredom and a lack of cement.
A Twin Peaks style uncanny investigation game. Shelved the idea since I don't have the time to convert world design into weird symbolism that makes sense.
>On an unrelated note, someone should go through 500 recaptchas in front of a judge and have Google slapped with a colossal fine for every objectively correct answer being branded "wrong"
Maybe you should just stop posting.
I got tons. Most are little ideas I put some crunchwork into and never went full in like a Malifaux style kung-fu minis game, animu idol framework that could be bolted on to other rpgs, a couple of settings, and more. A couple made it to the playtesting stages with my friend group: space fantasy rpg where players were turned into vampires that could hack tech after biting it, a diceless wargame where the players have a handful of cards that can change their dude's actions, and a D&D card addon that lets players screw with the dungeon and each other in fun ways.
They were all good projects for practice reasons and maybe someday I'll come back to them, so I don't know if I consider them abandoned so much as prototypes or project doodles.
>>Would you sell them?
>You want to buy 27 Concrete Land Raiders?
Kek! "Hello, I'd like to buy 10,000 marbles and 27 Concrete Land Raiders please!"
>Bring concrete land raider to game
>Opponent is some whiny Taufag
>He whines when you win
>Pick up concrete landraider
>Drop it on his models
Mfw twenty-seven people get banned from their local GW.
I was putting together a post apocalyptic game for awhile, but eventually I lost interest. I think it was because the longer I worked on it, the more I felt like I really wanted to run Mad Max, and my players were only going to be interested in playing Fallout.
Well dude, I mean obviously that would going to create a clusterfuck.
All of my projects. I think the only thing I've seen completed was the haarlock trilogy and a couple of one offs
>It was too cringeworthy to ever turn into an rpg setting
That's cute.
Veeky Forums doesn't have the wordcount to list all my aborted setting
>French Revolution in space sci-fi setting
>Comprehensive statting of House of the Dead in AFMBE with setting notes
>Write setting book and adapt system, then publish as ebook for my magnum opus Weird Age of Sail game
>Biopunk setting with slum dwellers fucking and combining animal genemod splices as effectively as the corp labs, providing a vital levelish playing field in class warfare.
>Several CYOAs
>Various full scenario modules, started with the intention of free release online and never completed or only playtested once and found lacking
>Various complicated Inspiration Pad Pro files
>Atmosfear style boardgame w/youtube video
I'm not the most dedicated of creators.
It's just a fucking image, sperg.
I thought about from the game, buy some miniatures of the ships form Legends of The Galactic Hero's and using them in place of the standard Armada ships while using the same general rule set, but that plan kinda fell threw on the account of how hard it is to get them