Star Wars Art Thread. Posting the few pics I have
Star Wars Art Thread
Top 10 things you didn't know about YODA!
Where my true sons of Mandalore at?
The mandalorian fandom is a strange one, they're like a cross between a neo-pagan vikingboo and a drunk native american that yells about his people's oppression on the bus
You must live in a interesting place my friend
The only Star Wars character art I have saved is the art of this guy I played in a Force and Destiny game.
Guaranteed marysue trash
If a Star Wars character has a light saber, that's pretty much a given.
I mean, it is a game where you play a group of Jedi/Sith.
Of course everyone is gonna be a Mary Sue.
Ventress is best girl.
Currently playing as one of these in a SWD20 game with the argumentative trait. It's been absolutely hilarious even though I'm just outside the realm of useless. B1N6O tries his hardest.
Why do That Guys love mandalorians so fucking much?
They seem tailor-made to That Guy. They don't have the Force - but they've got super special anti-lightsaber armour and flamethrowers that lightsabers can't stop, so Force users can suck Mando dick! Mandos have repeatedly fought Jedi and Sith, and won, and basically conquered the Core Worlds without any Force bullshit because they're so cool! And Mandos are super-special operators with a deep, rich, honourable history and warrior code! And Baba Fett, the BIGGEST BADASS is one of them, so by extension they are as BADASS as Boba Fett (it's like a Drizzt clone in D&D).
I could go on but this seriously I think I've laid out enough of a trail for you to follow.
Thank you, I had been thinking about it for a while and couldn't quite put it to words.
If I ever run a star wars game again I'll only allow mandalorian PC's if they specialize in noncombat like a technician or a medic.
Anyone got some good Trandoshan art?
Shit like this is why Mandalorians in the new canon are way more interesting than in the old one.
They're great warriors, but totally fallible, and can't hold their own against Jedi or Sith unless they have a sizable numbers advantage.
Also Jango/Boba aren't mandos anymore, just dudes who appreciate good armor. I don't mind the change, but I'm like 90% sure that was done just to spite the Mandofags.
I always felt like Mandos at peak Mando-wank were some kind of attempt at outdoing 40k Space Marines in the "bestest sci-fi supersoldiers ever!" department.
I like this picture. It conveys the comfy yet bleek life of an Imperial soldier.
Also the fact that centurys of warmongering and infighting lead to Mandalore being a bombed out shithole
You guys done sucking each other off?
Butthurt mandofag spotted
I love that you can feel the lack of serenity in that picture
Mandos as per clone wars are pretty great, warrior culture bent to the point of rebellion by the societies greater need for pacifism/neutrality.
This makes me wonder just how much knowledge the jedi temple actually held, was it all religous texts? or was it a regular libary of Alexandria?
>you will never play a stormtrooper who hates Ewoks on the level of CARTHAGE
No, just breaking this hugfest up, regardless you guys won’t get anything out of one sided bitching
God damn mandis are so cool. KotOR2 especially kills the Mando game with them being super soldiers secluded away on a moon
yub nub
>You will never be a stormtrooper after the battle of Endor trying to survive against the evil Ewoks for years until you are rescued
Only piece of Star Wars art I have saved is a character artwork that a drawfriend made in a drawthread
>playing as a jew
I’m playing as a Neimoidian, not a Toydarian
Watto doesn't represent all Toydarians. Neimos are key members of the banking clan and trade federation
Neimoidians are opportunistic people due to their upbringing forcing them into that lifestyle. So being business focused is something they are just very good at I’m also the face of the party with 2 ranks in charm and negotiation
Cry some more
I'm sure that it was both. The jedi are first and foremost a monastic order, so they must have had plenty of texts on various aspects of the Force, probably written by older Jedi.
But they are also diplomats and generals, both positions typically reserved for the highly educated. So it must have plenty of texts on more general subjects. If I had to bet, it's nearly as well-stocked as the Library of Congress.
Remember, the Jedi spend most of their lives in the Temple. That Library is probably one of their major sources of entertainment.
let me guess, he was supposed to be the 'chosen one'?
Why are you even here if you complain about that. Star Wars is literally based on that.
This will be perfect for my upcoming Ubese guy
Charming doesn’t have to mean good looking, it can also be that he is good with words and telling what people want to hear in order to further his and the party’s goals
>play a regular jedi who uses a single blue saber and had a regular jedi life
why are you so unoriginal
>play crippled jedi that has a bunch of cyber limbs
fucking mary sue
>play a mandalorian bounty hunter
boba fet clone, also I bet you're that guy
>play a smuggler, any smuggler
another han solo clone
>play a human soldier who uses a blaster
why do you guys even play star wars
I play a Concord Dawn Protector because mandalorian fronteir lawman gunslinger is the best aesthetic (pic slightly related)
I know, I just find the mental image of a nemoidian heartthrob ridiculous.
>Neimoidia chad
>Virgin Duros
As I previously said in another post, I am playing a Neimoidian trader that after being sold out/betrayed at the end of clone wars even though he held a minor assistant position within the Trade Federation. He was helped to escape by one of his co workers that he had for several years had a rivalry with. But after seeing him being betrayed by his overseers to get the Imperials of their backs he went into hiding on a myriad of worlds before ending up on Jakku and meeting/joining the party. His goal is to clear his name (and get filthy rich in the process). I think that is somewhat original but not Mary Sue
The dog annoys me. It doesn't belong in SW
>Not playing a protocol droid with a proclivity to swear uncontrollably
I like this
I'm curious where >play a Droid with a blaster falls on your mary sue scale.
I played a character with a lightsaber. She was a half-trained padawan on the run from the Empire after Order 66 who had been using and was addicted to anti-sleep stimulants to keep herself awake and on the run. She actually used a blaster more often than her saber (since she was trying to stay undercover, after all). She ended up falling in with a crowd of scum and villainy and helped them in a few jobs, then died with the GM TPK'd us when a Sith from the Mandalorian Wars was unfrozen from carbonite and killed us all one by one. Kaya specifically went out after she'd run away from the obvious no-win fight and gotten back to the ship, and was about to launch it when the Sith grabbed it and held it in place, then made it explode.
I imagined her looking a lot like , only more harrowed. Her lightsaber was blue.
Was I playing a Mary Sue?
Probably just a shitty built character.