D&D, Savage Worlds, I'm the one with the PDFs.
this is how I Chaotic Neutral
D&D, Savage Worlds, I'm the one with the PDFs.
this is how I Chaotic Neutral
Physical - d10
Social - d8
Mental - d4
Season 1 - d8
Season 2 - d2
>Hail to the king, baby.
Good taste, user.
Lets see...
Ash has been repeatedly shown to be crafty, so an above average intelligence is probably reasonable. After all, he made an articulating hand in Army of Darkness, and a chainsaw hand-sword. He also can take an absolute hell of a beating, not bleeding out after losing a hand, so his physical stats are pretty solid. In the Show he is seen catching his chainsaw hand in the air, and he rarely misses with his guns (and can reload them quickly), so his agility may be pretty high. He also is a bit of charmer, able to literally woo girls he meets within a day or two (age appropriate though), so his charisma may be decent. However, he seems to severely lack in Wisdom, as if it was his dump stat.
So... Fighter/Rogue multiclass?
Alignment: ?
Equipment: Gun
Best post
Going by the movies & leaving out the TV Show (shows must by nature comprimise characterization for plot) Ash is above average toughness, & intellect. He is also pretty charismatic, rallying people to fight deadites. & he can one arm that chainsaw hand so he has strength & agility. He is pretty much an total package, he has flaws, memory, arrogance, luck, impatience, & intolerance for those he doesn't like, but none of those are exactly stats. Do sure, dump Wisdom, it's close enough.
I'd make him a Hexblade Pact of the Blade Warlock, where an GOO really wants him dead. His chainsaw arm is his Pact weapon. & his natural charisma carries him a long way. Eldritch Blast is his Boomstick.
>Boomstick blast as a cantrip
That WOULD explain why he never runs out of ammo (though he sometimes reloads), even in Army of Darkness he shoots a lever action rifle some 20 times without pause (because he's fucking Ash, and he's awesome)
You have to make it FATE, with aspects like:
-Gimme some sugar, baby!
-See this? This... is my boomstick!
What does Groovy aspect cover or do?
I was going to say "he doesn't seem to be very good at poker in my experience". But the situation and opposition were hardly normal.
It's easier to do in FAE:
Groovy: Something something Flashy attack (with the chainsaw hand).
I want to see how this plays out.
>tfw GLADoS cleans house by math, or suicides due to CL4P-TRP
It is actually a game, Poker Night at the Inventory 2, so you CAN see how it plays out.
I'd say it heals sanity after he dose something awesome, seeing that he dose awesome shit non-stop i'd say ash is the sanest person there is
You don't NEED Sane when you have Pink Fuck
Good show. Sucks we have to wait til the end of next month for the third season. It's had some nice inclusions into the lore, especially the introduction of new demons, including a teleport spamming "Demon of the Mind" who was defeated by Ash adopting a "shot first, think never" method. No clue if his prodigious lack of mental activity was what protected him against Baal's mind control since even Ruby was vulnerable.
Not sure about his alignment, though. More...Chaotic Lazy. Even his Star Trek "shoot us both!" move when held at gunpoint with his evil doppelganger worked not because of any show of heroism but because him being put out of his misery was taking the easy way out.
So how did Ash get back from the future after Army of Darkness?
As of Ash vs. Evil Dead we don't really know. I'm not sure they can even reference Army of Darkness still because Universal Pictures were being bitches about it.
So far the biggest reference was to traveling back in time to the middle ages, which would be fine since that happened at the end of Evil Dead 2. I'd be curious if his return involved the potion that dropped him in the modern day but still with Deadite shenanigans or if he woke up in the distant future a la the alternate ending Raimi preferred.
Honestly I'm not really sure how the fuck the time travel worked at the end of season 2. Ash seriously fucked with events but Ruby mentions there are many alternate timelines and on primary present day you, so maybe fucking with time only produces changes in you personally? If he still never read the book and lost his hand as a young man how did Cheryl still die and show up as a Force Ghost? For that matter how did they get back from the 80s? Was 80s Ruby that obliging as to send him back as well? No fucking clue.
It'll be interesting to see how he got a daughter in season 3. Might be nice if Linda somehow survives thanks to time fuckery, though for his kid to be in high school they'd have needed to remain together past the 80s.
Didn't the wiseman give him the passage from the book to send him back? Sure, he didn't exactly say every little syllable, but yeah, he said it.
That's the most widely accepted ending. This is the alternate:
I seem to recall Raimi said he prefers this one, but only because he sees Ash as an idiot made to suffer, so fucking up with the potion and ending up in the far off, deadite fucked future, was perfectly fitting. It also fits the theme for Evil Dead 2 where just when he thinks it's over he ends up in the past, now he ends up in the future and he's still dealing with the same shit.
I think you reveal an interesting point about Ash.
The creator thinks of him as an idiot that needs to be punished. He is shown to not really be an idiot in the traditional sense though. He can think on his feet, he is crafty, cunning & generally well educated, but he is so dumb when it comes to common sense type things, also things like remembering the important words he needs. Like anyone else would write that shit down & burn it into our memories, but Ash is like yep I heard you say them once, I repeated them a few times that's all the effort I need. He expresses all the petty traits of mankind & all of our "human fuck yeah" as well. He is a very human champion in the way he bleeds & sweats & hurts to achieve victory. But he also screws himself/others over for lazy/petty reasons/rewards.
He is essentially the best character for Cosmic/Eldritch Horror. He is so human it hurts, he will fight anything & everything with everything he has & is actually quite gifted in strength, agility, intelligence etc. He fights because eventually he thinks he might fight free, but he doesn't understand he is an futile idiot who needs to be punished. His is a much better way to explain the futility of man in Cosmic/Eldritch Horror than using squids in space
Ash is an interesting sort. Although someone joked above that it's hard to mind control him when he has so little mental activity, truth is he's resisted full-on deadite possession back in Evil Dead 2, and so far is the only known character to suffer such direct possession from the Kandarian demon and break free (not counting Pablo being possessed by the Necronomicon since he was wearing the book's "face" at the time) or Kelly with Eligos since Eligos was more or less tricked into abandoning her.
There's all kinds of theories that can be crafted, I suppose. The most basic is Ash is destiny's bitch so he gets some kind of super powers by being the defacto chosen one (the Necronomicon once taunted ash with this saying if he ever truly destroyed the book he would lose everything that made him special and go back to being a regular schmuck again). Ash has actually been possessed a few times (not counting the hand or accidentally swallowing demons). First time in ED2 was broken by sunlight. Second time was The Power of Love when he found the necklace he gave Linda. Maybe having possession over him broken has given him a lingering immunity or sorts?
It's probably just being the Chosen One and basic plot armor, though Kelly arguably has been getting pretty damn tough after all the shit she's been through. She's practically Evil Dead 2 Ash with two functioning hands. Poor Pablo is just evil's punching bag.
>insults a cop, even when it would benefit him to STFU
>gets very accusatory at a dinner, blatantly disregarding ettiquette
>just fucking wings everything he does
>lies about his hand to get laid
Idk, thats all pretty chaotic
More important question: how much sane loss would a character normally suffer by going up the butt?
Trigger warning: video has necrotic penor
>Writer fought tooth and nail to get this in
>It has nothing to do with anything
The chaotic part wasn't being debated, though, right? Just that he's less neutral and more lazy, which doesn't sound like an alignment but doesn't it at least explain his moral meandering? He'll kill some evil sons of bitches and save who he can, but then he'll also cut a deal with evil to get out of his nightmare even if the deal sounds shady as fuck. Yeah, even lying about his hand is the easiest way to get laid.
It set up Ash's last line in the episode perfectly!
screenshot this:
ash vs evil dead will end in a time loop, sending ash (or just his mind) just to the beginning of the first evil dead all over again
A true artist.
It's a nice metaphor for his entire life after coming into contact with the Necronomicon: "Right up the pooper."
Also I do enjoy Ash's entire lazy Pink Fuck plan. Throw a big party in town in the attempt to lure in the kids who stole his car while that entire time those same kids are being gratuitously murdered by the Necronomicon he left in the damn backseat. He didn't even drop it in the trunk.
Alignment: Gun
At least those kids learned an important lesson about stealing cars.
Necronomicons make the best anti theft devices.
Makes me wonder if Bruce told those kids the tale of how Sam Raimi lost his v-card in the back seat and that's why he puts it in every movie he makes.
>The darkest souls are not those which choose to live within the hell of the abyss, but those who choose to break free from the abyss and move silently among us.
Ash is a Slasher; you cant mind control a mindless killing machine
So you're saying he's...Ashy Slashy?
More like a shark; just caring about fucking and killing
How dare you underestimate him. Would a shark care so much about booze and drugs? Of course not! It takes the sophistication of a man to concoct a marvel like Pink Fuck! A mere shark wouldn't know the first thing!
A shark wouldn't even have he wherewithal to replace one of its demonic flippers with a chainsaw, that's for certain.
Yea but from what ive heard by that point the car has been replaced in parts so many times the stains are long long gone. IIRC raimi once did a western and stripped the car to nothing but the chassi and had an old timey carriage built on top of that.
Just like a demonic presence it never truly goes, yet lingers on, hungering...
He's got a bunch of stunt versions of his car, like the ones he dropped in Evil Dead 2 or the one built into the medieval battle wagon in Army of Darkness.
I mean he doesn't actually rip his car apart for his movies, you know. He buys shitty cars of the same make, model, year that don't actually have to be driven so he can fuck them up on camera.
don't care, I was thoroughly amused the whole time
>a shark with frickin' CHAINSAWS on its head!
Ash really needs to run into some deadite animals. Laughing severed deer heads excepted, of course.
I'd kill to watch Ash vs. The Thing or some other animal horrors
>you think you're outta this world? Well, I'm pretty groovy too *BANG*
>Each Ash kill ends with getting covered in blood
>Thing: infection from a single cell
>Xenomorph: acid for blood
Yeah, he should stick with killing possed humans
This is Ash we're talking about. Even if he was infected by The Thing it would for some reason manifest in a bodypart and attack him, forcing him to cut it off. Yes, even if it never acted like that for anyone else before.
Xeno blood, well, shotgun worked for close encounters with Hicks. Not so well for Hudson in the same scene. There'd probably be a humorous scene where Ash discovers you can neutralize it with vodka and it tastes great too.
The thing you have to remember about crossovers is logic bends over and takes it up the ass to whatever the author wants. Batman has fought the xenomorphs and even the Predator several times. So has Green Lantern, Judge Dredd. Hell, Superman once got preggers with a chestbuster and barely survived before puking it up.
How do you even make a Twoface xeno hybrid and end up with half the face fucked up? Whatever man.
unironically it wouldn't take much, for a clever man to make Ash a terrifying slasher villain in a campaign I bet.
Dont you know? Acid eats genetic information. Thats why all the kids born to acid attack victims also have fucked up faces. This is Biochem 101 tier knowledge
No. He's superior to mere slasher villains.
Gotta love the scarecrow version, though I'm not really familiar with the continuity at the time that comic was made so for all I know Crane really was mutated into some kind of fear monster instead of a gassy man in a mask.
And then there was the time Ash teamed up with Doctor Doom to unleash the deadites on the Marvel Zombies. Took some time but of course the Marvel Zombies won against a planetwide demon invasion. Fucking homefield advantage, man.
>Superman once got preggers with a chestbuster and barely survived before puking it up.
Actually, if I remember right, Sups used the power of the sun to unbirth it.
No. Never. Except maybe that one time Necron, a demon king, made deals with villians to power them up. Still, the Arkhamorphs are more rule of cool than anything logical.
>if i had a mug like yours and I saw a mug like mine, i'd want to see me in my dreams too.-What i would imagine Ash says to Freddy
>you had a bad night with teens in a cabin too, huh? Well, I guess we have something in common. That and the 80s.
>Actually, if I remember right, Sups used the power of the sun to unbirth it.
Not quite. Supes was investigating the discovery of a Kryptonian city that had survived only to be lolxenomorphed. Because he's away from the Earth's yellow sun he's slowly losing his powers and eventually gets impregnated. Before it can hatch he manages to return to Earth in a DBZ ship after learning the spirit bomb attack. It's the return to the yellow sun that slowly repowers him and allows him to survive, and since it lays the eggs down your throat naturally you can just spit it back up if you're Superman.
Fortunately they weren't yet at the point where it was fully canonical that xenomorphs probably adapt to the DNA of the host.
This isn't the only time he fights a Xenomorph and he's had his own run-ins with the Predator. It has its fun moments too.
Green Lantern vs Aliens had its moments too.
Did Hal Jordan just basicly use Turn undead on xenomorphs?
Worse. It's Kyle.
I recently finished Ash vs Evil Dead and it made me wanna run my players through an Army of Darkness inspired campaign. I wanna see my friends handle deadites, doppelgangers, shit getting possessed, evil presences chasing them, and so on. The only problem is my players are all new to D&D so it might be too hard for them. Plus everyone would be at a disadvantage without a chainsaw hand and shotgun.
Use All Flesh Must Be Eaten, for fun Slasher/Horror type games. The rules are dirt simple, & you can build any kind of monster/demon/despite you need. It defaults as a zombie survival game, but handles anything in the genre of horror well.
Batman vs Predator > Superman vs Terminator > Batman & Superman vs Aliens & Predator > Batman vs Aliens > Superman vs Predator >Superman vs Aliens
I'd kill for a Batman vs Terminator (not Deathstroke)
user, the ONLY reason why Ahsh doesn't end up like every other character who so much as even glances at a Deadite is because he's the Chosen One, a being chosen by the Powers Of The Multiverse itself to oppose the Old Ones/Dark Ones and their Deadite minions. If anything, the Thing and the Xenomorphs might just run the ufck away if they catch wind of Ash.
>I'd kill for a Batman vs Terminator (not Deathstroke)
You will never find better.
The best shit. Also watch Heart of Steel 1 and 2 first.
He's been possessed before on multiple occasions, and no I don't mean just his hand. He's come out of it better than most, naturally.
You can't really apply the comic continuity to the movies/series. We've never had any indication that there is any higher power of opposite morality to the deadites except at the end of Ash vs Evil Dead season 2 with his father manifesting first as help for him against Baal and later he, Chet, and Cheryl appeared as Force Ghosts. Whether that suggests a god or heaven or if it's another demonic trick who can say. With Ash's luck it's probably the lattermost. It's not really clear if he really has supernatural backing or just some special inner quality (Pablo's uncle had some interesting insights). It's possible being the Chosen One is nothing more than he's a mere mortal destined to kick evil's ass and due to time fuckery he shows up in the book detailing things he hasn't done yet because it'll be centuries before he's even born.
That said he would only ever fight The Thing or Xenomorphs in comic form, so I guess what I said was moot. I still wanted to say it because I find the topic interesting.
That's also a route from the game, so I think he knows.
And, to an extent, there was that robot with a holo disguise in Batman beyond (had its own short livef spin off too)
There's an actual evil dead RPG floating around somewhere.
Here is thine based RPG. An rpg so badass two of the traits are "Big chin" and "Really big chin".
needless to say this isnt a serious rpg, its more army of darkness and less evil dead 1.
>Pact of the blade
>Not pact of the tome
Thanks, I'll look it over
Hey now, that thing ruined his life! That doesn't mean they're married!
Granted there's some superficial similarities...
Zeta, yeah. Not the worst show ever, least how I remember it. It's been so long since it aired on TV I could be in full nostalgia googles mode.
Holy shit, Wayne Newton really let himself go.
Wayne Newton can only wish he was that GROOVY
I was tempted to go with it, but mechanics don't favor it. If the book could be the lynchpin but he gets all the mechanics of Pact of Blade that would be perfect, I kinda see the Necronomicon as the Patron, not the item
This may have already been mentioned in the thread, but in the series the Necronomicon actually converses with Ash. I mean it isn't exactly reliable, right, but it probably had a point. It's not the source of his power directly but without something insanely evil to fight he has no purpose as the Chosen One. He goes back to working as a sales associate in Buttfuck, Nowhere, Population: One Major Asshole. Even when directly opposed they are still linked.
I would totally drink Pink Fuck, once, at Ash's behest
>I dont feel like drinking a glass of ketamine
Is a great line
We should be stating Pink Fuck.
I like it when media try to outfuck the pangalactic gargleblaster. they most often do but always in original ways.
The real challenge is statting something capable of beating him.
you can't
The only things that can come close are his evil clones. which, being him, are all but unstoppable
Depends on the system...
>D&D 5e: -4 wisdom, +2 strength, +2 con (Ash apparently drank it a lot, which probably enhances his normally impressive stats), advantage on any save related to resisting pain, + one-time 1d6 bonus to ANY roll so long as you say "Groovy" somehow in context.
Okay, but is it also a bugbear?
Everything's a bugbear if you're brave enough.
while ash is sorta bear-mode, I don't think bugs have anything to do with it.
Item Description: "A proprietary mix of liqueurs and spirits garnished with orange rind and nutmeg. Oh, and there's a shit ton of ketamine in it.
Mixing a batch may seem like a good idea but it really isn't. Now drink up. Come on, you aren't a cop, are ya?"
>Everything's a bugbear if you're brave enough.
I thought that was how you get buggered bears?
Does ket make you feel strong? The constitution increase is good though.
You got it backwards m8, bugbears are what happens when bears get buggered.
Look, man, this isn't a chicken and the egg thing. It'll still take however long bears gestate before that thing gives ass birth to a bugbear.
Oh shit we've just invented a new magical realm.