Well, since fetish-bait seems to be the newest hit for this board; Your latest adventuring party has just ended up in the world of MGE and must now survive. How long do they last?
>newest hit
>fetish bait
>newest hit
Hey, man. Welcome to Veeky Forums.
The fuck. That's just a chandelure with tits.
Not even big tits, just like dinky handfuls.
If you don't have better monstergirls than that, we should be fine.
>Not even big tits, just like dinky handfuls.
how big are your hands bro
Her tits are a big handful relative to her hands, females tend to have smaller hands than males, ergo its likely that her tits are just a regular handful.
Please resist.
You can tell someone's new just by the stink they bring in. Fresh fat fold rot-smell.
Guys, you and I both know that this surge in massively muscled Amazonian girls/But a dick-voregirls isn't exactly a common occurrence in Veeky Forums. At least, not as it is nowadays with most interest being directing towards the latest turd-pile to hit the shelves. Most of the times that said blatantly magical realm threads appeared, they usually died a pretty quick death all said, at least form what I saw.
>Newfag says "come on, guys"
Shut up and deliver my hot bitches.
I don't have enough smug for this man please stop before somebody gets hurt
>Implying I'm New at all
My friends, I was around when shit like Ruby Quest and Transpace Guard were still considered the greatest fucking things ever by you lot. God, just remembering those two makes me miss those days, fuck.
>it's a questfag
Explains why your thread is so shit
Ruby quest was furry shit m8
Why thanks for the Bump, Reddit! What else do you wanna give me? Perhaps a kiss?
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd? That's important Whhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?
sage goes in all fields
You need to clean the spiders out of your cunt and give in to the lewd threads before we start firing some loli semen rockets.
Your lewd threads barely scratch the surface of the true depths of lewd. The only one that came close was the futa dickgirl one, and even that fell short.
Just let him be, user. He'll come around eventually.
>Your lewd threads barely scratch the surface of the true depths of lewd
>futa dickgirls are lewd
Ah, you are an oldfag. This is good bait. Can't get bait like this from newfaggots.
This fucking triggers me.
I really can't explain why they choose to make them two separate things, but whatever. Probably Demonic Energy shenanigans.
Gather a party and set sail for Zipangu. Invent anime about neckbeards and sell husbando merch to lonely monster-girls.
They made them separate the same reasons we have threads asking the difference between a sorcerer and a warlock.
More Waifu was means more money. It’s capitalism at its finest user.
>Wanting to go to any place where pic related holds prominence
Doesn't sound very smart user.
No it doesn't. It's just extracting money from the same core audience. It's a move only if you want to focus on a niche market.
What kind of market do you think monster girls are?
If you're an oldfag, then why are you saying stupid newfag shit like you do in the OP? Your story doesn't add up, I tell ya!
Being Honest?
Simple Boredom, and me not really caring how my posts come off to other people. And because I wanted to see what terms I'd need to put in the OP Post or subsequent posts in order for Veeky Forums to blow it's fucking lid in autistic rage and screeching. Turns out, I only needed "Newest" after all.
>not a common occurence
>one of the earlier quest threads was a goddamn Amazon Giantesz quest
>/d/ Slaaneesh threads
>monstergirls threads
>Elf slave wut do.
Sure you've been here since Ruby Quest was hot and new and think post nazimod is the norm.
God we were embarrassingly furry back then. All those tripfags too, jesus dick. Really reminds you not to romanticize the past so hard.
>When I found out the ruby quest guy exclusively draws furry porn
These degenrates will never admit there is a problem. Stop wasting your time with them.
>God we were embarrassingly furry back then.
We really should return to our furry roots if that means weebshit will die out.
Either furry or in denial. Then again RPGs have had furry shit since the 80s.
Oh user, you sad, poor soul, we were weeb furries.
The thing for me is that Veeky Forums felt wild and lawless. Pizza threads on /b/, lewd threads on Veeky Forums; Anything short of illegal went, and there was loads of variety.
Now it feels like everything is the same every day. /b/ always has nothing but trap and facebook fap threads on the front page, and even on Veeky Forums the generals get in the way of any of the newer discussions.
I kinda wish we could somehow sticky the generals to page 2. There's nothing overtly wrong with them, they just kind of conquered the board at some point and only allow two or three non-general threads time in page one.
It's not a weebshit problem so much as a low energy shitposting problem. It's a problem that's not unique to Veeky Forums.
Nice try furry.
Personally, I isn't give a fuck about Nu/tg/. If they want to accuse everyone who isn't a part of their mind-hive of being a "NEWFAG/POLTARDREEEEE" or some other tripe, whilst talking about core cockgirls mages or some other stupidity, I'm fine with it. Just don't sperg out into other threads that don't pertain to you or your cancer, and I'll stay out of your way. Either way, this thread has descended into meta-shit, soooooooooooooo.
You better not be implying pizza is a good thing, user
I think theres a sci-fi term for the idea that even if you uplifted a, say dandelion, then it’d just want to go back to being a dandelion. I think the same applies to furries, weebs, and neckbeards.
Look at the shit OP posted.
Two nukes weren't enough.
But we can make our own, third nuke and clear the board of japshit completely. Purge all weebfags, shit all over monstergirl threads, forget CATastrophe like an embarassing diarrhea of a setting it was.
The future in our hands, anons. And i'd rather have this future filled with cool anthro beastfolk races.
>Still using pages.
Get a Veeky Forums extension like everyone else. Jesus Christ.
"""weeb""" was never bad. Weeaboos were annoying, but I don't think there are any actual; weeaboos left.
Does the extension work with frames?
There are, they just all live (many somewhat literally) in /a/ and /jp/.
>daily catgirl threads
>actual fucking CATastrophe thread a few days ago
It's still alive.
None of that is weeaboo you dumb newfag, lurk more
I should visit /jp/ more. I wonder what they think of the newhus.
Oh, right, another one
>Waifu CYOA
What does this have to do with the context of the conversation?
Dog Kobolds are best.
Can’t wait to see the kitty version.
See a big part is that general culture became a necessity. It helps to keep things on topic, because we have two boards that love going off topic on other boards because they attract newfags who think the whole site is like that particular board (/b/ and /pol/)
If we wanted things to even go back to pre-quest overload, you'd have to delete two of those boards, and that's not going to happen because g00k loves /pol/'s revenue generation.
And yes there's a distinct difference between a /pol/fag and a shit/pol/sters. One knows when his political opinion is wanted or needed.
>why are ghosts and phantoms different?
>but that’s just taking money from a niche market
>MGE is FOR a niche market