bdsm space nuns sounds like a great addition to the over the top 40k universe. why are they turned into the lores whipping girl?
Why does GW seem to hate The Sisters
For no other reason than to let you make that bdsm nun/whipping girl joke, user.
I'm like 99% that popularity of a faction + figure sales are what dictate how that faction is treated in the lore. Sisters get smacked around in the lore because no one buys their stuff.
Corporate logic that only men buy tabletop stuff, and don’t buy girl stuff?
Because it's metal and in dire need of updating
They're caught in a logic loop. Nobody buys sisters because they're outdated as hell, and since nobody's buying them GW assumes they're unpopular and doesn't update them.
I am waiting to get back into 40k when they update the sisters. It works wonders as a way to not get back into it at all.
They can't still think that after how well Veridyan sold.
Because GW doesn't like religion anymore, and everyone stole their gimmicks (elite humans? > scions; future religion? > Admech; zealots? > genestealer cults? everything else? > more space marines).
Or it's just that nobody at the studio plays sisters and push for the faction.
There was a time when eldars were the 3rd most popular range, and they still had Rogue Trader models and metal aspect warriors.
GW doesn't hate Sisters. I started playing in 5th, and I've been hearing, "you'll be squatted any day now," through three rules updates. They're a full army with a completely available range. They played a major part in the Fall of Cadia/Return of Guilliman. They got a cool collector figure in Canoness Veridyan, and a new plastic kit for Saint Celestine. They just got an omnibus with a new short story. They reprinted Daemonifuge.
I honestly miss the days when the constant moaning was about Squats. Jesus fuck, the metal SoB models are really nice, you people just won't buy them. It's not like they're OOP. If you REALLY wanted to collect and play Sisters you would, but you don't, you want to whine and bitch about the line not being exactly what you want it to be. Are they expensive? Sure. But if you really wanted them you'd have them.
I really think the plastic Sisters bandwagon is just meme repetition from people who really don't give a fuck about the SoB or Ministorum beyond "girl faction needs new stuff!"
I just hate working with metal. Doesn't hold paint for shit. Not to mention the cost of the sisters kits.
I just hate working with metal. Doesn't hold paint for shit. Not to mention the cost of the sisters kits. I mean I'd be perfectly happy if they released the exact same sculpts in plastic.
Yeah pretty much. I like the sculpts as well, they hold up amazingly well for being so old but metal is a bitch and the cost is unacceptable. Needing to spent £110 for 20 troops and a HQ is crazy, especially when you can't buy them anywhere else (other than eBay)
>meanwhile, epic recasters have made the full range of plastic sister infantry and vehicles in 6mm.
feels good, man. I can crush heretics with my mobile churches.
Got any link to that omnibus?
I don't think it woudl be possible due to the differences between metal and plastic molds. Notice how celestine and the geminiae don't have beads on their rosaries? I suspect it's because the plastic molds aren't flexible enough.
I guess we wait till Febuary when they tell us that Sisters were the most requested kit in their recent questionnaire.
Don't forget when Sanguinor came out he was literally stealing all the best bits of Celestine.
When Celestine was refluffed in the Sisters web-dex, she was now basically Lady-Sanguinor.
Classic GW Death Spiral. Been done many times before.
Since GW never did those in 6mm, it isn't "recasting".
>Jesus fuck, the metal SoB models are really nice, you people just won't buy them
Of course I won't fucking buy them, they're expensive AND they're made of metal, which is inherently a drawback (less customizable). Can't even switch their weapons.
Also they look pretty shitty honestly. Bunch of old hags, I want my sisters to be young and pretty just like in my japanese animes. Only the commanders should be old hags.
If that's the attitude GW has, that sucks. The attitude that if some type of Sisters models exist at all that are not out of print, they don't need to do anything about them. Because to be blunt, they're not good enough. The models, I mean. The army is fine at the moment (though it annoys me how Celestine is mandatory in every single SoB list).
Loved older sisters lore, really not a fan of stuff like the retarded repentia units though.
Bad arse space nuns were good enough, didn't need to go full fetish on them.
Old repentia were basically knights errants and were hella cool. I dunno why they decided to refluff them istead of creating a new unit of penitent nuns.
Metal is bullshit though. Aside from adding to it with greenstuff (which usually looks shit unless you're a master sculptor) you cant change any of it. So in a big army you'll see the same mini with the same pose multiple times.
I hope, if they ever actually update them, they bring back the old school Repentia as Sisters Errant or something. They're one of my favourite pieces of SoB fluff.
What was the deal with the old Repentia? Those were before my time. I only know the fetish ones.
>BDSM space nuns
I thought they were literally Not!Fish speakers
They were basically just Sisters who undertook a penance quest in the hope of regaining their honour after disgracing themselves (which could be just about anything in the eyes of the Ecclesiarchy). Old SoB fluff has them appearing out of nowhere to help IG units in trouble, unleashing a storm of bolt and grenade before vanishing again. They're just lonely badassess looking for a worthy death in service of The Emperor. Modern Repentia are similar in theory but old ones were more self-motivated.
citadel journal 49. They appeared in Inquisitor game in the same way.
(that issue also had St. Praxedes and Prioress Helena, plus Dominica-pattern drop pods).
all-female army from Dune
Mix of long development cycles, hesitation to invest in such a long outdated faction, and fear they will piss off sjw and feminist crowds.
Unless you are playing at a GW storefront, just grab some minis from Raging Heroes.
Get good. You sucks as painter.
Also if you really don't expect them to sell you 5 plastic troopers for a grand you are really naive.
Theyre popular enough to keep around but not enough people buy them
Simple as that
>not enough people buy them
How the fuck would people buy them when they're not being sold? And no, fucking metal shits don't count.
Which is more likely user.
GW doesn't want to make more money or there isnt enough demand to justify plastic sisters? There is probably an indicator on their spreadsheets of when a product line becomes potentially viable which has not been reached yet.
What is more likely that they are making a continuous bad decision. There's money on the table and they're doing a bad business decision of not picking it up, either because they're underestimating the demand or simply because they don't care enough about the faction for some emotional, irrational reasons. It's idiocy itself to assume that they're making the right decisions just because they're "professionals", almost everyone is bad at their job.
I also believe that GW doesn't know what to do with Sisters, especially since they have historically been a painfully spammy army.
3rd-5th, you had your two units of Battle Sisters (or Inqusitorial Stormtroopers since they could be run in squads of 5), and units of 5 Sisters & Immolator.
In 6th and 7th, Sister Troops got Immolators and said Immolators used Multimeltas instead of Heavy Flamers but the end result was:
HQ: 5 Celestians, Meltaguns, Immolator
Elite: 5 Celestians, 2 Meltaguns, Immolator
Troops: 5 Sisters, 2 Meltaguns, Immolator
Fast Attack: 5 Dominions, 4 Meltaguns, Immolator
Heavy Support: 5 Retributors, 4 Heavy Flamers, Immolator
Sisters need actual variety while sticking to the Bolter/Melta/Flamer trinity.
Any armies played waac is like this.
pretty ugly design there blanche. Looks like someone from the council estate rather than a gothic convent. Can you imagine the frothing at the mouth if GW re-released sisters of battle as a bunch of butch baldies?
>I started playing in 5th
>I honestly miss the days when the constant moaning was about Squats
They probably changed it because it's just a copy/paste of the Space Marine approach to penitence, and they wanted the SoB to not just be Femmarines.
>GW know what they are doing they are professionals are you? Checkmate atheists!
Is a tired old argument that has been mocked into the ground here. Some of us absolutely do know better, and yes some of us are professionals. Not that being paid to do something is actually proof that we, or GW, are really any good at it. The sycophants that support absolutely any action taken by the faceless corporate machine producing their favorite game are extraordinarily creepy and exhausting to speak to. Games Workshop could poop in a sock and someone would buy it because it has the GW logo, but if you point out that it is an unhealthy product they'll ask for your medical degree, then insist GW are professionals and that they know what the market wants: You always needed this poop sock!
It's from a time when marines didn't go on redemption quests.
>user, you're always bitching about wanting more heavy bolter retributors, why don't you actually buy them, hmm? HMMM?
>They only get restocked every few months and when they do they sell out in less than twenty-four-
Why does every conversation about SoB come to this?
>Because it's metal
>I just hate working with metal.
>metal is a bitch
>Of course I won't fucking buy them, they're expensive AND they're made of metal, which is inherently a drawback (less customizable).
>Metal is bullshit though.
Modern gamers, everyone. Pic related.
An hand drill is even enough.
Serious Squat-bitching was definitely still happening when 5th came out. Squat memers were a fucking vigorous and persistent lot, followed closely by people who played in the Eye of Terror campaign. A lot of the 40k range was still older at the time, and the specialist games hadn't been pulled yet. There was enough metal and old plastics that SoB didn't stand out as the oldest range available, and people were still playing the Witchhunters and Daemonhunters codexes. There wasn't the constant, high pitched whining for plastic Sisters that there is today, but there was people still genuinely upset about Squats and the shutting down of the GW forums. The mindless need to complain about what you can't have because GW is stupid and evil was totally still about Squats. Then came Stormraven angst and the great Necron outrage, followed by Ward-hate. Plastic Sisters is just the most current in a long line of non-issues fueled by people who are more invested in being angry and bitter toward GW while spouting memes than they are in actually building, painting, and playing with models.
hit metal models with two coats of gloss varnish for protection and one coat of matte to kill the shine/give you a visual indicator when the matte's wearing off to reapply. You can't flip em off the table like a spaz but they should be plenty safe for regular game knocking about.
People bring this up so often when the answer is so very simple. You want to know why GW provides the bare minimum of support for the Sisters? It's because they don't like them.
Part of the reason that the SoB haven't been squatted is because they sell. Squats were done away with because no one at GW liked them and none of them could be bothered to write a codex to continue supporting them. GW can't just do that now, though. If they just did away with what is essentially the only faction with serious female representation in 40k, it would be a shitstorm.
It should be pretty obvious by now that GW hates the Sisters of Battle. They don't have any interest in making plastic kits. I can only imagine Celestine was made in some half-assed attempt to shut people up but it didn't work. Now, they'll just ignore you while their marketing teams and Facebook page people throw you scraps of hope.
You're wasting your time, user. GW's never going to make plastic sisters. They only update the models for factions they actually like. Accept it and move on.
Prior to the recent years where they've developed some cult following over the Internet, sisters simply never sold. But I imagine they will make a comeback now that there is so muh visible demand for them, however don't hold your breath. You gotta remember this game is marketed to younger kids, and when I was 12 there is no way in hell I'd be playing an army of girls
I agree with your sentiment but no, it really is the plastic that will make or break the deal. Plus I have not seem a single store that still carries any SoB stuff. You need to order them online
Celestine is almost mandatory in every imperial list. For 150 pts she's hands down the best melee hero you can throw down
>almost unkillable
>6 god dam str 7 ap 3 attacks
>huge movement distance, can fly over terrain
The concept for repentia is cool tho, it's just fetishesized because it's busty half naked babe's. If it were all men they'd be badass
>Started playing in 5th
>"Oh hey, when did that release"
Jesus, I started playing in 4th edition?
And we're in 8th now?
I feel old.
>Celestine is 150 pts
Not anymore.
GW can just suck it as far as I'm concerned. Grishnak's stuff looks great and not fetishy at all, unlike some others, so I'll just use them from now on.
Because the sister's range comprises of about 20 metal miniatures and some addon metal packs for rhinos.
Same. The day the Sisters get plastics is the day I set foot in a GW again.
>Crotches constantly covered up.
What could be under those tabards?
They have an odd place in the fluff as well
>not inquisition
>not deployed like The Guard
>SM's or inquisitors do their job better
>Fairly hostile to all other factions
The last two novels I read really paints them as the SJW of 40k that nobody wants anything to do with. Between open contempt for space marines and guardsmen and active hostility toward mars they come across as the spoilt brats of daddy church.
That's not to say they dont look awesome, deserve their own army and have absolutely everything needed for perfect lewd
>white haired
>battle-hardened lesbians
The only reason SoB exist is because they found a loophole in the Ecclesiarchal Manifesto that said "the church may never have men under arms", and so they took it literally and made the Church's warriors all female.
True. However doesn't the Church also have its own special stormtroopers? or was that the inquisition?
shes 150 without the two geminae, otherwise 200/250
>I really think the plastic Sisters bandwagon is just meme
I would be all in on plastic sisters. Well, if I still played 40k that is. I guess I'd buy a basic sister squad to make a Shadow War kill team.
No means no! Holy pepperspray of the Emperor!
The ecclesiarchy cannot "maintain men at arms".
Thus their troops fall under the following categories:
>not men (SoB)
>not maintained (redemptionist and other zealots, death cultists, pious guard regiments,...)
>not "at arms" (security forces, witch hunters, crusaders, arco-flagellants, weapon servitors and killer-cherubs)
>does not exist (black ops stormtroopers, sleeper agents)
And supposedly cardinal worlds still have PDFs, because otherwise holy shit are the sisters numerous.
which novels?
for some strange reason BL really has a hateboner for the imperial church. Cardinals are tied with planetary governors for chaos corruption or sessessionism.
A unit of smashed up grizzled veterans who have had their faith all but beaten out of them would be such a nice flavour unit though.
The biggest reason, they're a faction form the early days when it was pretty much just a shallow Heavy Metal Magazine Parody Game that can't just be excised because they're still too loved by the fans, much like The Blood Angels, and Space Wolves.
how many men play female wow characters?
men love seeing women
40k is still a Heavy Metal parody game. As is Judge Dredd on good days.
Celestine is 200 and the bitches 25 each
Get with the times pops
A few years back, after one of the design team left, really wish I could remember who, they were answering some questions over their blog and the Sisters got asked about.
They said it wasn't a matter of money or design. As far as anyone is aware, there is a demand for the Sisters, enough so to more then justify going to plastic, they will make a profit from it. Also more then half the team would drop everything just to work on them and more then a few sculptors have made test sculpts before in their free time all of which matched rather well.
It was to do with the those that hold the purse strings. The Sisters were never green-lit and are never green-lit for development.
Codex Witchhunters was allegedly a rebellion in the ranks as the Inquisition codex was green-lit and the design team basically told them why spend money on new sculpts when we can use the SoBs however plastics were still not allowed. Barely squeezing the Immolator upgrade sprue out.
Allegedly, after that they were all but squatted during 4th and most of 5th as those up top basically said they were not allowed to do anything with them anymore.
I know this is all third hand information but if true, really does explain quite a few things.
>Only five minis, down from GWs seven,
Enjoy your highly repetitious force
>No ordering information on their website
What's with the secret fucking squirrel bullshit?
I got a few
No weapon options and just 5 monopose models
Not enough to make an army
Just display models
Those oversized gw scale guns look so funny on miniatures with closer to realistic proportions.
Not a fan of the bare heads but the respirator head looks great.
I'm convinced at this point that sisters announcement will just dropped without a tease of any kind
I'll just wake up one day and they'll have been announced without anyone guessing it
Get that shit out of here, Imperium only approves of catgirls.
What would be funny is if they just quietly place them on the shelves one night and so the only warning anyone gets is when the first few NZ posts start popping up online just after their local GWs opens.
Interesting if this is true.
But the money people did change this 3rd edition, didn't they? So what would be preventing them from bringing some new crazy nuns now? Especially since Celestine and Vyridian (allegedly) sold well.
You mean gray knight armor paint?
I remain to be convinced that anything has really changed at gw.
Both of you are wrong. Those are mutants, Imperial citizen, they are an insult to human DNA, only fit for purging.
There was a mail circulating showing the utter confusion GW was suffering with Verydian sales.
They are so disconnected from their consumer that the idea of a SoB model outselling the marine equivalent was utterly imposible
Honestly, I think they have realised that there is a market for the Sisters but only because of that Canoness and Celestine. Allegedly half the Triumvirate boxes sell solely because of Celestine and her girlfriends.
This. I was speaking to the manager at my local GW who mentioned the emails and said that he was told originally that she would be a one-off but became a regular thing after how well it sold.
The problem is that even if GW has realised now, there is still a three year development cycle so we won't see anything till 2020.
However, one or two 'in the know' rumour mongers have said that there isn't anything being done at the moment, so either they are just full of shit or GW still hasn't actually started any work at all.
>Bunch of old hags, I want my sisters to be young and pretty just like in my japanese animes. Only the commanders should be old hags.
Warhammer is not for you.
>Bad arse
okay man I'm British but this just doesn't work
>Allegedly half the Triumvirate boxes sell solely because of Celestine and her girlfriends.
And the other half because of the the fem Inquisitor.
I would get that box if not for the Mechanicus weirdo. I already have a regular Tech Priest, what do I need that thing for.
The honest problem imo is updating to plastic is not going to solve the most basic issue....cloth.
SoB are modeled with a lot of flowy cloth effects. It works because their metal range is in static poses that can't be modified or changed. Imagine if you made a plastic kit that was customizable, yet when you stuck the arms in different poses, the cloth would be defying gravity in odd ways and look funky.
It makes the concept of plastic sisters a lot more complex.
IMO we should expect plastic, but also expect them to be in static poses, or "easy to build" kits that can't be customized too much.
We have multipart models with cloth in plastic. It is not an issue
>Imperium only approves of catgirls.
There can be room for all!
>Those are mutants, Imperial citizen, they are an insult to human DNA, only fit for purging.
Not any worse than your precious Space Marines...
>Not any worse than your precious Space Marines...
Funny you should say that.
The index is no longer accurate? Was a proper codex released?
No, faq/errata
Yes, but corporate execs are retarded to the nth degree. They also only sell what they think will sell, and refuse to sell what they don’t think sells, and the point to that to reinforce their preconceived beliefs.
Examples? I'm assuming Skittari or something. But their cloth is their coats, not their arms like the sisters.