Called it


Strap in, boys.

I just wonder what is actually going to happen when biztards become instant millionaires. Can the world even handle that level of autisim.

I cant even imagine this board when chainlink is in the top 10 coins at $75.

1 dollar by midnight.

get in now or forever be justed

don't say i didnt fucking warn you


I like how nobody believed the trend reversal countdown...

> muh TA is a meme

fucking kek hahaha

At least 30% of them will die within five years from freak accidents and AIDS.

Just wait until tomorrow. This is just the smart money preview.

It's going to be a sight to behold

New ATH of autism is incoming, no way to prepare for it.

Link will hit price singularity and go up by the dollars

>Confirmation bias

What, why do I never listen to you biz


Top fucking kek

LINK under $1 is like $2 ETH get the fuck in

Hardly a confirmation bias. I've been anticipating this for months. I have screen shots of LINK charts for week with written analysis.

This is fucking insane.
If you are the user that posted the countdown timers '60 hours', '35 hours', '10 hours' then you have some serious magic
make a tripcode and i will blindly follow every word u say

B-but I'm all in on TRX and it's mooning right now

Brb trying to shill myself on LINK

Me too friendo it hurts to see so many moon missions I can’t join

nolinkers will have killed themselves

yes you did

With our powers combined, we can save western civilization.

>tfw too many moon missions to choose from
>always choose the wrong one

is 1300 link enough for a poor fag like me to buy a tiny dirt patch in the middle of nowhere and stare at you penthouse cucks with a telescope?

>mfw it's starting to look like the $1 by December 31st prophecy meme chart was actually almost right

Seriously. I need a couple 2x before holding makes sense
