Android: Netrunner General- /anrg/

>Android Netrunner General - Echo Chamber Edition
Core 2.0 and Sovereign Sight, the first pack of Kitara, are now out (Still no Sovereign Sight in Europe?)

>What is Android: Netrunner?[Open]

>How to play Android: Netrunner (TeamCovenant)[Open]

>Where to play it online (replace spaces with dots):
Jinteki net

Try "Why I Run", great for prospective Runners looking for a hands-on demo on how Running works (replace spaces with dots):
www nagnazul com/whyirun/whyirun.html

>Deckbuilding Resources:

>More Resources, blogs, podcasts

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Is it a good card?

All hail the All Consuming Overlord!

Will it finally be able to win serious tourneys one wonders?

Also, is Kitara 2 due to be out this month or in Feb?

Looks pretty decent if you have the bodyguard Mercs ready to take the hits.

Or the Paparazzi. Something interesting is the interaction with Information Sifting though, especially against CI.

Besides pic related and Assimilator, what are the final pieces needed that would make APEX the top of the runner pile?

At this point, probably just a source of burst econ, close to Temujin in power level, and maybe burst draw. Apex now has:

>efficient breakers
Paperclip, Na'not'k, and assimilated Cyber Cypher is pretty much all you need.
>constant econ source
Aesop's and Apex's ability mean you'll always have 3 credits a turn.
>constant draw source
Reaver synergizes with the above as well, giving cards for free

What Apex doesn't have is:
>drawing to setup
Apex decks are usually pretty reliant on Reaver to get cards moving, something to help with that would do good.
>econ to setup
Same as above, besides the usual Gambles, without Aesop's down (and Assim) econ could be a problem.
>more corp shenanigan answers
Asset spam can be dealt with using Apocalypse, though it does mean resetting board state. There's Caldera for net damage. The new No One's Home will help with tags probably. So that leaves Rush (econ and draw) and Fast Advance (the Source and Clot like effects?).
>in-faction solutions for any of the above
So, you can probably cover what Apex lacks by importing stuff to the faction. But if any of the above gets released in in-faction cards, Apex will almost certainly be tons better, as it would leave some influence for shenanigans and increase deckbuilding options.

How does it work with sifting? Do you only take 1 damage?

You still take damage per card, but against CI you can basically wipe out half their hand.

Probably have to cough up the inf for Deuces Wild and Build Script(!), which would suck but at least the small change can help with paying for setup.

It's definitely interesting. Works really well as a counter to any of the horizontal builds that try to just out-econ you with naked or lightly-protected assets that have a high rez-to-trash ratio (and usually fast advance small agendas).

It's also got a pretty neat interaction with multi-access on RD or HQ, since it lets you just trash everything you see, which could play in to a milling strategy... with the obvious downside of potentially flatlining yourself. =(

Mercs AND paparazzi looks like the best protection detail for that. Also, I think turning wheel with loads of counters is going to really make the corp uncomfortable.

>probably a 1-off at best nowadays

At least the AA looks heaps better, fwiw anyway.

Now Apex actually has cards to use his facedowns on yeah

>No One's Home
I don't know, it is a trace by the looks of it. Maybe though

If that. It's barely better than pic related (clearly a proto-apex idea)

I've seen that to some effect - it's not amazing or anything, but draw events are okay in Apex

It's a Trace 0, imagine having to pay for a guaranteed HHN, and then pay for this too, on an Aesop's fueled Apex. Trace to tag is pretty much dead, really. Surprising SEA Source stuck around in Core in that sense.

Trace in general isn't great right now - Tracer ice is asking to be disapointed.
I'm not sure what would have to change for that to not be the case, other than making trace ice cheap/strong as fuck

Trace is weird, especially since it's rather binary in practice. Do you have atleast double the runner's credit? Then it's a guaranteed hit, otherwise there's not much use playing a trace card unless you have some sneaky reverse Vamp play. Too bad "if trace atleast strength 5, a thing happens" effects aren't more popular.

Cache and Magnum Opus?

I've found value in using Trace as a means to drain the Runner's credit pool. A good trace can set them back a turn on making a vital run while giving you just enough to finish the agenda.

MOpus is unlikely, you probably want to be Assimilating Aesop, but Cache could be a good shout

Been wondering all through December and the Magnum Opus talks whether several of the game's troubles were not born of the original designers' intent to keep values very low.

Small numbers make it so the game is less... frightening or repulsive is a bit too strong, but that's the idea, small numbers confer an immediacy to the (expected) play experience, while bigger numbers - and I do mean just going too often into the decimals - might look a bit daunting to some. But then with a focus on smaller numbers you lose amplitude and with it granularity.
Hence how MO can become monstrous in doubling base credit verb and how the ANR trace has been troubled by being kept too narrow during early 1.0 (disregarding how those early values might just have been mathematically sound in a vacuum, but failing to account on quality of the verbs, especially once intertwined)..

The MOpus problem in that configuration is that clicks are at a premium, I'd say.

There is ghost runner as well, although getting the creds off it is a bit more tedious, but does trigger wastelands once used up.

Do you usually have the cash to do that as a regular thing, say once per game?

Ghost Runner is "when installed" so it can't be assimilated to get the credits, though you can put it down from hand normally.

Apex having paparazzi is simultaneously hilarious and creepy (especially as it'll have to Assimilate them)

Cache is like a 2 credit gain. You're better off importing Easy Mark or the cantrip cards. I was going to compare Rosetta + Cache + single breakers vs 2-of every breaker, but Rosetta is 4 influence.

What Trace cards to you use? Hellion, HHN?

Could be. Perhaps they didn't scale cards accordingly to MOpus and focused mostly on assuming runners would usually only "click, gain a credit", hence the card ends up being one of the best econ sources in the game. Too many factors to consider to pinpoint anything concrete though, especially with cards like Monolith and Blackguard.

>Apex starts getting media coverage and even though the corp knows where the most of its collective data is gathered, they can't do anything for fear of hitting the newspeople crowding the area
Love it

Cache is based you implicitly having Aesop's, Reaver and Wasteland

Interesting to see the (quite necessary, imo) step up in power between Hellion 1, Hellion 2 and, in effect, Wake Up Call (that does let the runner choose at least though) - if there's a Hellion 3 I'd say with some confidence that it'll be a Reprisal as well

Hellion 1 is dog, Hellion 2 is cat, what will Hellion 3 be?

Still only 2 credit more than trashing a blank face down card in that case.

Hellion Alpha was definitely too weak even for its time, especially when you could do a different type of trace that could win you the game. I was going to say that they were trying to make random traces doable, but then there's the bad pub.

Alpha also looks like a cat to me.

Perhaps Hellion Project could be a current or agenda where each time a corp card is trashed trace3 - shuffle non-program into stack?

APEX having its own personal (meatbag) army is a most Terrifying thought indeed.

If both Rachel and Beth gets flipped in that situation, then there should be barely enough clicks to mash MO to match the total cred gain.

Still not the most ideal scenario though.

That's more enablers for asset spam, so I'm not sure I like it.

Someone actually won a Store Champ with APEX! Undefeated no less.

Good times ahead for our new Overlord.

Very nice to see that the concepts we discussed here had (I forget the word that means separated but in tandem) success somewhere. One thing we missed is Hunting Grounds triggering Reaver on the corp's turn, personally dismissed the trash ability since I thought you couldn't look at the facedown cards.

>I forget the word that means separated but in tandem) success somewhere
Convergent evolution?

That's rad, Apex is moving up in the world.
Hunting Grounds is neat, especially for Reaver during the corp's turn

Now I wonder what that virus it's getting is

If nothing else, hunting ground is about the only in-faction way to trigger wasteland/reaver on the corp turn. The only other thing that doesn’t cost inf iirc is sports hopper, which is also nice to have since it gives important draw for setting up.

Would be awesome if Apex wins a regional as well. Probably has a better chance then reg crims now at any rate.

>Full bleed apex in our lifetime maybe

We were so close to a full bleed Heartbeat, but should the unlikely does occur, the Glorious Full Bleed APEX needs to be sideways to display its Magnificence!

>bit of a shame they didn't use this AA in core 2.0

>All shoplifters are bioroids
Wow what a racist

Androicist, yep.

>implying only bioroids can be dismantled.

I'm kind of glad they didn't, that art looks messy zoomed out. Only with a bigger image could you notice the shelf of guns and the warning sign, as well as Aesop being there at all.

I guess they could do it like AA Hedge fund and just use the top half of the image?

Focusing on Aesops and the gun rack wouldn't be a bad idea actually.

I wonder if there are enough cards now for an NA Shell Game Weyland deck thanks to Reconstruction Contract. Too bad you can't probably can't fit Shipment from Tennin, Mushin, and Data Loop/Data Raven into a BoN deck.


Hmmm, is there anything good with CD right now?

Probably not. If anything, Lewi from Kitara 1 might even make things worse.

Pity they didn't do a new Sure Gamble, even if the existing one is still nice.

Temujin made people play (non-geist) crim again, something they're only barely doing now (at least until 419, who looks like a really fun reg-ass crim) - what sort of limiting factors would it have to have had not to be busted?

I'm torn between two solutions:

a) as previously discussed, turn it into 4 credits to be used during the run on the chosen server - basically as if you had four 4 Bad Pub runs on the chosen server.
b) Only allow it to be installed on a server with at least one rezzed piece of ICE.

Making them maxed inf, and this preventing them being 'borrowed' by the reds/greens, would have been a great way to not have that get the early rotation treatment.

Other then that, 1/deck (bit extreme) or 1/turn could work?


I'd be ok with (a), though I feel like max influence should be enough to buff Crims while keeping it out of other factions.


Wouldn't mind it being available to Sunny or Adam though, but crims do need their own 5 inf signature stuff.

After all, the Anarchs got their second one, while Shapers and APEX (Assimilator might as well have been exclusive) have one each.

Make all crim cards 1 inf

Another decently cropped AA for core 2.0.

>whats with the weird blue tint in the cropped version?

;_; ruined an amazing piece of art

Sorry dude I spilled my powerade

Yeah, though I don't know what a 5 inf crim card would look like - and Escher's not all that much of an indication, though moving ice about is a Shaper thing, it's hardly the first thing you think of for the faction.

Haas is over-represented in the 5 inf department, though Oduduwa suggests they may just have been first in getting them (they have Fairchild, Black Level, Loki, Load Testing, and had Wotan, in addition to their Exec and UoT Asset)

Does emphasise the totally virtual nature, and besides, the original was blue

I never liked much the original to be honest, found it too clashy with the rest of the game art

A Crim 5 inf card would probably a power play that would benefit every faction while still being thematically in their color pie, probably. Escher at 1 inf or 2 would likely get imported often since it basically negates ice placement. Both Temujin and Aaron fit the bill honestly, and I feel like Beth should be 5 too, though unlike the former two you don't benefit from having multiple of her and from putting her down early.

Hmmmm... NBN education ID, being led by Mars' Reeducation. How creepy is it going to be, I wonder...

5 inf Crim would be like some on-successful run virus that let you derez Maxwell-style.

A RFG+priority event account siphon might fit the bill. Something crims needs but other factions don’t have easy access to, and non-spammable as well.

Same can be said for lots of the older artworks really. Femme 1.0 is still one of the better ones imho.

I'd really rather something that moves away from the usual "keep the opponent poor" decks personally, something that is atleast consistent too. Maybe more "dodge ice", but that could get degenerate pretty quickly too. Maybe:

"As an additional cost, pay click.

Play only after a successful run on HQ. Choose a server. Derez all ice on that server. Then, the runner may make a run on that server during this turn, reducing the rez cost of each ice by 3.

At the end of the turn, rez all ice on that server (ignoring all costs)."

Interesting idea.
Replace the derez and ice discount with an ice cost increase, and I'd love it. "either you let me through and get all the ice for free, or you pay loads".
Crims do have ice cost increases in-faction.

I'm still starting out so it's usually Hunter.

2 credits can make a big difference.

Depends on how much I'm able to prioritize making money. I feel that if I play my cards right I can reliable have more if not a close amount of credits to the runner. Mostly it's doing math of how much money they need to complete the run, how much money I need to rez ice, etc. etc.

I have a certain love for the realistic looking manifestations. It's like the designer of the program just found an image or model and copy pasted it into their project. There is a certain realism to them.

Clearly nothing suspicious here whatsoever, now move along.

Newfag to Netrunner here, if I want to get into it which packs should I purchase?

Revised Core set -> all the Deluxe expansions in any order -> start from the latest cycle backwards.

Basically what said, although to be more precise, experiment a bit with a single core set, then branch out to the other big boxes and/or get another core.

For the big boxes, if you are not sure which specific factions to focus on, [Terminal Directive] and [Creation and Control] are generally good starting points.

For datapacks, it is indeed better to start from the latest cycles (Kitara and Red Sands as of now), since they last the longest before the next rotation.

Does Netrunner have extensive lore like MTG?

Yes. Although alot of it is worldbuilding and not specific stories like recent mtg sets. Check out The Worlds of Android

As much as MtG? Afraid not, although the Android Universe in general does have a whole book of fluff in the OP pastebin, and perhaps more in the future as a splatbook in the Genesys system.

Another newbie interested in Netrunner here. I've seen all of Team Covenant's beginner series videos and loved them, are there any more videos like them? I've tried watching gameplay videos but they're obviously aimed at more experienced players as they don't go over each action and I often have to pause to look up the card that gets played.
I'm planning on getting into the game with a friend who's even less experienced in card games than me, which side should I play when we do our first games? I feel like HB vs Crim would be best for getting the basics down without worrying about stuff like damage or tags whilst encouraging the runner to run but should I play as the corp or the runner? This game looks really cool and now I'm just waiting for the Revised Core to be released in the UK.

It has several books, one of which is the lore encyclopedia, the flavor of the cards (even without flavor text) often paint a great picture.

Start as the runner, but switch it up a lot.

Each pack also comes with a short story.

I like Metropole Grid for beginners since he usually explains what card he's playing and why, apparently he plays more on twitch now. There was also one group that released live commentated videos instead of play, and flashed the cards played as each click is used, but I don't remember their name.

Recommended in the revised core was Crim vs Weyland I think, with a non-tournament legal selection of cards. If you're both newbies then the more knowledgeable player should play Corp, but like the other user said, switch arond often.

>There was also one group that released live commentated videos instead of play, and flashed the cards played as each click is used, but I don't remember their name.
Teamwork Cast that have moved their netrunner stuff to Trace Five.

0 Credits Event Run
Make a run on a remote server, if successful, instead of accessing cards install Trojan inside the server as a condition counter with the text “[Click] [Trash] : access cards inside the server as if you had just made a successful run".
Criminal 5 Influence.


Nevermind, missed the "remote" part.

You can try Beyoken's channel since he explains why he does stuff. He is currently doing a series about beginner-friendly sparring decks or somesuch.

The corp is a bit easier to learn how to play with, since they have more 'hidden' info they can control, and subsequently respect when playing runner later. Also, HB and Shapers are probably the easiest to get to grip with?

Technically that card already existed without the free rez (Bribery), don't think it really saw play though.

You could probably just have it install normally, just put an indicator connecting the Trojan to the server (like SecTesting). Mostly because installing in the server means the corp would get access to the click trash ability.

>Technically that card already existed without the free rez (Bribery), don't think it really saw play though.
Because it was incredibly expensive.

Wait, I'm dumb, it was Running Interference, not Bribery. With Public Terminals and Prepaid PADs, 4 credits isn't terrible. Other lines of play were just plain better probably (like Siphon). Bribery is somewhat expensive, though not if you see it as a Vamp that isn't guaranteed. Would've been better if it was worded like Inside Job.

Any sign of the next GNK stuff? Or would they only appear after Store Champ season?

Game is dead only l5r now

>no u

What would an ANR card that referenced L5R (more specifically than just a samurai or something) look like?
And, perhaps more challengingly, what would a L5R card that references ANR be?