So you're playing a game one night and things should be great, but there is a jerk. He drinks all the mountain dew...

So you're playing a game one night and things should be great, but there is a jerk. He drinks all the mountain dew, ate half the pizza, smells bad and is a general creepy sexist asshat.

Then the police come in and arrest him for being That Guy.

What do you do?

Wonder how I got transported to Britain or some other nanny state country where being unpleasant is a fucking crime.

I wake up, because a world that perfect can't possibly not be a dream.

File charges against the cops for entering without a warrant.

I leave the country and never return. I will not live in a place where "being annoying" is justification for jail, or other legal punishment.

>be me
>dad is po-po
>tells me story of going to noise complaint at a party
>college kid opens the door
>dad and partner stay just on outside of door
>kid reaches out and nudges dad to get him to move back
>in half a second kid is against the wall with angry mustacheman yelling in his face about not touching cops

Wish I could've seen that guy's face

wow your dad sounds like a real alpha

shed a single tear and press "fry external SSD" button

Sorry but the way you post makes you sound like a complete faggot.

Well he was also president of a fraternity. And here I am on Veeky Forums
>The Virgin user and the Chad Dadnon

When he joined up, he had an instructor (who was a Marine who fought in Vietnam) with a certain mantra about people putting hands on an officer:
>Touch the uniform, go to jail
>Tear the uniform, go to the hospital and then go to jail

This is going to derail the thread for a bit because of FUG DA POH-LEES so I might as well chime in up front.
Why do people purposefully put themselves in situations where police can use force on them? Literally all you have to do when talking to an officer is be polite, keep your hands to yourself, and make no sudden or aggressive moves. That's it. Until you commit a crime or give them reason to believe that you are dangerous, there's no reason for them to do anything other than wrap up their business with you and be on their way. They're actively asking for trouble with the media and public if they don't. The only sensible option is "don't be a dumbass."
There is no "I'll put this pig in his place."
There is no "I'll be a total ass to this guy for no reason and he'll just take it because if he doesn't I'll sue."
There is only "That was annoying but oh well," and "Wow, I shouldn't have fucking said/done that."

Considering the absolutely massive amounts of faggotry on this board, I have absolutely no way of narrowing down the post that this post was made in response to, so just in case I'll assume it was in response to something I said.

no u

Protest, I don't deserve to be arrested.


That is why you shoot the uniform with the pig inside.

edgy faggot. you'd be lucky to get your shit pushed in by a police officer, and would probably love it

Finally, RPG police. I hope the metagamer will at least get a fine

It's a joke, you trembling autists.

where is that “I was only pretending to be retarded” meme

>*puts hands on and murders civilians in some shitty third world country*

Sounds like a hypocritical cunt m8

Chris Rock's "how not to get your ass kicked by the police" sketch should be shown in every high school

>>*puts hands on and murders civilians in some shitty third world country*
You mean Murica?
We have the best cops armed with the best guns and tazers and we aint afraid to use them.
Also the best weapons training (not the best at de-escalating situations with unarmed civilians though, but fuck those, we the best).

Pay for my TV license like a good [CITIZEN]

Also hire a lot of serial killers by mistake.

You're shit at screening people.

That's a thing? Interesting.
High schools also need some damn education on how to use bank accounts, credit, debit, and how to invest. The lack of education on how to do responsible things with money, and the theory and practice behind it, is woefully lacking.

Handling money is a life skill, like driving, language, and basic math.

"If a prisoner acts up, kill'em.
If they start liking the place to much, kill'em.
If they insult us, kill'em.
If they kill another prisoner - "

>I know, I know, kill'em..."

"No! Try and recruit them, we can use more good men."

"Hell make em SWAT, god knows school isn't what gets you in there"

Hell even if you are being put under arrest things will be a lot more pleasant for you if you comply. The police won't hurt you if you don't give them a reason to, with the exception of maybe ~5% of officers that are bad. If they hurt you they have to do more paperwork, and nobody wants more paperwork.

>There is no "I'll be a total ass to this guy for no reason and he'll just take it because if he doesn't I'll sue."
There is nothing requiring you to be nice to police officers.
There are laws preventing police from harming and violating your rights without reason-- Them not liking you or you being rude to them is not legal justification.
Cops need to learn this.

At the same time, and this should be obvious, being a shithead to the cop does nothing but make him dislike you. This literally has no benefit to you, and if you do it the wrong way you can step over tge line. Even if you think you didnt touch the line, that doesnt matter. What matters is if the cop thinks you stepped over the line, or even just has a good enough excuse that you did if he is really petty.

This isnt friday night magic. By the time you can get a third party involved to enforce your rights, you are already in the police station.

All this, again, for what could not benefit you in any way even if it went smoothly.

So just dont fucking do it.

Well, it wasn't a very good one.

Nothing, because I died in the gunfight with the cops.

>and is in general a creepy sexist asshat.

SJW pls go

They were right when they made fun of you and called you a casual fake nerd girl for only liking Game Of Thrones, and it's utterly transparent that you only play Magic because you want to get in on dat geek chic. Kys yourself and RIP in peace.

>There is nothing requiring you to be nice to police officers

Aside from common sense and a desire to not get your ass beat, I agree.

If you have at least 2 brain cells to rub together in that skull of yours though, you will be polite. Being rude gains you absolutely nothing aside from maybe 5 seconds of respect from your dumbass friends before the cop slides the long dick of the law up your ass. There are laws for fucking everything and we all break some everyday without even realizing it. Most cops don't give a shot about them and willingly let them slide, but if you piss one off he'll start adding them on so fast your head will spin.

And if you're really dumb/unlucky they'll break out the tazer or shoot your ass.

And that concludes our PSA for retarded teenagers and manchildren

>Arresting you for wrongthink.
For some context, what country/region would I be in then? Canada? UK? Middle East? EU?

A lot of high schools do teach this shit though. Teenagers don't pay attention. This isn't a problem of 'lack of education', it's a problem of 'people are just generally not good at conceptualizing abstract transactions'

No the joke is that half of America and western Europe actually want this to happen

Resume playing in peace while wondering what
fascinating new world I fell into.

On a related note there has been quit a few stories told over the years where a That Guy has been arrested for various activities related to their status (disturbing the peace, stealing, assault, CP collection, etc.). Not every story is true but if even 5% are That Guy has ended-up in jail more than once and we were all better off for it.

Yes that's what's important and who needs to be jailed. Not the people who run your country into the mud, the people who make your dnd games slightly more annoying.

Who is to say jail is the same in this new place as it is in our world? If the police are arresting raging faggots odds are the legal system is very different.

The jail is actually a re-education camp where they play things that aren't D&D, but every time they are raging faggots, they lose 10 horse points until they learn.

>Aside from common sense and a desire to not get your ass beat, I agree.
Oh no, someone being rude to you does not give you permission to beat someone's ass you fucking wannabe tough-guy manchild. Being rude to a cop does not give them permission to detain you.
>if you are unlucky, a cop will literally kill you for being rude to him
You don't see this as an issue at all? Really? This exact mentality is why every cop in the U.S. will be wearing body cameras within the next few years. This is not an acceptable response to someone hurting your feelings nor is it acceptable for a cop to enact unlawful acts of violence against people simply because they don't like them.
>And that concludes our PSA for retarded teenagers and manchildren
Says the guy who just advocated murder as a response to their feelings being hurt.
>Boo-fucking-hoo, I'm going to kill you for being mean to me!
Real adult response. I thought we were supposed to expect our police forces to have standards.

>being a shithead to the cop does nothing but make him dislike you
They don't have to like me. They do have to do their job and follow protocol. They can't decide to just drag you off to jail with no justification or gun you down in cold blood like this fucking retard is advocating

If you act like a cunt for long enough when they've got shit to be doing you could genuinely get rung up for obstructing justice. Whether that's morally or ethically right or not, it happens. Watch your tongue around people who can slap you in irons if you run your mouth for long enough.

The problem isn't them not doing their job or not following protocol. The problem is when you act like a cunt. Oh boy do they start following protocol. Suddenly you've got a parking ticket, a ticket for leaving the car idling while unattended after a beer run and causing a noise disturbance, they start asking for ID to prove that someone in the house is legally responsible for looking after the drunk person passed out on your coach. etc etc etc.

All shit that the cops generally put down to "dumb kids" and let it slide, but now you've decided to be a cunt, they get to be a cunt too, and they can play the cunt game better than you, because they have a six card hand to your two.

That's the best post in the entire thread.
Enouff said.

You guys are weird. In my country, we're glad to see a police officer.

I mean, these guys are ultimately here to defend you from actual criminals. He's really just doing his job, and he's one of the elements that keep society from crumbling. Why do you need to be rude to him, anyway? What do you get out of it?

I mean, assuming you're in the States, police officers protect you from Jamal and Ahmed who both hate you with a fucking passion. You're, by default, on their side, it's stupid to root against the home team.

Not really, most of us leftists just want to be able to call people who are being shitty humans out on it, and make them not be shitty on public platforms.

You can be an awful human in private all you like.

>Make them not be (x)
Imagine being this much of a fucking control freak that you think you should have the right to force people to confirm to your idea of good behavior in forums


Nothing. I helped the cops because I found out he was diddling kids. I mean he is That Guy.

Too bad your version of “calling someone out” usually means “harassing their employer on twitter until they get fired”. There’s a huge diffeeence between having the freedom of speech on a public platform, and organizing mob mentality to bully anyone who doesn’t conform to your ideals.

They shouldn't have been sexist or racist or whatever in the first place

Call the cops, we've got three suspected 'That Guys' here.

Someone's mom let them in.


>Not really, most of us leftists just want to be able to define "shitty human" and then destroy anyone to whom we apply the label :3

And this is why you will all be gassed very soon

>Cops need to learn this.
People like you need to learn that whatever laws there are don't matter in the moment. If a cop tries to abuse his authority then he won't suddenly be smote by a lightning bolt. You're going to get shoved around and fucked up, maybe tazed or pepper-sprayed, thrown in a cell, and then later the cop will try to justify this and it will turn into a legal battle that if the cop doesn't outright win, he's not likely to exactly lose either. That's the reality of the situation...

...If you're dealing with a bad cop. If you're dealing with an inoffensive or polite cop, why the fuck would you be a dick in the first place? Because you think you can, because the cop doesn't want to go up against the law like your bully on the playground doesn't want to go up against your big brother, and you act like a smug cunt because of that? Tell me how good a game plan that is when the bully beats the fuck out of you anyway because your big brother isn't anywhere in sight.

Also this:

>I mean, assuming you're in the States, police officers protect you from Jamal and Ahmed who both hate you with a fucking passion. You're, by default, on their side, it's stupid to root against the home team.

MY poor foreign friend

T. Jamal


My stance when talking with an officer is the same as when talking with a gang member (that isn't directly threatening or mugging me) : being polite, cooperative and all around pleasant. Better to get yourself on their good side than having them turning up against you. The more polite the interaction, the more likely I'll be brief. And then, you can trash talk behind their back.

>Until you commit a crime or give them reason to believe that you are dangerous, there's no reason for them to do anything other than wrap up their business with you and be on their way.
Unless you're a dog. Or the pig starts to panic when you try to show them your concealed carry license.
Or this is 1991 and you're black and in Los Angeles.

Isnt that what parents are for

>what is the right to anonymity

>I heard in a one sided post on social media that this person was sexist/racist/homophobic, in my opinion, in their private life. Lets campaign to have them fired, ostracised, punished as I see fit.
Judge, jury and executioner.
And you wonder why some laugh as we implode.

And you think pissing them off is going to somehow make it better?

Kid, you're not even old enough to remember that. Rodney King was intoxicated, caused a dangerous high-speed chase, belligerent and uncooperative, rushed the cops, and was continuously disobedient throughout the whole incident.

He wasn't beaten and tased "for being black." He was beaten and tased for ignoring the exact same fucking advice given in this thread. 'Don't be a stupid asshole.'

Yeah, too bad I'm not talking about Rodney King, kid. I'm talking about LAPD's treatment of black people in general. Which was only scarcely better than how King himself was treated.

They need a warrant to be on my property and my first priority is to make sure they didn't shoot any of my dogs.


I guess i try to explain to them that i smell bad because of alimentaon rather then lack of hygene, that i ate half the pizza because everyone else was full alreade and that I always drink a lot and can't help it.
[pls guys don't call the unpleasant police on me, i thought we were friends

The amusing part is that police protocol for dealing with unarmed, drunken suspects is to RESTRAIN them with weight of bodies and cuff them, not beat them with clubs, flashlights and boots until they stop moving.
What you were actually seeing was common liberties taken by LA cops that all of the poor folk knew happened (and still does).

Most Americans have only two interactions with police ever:
1. They are being given a traffic ticket. Americans drive more than any other country, and they all do it every day. This means that almost everyone will, at some point, be given a ticket for speeding or causing a wreck on accident. Even very safe drivers do because the road is full of so many other cars and reckless drivers.
2. The news. American news, like or unlike other places, is incredibly sensationalist. It has to be to make money. Because of this, things like politics, racism, and corruption get tins of air time. For every 5-minute story you hear about police doing their job and arresting a drunk dude that was throwing rocks at cars, you get 3 hours of coverage on the one cop that got nervous and shot someone that was unarmed.

When I lived in a rough neighborhood where police actually had to patrol a lot to keep thugs from doing shit, everyone loved the police. They were always there to help and you felt safe just seeing one of them around. Now I live in upper class white suburbia, and I constantly have to listen to people bitch and moan about how evil and racist cops are because they got a ticket for going 80mph on their way home from work. There's nothing wrong with American police. The problem lies with America.

>For every 5-minute story you hear about police doing their job and arresting a drunk dude that was throwing rocks at cars, you get 3 hours of coverage on the one cop that got nervous and shot someone that was unarmed.
That and living in a house that someone said was a drug lab, and then getting shot when someone shouts PLESS PLESS outside and smashes your doors in and charges in with balaclavas and guns?

High five the cops, keep playing with them.

>be in FLGS
>uniformed cop comes in straight from patrol
>"we've receiver reports that your store discriminates against Russians"
>o_O "no officer, first time I hear about it"
>cop looks at historical minis shelf
>"so where the hell is the Muscovite starter box I've been trying to order for like two months?"


So, you want to bully people into conformity.

no u

Well it's not like anything else has managed to get assholes to not be assholes, may as well go for the societal pressure known as Shame.

Being polite costs you nothing, and means the officer investigating the noise disturbance from your party or whatever will just advise you to keep it down in future, after which you can both go on your way.
Act like a cunt, and he might just decide the extra paperwork that comes from a more thorough investigation is worth it if it means he gets to sling your smug ass in jail for a night.

Yeah, the conformity of actually having discussions in good faith, and not using whatever they say as mouthpieces to sway people into thinking the same thing fundamentalists. That goes for all sides, from fundamentalist muslims to fundamentalist alt-right folks, both of which basically spread word about how bad the other side is and why joining their side is the best thing ever.

That's exactly what I mean. That kind of shit almost never happens. It's national news when it does. It's unfortunate that it happens at all, but it's extremely uncommon. But when that's literally the only time you see a police officer (on tv), of course you'd think they were all like that.

Flay the group Tumblrina. Next week guys buying the pizza.

>having discussions in good faith, and not using whatever they say as mouthpieces to sway people into thinking the same thing
Yeah, good fucking luck getting leftists to do that.

>That goes for all sides, from fundamentalist muslims to fundamentalist alt-right
>Spoopy skurry religious boogiemanz!

One tells your to shit the fuck up. The other has proven that it will throw you off the roof for being a faggot. Your kind of cutting your nose to spite your face there, Chavo-fag.

Hope his rainbow pride underwear function as a parachute.

Does that mean we can get police to carry you away?